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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Greece Immigration Scheme,希腊移民方案,Invest EUR 250.000 in real estate,Obtain 5 years renewable residence permit renewable,投资价值,25,万欧元的房产 获得,5,年可,续签的居留,许可,Basic Requirements,基本要求,购置一处或多处房产,总价值,25,万欧元,Purchase property or properties for EUR 250.000,Medical Certificate,健康证明,Health Insurance,健康保险,D Visa D,类签证,申请流程,Obtain Schengen visa,获得申根签证,apply for residence permit,申请希腊居留许可,Return to China,回国,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,1,st,visit to Greece, choose property, give Power of Attorney to lawyer, health check,第一次登录希腊选房产,给律师授权书,体检,Finish purchasing the property with the help of the lawyer,律师完成后续购房事宜,Prepare the remaining,documents,准备移民相关,文件,Important Steps,步骤流程,1. Obtain in China a D Visa,2. Obtain Tax ID,3. Open Bank account,4. Physical examination,5. Invest EUR 250.000 in real estate,6. Obtain proof of title transfer,7. Apply for residence permit,在中国获取,D,签证,进入希腊,获取报税号码,开立银行账户,体检,投资价值,25,万欧元的房产,获取产权转让证明,申请居留权,1. The D Visa D,签证,The D Visa is issued to let third country nationals enter Greece in order to apply for a residence permit.,进入希腊,以便申请居留权,When the applicant enters Greece, he/she must buy the property and apply for the residency permit before the time of expiration of his/her visa,申请人进入希腊之后,必须在签证到期之前,购买房产并申请居留权,The whole family can apply at the same time,全家可以一起申请,Application must be submitted in person, interview at the same time (if necessary),申请人必须亲自提交,。提交申请时,使馆可能会进行面试。,D,签证所需材料,1. D Visa Requirements (A),Passport,护照,Copy of the criminal record of applicant,无犯罪证明,Travel insurance,旅游保险,Medical certificate,健康证明,D,签证所需材料,1. D Visa Requirements,(B),Intention of buying a property,Proof of funds from a bank that the applicant has the financial ability to buy the property,银行开具的资金证明,以证明申请人有经济能力购买房产,Copy of brokerage assignment between real estate agency or lawyer,和房地产或者律师协议的复印件,Proof that property has been bought,Contract,房产合同,Certificate from land registry,地政局证书,Certificate form notary,公证书,OR,7,2. Tax ID,报税号码,Documents needed,所需材料,Passport,护照,Form M1 and M7,M1,,,M7,表格,Can be obtained in one day,一个工作日即可获得,Must be done with the presence of a Greek attorney, or,办理时需有一名希腊律师在场,或,Can be done through power of attorney,通过授权委托书办理,3. Opening a bank account: requirements,开立银行账户所需材料,Passport,护照,Proof of income,收入证明,Tax ID Number,报税号码,Proof of permanent Address (Utility Bills),永久地址证明(物业账单),Presence or power of attorney,申请人出席或出具授权委托书,For non-European depositors there should be a proof proving the legal transaction.,非欧盟储户,需出具收入合法性证明,4. Physical examination,体检,Medical certificate from a Greek institution that the applicant does not suffer from a dangerous disease.,由希腊机构出具的健康证明,证明申请人无危险疾病,Either from doctor or hospital, private or public.,由医师或医院开具,公立或私立皆可,Can be obtained in one day.,需,1,个工作日办理完成,10,5. Buying a property,购买房产,A) Appoint a Lawyer,委派一个律师,B) Appoint a Public Notary,委派一个公证人,C) Get a copy of the title deed and perform a title search at the Registry of Mortgages (done by lawyer),D) Pay the transfer tax (before signing the contract),E) Sign the contract in front of Notary,在房屋抵押贷款,登记处,获取,地契副本,并办理土地所有权,证书,查验(由律师办理),支付转让手续费(签署合同之前),在公证人在场时签署合同,6. Obtaining the proof of title transfer,获取产权转让证明,After the contract has been signed and the money transferred, the buyer must:,在合同签署及付款完成以后,购房者需,:,Notify the Land Registry to obtain proof of title transfer, documents needed:,通知地政局以获取产权转让证明,所需材料:,copy of the contract,合同副本,Effect transfer at the Land Registry,在地政局生效交易,7.,申请居留权所需文件,合同,A copy of the purchase contract of the property or properties valued of at least 250,000 euro.,,价值至少,250000,欧元房产的,购房合同复印件,公证,Certificate of the notary that the purchase contract covers the requirements of immigration scheme.,购房合同已满足,移民方案,各项要求的公证文件,产权转让证明,Proof of title transfer by the relevant land registry.,地政局出具的土地产权转让证明,保险,Certificate of insurance entity to cover hospitalization and medical care expenses.,已为申请者投保医疗保险的保险公司证明,7. Documents for Residence (B),申请者所需文件,B,申请表,2 copies of application Form,申请表的复印件,2,份,照片,3 Colored recent passport pictures,护照照片,3,张,需近照。,复印件,Copy of the Passport and the Entry Visa,护照复印件及签证页复印件,医疗保险,Certificate issued by a Greek Public Health Center or Private Doctor stating that the applicant doesnt suffer from disease dangerous for the public health.,希腊公立医疗中心或私人医生的证明件证明申请人无传染病或其它危险疾病。,14,申请,各步骤所需时间,5-10,天,Obtain D Visa,获取,D,签证,一天,获得报税号,一天,银行开户,一到两天,体检,约,10,天,Buy Property,购买房产,7,到,30,天,买房证明,1,天,申请永居,2,个月,获得,5,年居留许可,N.B.,The applicant will receive a blue paper right after the application giving him,the right of travelling from/to Greece.,注:申请者在申请等待过程中即可获得蓝卡,,,无限制往返希腊特权,。,家庭团聚,Children from previous marriages can obtain it, as long as the applicant or his/her husband/wife has the custody.,过往,婚姻的子女也可申请家庭团聚,只要申请者或其配偶具有对此子女的监护权。,Special and independent annually renewable residence permit for the children who pass 18 during their residence permit validity.,满,18,周岁及以上的子女,在已获得过,5,年居留权后,将在年满,21,周岁之前,更换为每年更新的特殊居留签证。,健康保险,出生证明,Dependent Members under 18-years,old can obtain the residence permit by showing:18,岁以下的子女申请家庭团聚签证条件如下,子女,18,岁以后,When children reach the age of 18, the parents can transfer to them 50% of the property. This way, the children can get a 1 year resident permit, renewable until the age of 21.,家长可将财产的,50%,转给,18,岁或以上年龄子女。通过这一行为,子女可获得一年居住许可,此许可可更新直到子女年龄到达,21,岁。,After the age of 21, it is not possible to renew it again, the children must (if they wish) apply for themselves (buy a property of 250.000),在,21,岁后,以上声明许可不可在更新,子女必须(如己意愿)自己递交获取居住许可的申请。(购买价值二十五万欧元的房产),RP Renewal Documents,居留权续签文件,Application Form (2 copies),申请表及复印件,2,份,3 recent photos 3,张近期照片,Certified copy of the passport,护照复印件,Certified copy of the PR if not attached at the current passport,如居留签证在旧护照上,则需复印旧护照签证页,。,Proof of t title transfer by the relevant land registry.,地政局出具的土地转让证明,Health Insurance,健康保险,Confirmation letter that the status of the legal entity has not been changed.,房产户主未变更的证明,Taxes on buying a property,购置房产相关税收,23% VAT IF the propertys license is issued after 2006 and sold from a construction company.,若是在,2006,年后获得建筑许可证并由建筑公司出售的房产,则征收,23%,的增值税,If not, then 8% is applied to the first 20000 Euros and 10% to the rest.,其余房产为:前,20000,欧元征收,8%,的税,超过,20000,欧元部分收,10%,Property Transfer Tax,房产转让手续费,Lawyers fee: 1% -,律师费:,1%,Notary fee: 1 %,公证费,1%,Land Registry fee: 0,3-0,5%,土地注册费,0.3-0.5%,Annual tax: after a tax free level of EUR200.000, the tax rate ranges from 0.2% to 1%,年税:超出,200,,,000,欧元的免税额度部分,征税点为,0.2%-1%,19,Go to Greece to take possession of property, do health check and apply for residence permit.,去希腊收房,进行健康体检,并申请居留许可,。,Apply and obtain D Visa,申请并获得,D,签证,申请税号,开立账户,;,Choose and buy property from China through power of attorney,在国内通过委托书的形式购房,;,申请流程,入籍,Birth to Non-Greek parents who are Long-Term Residents of Greece,A child born in Greece to two non-Greek parents acquires Greek citizenship if,both,parents are living in Greece with the proper residence/work permit for a minimum of 5 consecutive years.,出生于非希腊公民家长的儿童若父母双方均在希腊正常居住或双方父母均有至少连贯,5,年工作许可即可获希腊公民身份。,Attending School in Greece,A child of long-term residents living in Greece can obtain Greek citizenship if he/she lives legally with the proper residence permit and has attended primary/secondary school in Greece for at least 6 years before age 18.,持有合法居住许可且长期居住在希腊并在希腊就读于小学,/,中学至少,6,年且不满,18,岁的孩子可获希腊公民身份,N.B. The time spent in Greece while holding the investors residence permit,does not,count to obtain the citizenship.,请注意:对持有,5,年居留许可证,且打算申请加入希腊国籍的申请者,其在希腊的居住时间,不计,入申请加入希腊国籍所要求的居住时间。,


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