note writing 各种形式

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,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,Two Formats of Note,1. Block,2. Modified,1,FORMATS OF NOTE,Sept., 8th,Helen,I am writing to thank you for the wonderful time I had at your dinner party last night.,David,2,FORMATS OF NOTE,Nov. 2,Dear John,Im terribly sorry! I failed to meet you at the gate of Da Hua therter yesterday afternoon. I had a minor accident on my way, and by the time I finished dealing with the accident and got to the theater, you must have given up hope and left. Do please forgive me.,Yours,Mary,3,ABOUT DATE,The date youre writing,The American date format:,June 11, 2001,6/11/2001,June 11th, 2001,European style:,11 June 2001,11/6/2001,11th June 2001,4,ABOUT DATE,The Date format as “10/1/93” is not suggested to be used,,as in different countries it has different meaning. In American English, it means “1993年10月1日”, however, in Britain and other European countries, it refers to “1993年1月10日”。,5,ABOUT SALUTATION,1. Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss (adds) family name,2. Dear (adds) the full name,3. First name (if the receiver is your friend or family member.),Such salutation as “Dear Mr. John Smith” is not correct.,The punctuation following the salutation should be semicolon or comma.,6,ABOUT COMPLIMENTATARY CLOSE,A formal close, for example; “Yours truly” or “ Very truly yours.” The first word must be capitalized, and a comma follows the close.,British English : “Yours faithfully” , “Yours sincerely”,American English: “Sincerely yours/ Truly yours”.,An informal close, usually used in the notes between friends or family members, are “yours”.,7,GENRE OF NOTE,Request/ask,*请求便条的写作除了基本的时间、称呼等等必需的构件外, 在正文处一般要有以下内容:,1)请求理由陈述, 如 “I am very happy to have had attended your lecture on Linguistics and Language Teaching last Saturday” 以及 “Your lecture is quite instructive to my present thesis writing”,2) 请求行为,如 “I hope I can get your further help” 以及 “,I wonder if it is possible for you to,give me a list of reference books on this topic to ”,8,GENRE OF NOTE,3)请求可能的实现方式, 如 “to the following e-mail address: Zhang123yahoo. com. cn”,4)请求行为的后续行为, 即致谢, 如“Heartfelt thanks.”, “Many thanks.”,9,GENRE OF NOTE,*请求便条的语言表达,请求言语行为可以进一步细化为: 请求帮助、请求允许、请求做事。它们的语言表达方式是不同的。,请求允许:,1) Please give me a few more days.,2) May I have a look at your dictionary?,3) Would you mind if I opened the window?,4) I wonder if I could open the window.,5) Would it be possible to have a talk with you?,10,GENRE OF NOTE,请求帮助:,Do me a favor, will you?,Would you do me a favor?,Can/Could you lend me your dictionary?,Would you be so kind as to,Could I trouble you to send this book for me?,I wonder if you would tell me?,If it is not too troublesome, could/ would you ?,I hope this request will not trouble you too much.,11,GENRE OF NOTE,请求做事(要求与暗示):,1) Lets go to the bookstore this afternoon.,2) I want to have a look at your book.,3) I wish you could,4) I would like to ask you to clean the room.,5) The room is in a mess. We havent cleaned it for several days.,6) You are making a big noise.,7) I feel a bit hungry now. What time is it?,12,GENRE OF NOTE,注意:同样的一个请求内容针对不同的人有不同的表达,例如:“要求对方给自己看以下讲义”的表达,,对朋友、同学 Let me have a look at your lecture handout, will you?,对不熟悉的同学 May I have a look at your lecture handout?,对自己尊敬的人 Would you mind if I have a look at your lecture handout?,I wonder if I could have a look at your lecture handout?,对特别尊敬的人 Would it be possible for me to have a look at your lecture handout?,13,GENRE OF NOTE,Practice(Discussion in groups):,Directions: 某大学著名教授上周来你校做讲座,你(因为)迟到,耽误了一半讲座, 也没有拿到讲座的讲稿。但是这个讲座对你很有帮助。 请你给这位教授写张便条索要上次讲座的讲稿。,14,GENRE OF NOTE,September 25, 2006,Dear Professor Hu,I am very happy to have the chance to listen to your lecture on “American Literature”. But it is a pity that I was late that day due to a minor accident on my way to the lecture, missed the first half of the lecture, and failed to get the handout. Your lecture is really instructive for my English study, so I wonder if it is possible for me to get the handout. If it is possible, would you please email it to the address:,,or call me at and I will go to fetch it. Heartfelt thanks.,Respectfully yours,Zhang Fei,15,GENRE OF NOTE,Appointments/Invitation 约会、邀请便条,*邀约便条的写作除了基本的时间、称呼等等必需的构件外, 在正文处一般要有以下内容:,1)邀约行为的前在序列,即所约事由 如 “a talk on The Skills for TEM-4 Writing”,2) 邀约行为,如 “We would be grateful if you could”,3)约会可能的方式(时间、地点)及其磋商, 如 “on this coming Friday, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.”和”if this subject does not suit you or that time is not convenient for you, any other similar topic and time would also be welcome.”,4)请求行为的后续行为, 即致谢, 如“thank you.”,16,GENRE OF NOTE,注意:同样的一个邀约内容针对不同的人有不同的表达,例如:,对熟悉的朋友、同学 Let s go to the movie.,稍有距离、礼貌 Shall we meet at the office to talk about the thesis topic?,尊重、礼貌 Is it possible for us to meet at the office to discuss the new teaching plan?,特别尊重、礼貌 If it doesnt trouble you much, shall we meet at the Zhongshan bus station at 7 this evening?,We are going to have a dance to celebrate the new year on December 31, at 7 p. m. and would love to have you join us.,17,GENRE OF NOTE,Practice(Discussion in groups):,Directions: 本周六晚上, 你们班要组织周末舞会,为了促进你们班和0301班的友谊, 提供大家交流机会, 以班长的名义写个便条。,18,GENRE OF NOTE,July 15, 2006,Dear girls and boys in Class 0403,This Saturday evening from 7 p.m., at Qingfeng dining hall, there will be a ball held by class 0301. We warmly invite you to take part in it. There you can enjoy yourselves with dance, music and various games. And well have a chance of communication, which will enhance the friendship between us. Come and enjoy ourselves together.,Yours,Zhang Bing,Monitor of Class 0403,19,GENRE OF NOTE,Complain & Dissatisfaction,*抱怨、投诉便条的写作除了基本的时间、称呼等等必需的构件外, 在正文处一般要有以下内容:,1)抱怨、投诉行为, 如 “Im writing to bring your attention to a problem Ive had with information availability with your product”.,2) 抱怨、投诉内容的具体描述,如 “trying to get a person on the phone, but failed by trying several departments”.,3)要求弥补、纠正、赔偿, 如 “I hope you will address this problem to my satisfaction”,4)抱怨、投诉者对弥补、纠正、 赔偿等的敦促或威胁(如果是礼貌的抱怨,则本部分不一定要有), 如“I will never do business with you”,20,GENRE OF NOTE,*抱怨行为的常用语言表达:Im writing to report the problem with your,Im writing to bring your attention to the problems I have had with you,Im writing to complain about (我想投诉),Im sorry. I cant bear the noise any more.,具体描述表达:Heres the problem Ive had,21,GENRE OF NOTE,要求弥补、纠正、赔偿的常用语言表达:I hope you can address this problem soon.,I hope you will take steps to rectify this situation soon.,Would you please turn it down a little?,It would be very kind (considerate) of you to ,对弥补、纠正、 赔偿等的敦促或威胁的常用语言表达:,Frankly, I am not willing to put up with the situation any more.,You must rectify the situation, or I will take it to the court.,If you cant give me a satisfactory answer, I will complain it to the Consumer Association.,22,GENRE OF NOTE,Practice(Discussion in groups):,Directions: 上星期天,你去买表,服务员态度非常糟糕,你给经理写一封投诉便条。,23,GENRE OF NOTE,Mar. 15,Dear Sir or Madam,I went to your store to buy a Tianxian watch last Sunday. When I mentioned the high price, the No.5 saleswoman replied in a sarcastic tone, “You can go ahead and buy a cheap fake from other stores”. She forgot how to treat a prospective buyer! I hope you can improve your service, and give me a face-to-face apology. My telephone number is .,John Smith,24,Apology :,*道歉便条的写作除了基本的时间、称呼等等必需的构件外, 在正文处一般要有以下内容:,1) 道歉行为和内容,如“I am sorry I couldnt make our 2 oclock appointment”。,2) 道歉的具体理由,如“There is to be an urgent conference in my department this afternoon and I have to make some preparation for it”。,3) 弥补方法,如“Could we meet at 3 oclock on this Friday afternoon?”,4) 进一步致谦,如 “With many apologies”。,25,* 道歉便条主要组成部分的常用语言表达,道歉行为,Im writing to show my apology for,I would like to express my apologies for not being able to,Im sorry I couldnt,Im sorry to say that I ve not finished reading it through, and have to keep it until next Sunday.,Excuse me for my delaying in turning in my assignment.,道歉理由,I had a minor accident.,I had a minor operation.,26,弥补、纠正及其承诺,I am sure I can make up the loss by,I promise it will never happen again.,It would be very kind (considerate) of you to give me another chance to(to give me another two days to),进一步致谦,Many apologies.,Do please forgive m,e,27,Practice(Discussion in groups):,Directions: 本来你和John约好昨天下午在大华剧院门口碰面,但由于小小的交通事故,你没能准时赴约,写一封道歉便条。,28,Nov. 2,Dear John,Im terribly sorry! I failed to meet you at the gate of Da Hua therter yesterday afternoon. I had a minor accident on my way, and by the time I finished dealing with the accident and got to the theater, you must have given up hope and left. Do please forgive me.,Yours,Mary,29,


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