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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,1,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,1、四级,l)词汇:4200单词(复用式掌握2500)1600短语;42001800(中学)2400(大学)。,2)语法:固定结构和搭配,2,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,1、四级,3)阅读:300词篇幅;70词/分;生词不超过总词数3;快速阅读100词/分。,4)听力:130-150词/分;简短会话、谈话、报道或讲座。,3,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,1、四级,5)说话:语音语调;简短发言。,6)写作:120-150词的短文;日常应用文(如信函、简历)。,7)翻译:英译汉,300词/时;汉译英,250字/时。,4,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,2、六级,1)词汇:5500词(复用式掌握3000)1900短语(含4级短语);55004200(4级)1300(56级)。,5,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,2、六级,2)阅读:350词篇幅;70词/分;生词不超过总词数3;快速阅读120词/分。,6,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,2、六级,3)听力: 分析、判断和推理;150170词/分;较长的会话、谈话、报道和讲座。,7,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,2、六级,4)说话:语音语调;简短的交谈、讨论和发言。,8,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,2、六级,5)写作:150180词的短文;日常应用文(如信函、简历)。,9,一、英语四六级考试大纲简介,2、六级,6)翻译:英译汉,350词/时;英译汉,300字/时。,10,二、考前准备,1整理为主,专攻为辅:在考试只剩几十天时间里面,考生应把精力主要放在整理之前所做过的练习,总结自己的错误和弱点,并采取相应的解决措施。,11,二、考前准备,2自信先行,寓学于乐:自信心理的调整是极其重要的,考生应学会进行积极有效的自我心理暗示,要知道,四六级只不过是你们通往考研或是其它更高目标的第一步而已。,12,二、考前准备,此外,在最后的这些天,大家可以放松心情,看看原声电影或是收听英语节目,这样既可以避免考前厌倦或疲惫,又可以调整应试状态。,13,2009年12月大学英语四级考试考前辅导,14,CET-4题型介绍:,1.作文分数占总分的15%,也就是106.5分,在这部分你要达到63.9分为及格。答题时间为30分钟。,15,CET-4题型介绍:,2.快速阅读占总分的10%,即71分,在这部分你要达到42.6分为及格分。题号为1-10题,答题时间为15分钟。,16,CET-4题型介绍:,3.听力部分占总分的35%,即248.5分,在这部分的及格分为149.1分。题号为11-35题,答题时间为35分钟,17,CET-4题型介绍:,4.是一篇篇章词汇理解和两篇传统的阅读理解,占总分的25%,总分数为177.5分。在这部分你要达到106.5分为及格分。题号为36-66。答题时间为25分钟。,18,5.是完形填空(极大可能考这个),占总分的10%,即71分,在这部分你要达到42.6分及格。题号67-86,答题时间为15分钟。,CET-4题型介绍:,19,6.翻译,汉译英并且需译部分只是一般的短句翻译。占总分的5%,即35.5分,在这部分你要达到21.3分为及格,题号为87-91,答题时间是15分钟。,CET-4题型介绍:,20,四级考试答题时间共125分钟,顺序是:写作、快速阅读、听力、仔细阅读、完型填空和汉译英。,CET-4考试流程介绍:,21,考生首先在答题卡1上完成写作部分。30分钟后,监考员发试题册,考生在接着的15分钟内完成快速阅读理解部分的试题。然后,监考员收回答题卡1。考生在答题卡2上完成其余部分的试题。,CET-4考试流程介绍:,22,在答题过程中,考生必须在答题卡上作答,在试题册上作答无效。所有选择性试题务必用2B浓度的铅笔划线作答;所有非选择性试题(即写作、填空等)务必用黑色字迹签字笔作答。,CET-4考试流程介绍:,23,CET-4考场时间安排,考试时间9:0011:30,8:509:00,收音机调试,发答题卡,9:009:30,作文(30min,),24,9:30,发试题册,9:309:45,快速阅读(15min),CET-4考场时间安排,25,9:4510:00,收答题卡一,最后的调试试音,准备听力(预览选项),CET-4考场时间安排,26,10:0010:35,听力(35min),注:题目前没有指令,CET-4考场时间安排,27,10:3511:25,仔细阅读 选词填空,完型填空或改错(二选 一)(15min),收试题册,CET-4考场时间安排,28,11:25,翻译(5min),11:30,全体起立,收答题卡二,CET-4考场时间安排,29,总体应对策略:,一、,.同学们最担心的是听力选项的预览时间,从上面可以看出,在9:4510:00之间收答题卡一和最后试音时间时可以预览听力部分的选项,建议考生要充分利用这段时间扫描passage部分的选项,弄清三篇文章的主题,至于短对话第一题的四个选项在播音前6秒看还来得及。,30,总体应对策略:,二、,注意听力测试三个section前没有指令,直接播放题目,考生听时需要集中注意力,不要错过重要的信息点。,31,总体应对策略:,三、,注意作文和快速阅读后要收答题卡一,然后才能开始做后面的试题。平常练习时应注意每部分时间的控制,在规定的时间内完成规定的项目,不要跨区做题,这样才能适应四级的考场要求。,32,总体应对策略:,四、,注意写作文的时候,没有试题册。,33,总体应对策略:,五、,做翻译题时,试题册已经收上去。,34,结语:,大学英语四级考试,题型多样,题量大时间紧,但考生只要在考场上合理有效的利用好时间,在考试结束时,能顺利答完所有的题目,一定会取得满意的成绩。,35,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,Part Writing(30 minutes),Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:,Aid Education in China.,You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese below:,36,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,1. 每年,高校许多大学生受到鼓舞去贫困地区支教。,2. 支教活动的意义。,3. 我的看法。,提示:在实考试卷中,该试题在答题卡1上。,Aid-Education in China,37,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,大学英语四级题型考试第一部分是写作,写作写得如何会直接影响以后的做题。短文写得得心应手,对后面的答题可起到事半功倍的作用,否则就有可能功亏一篑。,38,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,四级写作的体裁包括说明文、议论文和应用文。写作的素材或要求可以是中文、英文和图表。写作字数在120字以上,写作的时间为30分钟,但你应留少量时间作最后的检查。,39,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,写作既考查你的思考判断能力,也考查你的表达能力。因此,你应对一些校园、社会新闻和常识有一定的认识和见解,并能够有层次地、结构完整地在文章中清楚表达你的观点。,40,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,一、文章的基本结构,文章是由段落构成,而段落的基本结构是由主题句、支撑句和结尾句所构成,大学英语四级写作通常采用三段论模式,即:开头段(introduction)、主体段(body paragraph)和结尾段(conclusion)。,41,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(一)开头段,对于大学英语四级的写作考题来说,限于篇幅,其开头段一般都不长。然而,这寥寥几句话却占有十分重要的地位,它表达的是整篇文章的主题思想。,42,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(一)开头段,在议论文中,我们称之为中心论点,它起到驾驭全文的作用。一个意义清晰、明确的开头段,将有助于读者理解全文;一个精彩、新颖的开头段还能激起读者的阅读欲望。,43,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(二)主体段,主体段的写作方法是多种多样的,而不同的方法会产生不同的效果,不同的方法需用不同的组织形式。因此,在动笔之前,必须先选择好所采用的方法,然后根据自己所选的方法确定相应的结构形式,才能把文章写好。,44,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(三)结尾段,开头和结尾往往是读者注意最多的部分。开头引起读者注意,提出主题;结尾与开头呼应,使读者感觉全文论述完整,圆满结束。,45,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(三)结尾段,从某种意义上来说,结尾更容易给读者留下深刻印象。人们常把好的文章结尾称作是“画龙点睛”,可见结尾部分对整篇文章所起的作用。,46,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,二、写作实例分析,(一)说明文(1),说明文一般用于解释和分析社会现象或社会问题。要求考生对某种社会现象产生的原因及其可能造成的种种影响或应采取的措施进行分析和说明。,47,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,此类文章的基本结构如下:,Paragraph 1 phenomenon (现象),Paragraph 2 reasons (effects)(原因或危害),Paragraph 3 suggestions or solutions (措施),48,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,Drug abuse among young people has become more and more prevalent over recent years. (主题句)Statistics show that the number of youth drug users almost doubles in the past three years.(数据支撑) It is vital to analyze why drugs are so attractive to young people and what can be done to combat it.(结论),49,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,Firstly, teenagers are under increasing pressure - this may be peer pressure or pressure to succeed .For example, drug use may help them escape reality, forget their problems, or simply feel more accepted by their friends.(原因1),50,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,In addition, through the media we are exposed to information that glamorizes drug use and makes it look attractive, particularly to young people.(原因2) Furthermore, teenagers are usually naturally curious about drugs, and drug dealers can take advantage of this curiosity for their own profit.(原因3),51,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,High fines and prison sentences should also be imposed on drug dealers and users. (措施1) However, it is my own personal view that prevention is better than cure and so a good education programmed about the dangers of drug abuse is one of the most important steps any government should take. (措施2),52,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(二)说明文(2),比较性说明文用于比较两种或几种类似的事物,要求考生通过比较它们各自的优点或缺点,说明自己的看法,并加以论证。,53,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,这种文章的基本结构如下:,Paragraph 1 phenomenon(现象),Paragraph 2 advantages (优点),Paragraph 3 disadvantages (缺点),Paragraph 4 comments(结论),54,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,A mobile phone is getting increasingly popular.(主题句) Statistics show that eight out of ten college students have got one.(数据支撑) However, as is the case with many issues, a mobile phone has both positive and negative aspects. (承上启下),55,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,On the positive side, a mobile phone allows calls to be made instantly from almost any location. This can be vital where emergency services need to be called to the scene of a crime, accident or fire, where no public telephone is nearby. (优点1),56,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,Meanwhile, a mobile phone can serve as a connection to the Internet, which can be extremely convenient for obtaining information wherever you may be. (优点2),57,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,The fact that a mobile phone allows a person to be contacted at any time can in itself be a disadvantage. For instance, an employee may, via the mobile phone, be constantly available to his employer and feels that he never leaves work. This may cause distress. (缺点1),58,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,Another disadvantage is the perceived health risks associated with its use. Some people believe that using mobile phones for long periods can damage the brain. (缺点2),59,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,There is no denying that a mobile phone has both benefits and drawbacks but on balance perhaps the advantages of a mobile phone outweigh its disadvantages since a mobile has become an integral part of modern life. (结论),60,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(三)说明文(3),图表写作也属于说明文的类型,这种文章通常结构是:,Paragraph 1change(变化),Paragraph 2 reasons or implication(原因或意义),Paragraph 3 conclusion (effects; implication)(结论),61,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(三)说明文(3),The period 19952005 witnessed a rapid increase in the number of people in City X traveling abroad. As can be seen, in 1995, only about 10,000 people in this city went overseas while in 1995 this number quickly rose to 40,000. In 2005, however the number of overseas traveler surged to over 120,000, which is more than 10 times as many as that of 1995. (变化),62,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(三)说明文(3),This change can be accounted for by a couple of factors. First, along with social and economy progress, the living standard of the Chinese people has been greatly enhanced, so they have enough money and time to travel abroad. Meanwhile, more and more people want to enjoy themselves and broaden their vision by visiting overseas historical places and experiencing exotic cultures. (原因),63,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(三)说明文(3),Overseas travel has a profound effect on both individuals and the society. It can widen our peoples horizons, promote friendship and enhance cultural interaction. In the meantime, it can also boost our social economy and make our society more prosperous and dynamic. Its good for our nations progress. (结论),64,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(四)议论文(1),议论文的第一种形式是要求考生针对某一有争议性的两种观点,来阐述自己的立场,或对这一问题反映出的某一观点进行驳斥,然后提出自己的看法并加以论证。它的基本形式是:一些人认为;另一些人认为;我的看法。这种文章的基本结构如下:,65,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(四)议论文(1),Paragraph 1 Introduction(启),Paragraph 2 Analysis(承),Paragraph 3 Conclusion(转合),66,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(四)议论文(1),例如:,1.一些人认为数据库威胁个人隐私,2.另一些人认为数据库有利于提高工作效率,3.我的看法,67,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,My view on Data Collection,Data collection is a fact of modern life. Some argue that data collection is endangering the rights of individuals, though others see it as a useful tool which increases efficiency. (启)To be frank, I believe data collection does more good than harm. (作者观点),68,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,My view on Data Collection,For one thing, databases provide a very useful tool. Large databases which contain information on many individuals can enable more effective decisions to be made. Institutions such as government departments and police rely on data collection in order to operate efficiently, and hospitals use computerized records to help in their fight against disease. (承1),69,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,My view on Data Collection,For another, databases stored on computer can also be very efficient. Data which has been collected in one area can be sent anywhere in the world almost instantly. This means that those who have legitimate access to this data can work very efficiently. (承2),70,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,My view on Data Collection,In summary, data collection on individuals can be justified, although all possible measures should be taken to minimize the risks. (转合),71,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(五)议论文(2),议论文的第二种形式是要求考生针对某一有争议性的观点,表明自己的观点(同意或是不同意),并提出相应的论证。如:,72,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(五)议论文(2),Direction: It is very important that children should study hard at school. Time spent playing sport is time wasted. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.,73,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(五)议论文(2),We could argue that children go to school to study so that they may become fully productive adults and good citizens. We should ask whether playing sport helps children to become better people. If so, sport is not a waste of time. (启),74,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(五)议论文(2),It is generally believed that students need more than the knowledge of a subject. They need to know how to work in groups to achieve a mutual goal, how to work as a team. Where better to learn those skills than on the sports field? Any of the team sports involve coordination with other players, understanding and adopting a team mentality. These skills are too useful to be ignored. (承1),75,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(五)议论文(2),Moreover, it is important that people be healthy, and good health is not so easily achieved in a sedentary society. Sport gets students outside and gives them good reason to run about, thus countering hours spent sitting still. (承2),76,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(五)议论文(2),So although school studies are undeniably important, we should regard time spent playing sport as time well spent. (转合),77,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,(六)应用文,应用文是大学英语四级写作考试的一个重要组成部分,形式包括书信、启事、通知、演讲等。应用文较之一般说明文和议论文,与生活、社会联系更紧密,格式、行文习惯更有规矩。无论使用哪种应用文,都必须按其各自规范化的约定俗成的格式来写,不能随意杜撰。以往四级写作考过的应用文有抱怨信、建议信、问候信、见证书、导游介绍、竞选学生会主席演讲稿和招募志愿者启事等。,78,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,书信格式:,英语书信,在形式上可分为下面六个部分:,1. 信头 (The Heading):包括发信人地址和写信日期。,2. 收信人 (Inside Address):包括收信人姓名、地址。,3. 称谓 (The Salutation or Greeting):如Dear Sir/Madam。称呼后一般加逗号。,79,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,书信格式:,英语书信,在形式上可分为下面六个部分:,4. 正文 (The Body):信的主要部分,包括写信人所要表达叙述的事情。,5. 结束语 (The Complimentary Close)如Yours sincerely/truly/faithfully等。,6. 签名 (The Signature)。,80,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,英语四级书信写作只需写正文即可。下面是一份申请转专业的信。,A Letter of Application,1. 我是大二学生(sophomore),现申请从自动化系转到商务管理系,2. 申请的主要原因,3. 对转系带来的麻烦表示歉意,并希望有关领导能同意我的申请,81,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,Dear Sir/Madam,(试卷上此称谓已有,考生不用再写),I am a sophomore with major in Automation. Though I have made a great progress during my first year academic training, I find that I am more interested in Business Administration. Now I am writing to you to formally request to switch to this area of study. (写信目的),82,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,The main reason for my decision is that the major I am studying in is my parents choice. They insisted that I should study what they had learned before but after a years study I have come to realize this is not the career I want to pursue in my future life. Besides, I have attended business classes as my optional course and achieved a good success, which further confirms my decision.(理由),83,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,I am sorry for any inconvenience or trouble that might have been caused by this change. The decision is not made lightly. I do appreciate your kind consideration and sincerely hope you will grant me the shift to the new department.(结尾),84,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,四级考试曾考过的4篇应用文,Volunteers Needed,1.校学生会将组织一次暑假志愿者活动,现招募志愿者,2.本次志愿者活动的目的、内容、安排等,3.报名条件及联系方式,85,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,四级考试曾考过的4篇应用文,竞选学生会主席演讲稿,A Campaign Speech,1. 你认为自己具备什么条件(能力、性格、爱好)可以胜任学生会主席工作。,2. 如果当选,你将会为本校同学做什么?,86,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,四级考试曾考过的4篇应用文,(导游介绍),A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction,1.Your role: a tour guide,2.Your audience: a group of foreign tourists,3.Your introduction should include: some welcoming words; the schedule for the day; a description of the place the tourists will be visiting (e.g. a scenic spot or a historical site, etc.),You should make the introduction interesting and the arrangements for the day clear to everybody.,87,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,四级考试曾考过的4篇应用文,(交通事故见证书),An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident,1. 车祸发生的时间及地点,2. 你所见到的车祸情况,3. 你对车祸原因的分析,88,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,三、文章写作步骤,(一)看清题目,大学英语四级写作可分为两类,第一类题目需要以讨论形式作答,你需要讲出正反两方的论点和你自己的立场。你可设想这是一场辩论比赛,但你要为两方发言。你要写出足够的证据支持你的论点和反驳对立的论点。 第二类题目需要以报告形式作答。你需要根据题目描述某现象和发掘此现象产生的原因、对个人和社会带来的影响并提出解决问题的方法。虽然你并不需要支持正/反一方的论点,但你应在真实的处境上提出真实的证据。,89,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,三、文章写作步骤,(二)思考答案,当你计划你的答案时,你应能想到2个或以上的主意支持你的论点。你可在一张纸上写下你脑中浮现的文字和主意。你先不用理会写下的是否有用,当你写好后可将题目也写在纸上,然后在围绕题目的地方将所写下的文字分门别类。在这一阶段,你可删除无用的文字或句子。在第一类问题上,你应至少想到2个或2个以上的支持论据,而在第二类问题上,你也应至少想到2个或以上可供讨论的话题,但无论是回答哪一类问题,你不应该写超过4个论据或话题,否则,由于字数的限制,你的文章会变得太空泛。,90,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,三、文章写作步骤,(三)组织答案,你或许没有时间完整地写出你的计划,但你必须在心里组织和安排好你的答案。你需认清题目的要求和找出题目中想问的问题。开头段要用来表达文章的大意,如果写的是一篇议论文,笔者的观点可以在这里表达出来。主体段通常包含2个或2个以上论据并有较充分的展开,主体是文章的核心,是成败的关键。结论是全文的归纳和总结。,91,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,三、文章写作步骤,(四)撰写答案,在一篇120字以上的文章中,介绍和结尾段各占15%,主题段占70%。切记写作尽量少犯语法错误,观点要鲜明,层次要清晰。 当计划好后,你便可以开始作答。,92,四级题型应对:高分写作策略,三、文章写作步骤,(五)检查答案,检查答案是写作的最后一道防线,许多错误,尤其是语法错误,可以在此得以纠正,这也是写作得高分不可缺少的一个重要过程。在写作考试时,学生至少要留出2到3分钟检查自己写作的内容。,93,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes),Directions:In this part,you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.,94,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,For questions 1-7,mark Y(for YES)if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;,N(for NO)if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;,NG(for NOT GIVEN)if the information is not given in the passage.,For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with information given in the passage.,95,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,Part Listening Comprehension(35 minutes),Section A,Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.,96,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,Section B,Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D) .Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.,97,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,Section C,Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.For these blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in you own words.Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written.,98,四级听力高分攻略,命题思路、考点类型及相关的应试技巧Short Conversations主要包括对在不同场景中对话双方的询问、建议、补充、陈述、判断、计算、否定回答及虚拟情况等进行提问,要求考生能够首先抓住关键词,尽量理解对话的大意,并结合对不同语调和语气的把握,做出准确的选择。,99,四级听力高分攻略,在解答这种题目时,各位一定要注意“三”管齐下,即:听前pre-reading(预读)+听中keywords(关键词)+听后guessing(有根据的判断或推测)。,100,四级听力高分攻略,在预读题目各选项时,考生应包括以下两个步骤:,其一,找到重复或者相似的单词大概判断出对话的场景,,其二,找到和正常的逻辑有一些不同的选项;,101,四级听力高分攻略,在听力的具体过程中,要留意下述命题规律,即听的最清楚的往往不是答案,但是已经离答案不远了,因为两者常以同义或近义替换的形式出现;同时,考生应参照对选项预测的结果,有的放矢地做简单的记录,来辅助自己的短期记忆;另外,大家应该着重听懂对话的第二句话,因为有相当一部分的短对话是按照question和answer的结构来设计的,主要的考点会出现在回答句当中。,102,四级听力高分攻略,在听力的具体过程中,要留意下述命题规律,即听的最清楚的往往不是答案,但是已经离答案不远了,因为两者常以同义或近义替换的形式出现;同时,考生应参照对选项预测的结果,有的放矢地做简单的记录,来辅助自己的短期记忆;另外,大家应该着重听懂对话的第二句话,因为有相当一部分的短对话是按照question和answer的结构来设计的,主要的考点会出现在回答句当中。,103,四级听力高分攻略,另外,我认为考生在听到长对话的回答部分一定要尽量抓住第一个观点或第一个分句,因为说话人通常会直陈其观点或意见,其后较啰嗦、冗长的部分通常是补充或说明,所以大家要努力抓住提纲挈领之语。如果考生现有的这种材料较少,可参考中级口译或雅思听力中的相似题型加以演练,相信能够颇有收获。,104,四级听力高分攻略,Passages是四、六级考试的常规题型,广大考生对此也相对熟悉。,首先,还是要尽量在听前通过选项来预测文章的主题,,其次,在听中注意对标志词后内容的把握,譬如now/next/the first thing is./finally/to start with/however/on the contrary/the most important/we may safely draw the conclusion that/that is to say./because/represent.等等,因为通常这些词后面都是重要的观点,也正是命题者最喜欢出题的地方。,105,四级听力高分攻略,最后,我将自己的几点心得归纳如下:,-略读所有的选项,并对即将听到的内容和可能提出的问题,做粗略的推断。,-速读选项的时候要特别注意有无数字、年份、地点、人名,听时要特别注意这些细节。,-如遇到生词,暂不要花时间去猜测词义,以免影响对整个材料的理解。,-听清主题句,并对其做简单的记录。,106,四级听力高分攻略,Compound Dictation是听力考试部分最后一只拦路虎,因为考生在花费45分钟完成作文和快速阅读部分再加上将近20分钟的听力轰炸之后,才接触到该题目,届时应该多多少少“身心疲惫”了,所以希望大家能够坚持到最后,集中精力,不放弃一点得分的机会。,107,四级听力高分攻略,首先,听前通读全文估计来不及,但考生至少应发现哪一部分出题比较密集。,其次,在听的时候遵照“三步走”来答题,即第一遍理解全文,做简单笔记;第二遍认真填写;第三遍检查、填补。,最后,在听后再一次确认校对并将答案誊写到答题纸上,我不建议大家直接在答题纸上写答案。,108,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,Part Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(25 minutes),Section A,Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one,word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read,the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.,109,College English Model Test Paper Band Four,Section B,Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C) and D) .You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.,110,如何高效浏览文章,在文章的浏览(即略读,skimming)过程中,对文中信息重要性的判断可以帮助读者快速有效地了解段落的大意。在浏览过程中,读者可以通过寻找“信号词”来区分重要信息和非重要信息。以下列出的是阅读过程中常见的几类“信号词”。,111,如何高效浏览文章,1.以下词组提示下文所涉及的重要信息:,The main / important point / conclusion / reason.,The point to note here,112,如何高效浏览文章,2.以下词组提示了下文的结构框架:,There are three major reason


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