[八年级英语]人教新目标八年级上[全套]unit6 i am more outgoing than my sister

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,I am more outgoing than my sister,NO.38 Middle School,Guo Huizhen,1,tall,高的,thin,瘦的,light,轻的,calm,镇静的,serious,严肃的,outgoing,活泼的,weak,虚弱的,curly,卷曲的,heavy,重的,wild,鲁莽的,Funny,滑稽的,quiet,文静的,athletic,体格强健的,straight,直的,1,、熟悉几组反义词,short,矮的,fat,胖的,2,short,er,happ,ier,happy,short,The boy is short. The girl is short,er,.,The boy is happy. The girl is happ,ier,.,70cm,50cm,Ha ha ,Ha ha ha ha,6 years old,4 years old,young,young,er,The boy is young. The girl is young,er,30kg,15kg,3,Yao Ming,is,taller,than,Pan Changjiang.,Pan Changjiang,is,funnier,than,Yao Ming.,He,is,more athletic,than,Pan Cahngjiang,.,He,is,more outgoing,than,Yao Ming.,Height: 2.26 m,Height: 1.60 m,4,Zhang Huimei is wilder than Zhou Bichang.,Zhou Bichang is calmer than Zhang Huimei,.,wild,calm,5,athletic,Jack chan is,more athletic,than,Li Xiaopeng .,.,Li Yong is,more outgoing,than Shui Junyi.,Shui Junyi is,more serious,than Li Yong .,6,Lin Xinru is beautiful.,Liu Yifei is,more beautiful.,Liu Yifei is more beautiful,than,Lin Xinru.,Zeng Zhiwei is,short,er than,Liu Huan,7,heavy,thin,heavier,thinner,-,funn,ier,funny,serious,more,serious,8,Is that Sam?,No,thats Tom.He has shorter hair than Sam.And hes calmer than Sam.,Is that Sam?,No,thats Tom.He has shorter hair than Sam.And hes calmer than Sam.,Tom,Sam,1,Tara,Tina,2,Pedro,Paul,3,9,Listen again and fill in the blanks,:,1.Toms _than Sam.,2.Tina is _than Tara. Shes also_.,3. Pedros _than Paul. And Pauls,_than Pedro.,calmer,taller,wilder,heavier,shorter,10,Listening test:,-,er / -ier more,funny,smart,quiet,outgoing,athletic,serious,11,比较级规则变化口诀,:,比较级,要变化,一般词尾加,er,。(long-long,er,),词尾若有哑音,e,直接加,r,就可以。(,nice-nice,r,),重读闭音节, 单辅音字母要,双写,。(,hot-hot,ter,),辅音字母若加,y,记得把,y,变为,i,。(happy-happ,ier,),12,tall,tall,er,nice,nice,r,big,big,ger,funny,funn,i,er,outgoing,more,outgoing,13,athletic,outgoing,serious,delicious,more,athletic,more,outgoing,more,serious,more,delicious,多音节词、部分双音节词词前加,more,原级,比较级,14,funnier ( ),quieter ( ),smarter ( ),more serious ( ),more outgoing ( ),more athletic ( ),Tina,Tina,Tina,Tara,Tara,Tara,How are Tina and Tara different ?,Memory Game,15,Tom,Nick,Tina,Tara,calm,wild,funny,serious,* *,* *,* *,* *,Tara is,more,serious than Tina.,16,Bob,David,Smart,Tall,Athletic,Quiet,Thin,Funny,Is David than Bob?,Is Bob than David?,17,Make sentences as more as you can according the pictures,.,18,Say something about your past and now.,I was shorter and more outgoing,But now, I am taller and,19,short curly hair,short,fat,outgoing,wild,long hair,tall,thin,easygoing,calm,She was short and fat. She has short curly hair. She,was wild and outgoing.,But now, She is taller and thinner. She has longer,hair than before. She is calmer and more easygoing.,20,Make a survey .,Names,Before,Now,Lily,short,heavy,wild,tall,thin,calm,Tom,thin,outgoing,thin,ner,more,outgoing,Report:,Lily was short ,heavy and wild before,but now she is,tall,thin and calm .Tom was thin and outgoing before ,but,now he is thinner and more outgoing ,I was before, now I am ,21,Teamwork,1.We are both boys/girls.We both like.,任务,1.,猜出小组成员,Who is he /she?,2.He/She isthan I. But Imthan he/she is.,22,Test yourself,short,angry,smart,red,late,thin,happy,serious,calm,fat,calm,er,fat,ter,short,er,angr,ier,smart,er,red,der,lat,er,thin,ner,happ,ier,more,serious,23,My harvest,Words:,calm, serious, smart, outgoing, athletic,比较级句型结构:,主语+,be+adj.,比较级+,than+,对比成分,Adj.,比较级构成:,1. -er / -ier 2. more,24,Thank you! Goodbye,The,more,we get together , together, together,The more we get together, together, together,The,happier,we will be.,For you friends are my friends,And my friends are your friends,The more,we get together, together, together,The happier,we will be.,25,When KFC meets Mcdonalds ,Homework,26,cheaper,bigger,smaller,sweeter,more delicious,more expensive,27,Homework :,Write a short passage about things that are,the same and different between you and your,friend .,28,


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