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Wuhan 430000,2006-06,近年来越多越多的人选择出境旅游(数字),2006-12,阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要,2007-06,应不应该向雷锋学习,做好事不求回报,2007-12,如今数字化产品越来越广泛的使用,并举例,2008-06,电子图书越来越多,会不会取代纸质书籍,2008-12,大学生的心理健康十分重要,2009-06,有人说名字或名称很重要,2009-12,家长应不应该送孩子参加各种艺术班,2,010-06,近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象,2010-12,对于目前高校排名相当盛行的看法,2011-06,现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试,2011-12,通往成功之路(谚语类),议论文,2006-06,近年来越多越多的人选择出境旅游(数字),2006-12,阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要,2007-06,应不应该向雷锋学习,做好事不求回报,2007-12,如今数字化产品越来越广泛的使用,并举例,2008-06,电子图书越来越多,会不会取代纸质书籍,2008-12,大学生的心理健康十分重要,2009-06,有人说名字或名称很重要,2009-12,家长应不应该送孩子参加各种艺术班,2010-06,近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象,2010-12,对于目前高校排名相当盛行的看法,2011-06,现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试,2011-12,通往成功之路,说明文,2006-06,越来越多的人出国旅游(表格),2005-12,委婉拒绝公司的职位(书信),议论文(,Argumentation),说明文(,Exposition),图表类,书信类,评分标准,14,分,切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好。基本上无语言错误,仅有个别小错。,11,分,切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。,8,分,基本切题。有些地方表达思想不够清楚,文字勉强连贯;,语言错误相当多,其中有一些是严重错误。,5,分,基本切题。表达思想不清楚,连贯性差。有较多的严重语言错误。,2,分,条理不清,思路紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有错误,且多数为严重错误,New Oriental Education & Technology Group Domestic Dept. Wuhan 430000,书写潦草,小强词汇,句式简单,结构混乱,书写问题,相亲这件事,,7,分靠语气,,2,分靠表情,,1,分靠内容,剩下,90,分都看长相。,2.,小强词汇,拼写:,shink,idear,develope,creat,seperate,New Oriental Education & Technology Group Domestic Dept. Wuhan 430000,enviroment,goverment,词性:,succeed,success,compete,competition,competent,competence,competitive,competitiveness,高分策略,字迹清楚、段落明朗,内容完整、紧扣提纲,首保正确、再求闪光,先总后分、连词用上,单词替换,important,重要的,significant,crucial,vital,of great/tremendous importance,key,单词替换,对于我来说,意识到这一点是最显著的突破之一。,For me, that realization is one of the most,significant,breakthroughs.,单词替换,我们相信委员会正在调查的这个问题对国家来说是至关重要的。,We believe that the question being investigated by the Commission is,of crucial importance,to the country.,单词替换,common,普遍的,universal,public,shared,ubiquitous,单词替换,不管是出于需要,还是出于兴趣爱好,人们重返学校是为了一个共同的目标,-,提高自己。,Out of necessity or out of interests, people go back to school for the,shared,goal, that is to improve themselves.,单词替换,opinion,观点,perspective,standpoint,view,outlook,单词替换,关于友谊的说法可能有很多种,这使得我们能从别人的观点里看到我们自己。,There is much that might be said about friendships. They allow us to see ourselves from the,perspective,of another.,单词替换,think,想,认为,consider,argue,discuss,comment,acknowledge,单词替换,教育对经济上取得成功的重要性是举世公认的一条真理。,It is a truth,universally acknowledged,that education is the key to economic success,.,单词替换,good,好的,accepted,recognized,established,acknowledged,单词替换,对于大多数的发达国家,把废弃物运输到发展中国家是一个不错的选择。,For most developed countries, dumping the waste to the developing countries seems to be an,accepted,choice.,单词替换,often/always,经常地,frequently,regularly,repeatedly,habitually,单词替换,我仍然相信这一点,尽管我承认美国在现实中的做法与其理想经常相去甚远。,I still believe this even though I recognize how short the US has,frequently,come of its ideals.,单词替换,sure/certainly,肯定的,absolutely,completely,undeniably,of great certainty,unconditionally,单词替换,如果你不这样做,你就很可能是错的,群众中肯定是存在一些智慧的,。,If you do not, you may well be wrong there is,undeniably,some wisdom in crowds.,作文检查,单词,拼写检查,语法,检查,a/an,句式,结构检查,because/so although/but,not only/but also,yes.,句子改写,基本句子结构,基本句型一:,SV,(主谓),基本句型二:,SVP,(主谓表),基本句型三:,SVO,(主谓宾),基本句型四:,SVoO,(主谓间宾直宾),基本句型五:,SVOC,(主谓宾宾补),句子改写,简单句,并列句,复合句,1.,并列句,两个或两个以上的简单句用等立连词或用分号、冒号、逗号,等连在一起构成的句子叫并列句。,常用的等立连词,:,and, or, but, so, for, neither, nor, while, whereas,等,Some people waste food.,Others have not enough. (while) (whereas),Some people waste food,while others have not enough. (,while,) (,whereas,),42,2.,复合句,(1/4),由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句、,同位语从句。,They need more help in English.,That is quite obvious.,由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句,、,宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句,、,同位语从句。,It is,quite obvious,that,they need more,help in English.,43,2006,年,12,月六级写作真题,众所周知,阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要。,It is,universally acknowledged,that,reading classic books is vital to a persons growth.,44,2.,复合句,(2/4),由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句、,同位语从句。,He is growing fat.,Nothing can hide the fact.,由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句,、,宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句,、,同位语从句,。,Nothing can hide the fact that,he is growing fat.,45,2007,年,12,月六级写作,数字产品,信息革命的产物,被越来越广泛的使用。,Digital products,the result of the information revolution, has been put into broader use in recent years.,46,2.,复合句,(3/4),由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句、,同位语从句。,He is a handsome young man.,A lot of girls are attracted to him.,由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、,定语从句,、状语从句、,同位语从句。,He is a handsome young man who is liked by,a considerable number of girls.,47,2.,复合句,(4/4),由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句、,同位语从句。,as long as, on condition that, lest, so,that, such,that,in case, as if, now that, whether,or, however,由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、,状语从句,、,同位语从句。,as long as, on condition that, lest, so,that, such,that,in case, as if, now that, whether,or, however,as long as,on condition that, lest, so,that, such,that,in case, as if, now that, whether,or, however,as long as, on condition that,lest, so,that, such,that,in case, as if, now that, whether,or, however,as long as, on condition that, lest,so,that, such,that,in case, as if, now that, whether,or, however,as long as, on condition that, lest, so,that, such,that,in case, as if, now that, whether,or, however,as long as, on condition that, lest, so,that, such,that,in case,as if,now that, whether,or, however,as long as, on condition that, lest, so,that, such,that,in case, as if,now that, whether,or, however,as long as, on condition that, lest, sothat,suchthatin case, as if, now that, whetheror,however,48,3.,状语从句,(1/2),起伴随或补充说明作用的从句。简单句或并列谓语往往可以,改写为,“,with,+,名词,+,分词,/,形容词,/,介词词组,”,结构做状语。,As all his savings were gone, he started,to look for a job.,With all his savings gone, he started to,look for a job.,49,3.,状语从句,(2/2),两个句子的主语一致时,其中一个往往可以改成分词结构,作状语。,If you study hard, you will succeed.,Studying hard,you will succeed.,50,Looking out of the window, I realized that a storm was around the corner.,Looking out of the window, the wind was roaring as if it intended to destroy everything that was in its way.,51,句子改写,状语,+,主语从句,+,同位语,+,定语从句,+,副词,I love Amy.,I love Amy and I want to marry her.,Although Amy was pursued by many intelligible young men, I love Amy and I want to marry her.,Although Amy was pursued by many intelligible young men, I love Amy who is attractive in the most obvious way, and I,want to marry her.,句子改写,状语,+,主语从句,+,同位语,+,定语从句,+,副词,Although Amy was pursued by many intelligible young men, it is known to all that I love Amy who is attractive in the most obvious way, and I,want to marry her in a beautiful chapel where she will be wearing a pure, white dress, even if my dream will not come true, my love for her will not fade away. It will last forever.,Names are important.,Names are significant to everybody and without it, the world will be in chaos.,Names, the unique symbol of each person, are significant to everybody and without it, the world will be in chaos.,Names are important.,With the creation of the language, names, one of the most important usage of the language and the,unique symbol of each person, are significant to,everybody, therefore, without,it, the world will be in chaos.,2006-06,近年来越多越多的人选择出境旅游(数字),2006-12,阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要,2007-06,应不应该向雷锋学习,做好事不求回报,2007-12,如今数字化产品越来越广泛的使用,并举例,2008-06,电子图书越来越多,会不会取代纸质书籍,2008-12,大学生的心理健康十分重要,2009-06,有人说名字或名称很重要,2009-12,家长应不应该送孩子参加各种艺术班,2,010-06,近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象,2010-12,对于目前高校排名相当盛行的看法,2011-06,现在许多人热衷于各类证书考试,2011-12,通往成功之路(谚语类),New Oriental Education & Technology Group Domestic Dept. Wuhan 430000,New Oriental Education & Technology Group Domestic Dept. Dalian,议论文,六级写作,-,议论文,观点对立型,开头描述现象,中间阐述两种观点,结尾阐述自己的观点,支持,VS,反对,support,believe,in favor of,assert,stick to,adhere to,be devoted to,abide by,claim,state,declare,appeal to,开头段,-,描述现象,The,近来的现象,that XX,(题目的现象),has,引起巨大的,attention from the public and it,引起,a,热烈的,争论,/,讨论,among the people.,近来的,recent,current,present,existing,现象,phenomenon,fact,occurrence,statement,2.,复合句,(1/4),由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句、,同位语从句。,They need more help in English.,That is quite obvious.,由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句所构成的句子结构叫做,复合句,也叫主从复合句。,从句可以分为,:,主语从句,、,宾语从句、表语从句、定语从句、状语从句,、,同位语从句。,It is,quite obvious,that,they need more,help in English.,2006,年,12,月六级写作真题,众所周知,阅读经典书籍对人的成长至关重要。,It is,universally acknowledged,that,reading classic books is vital to a persons growth.,开头段,-,描述现象,The,近来的现象,that XX,(题目的现象),has,引起巨大的,attention from the public and it,引起,a,热烈的,争论,/,讨论,among the people.,引起,cause,trigger,initiate,set off,bring about,巨大的,程度高的,dramatic,tremendous,remarkable,noticeable,evident,开头段,-,描述现象,The,近来的现象,that XX,(题目的现象),has,引起巨大的,attention from the public and it,引起,a,热烈的,争论,/,讨论,among the people.,热烈的,heated,intense,drastic,radical,争论,/,讨论,discussion,debate,argument,开头段,-,描述现象,The,近来的现象,that XX,(题目的,现象),has,引起巨大的,attention from the public and it,has,引起,a,热烈的,争论,/,讨论,among,people.,真题演练,2007,年,6,月写作真题,开头段,-,描述现象,真题演练,2007,年,6,月写作真题,The,current phenomenon,that,whether one should expect reward when doing a good deed,has,triggered tremendous,attention from the public and it has,brought about,a,heated discussion,among people.,开头段,-,结尾,有两种观点存在。,(接描述),Therefore, there exists two,distinct,观点,concerning this phenomenon.,Therefore, two different,观点,come into being/existence.,中间段,第一种看法,+,原因,首先,some people,认为 最重要的事 在当下的时间,throughout the whole society is (that),第一种观点,。,首先,firstly,to begin/start with,first of all,现在,nowadays,at present time,at the moment,currently,in our time,中间段,第一种看法,+,原因,首先,some people,认为 最重要的事 在当下的时间,throughout the whole society is (that),第一种观点。,真题演练,2009,年,6,月六级写作,中间段,第一种看法,首先,some people,认为,that,最,重要,的,(,事情,),在当下的时间,through out the whole society is (that),第一种观点,。,To begin with,some people argued that,the most vital issue at present,throughout the whole society is that,abundant emphasis should be placed on the importance of names.,中间段,第一种看法,更重要的是, XX,can,在某种程度上,help,涉及的人,to maintain,一种品质,.,更重要的是,what is more,furthermore,moreover,in addition,besides,在某种程度上,以某种方式,in a way,to some extent,to some degree,somewhat,中间段,第一种看法,更重要的是, XX,can,在某种程度上,help,涉及的人,to maintain,一种品质,.,真题演练,2009,年,6,月六级写作,中间段,第一种看法,更重要的是, XX,can,在某种程度上,help,涉及的人,to maintain,一种品质,.,what is more,names, can,in a way,help people,to maintain,their individuality.,中间段,第一种看法,更重要的是, XX,can,在某种程度上,help,涉及的人,to maintain,一种品质,.,what is more,names, the symbol of each persons characteristics can,in a way,help people who desire to remain unique,to maintain,their individuality.,中间段,-,第二种看法,相反的,other people hold the,观点,that,主题,should not be taken so seriously /should not be given so much,重要性,.,相反的,on the contrary,in contrast,重要性,attention,重要性:,far-reaching/eventful,effects,profound attention,中间段,-,第二种看法,相反的,other people hold the,观点,that,主题,should not be taken so seriously /should not be given so much,重要性,.,真,题演练,2009,年,12,月六,级写作,The recent statement that Name is important has attracted remarkable attention from the Public,大写:句首,国家名,人名,机构名称,书名,the importance of a name: whether the name is important or not,should parents send their children to art classes: parents decision of sending their children to art classes.,给别人留下深刻印象:,impress sb.:,To a woman this is a far better indicator of the person you are in real life because you are not actively trying to,impress,or hit on her.,给别人留下深刻印象:,leave an impression on/upon sb.:,You should be conservative in descriptions of your success, lest you,leave the impression,that you are bragging, or have something to prove.,中间段,-,第二种看法,人的品质的词语:,勤奋的,:,diligent, studious, industrious, assiduous,He is assiduous in his studies.,中间段,-,第二种看法,人的品质的词语:,认真的,谨慎的,conscientious, cautious,冷静的,清醒的,sober, reasonable, sensible, rational,聪明的,有才智的,intelligent,,,bright,,,wise,,,brilliant,中间段,-,第二种看法,相反的,other people hold the,观点,that,主题,should not be taken so seriously /should not be given so much,重要性,.,On the contrary, other people hold the,standpoint,that,children attending,art classes,should not be given so much,attention.,中间段,-,第二种看法,首先,there is much to be said that,主题,is/are like the cover of the book, what matters most is,一种品质,which,主题,can not,反映,.,反映,show,reflect,mirror,represent,reveal,中间段,-,第二种看法,首先,there is much to be said that,主题,is/are like the cover of the book, what matters most is,一种品质,which,主题,can not,反映,.,真题演练,2009,年,12,月六级写作,中间段,-,第二种看法,首先,there is much to be said that,主题,is/are like the cover of the book, what matters most is,一种品质,which,主题,can not,反映,.,First of all,there is much to be said that,art classes,are like the cover the book, what matters most is,childrens ability to learn,which,those numerous art classes,can not reflect.,中间段,-,第二种看法,可举例,For example,大多数的人,have embarked on the journey of,支持的观点,.,然而,after a while/ a period of time, they found themselves have been distracted/driven away from their original path.,中间段,-,第二种看法,然而,/,出乎意料的是,however,unexpectedly,disappointedly,surprisingly,all of a sudden,suddenly,中间段,-,第二种看法,For example,大多数的人,have embarked on the journey of,支持的观点,.,然而,after a while/ a period of time, they found themselves have been distracted/driven away from their original path.,真题演练,2009,年,12,月六级写作,中间段,-,第二种看法,For example,most of the children,have embarked on the journey of,cultivating a hobby through art classes,all of a sudden,after,a while/ a period of time, they found themselves have been distracted/driven away from their original,path/wish/desire.,结尾段,-,自己的观点,总之,在我看来,it is high time that,支持的观点,.,Effective measures/approaches should be enforced to preserve,主题,.,总之,generally speaking,all in all,to put everything in a nutshell,on the whole,finally,结尾段,-,自己的观点,在我看来,from my point of view,as for me,from where I stands,when it comes to me,结尾段,-,自己的观点,总之,在我看来,it is high time that,支持的观点,.,Effective measures/approaches should be enforced to preserve,主题,.,真题演练,2010,年,12,月六级写作,结尾段,-,自己的观点,总之,在我看来,it is high time that,支持的观点,.,Effective measures/approaches should be enforced to preserve,主题,.,To put everything in a nutshell,as for me,it is high time,that the university should stop from being ranked.,Effective measures must be enforced to preserve,the dignity, decency and most of all, the integrity of the universities, of being the higher education institutions.,to VS for,表示当事人的主观看法,对于(某人),,对,来说(多和形容词连用),He said money was not important to him.,To her, it was extremely unusual.,They are cruel to animals.,to VS for,表示赞同、同情,原因,跟,fit/bad/good/useful/suitable,等词连用,He expresses sympathy for the common people.,Thanks for coming.,Smoking is bad for your health.,You are not suitable for the job.,六级写作,-,说明文,描述现象,陈述原因、后果、影响,我认为应该怎么做,Along with the development of society, / Along with the globalization,题目中现象(名词词组,the phenomenon of,或者,That +,句子),has emerged/has attracted considerable amount of attention from the public.,开头段,-,描述现象,开头段,-,描述现象,真题演练,2007,年,12,月六级写作,Along with the development of society,the phenomenon of,the wide use of digital products,has,attracted considerable amount of attention from the public.,开头段,-,描述现象,点题!,As far as the situation/circumstances is/are concerned, there are several reasons involved,(,原因,),and it has brought about some influence/ consequences,(,原因,+,影响,).,阐述原因,首先,,,the principal reason accounted for this phenomenon is that/,名词词组,(,原因一,) and this lead to,后果一,.,其次,原因二,has also contributed to the occurrence of the event. Therefore,后果二,has come into being.,第三,,,another reason for this phenomenon is that,原因三, as a result,结果三,appears shortly.,阐述原因,真题演练,2006,年,12,月六级写作,阐述原因,First of all, the principal reason accounted for this phenomenon is the penetration of western culture into our country,and this lead to,that a considerable number of people are under the shock of having to accept the flooded new information but they have absolutely no idea how to process them,.,阐述原因,What is more, the blinded admiration of the western festivals which most people dont even know the origin of them has also contributed to the occurrence of the event.,Therefore, the negligence of our countrys own traditional festivals,has come into being.,阐述原因,Moreover,,,another reason for this phenomenon is that the big department stores and supermarkets advertised fiercely about the western festivals in order to profit largely from them, as a result,there is no doubt that the preference towards the western festivals,appears shortly.,阐述结果,/,影响,Except for the reasons displayed above, there are also some consequences/influence resulted from this phenomenon.,阐述结果,/,影响,One illustration/demonstration is that,后果一,.,In addition,后果二,is/are not uncommon in the society.,Besides,后果三,has/have caused radical/drastic changes to peoples daily life.,阐述结果,/,影响,真题演练,2007,年,12,月真题,阐述结果,/,影响,One demonstration is that,peoples daily life is becoming increasingly indispensible from the digital products. They use them on everything everyday.,阐述结果,/,影响,In addition,the digital products produce radiation while they are on and diseases resulted from the radiation,are not common in the society,. Many experts have already put forward numerous suggestions to avoid the radiation.,阐述结果,/,影响,Besides,because of the addiction to the digital products, people in our time cannot bear for one second the disappearance of them. Thus, the advanced technology,has caused radical changes to peoples daily life.,我们应该怎样做,When it comes to me, this situation has to change. It is high time that effective measures/approaches were taken to preserve the,主题,. On one hand,第一种措施,. On the other hand,第二,种措施,. Only through the joint efforts of all people can we create a better future,for the upcoming generations and for ourselves.,我们应该怎样做,真题练习,2006,年,12,月六级写作,我们应该怎样做,When it comes to me, this situation has to change. It is high time that effective measures were taken to preserve,the dominance of the classics.,On one hand, college students should be advocated to read them.,On the other hand, an academic atmosphere should be cultivated so as to let more students get interested in the classics.,我们应该怎样做,Only through the joint efforts of all people can we create a better future for,the,precious classic books,and,for ourselves.,Types,58%,30%,12%,table,pie graph,bar graph,line graph,115,写图表作文时要注意两点:,第一,,在描述时,不要“面面俱到”,但要“类类俱到”,即不要把每一项的每一个数据都描述一遍,但一定要把每一项都提到。注意变化最大的数据。,第二,,论点要简单明确,要说明一个问题,而不是几个,而且必须是你所选择的数据所表现出来的问题。,描述数据句型,As is shown in the,图表,above, has changed greatly,时间段,.,In the past, the percentage/number of was ,While ,后一个时间段, the number of has soared up/ p


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