七年级英语上册《Starter Unit1 Good morning!》Period 3课件 (新版)人教新目标版

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Starter Unit 1 (II),A,a,B,b,C,c,D,d,E,e,F,f,G,g,H,h,Review,A a,B b,F f,C c,D d,G g,Hh,e,I,b,i:,e,I,ef,si:,d,i:,i:,Ee,d3i:,1,4,2,3,h,a,e,g,d,b,c,f,5,6,7,8,Listen and number the letters you hear.,2c,3a,Listen and draw lines between the letters,you hear.,Match the big letters with the small letters.,3b,Alice,Bob,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Frank,Grace,Helen,Lets meet some new friends.(让我们认识一些新朋友。),Review the names,Helen Bob Frank Alice,Cindy Dale Eric Grace,Girl names:,Boy names:,Frank,Bob,Eric,Dale,Grace,Cindy,Alice,Helen,4a,Listen to the conversations and circle,The names you hear.,Helen,Bob,Frank,Alice,Cindy,Dale,Eric,Grace,What do they want to say ?,Guess:,Good morning, Helen!,Hi, Bob!,7:30 a.m.,morning,Good afternoon, Cindy !,Good afternoon,Alice !,2:00 p. m.,afternoon,Hello, Frank!,Hello, Eric!,Good evening,Dale !,8:00 p. m.,evening,Look and make a dialogue,Pair work,Pair work:,Group work:,我们该说什么?,早上见面:,Good morning!,Good morning!,下午见面:,Good afternoon!,Good afternoon!,晚上见面:,Good evening!,Good evening!,Homework:,1、把自己的名字写在卡片上。,2、完成抄写本P6-P7.,3、完成作业本(2)P1-P3.,Targets:,Learn how to greet people in different day period. (Good morning/ afternoon/ evening),Get the Ss to realize the culture about greeting people .,Focus on how,how,to greet people in different day period.,


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