Business of friendship

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Business of friendship,中国合伙人:创业路上的友情岁月,这是一个讲述创业传奇的励志故事,更是一曲歌颂友情与青春的凯歌。影片中国合伙人将梦想、友谊、爱情等元素融合起来,令许多人笑中带泪地缅怀青春。,Through the intertwined destinies of the movies protagonists, the audience witnesses a triangle of friendship, career ambitions and personal dreams seemingly collapse as three best friends desperately try to tie and twist these elements together.,透过主角们交织在一起的命运,观众们见证了当铁三角友谊、职业抱负与个人理想面临破碎时,三位好友是如何竭尽全力地将它们重新糅合在一起的故事。,Thats why Wang Yang (Tong Dawei), one of the three best friends, who start a business together, shares this lesson of life: “Never start a business with your best friends.”,这就是为何作为铁三角之一的王阳(佟大为饰演)在经历与好友共同创业之后,分享出这样的一条人生经验:,“千万不要跟最好的朋友合伙开公司。”,He may be right. After all, no matter how close they are, differences in their professional and personal aspirations can drive friends apart. Every individual has a distinct outlook on the world and their future, which determines the trajectory of their career and life.,或许他说的对。毕竟,不管朋友多铁,不同的职业抱负与个人理想足以令好友分道扬镳。每个人的世界观与理想各不相同,这些也决定了各自事业与生活的不同轨迹。,Without knowing of Meng Xiaojuns (Deng Chao) struggles in the US and his disillusion toward the country, theres no way Cheng Dongqing (Huang Xiaoming) can understand why Meng is pushing all the agendas so hard. The parting of the invincible trio, to some extent, is predestined.,因为对于孟晓骏(邓超饰演)在美国打拼的艰辛以及他的美国梦碎这一现实一无所知,成东青(黄晓明饰演)没法理解为何孟晓骏如此坚决地推行自己的计划。在某种程度上,所向披靡的铁三角注定要以解散收场。,Even so, despite these differences, friendship always prevails. Chengs difficulties become a podium on which the three friends stand together. Its through the emotional connection they developed over many years that they finally overcome their differences and reform the alliance.,即便如此,虽然存在各种分歧,但友谊总是能战胜一切。,成东青的人生低谷使得铁三角重聚首。正是这份经营多年的友谊,使得他们最终克服了种种分歧,再铸铁三角。,What the film tries to convey is the triumph of brotherhood, which dates back to our naive, passionate youth when unconditional bonds of emotion are shaped.,该片试图通过回顾充满深厚情谊的纯真激昂的青春岁月,来向人们传达出,“兄弟情谊战胜一切”,的主题。,So the film was never about business after all.,所以,本片终究不只是一个创业故事那么简单。,辞海拾贝,masculine男性的 idealism理想主义,intertwine纠缠,trajectory轨道,invincible无敌的,trio,三人的,predestine注定,prevail获胜,podium指挥台,


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