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From each persons description, discuss in pairs,what stage you think that person is at according to the flow,chart above.,c,1,2,3,4,5,Key,Understanding phase,“Honeymoon phase,Re-entry shock,Transition phase,Integration phase,Match each phrasal verb from the previous exercise with the,correct meaning below.,d,1. tune in,2. catch on,3. get in on,4. turn out,5. work out,6. get on,_,_,_,_,_,_,a. happen in the end,b. be aware of,c. continue,d. discover, solve,e. take part in,f. understand,b,Key,f,e,a,d,c,Listen to five people talking about their experiences working,in another culture. Take notes about the things that they,found different or unusual in the business culture of the,other country.,e,Key,China/USA:,UK/Saudi Arabia:,Japan/Brazil:,USA/France:,UAE/Australia:,Chinese more reserved,Americans outspoken, sense of humor,dress conventions, eating with left hand;,showing sole of shoe,level of formality, touching, relaxed, small talk,home country/visiting,observations,dress sense, attitude to time, language,dress sense, punctuality, eye contact,direct speaking,Script,In pairs or small groups, discuss these questions.,f,Why do you think English has become the international language of business?,In which countries would someone from your country experience the most,culture shock,?,What aspects of your culture do foreigners often find it hard to get used to?,In which English-speaking country would you most like to study English. Why?,As a way of improving your English, you have decided to,subscribe to an Internet pen pal agency. The agency has,provided you with the details of a person your age in the,USA. In your notebook, write an informal letter including,the following information.,g,a brief introduction about yourself,reason(s) why you want to improve your English,a description of your current English classes,brief explanation of the things that you find difficult in,learning the language,comments about how you try to overcome these difficulties,Speaker 1 (from China):,When I first came to the USA, everything was very strange. In China, people generally do,not express their opinions so openly. We like to talk, but we,are more reserved about our own opinions. I found American people very outspoken and so used to expressing themselves. I felt inadequate at first and I was scared to open my mouth! I was surprised at the way students challenged their professors and how employees argued with their bosses. At first it seemed to me like a lack of respect for their superiors, but now I know it is normal. I also found the humor strange in the beginning and I could never understand the jokes. But Im adjusting to that and even beginning to laugh at some of the jokes.,Speaker 2 (from the UK):,When youre in Saudi Arabia, it is very important to follow all the social and dress conventions. I always wear a long-sleeved shirt and often a jacket as well even in the stifling heat. If my Saudi host removes his shoes,going into a building, then I have to do the same. I have to remember to never point at anybody and under no circumstances eat with my left hand. Another thing I have to remember is not to sit with the sole of my shoe or my foot exposed.,Speaker 3 (from Japan):,Now Im used to the Brazilian way of doing business, but it took some time. In Japan, we like to plan ahead so setting up appointments a couple of weeks in advance,is not a problem for us. However, what we do find strange is the way Brazilians touch you on the arm or on the back while talking to you. We Japanese are much more formal than this and a lot of physical contact in public is not our style. Also, Brazilians are more relaxed and they tend to spend fifteen minutes or so on small talk before starting a meeting. I find this a bit of a waste,of time, but we have to observe their customs. I used to find it frustrating but, you know, it does help to get to know people,and the meeting then usually runs more smoothly.,Speaker 4 (from the USA):,I find that many French people are very conscientious about dress and so I have to make a bit of an effort because I think we Americans are more casual. Sometimes I find it a bit stifling because I like to take my jacket off and roll up my sleeves when getting down to business. The French dont do that, so I have to keep my jacket on in meetings. One thing that I find a bit irritating is the French attitude toward time. Compared with many Americans, they are quite causal about their timekeeping so I dont try to pack too much into one day. For me, one of the biggest challenges has been improving my French. They definitely like you to try to speak the language even if you cant conduct the whole meeting in French.,Speaker 5 (from the UAE):,I find that Australian society is much more causal than Arab society. People dress in a very casual manner even in the workplace.,What is probably most different for me is the Australians punctuality as this is not one of the strong points of my culture. Australians also like to maintain strong eye contact and this can sometimes make Arab people feel uncomfortable. Australians are friendly but they are also very direct and we are not used to this. In our culture, we like to preface business deals with small talk and inquiries about the other persons health and general chitchat. But Australians prefer to get right,to the point.,Lesson 2,Corporate culture,In pairs or small groups, discuss the meaning of these,expressions.,a,management structure organizational culture,Listen to three employees talking about the organizational culture,of the companies they work for. Make notes of what each person,says about the culture of their organization and then label each,one with a term from the box.,b,Innovative Authoritarian Open and inclusive,open-plan, constant bustle and noise,assessing reaction of candidates,top controlled, no chance to make decisions,(Open and inclusive),(Innovative),Authoritarian,Dave:,Marcia:,Omar:,Script,Key,Read about three different companies. Then, in pairs or,small groups, discuss which types of organizational,culture they exemplify.,c,Winthrop Travel Agency,is a medium-sized business. Joel,Grimes inherited the company from his father in 1994. He,worked his way up and he understands all aspects of the,travel industry. He likes to be totally involved and insists on,interviewing all final interviewees for positions with the,company. Recently, he seems to be having trouble keeping,staff and there has been criticism of his management style.,He is seen as being very controlling as he interferes in,almost every aspect of the business.,California Coolers,makes fruit drinks. Their directors encourage open and,honest communication among the staff. Ideas are shared and everyone,is encouraged to participate. The organization of office space reflects,the companys philosophy. An open-plan system is used and everyone,communicates freely because of the intermingling of staff from all,departments. Employees are motivated because they feel appreciated,and involved in what is happening in the company. To an outsider, this,setup may appear to lack privacy and interfere with productivity, but it,works very well.,Worldwide Bank,is a large banking conglomerate that has a novel way of,motivating its employees. Working with a well-known environmental group,they organize challenging projects for their employees. One project,involved a trip to work with the crocodile population in the Okavanga Delta,in Botswana. In this way, the bank tries to give employees a sense of how,their lives and work relate to the environment. Upon returning, employees,are encouraged to do something environmentally valuable in their own,communities.,Find words in the texts that mean the same as the following expressions.,d,1. to receive property, money, etc., from,someone who has died (par. 1) _,2. to order or demand firmly that something,happen (par. 1) _,3. to take some action in a matter that does,not concern you (par. 1) _,4. to give active approval and support for,something (par. 2) _,5. to express, to make clear, to be a sign of (par. 2) _,6. a person not included in a certain group,or organization (par. 2) _,7. new, clever, original (par. 3) _,8. difficult but in an interesting way (par. 3) _,Key,inherit,interfere,insist,encourage,novel,challenging,reflect,outsider,In pairs, discuss your reactions to what you read in the texts.,e,Listen and write the letter of each sentence opening next to the correct ending.,f,Script,Key,1. _ and moving away from the command and control,models of the past.,2. _,to collaborate and connect with other organizations.,3. _,in which different types of technology are employed,together.,4. _,all staff can access corporate applications and,information resources.,5. _,along with e-mails and other online transactions.,6. _,has evolved in some of the large corporations.,7. _,among many employees because of constant,pressure and the change of pace.,b,c,e,g,f,a,d,Role-play conversations in which a manager delegates the,following tasks to an employee. Use the expressions in the box.,g,Could you arrange . . . I would like you to . . .,Can you . . . I need you to . . . Please call . . .,The manager asks an employee to call the bank urgently to verify a,bank statement as the one received does not match company accounts.,The manager asks an employee to check on the Internet for some information needed for a meeting the following day. This must be done immediately.,The manager asks an employee to contact all staff to inform them of a meeting next week. Specify that the manager must be informed if any,staff cannot attend.,The manager asks an employee to research information on the best,deals for website design. Detailed proposals from at least three,designers are needed.,Dave:,I used to think that it would be great to work in an open,work environment anddont get me wrongthere are,many positive aspects to this kind of working environment.,I find a lot of stimulation and motivation in communicating,freely with a variety of ideas and hearing all the interesting,ideas that come up during the day. The challenge of being,involved in decision-making does keep you on your toes.,However, the downside is that the physical open plan is often,not so conducive to concentration. I find it difficult sometimes,to get a lot accomplished because of the constant buzz and,hustle and bustle around the place.,Marcia:,When I went for the interview for my current job, I was,completely overwhelmed by the approach of the Managing,Director. We were a group of ten candidates interviewing for,five positions. They put us all together in a room and then,when the MD walked in, he had a football under his arm.,He tossed it to someone without saying anything.,Afterwards, I realized that he was assessing two things our,reaction to a new and different approach and our ability to,operate as a team. Now that I understand the MDs approach,I really appreciate his ability to think logically, but also,laterally.,Omar:,I really like my job, I mean the actual work that I do,because it is very challenging and I get to learn a lot. But,the organizational culture of the company frustrates me very,much. I know its the type of system I grew up in where,those at the top controlled everything and made all the,decisions. However, I have outgrown that and I feel that as,a professional I should have the chance to give some input,into decision-making even if it is just to give my feedback,on what is happening. I want more say and I wish that not all,authority was in the hands of just a few.,a.,A much more flexible approach to management . . .,b.,Traditional business structures are changing . . .,c.,Nowadays, companies need . . .,d.,However, greater stress levels have developed . . .,e.,A new trend called convergence has recently emerged . . .,f.,Telephone calls can be recorded and saved . . .,g.,With the arrival of wireless technology, . . .,Lesson 3,Workplace changes,Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.,a,1. Do you prefer working with others or working alone?,2. What kinds of jobs can people do from home nowadays?,3. Do you know anyone who works from his/her home?,4. What are the pros and cons of working from home?,Listen to three people discussing the advantages and disadvantages of working from home or in an office,and take notes about their comments.,b,Key,open-plan, constant bustle and noise,Working from home,Working in an office,Marcus,Paula,Jake,balance work time,with workload, problem of,communications sometimes,must spend 8 hours,irrespective of workload,advantage when one has,children and it cuts out,commuting,access to all resources,saves money,able to monitor,employees,Script,1. What do you understand by the term,outsourcing,?,2. Do you know of any companies that outsource?,3. Why might a company decide to outsource some of its work?,Discuss these questions in pairs.,c,Read the article about outsourcing and underline five benefits,that are mentioned.,d,Key,1,2,3,4,5,Look at these connecting expressions from the text on the,previous page. Label each one,contrast, cause and effect,or,addition.,e,Key,1. apart from _,2. instead _,3. however _,4. as a result _,5. not only / but also _,6. consequently _,addition,contrast,cause and effect,addition,contrast,cause and effect,Read the next part of the article and divide it into three paragraphs. Mark the place where you think the second and third paragraphs should begin.,f,Key,According to some corporate managers, outsourcing to India is one of the best ways of cutting costs and dealing with the ups and downs of the software market. Some companies currently outsource about 80% of application development and support to Indian workers. Why India? There is a large pool of highly qualified technology graduates. Another important factor is the fact that English is a widespread medium of study, work, and general communication. However, some people have expressed reservations. One potential problem is the use of English. Although Indian workers have a very good working knowledge of the language, the subtle pragmatics of company-client communication can lead to misunderstandings. There can also be infrastructure problems for companies working in India such as difficulties with transportation and with water and electricity supplies. People have also expressed concern about confidentiality and data security. Other critics claim that downsizing and staff reduction in the USA is a direct consequence of outsourcing to India.,/,/,/,g,In your notebook, write notes in two columns summarizing the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing to India.,Advantages,Disadvantages,In pairs, role-play a conversation based on the following information.,h,Research information about other countries, for example, China, where outsourcing has become an important part of the economy. Prepare a written report to present to the rest of the class.,i,Student A,Student B,You are a manager. Talk to your colleague, Student B, and try to convince him/her of the need to outsource human resources functions as a way of saving money.,You are a manager. Talk to your colleague, Student A, and try to persuade him/her not to outsource human resources functions because of your concerns about confidentiality and the quality of the service.,Marcus:,If I had the choice, I think Id choose to work from,home. I work for a high-tech company and there are certain,times in the month when Im under a lot of pressure to meet,deadlines and then there are other times when Im just sitting,around with very little to do. But I have to come in and spend,eight hours a day here at the office irrespective of the workload.,If I worked at home, I could balance my work time to match the,workload. Of course, there could be some complications working,from home, I mean, things like powerful and reliable network,connections, which are guaranteed at the office, but which might,be more uncertain at home.,Paula:,I work in Human Resources and, of course, a lot of my work,is office-based. But Id like to have the choice to do some work,from home. I have two young children and it would be helpful if,I could work from home sometimes, particularly when theyre at,home sick. The other advantage of working from home is that I,could eliminate the time that I spend commuting in the rush,hour. On the other hand, there are definite advantages to working,at the office. I have access to all the resources I need and, of,course, in my work face-to-face meetings are very important.,Jake:,My name is Jake and Im a manager at a large software,company and I can see the advantages and disadvantages of,having people work from home. The company would certainly,save money if some employees worked from home. We would,save on office space, energy, security, and cleaning. We could,just arrange some space when we need to get together for,meetings. However, I have some reservations too. For example,it would be difficult to monitor and control peoples work,output and, of course, employees could have problems keeping,the network up and running. I think we still have some way to go,before we can have people operating from home, but Im willing,to experiment.,Lesson 4,The other side of modern business,a,Look at the image and discuss the answers to these questions,in pairs or small groups.,1. What do you know about this company?,2. What happened to it?,3. Do you know of any high-profile cases of corporate,fraud in your country?,4. In your


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