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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,商务英语应用写作(函电) 校内模拟实训,模拟实训,1,Training Situations:(背景资料),Buyer:,Mr. Lawrence, the general Manager of the United Textiles Company, Ltd. (26 Lawton Street, Liverpool, England), is a large dealer in textiles in England. He is interested in all Chinese silk products and now is approaching China National Import & Export Corporation, Fujian Branch for an offer for specific products.,(They meet with each other at,Chinas Spring Export Commodities Fair.),2,Training Situations:(背景资料),Seller:,Lily, the market representative of China National Import & Export Corporation, Fujian Branch. She/He is a green hand in the company, and this is her first case, she want to conclude the transaction anxiously.,3,The First step: Enquiry / Inquiry,Hint 1:,Mr. Lawrence is interested in silk products and hopes to receive the lowest quotation CIF London for 3,000 pieces silk carpet with details of discount and payment terms. Some catalogues and sample cuttings are required.,If you are Mr. Lawrence, please write a letter to Lily. ( Using the letter form),4,The First step: Enquiry / Inquiry,Dear Miss Lily:,I visited your companys stand at Guangzhou Fair. Could you remember me? I am very interested in your Chinese silk products. There is a great demand for a variety of silk carpets in Europe.,We have been a large dealer in textiles in England for more than 20 years, and import a wide range of Chinese silk products.,Would you please send us some catalogues , and offer us your lowest quotation CIF London for 3,000 pieces silk carpet? Please state details of discount and terms of payment. We should find it most helpful if you could also supply all kinds of sample cuttings required.,Look forward to your reply.,Yours truly,Laurence,5,The Second step: Replies to Enquiry,Hint 2:,US$125 per piece CIF London, subject to reply here before May 9. 按下列订货数量比例的增减给予特殊的折扣:,1000件和2000件之间 给3%折扣,,2000件和3000件之间给4%折扣,,3000件以上给5%折扣。,Payment by irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight is required. Catalogues and sample cuttings have been airmailed.,6,The Second step: Replies to Enquiry,Dear Mr. Laurance,We welcome your inquiry of 30 Jan, and thank you for your interest in our,Silk carpets. We are enclosing our illustrated catalogue .,Under separate cover, we will send the sample cuttings by air mail which will,be helpful to you for your selection. We are pleased to make you a special,offer, subject to reply here before May 9, as follows:,US$125 per piece CIF London.,But we can offer a special allowance on the following sliding-scale basis:,On purchases exceeding an annual total of :,1000 pieces but not exceeding 2000 pieces - 3%,2000 pieces but not exceeding 3000 pieces - 4%,3000 pieces and above -5%,Our products are both excellent in quality and reasonable in price. Its finest,material and highest craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers.,We only accept irrevocable L/C at sight.,Look forward to your order.,Sincerely yours,7,The Third step: Counter-offer,Hint 3:,Price is higher than those from other,suppliers.其他公司的货在该地以比你价格约低,10的价格出售。我们不否认你们的质量会稍好,些,但差价不能高达20。,Suggest a reduction of 10%,otherwise,business is impossible.,以你方答复于2月5日,前到达有效。,说服对方作出让步这样双方都会从市场上受益,,而且让步将促进销售。,8,The Third step: Counter-offer,Dear sirs,We acknowledge receipt of your email of -.,In reply, we regret to inform you that our buyers in Canada find your,price much too high. Information indicates that the other goods on our,market have been sold at 10% lower price than yours. We dont deny,that your quality is slightly better, but the difference in price should not,be as big as 20%.,In order to conclude the transaction , we made counter-offer as,follows ,subject to your reply here by 5,Feb our time. Please make a,reduction of 10%, Your concession would push the sales of your,goods in our market and make us benefit from the expanding market.,Due to market fluctuation, we recommend your immediate,acceptance. Look forward to your reply.,Yours faithfully,9,The Forth step: Declining Counter-offer,Hint 4:,拒绝还盘原因:报价经过精密计算、原材料价格上涨、货品质量好,所以利润空间小。降价10不可能, 但购买量超过3000件的话可以给予7%的折扣。,10,The Forth step: Declining Counter-offer,Dear Sirs,In reply to your letter of -, we regret we find it very difficult to,comply with.,The price we quoted are closely calculated and the price of raw silk,has gone up a lot. Thanks to the excellent quality of our products, they,only leave us a very small profit margin .So the price quoted is,relatively favorable. Since this is our first transaction, we decide ,as an,exception, to cut the price by 7% on purchase of quantities of more,than 3000 pieces. Any further concession on our side is out of the,question.,If you think our proposal acceptable, please let us have your order,as soon as possible.,Yours truly,.,11,The Fifth step: Order,Hint 5:,Mr. Laurence 接受Lily的建议,3000件以上给予,7的折扣,提出订货。随函附上了试订单,如下:,数量 货号 品名 单价,5000件 ML121 丝毯 1 70美金每件 伦敦到岸价,3500件 ML123 丝毯 2 140美金每件,包装:用棉布包装,装入木箱,支付:通过保兑,不可撤销信用证,见票即付汇票,由于客户急要,要求对方迅速寄出售货确认书,以便我方立刻开出信用证,还有尽快发货,在收到信用证后装第一艘可订到仓位的船。,12,The Fifth step: Order,Dear Miss Lily,Thank you for your letter of - . In view of your finest material and,highest craftsmanship, we finally accept your proposal of allowing a discount,of 7% on purchase of quantity of more than 3000 pieces. So we are pleased,to enclose a trial order No.105.,QNTY Item No. Description Unit Price,5000 ML121 Silk Carpet 1 $70 CIF London,3500 ML123 Silk Carpet 2 $140 CIF London,Packing :In cotton cloth bales, packed in wooden cases,Payment: 100% by confirmed, irrevocable L/C by draft at sight,Our customers urgently required the goods, so please ship as soon as,possible by the first available steamer upon receipt of our L/C.,Please kindly send us your sales confirmation by return mail. So that we,can issue the L/C in your favor.,Look forward to your sales confirmation.,Yours truly,13,The Sixth step: Acknowledgement of an Order,Hint 6:,Lily 向Mr. Laurance 发出对订单的回复,内容如下:,兹确认上述订货,并寄送第105号售货确认书,一式两份,其中一份请会签寄会,以便我方存档。,此项信用证应立即对我开出。一旦信用证到达我处,即可将货物备妥发运无误。 特请你们注意,信用证条款必须与我售货确认书条款完全相符,以免日后改正。,谢谢你们的合作,我们相信这批证到即装的货物将使你们完全满意。,14,The Sixth step: Acknowledgement of an Order,Dear Mr. Laurence,We have pleasure in confirming the above order, and are sending,you our Sales Confirmation No.105 in duplicate, a copy of which is to,be counter-signed and returned for our files .,It is needless to say that the relative L/C of the above-mentioned,articles will be established at once. You may rest assured that we shall,get the goods ready for shipment as soon as possible your L/C arrives.,We wish to draw your attention to the fact that provisions in the,relevant L/C should strictly conform to the terms stated in our Sale,Confirmation in order to avoid subsequent amendments.,We are grateful for your kind cooperation and trust that the shipment,which is to be dispatched after receipt of the relevant letter of credit,will turn out to your entire satisfaction.,Yours truly,15,


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