人教英语选修8第三单元Using Language

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Using Language,ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL,Telephones become one part of our life. But do you know who invented the telephone?,A British inventor called Alexander Graham Bell.,Pre-reading,first telephone design,Testing,Discuss the following questions:,1. What do you know about the inventor?,2. How useful is his invention to human,society? Why?,Reading Task 1: Get some general information of Bell.,Date,Information,In 1847,He was young,11 years old,In 1876,75 years old,He was born.,His family moved to Boston, USA.,He made his first invention.,He invented the first telephone,.,He made his last invention.,1. The text mainly tells us some information,about_ .,A. Bell and his telephone,B. Bell and his telegraph,C. Bell and his helicopter designs,D. Bell and his inventions,Choose the best answer.,D,2. Bell invented _ by chance according,to the text.,A. Morse code,B. telegraph,C. telephone,D. tetrahedron,C,3. Which statement is,true,according to the,text?,A. Bell made a contribution to the deaf,education.,B. Bell invented the telephone for the deaf.,C. Bell thought that you should not think,too much about something that you had,never seen before.,D. Bell invented a lot of flying machines,while searching for a kite to carry a man,into the air.,A,4. According to the text, Bell got such great,achievement thanks to _.,A. a straw joined to a deaf mans ear,B. the exploring around problems,C. a moving electrical current,D. his excellent assistant Watson,B,5. We can infer from the text that _.,A. doing research in telegraph helped Bell,greatly in inventing the telephone,B. Bell was given the patent after he,succeeded in sending the first telephone,message to his assistant Watson.,C. in order to make the bridges stronger,Bell discovered telephone,D. Bell discovered so many practical,solutions that he must be a millionaire,A,Listen to the tape and try to answer the questions below.,What does Bells saying mean to you?,What do you think Led to his success as an inventor of telephone?,What inventions did Bell make?,Why will he always be known as the inventor of the telephone?,What do you think led to his success as an inventor of the telephone?,His curiosity and exploring spirit led to his success as an inventor of the telephone.,What does Bells saying mean to you?,His saying means that it is important to be experimental. By being curious and exploring around a subject you may by chance come up with some new and original ways of solving a problem.,What inventions did Bell make?,Bell invented the telephone by chance. It is extremely useful and still used today.,Why will he always be known as the inventor of the telephone?,He will always be known as the inventor of the telephone because it was a very popular invention and the patent made the most money ever.,Useful expressions,对感兴趣,对好奇,踩出来的路,一心投入,值得思考,导致,开始(做),一次,be/become interested in,be curious,beaten track,dive into,(be) worth thinking,lead to,set out to (do),at a time,同时,发现问题很难解决,注,意到,寻找,因闻名,的确, 事实,上,at the same time,found the problem,difficult to solve,be aware of,search for,be famous for,Indeed,1. He believed that one should always be curious,and his most famous saying was:,“Leave the,beaten track,occasionally and,dive into,the woods.,Every,time,you do you will be certain to find,something that you have never seen before.,Follow,it,up, explore all around it, and before you,know it, you will have something worth thinking,about to occupy your mind. All really big,discoveries are the result of thought.”,他认为人应该保持一颗好奇心, 他最著名的,一名话是: “偶尔离开平路, 去寻求困境。当,你这么做的时候, 你一定会发现你从未见过,的东西。跟踪下去, 不断探索, 不知不觉中,你就会发现某种值得思考的东西占据着你,的头脑。所有真正伟大的发现都是,思考的结果。”,1. Leave the,beaten track,occasionally,and,dive into,the woods.,偶尔离开平路,去寻求困境。,1),beaten track: 被踩出来的路;常规;惯例,His farm is off the beaten track. It is at least two miles from the main road.,他的农庄在偏僻的地方,离开大路至少有两英里。,2) dive into,He,dived into,the history of China,The boy,dived,into,the river from the bridge,He,dived,into,his pockets and fished out one dollar,跳水(头朝下); 迅速把手伸入;,(对活动, 问题等) 全心投入,潜心研究,He _ his career and made a great,contribution to our country.,A. dived himself into,B. devoted himself to,C. dived into D. devoted to,B,注意:,dive into 作 “潜心于” 讲时和devote,oneself to sth. 的意思一样, 但devote oneself to,sth. 还有“投身于; 把自己奉献给” 的意思。,3) every / each time,意为“每次; 每当”,此短语在句子中经常作连接词, 引导时间,状语从句做连词的名词, 引导时间状语从句。,能用做连词的名词短语还有:,the first time,第一次,last time,上次,next time,下次,the instant / moment / minute /,second ,一 就,第一次看见金门大桥, 我就深深爱上了它。,I loved Golden Gate Bridge the first time I saw it.,上次见他的时候我告诉他我想和他合作。,I told him that I wanted to team up with,him last time I met him.,我一回家, 就开始下雨了。,The moment I got home that it began to rain.,下次我雇用厨师的时候, 我会打 给你。,I will ring you up next time I hire a cook.,_ I see him, the old man is sitting,in the same chair.,A. Every time,B. Every time when,C. At each time,D. Each time that,A,4) follow sth. up 追究到底;(乘势)贯彻到底,e.g. Thats an interesting idea, and well,certainly follow it up.,2. Bell never set out to invent the telephone,and what he was trying to design was a,multiple telegraph.,贝尔从未打算发明 而是试图设计一 种复式电报。,set out (to do sth.),开始(做某事),着手干; 为某个目标而努力,They are,setting out,to do a new experiment.,他们正在着手干一项新的试验。,set out to do sth. = set about doing sth.,set out for = set off for = leave for,意为“出发到去”,Lets,set out,before dark.,我们天黑前动身吧。,Tomorrow Ill,set out,for Beijing.,明天我将出发去北京。,1. At dawn, they set _ to get ready for the work of the day.,A. off B. about,C. out D. in,2. They set _ at about 8 oclock.,A. about to work B. about to working,C. about working D. out work,3. They _ the mountain at noon.,A. set off to B. set out to,C. set out for D. set off in,3. This original telegraph sent a message over distance using Morse code (a series of,dots tapped,out along a wire in a particular order).,这种原始的电报是在一段距离中用莫尔斯电码传递信息(莫尔斯电码是通过电线发出的以特定的次序敲击出的一串点)。,dot n. 点;小圆点,The train arrived on the dot of three,oclock.,那辆火车三点钟准时到达。,on the dot,准时,按时,vt. 打点于,使点缀于,星罗棋布于,The lake was dotted with little boats.,湖面上布满了小船。,tap,n. 轻轻地敲击;水龙头,He cleaned his hands in the cold water,from the tap.,他用自来水龙头流出的凉水把手洗净。,v. 轻打;轻敲;轻拍,That girl tapped her fingers on the desk,impatiently.,那个女孩不耐烦地用手指轻扣桌面。,4. Suddenly he had,a flash of inspiration,.,突然间, 他灵光闪现。,a flash of inspiration,指“灵感的闪现”,inspiration,n.,U灵感, 启发;,C妙想,好主意,鼓舞或激励的人或事物,These events provided the,inspiration,for,her first book. 这些事是她第一本书的灵感来源。,v.,inspire,激励; 鼓励,adj.,inspired,(人作品)得到灵感的;有灵感的,adj.,inspiring,鼓励人心的; 激励的,5. If sound wave could be,reproduced,in a moving,electrical,current, they could be sent along a wire.,如果声波能够在移动的电流中复制, 它们就能够被,沿电线传送。,1) reproduce,vt.,复制; 再现的形象或声音,The tape recorder,reproduced,the symphony.,录音机可使这交响曲重现。,2) current,n.,气流; 水流, 洋流; 电流;,(事件、舆论等的)动向,趋势;潮流,adj.,时下的, 当今的, 流行的, 通用的,the current of public opinion 舆论的动向,Most of the old are interested in _,大部分老年人都对时事感兴趣。,They are expecting profits of over $2 million in,_.,他们期望今年的利润超过二百万美元。,The word is no longer _.,这个词已不再使用。,current events, the current year,in current use,current,events,the,current,year,in current use,It is/was not until that . 这是强调not,until 引导的时间状语从句句型。,It,was,not until,he finished his homework,that,he went to bed.,6. The patent was given in 1876, but it was,not until five days later that Bell sent the,first telephone message to his assistant,Watson.,这项专利是1876年发布的, 但是贝尔是在5,天之后才跟他的助手华生通了第一次 。,1) It wasnt until nearly a month later _,I received the managers reply.,A. since B. unless C. as D. that,2) -Did Jack come back early last night?,-Yes, it was not yet eight oclock _,he arrived home.,A. before B. when C. that D. that,高考链接,D,B,7.,Being very stable, it has proved,invaluable in the design of bridges.,(四面体)十分稳定牢固, 在桥梁设计,领域的价值难以估量。,Being very stable,是Because it is very,stable的省略句, 它在句中作原因状语。,stable:,1. The patients condition is,stable,.,2. The ladder doesnt seem very,stable,.,3.a,stable,relationship,4. We need a,stable,government.,牢固的; 稳定的; 安定的,(人、性格)可靠的,可信赖的,稳重的,stability,n. 稳定; 安定;坚定;稳定性;,(意志的)坚定;稳定;,stabilize,vt. 使安定/稳定,8. Although he is most often associated with the invention of the telephone, he was indeed a continuing searcher after practical solutions to improve the quality of everybodys life.,虽然人们常把他和发明 联系起来,但是他的确是一名永不停息的探索家,不断寻求着改善人们生活质量的途径。,associate with 把 和联系起来;和来往,In our minds the Spring Festival is associated with happy family reunions.,在我们心中,春节是和愉快的家庭团聚联系在一起的。,Her parents didnt like her associating with net friends.,她的父母不喜欢她和网友来往。,I didnt want to be,associated,with it at all. 我根本不想与这事有牵连。,associate,n. C 伙伴;同事;朋友;合伙人,He is one of my associates at the store. 他是我店里的一位同事。,association n. 协会,工会;联想;交往,2) indeed,ad.,(加强语气) 真正地, 确实, 实在,A friend in need is a friend,indeed,.,(表示让步)诚然, 固然,He is,indeed,young, but he is competent.,3) practical,实际的; 实践的; 实用的,I want some,practical,advice.,我想要些实际性的建议。,It wouldnt be,practical,for us to go all,that way just for the weekend.,我们跑那么远只为了去度个周末实在,很不切实际。,The dictionary is very,practical,.,这本词典非常实用。,1. Everyone in the class hoped that he _ after,a few days treatment.,A. picked up B. took up C. gave up D. made up 5.,2. Kathy _ a lot of Spanish by playing with the,native boys and girls.,A. picked up B. took up C. gave up D. made up,3. Is this the bike which you wish to have _?,A. repaired it B. repairing C. repair D. repaired,4. _ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front,of him.,A. Losing B. To lose C. Lost D. Having lost,A,A,D,C,单项选择,5.-Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella.,-_.,A. Yes, take it easy B. Well ,it just depends,C. OK, just in case D. All right, youre welcome,6.While he was investigating ways to improve the,telescope, Newton made _discovery which,completely changed _mans understanding of color., / ,the C. / ,the ,a,7.The picture of the park _ memories of our,classs trip last year, when Mr. Smith began to take,charge of our class.,A. called up B. reminded,C. looked back on D. turned up,C,A,A,8. With _ leaves _ in the earth every year,the soil becomes richer and richer.,A. falling; burying B. fallen; buried,C. fallen; burying D. falling; buried,9. John rushed out in a hurry, _ the door _.,A. leaving; unlocked B. leaving; unlocking,C. left; unlocking D. to leave; unlocking,10. The girl _ forward to buying a new gold,watch.,A. referred to look B. referred to looking,C. referred to looks D. referring to look,B,A,C,1. Go over the language points of the unit.,2. Finish all the exercises in workbook.,3. Write a short passage about,an invention.,Homework,


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