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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Contrastive Studies of Chinese and English,1,I. Hypotactic vs Paratactic,II. Complex vs Simplex,III. End-weight vs Top-heavy,IV. Subject-prominent vs Topic-prominent,V. Static vs Dynamic,VI. Impersonal vs Personal (Inanimate vs Animate),2,Hypotactic,vs,Paratactic,形合与意合,Hypotaxis: The dependent or subordinate construction or relationship of clauses arranged with connectives;,Parataxis: The arranging of clauses one after the other without connectives showing the relation between them; e.g,.,Related terms: Tree structure/bamboo structure,3,Hypotactic English,1. frequent use of relative words, conjunction 关系词和连接词,Who, whom, whose, that, which, what, when, where, why, how,And, or, but, yet, so, however, as well as, (n)either(n)or, when, while, as, since, until, sothat, unless,4,Examples:,1) That is our policy and that is our declaration., W. Churchill,这就是我们的国策。这就是我们的宣言。,2)发展体育运动,增强人民体质。,Promote physical culture, and build up Peoples health.,5,3 ),When,I try to understand,what,it is,that,prevents so many Americans from being,as,happy,as,one might expect, it seems to me,that,there are two causes, of,which,one goes much deeper than the other.,为什么如此众多的美国人不能如想象中那样幸福呢?我认为原因有二,而两者之间又有深浅之分。,6,2. frequent use of preposition,It is estimated that there are about 286 preposition in English, of which nine are most frequently used: with, to, from, at, in, of, by, for and on,The many colors,of,a rainbow range,from,red,on,the outside,to,violet,on,the inside.,彩虹有多种颜色,外圈红,内圈紫。,He had a disconcerting habit,of,expressing contradictory ideas,in,rapid succession.,他有一种令人难堪的习惯:一会儿一个看法,自相矛盾,变化无常。,7,Paratactic Chinese,Covert coherence 隐性连贯,1)word order,(因为)她不老实,我不能信任她。,Because,she is not honest, I cant trust her,8,打肿脸充胖子,吃亏是自己。,If you get beyond your depth, you will suffer.,说是说了,没有结果,Ive made proposals, but they proved futile.,9,2)repition, parallelism, contrast, antithesis,种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆,As you sow, so will you reap,吃苦在前,享乐在后,Be the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts,10,3)four-character word,物极必反,Once a certain limit is reached, a change in the opposite direction is inevitable.,欲盖弥彰,The more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed.,玩火自焚,Whoever plays with fire will perish by fire.,11,II. Complex vs Simplex 复杂与简单,As English is hypotactic, more often than not,syntactic devices,are employed in the formation of sentences. In normal writings people use much more complex sentences than simple ones. The English complex sentences are often like chains with clauses linking clauses.,On the other hand, the Chinese sentences or clauses tend to be,short and simple in structure,. They are flowing and simplex, with one clause following the other rather in a line.,英译汉时要破句重组、化繁为简。,12,Illustrative examples:,1. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours.,门口放着至少有十二把五颜六色,大小不一的雨伞。,门口放着一堆雨伞,少说也有十二把,五颜六色,大小不一。,13,2. The moon is so far from the earth that even if huge trees were growing on the mountains and elephants were walking about, we could not see them through the most powerful telescopes which have yet been invented.,月球离地球非常遥远,即使那边山上长着大树,有大象在移动,我们用当今发明的最高倍率的望远镜,也不能看见它们。,14,3. As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it.,我们就住在路边,过路人或外乡人常到我们这里,尝尝我们家酿的醋栗酒。这种酒很有名气。我敢说,尝过的人,从没有挑剔过。我这话像历史学家的话一样靠得住。,15,III. End-weight vs Top-heavy,In an English sentence, the shorter elements usually go before longer ones in arrangement order, thus the,weight of the sentence is put at the end, and the whole sentence looks like a,pyramid,.,The arrangement of a Chinese sentence seems quite the opposite, where the important elements are often said at the beginning of a,sentence. So it looks like an,inverted pyramid or triangle.,16,Illustrative examples:,1. Gone are the days when we Chinese people depended on foreign steel.,中国人民靠洋钢的日子已一去不复返了。,2. Before them lay miles of miles of beautiful plain with lots of wild animals among the grass.,美丽的草原,茵茵的绿草,野生动物成群结队,绵延数英里,展现在眼前。,17,3. 普通人在办公处和家庭中使用电子计算机的时代已经到来。,The time has come when ordinary people can use electronic computers both in the office and at home.,4. 学科技、学英语,对社会主义现代化建设很重要。,It is important to study English as well as science and technology for our socialist modernization drive.,18,IV. Subject-prominent vs Topic-prominent 主语显著与主题显著,In an English sentence,prominence is usually given to the subject,. Five basic sentence patterns in English:,SV,SVC,SVO,SVO1O2,SVOC all with SV as its essentials.,English sentences are built on the subject-predict-pivot, with the subject and predicate in agreement. On the other hand, Chinese sentences often lay emphasis on the thought or notion, so it is based on the thought pivot.,19,Illustrative examples:,1. A dialect is known by every linguist in this room.,有一种方言这间屋子里的每个语言学家都懂得。,2. You dont grow the grain you eat and you dont make the clothes you wear.,你吃的粮食不是你自己种的,你穿的衣服也不是你自己做的。,20,3. 1978年改革开放开始了。,The year 1978 saw the beginnings of the reform and opening to the outside world.,4. 我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。,We have won one victory after another for our cause. Or: A series of victories have been won for our cause.,21,V. Static vs Dynamic 静态与动态,English tends to use less verbs than Chinese. In a simple English sentence or in an English clause, only one verb is used as the predicate of the sentence or clause.,In a Chinese sentence, many verbs can be used as its predicate at once, so,Chinese is rather “dynamic” while the English is “static”,22,Illustrative examples:,1. A mastery of Chinese and English is essential for E-C or C-E translation.,做英汉/汉英翻译,必须,掌握好汉语与英语。,2. Engineering design is a decision-making process used for the development of engineering for which there is a human need.,工程设计是为发展人类所需工程而作决定的过程,。,23,3. 再走几步就到实验大楼了。,A few steps will bring you to the laboratory building./ Walk a few steps and you will reach the lab building.,4. 我国科学研究发展的特点是理论联系实际。,The development of scientific research in our country is characterized by the combination/ link of theory with practice.,24,VI. Impersonal vs Personal (Inanimate vs Animate )物称与人称,In an English sentence, the choice of its subject often falls on the inanimate or the thing that is not living. For example, it would be preferable to say “There are eight people in his family.” than “He has eight people in his family.”,On the other hand, Chinese tends to pick up animate things or persons to function as the subject of a sentence.,25,Illustrative examples:,1. Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance.,我兴奋得什么话也说不出来。,. 只要知道电压和电流,就能确定电阻。,The resistance can be determined provided that the voltage and current are known.,26,3My good fortune has sent you to me, and we will never part.,我很幸运,能够得到你,让我们永不分离吧。,4. How is it with the sick man?,那病人怎么样了?,27,作业,1.Can you answer a question which I want to ask and which is puzzling me?,2.The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.,4. The doctors extremely quick arrival and uncommonly careful examination of the patient brought about his very speedy recovery.,5. all was cleared up some time later when news came from a distant place that an earthquake was felt the very day the little copper ball fell.,28,作业,1.我有一个问题弄不懂,想请教你,你能回答吗?,2. 因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会与世隔绝。这种隔绝的状态,又由于通讯工具的不足,变得更加严重了。,4.医生迅速到达,并非常仔细地检查了病人,因此病人很快就康复了。,5. 过了一些时候,从远方传来了消息:在小铜球坠落的当天,确实发生了地震。这一切终于得到了澄清。,29,英译汉翻译赏析,Hemingways novelette tells of the Cuban fisherman Santiago who for 84 luckless days has rowed his skiff into the Gulf Stream in quest of marlin. Aged and solitary, he goes far out and hooks a great fish. As he sails slowly homewards sharks attack his catch and he keeps fighting them. When he makes land his marlin is but a skeleton. Yet the old man remains proud in defeat. The following is the beginning section of the story.,海明威的中篇小说老人与海讲述了古巴渔夫圣地亚哥的故事。圣地亚哥把小船划进墨西哥湾流寻找马林鱼,84天过去了,运气一直不好。年老孤独的他把船划得很远,叉到 了一条大鱼。他慢慢地返航时,鲨鱼袭击了他的猎物,他一直不停地搏斗。抵岸时,他的马林鱼只剩一堆骨架。然而老人虽败犹荣。下面是故事的开始部分。,30,He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boys parents had told him that the old man was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat.,他是个老人,独自一人驾只小船在墨西哥湾流打鱼,已经连续八十四天没有捕到一条鱼了。前四十天里,有个男孩跟着他。但一连四十天没捕到鱼,孩子的父母就对他说,老人现在一定是“倒了血霉”,那是形容一个人倒霉的最坏字眼,于是在父母的命令下,孩子搭上另一只渔船,这只船头一个星期就捕到三条大鱼。看到老人每天划着小船空手而归,男孩心里非常难过,他总是走下岸,帮他收拾卷起的钓绳,或是鱼钩、鱼叉,和绕在桅杆上的帆。帆用面粉袋打了一些补丁,收起来的时候,看上去就象一面标志着永远失败的旗帜。,31,Assignment,The United States is a varied landof forests, deserts, mountains, high flat lands and fertile plains. Almost every kind of climate may be found, but the country lies mostly in the temperate zone. Including the states of Alaska and Hawaii, the United States covers an area of 9 million square kilometers. The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. It borders Canada on the north, and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico.,32,美国是一个地形多样的国家有森林、沙漠、山脉、平坦的高地和肥沃的平原。境内有各种气候,但是美国的大部分处在温带。把阿拉斯加和夏威夷两个州加在一起,美国的总面积达9百万平方公里。美国大陆东起大西洋,西至太平洋,横跨4,500公里。北面与加拿大接壤,南面与墨西哥和墨西哥湾毗邻。,33,


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