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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second Level,Third Level,Fourth Level,Fifth Level,BUYER BEHAVIOR,Buyer Behavior Topics,Why Study Buyer Behavior,Types of Buyers,The Consumer Buying Process,Types of Consumer Decision Making,Social and Situational Influences,Internal Influences: Attitudes,Business vs. Consumer Markets,Types of Business Decisions,The Buying Center,By studying consumer behavior can answer,Who buys our product?,What do they buy?,Why do they buy?,How do they buy?,When? Where? How often?,Types of Buyers,Organizational buyers:,Consumers:,Scale,Models,Organizational Buyers,Consumers,John Deere,Consumer Decision Process,Need Recognition,Information Search,Alternative Evaluation,Purchase Decision,Post Purchase Evaluation,Need Recognition,Information Search,Internal Sources,Group Sources,Marketing Sources,Public Sources,Experimental Sources,Alternative Evaluation,Consideration Set: Tercel & Used Cavalier,Purchase Stage,Influenced through point-of-purchase (POP) and sales force,Post Purchase Evaluation,Did the product and purchase experience meet or exceed expectations?,May experience cognitive dissonance,Types of Consumer Decision Behavior,Level of Involvement,Social Influences: Secondary Reference Groups,Membership,-,Aspiration,-,Disassociative,-,Social Influences: Social Class,Situational Influences,Physical Surroundings: easily observable features of purchase situation,Social Surroundings: other people, their characteristics,Time:,Nature of Task:,Momentary Conditions:,Internal Influences: Attitudes,Enduring positive or negative responses to people products, or information,Learned,Have an object,Have direction and intensity,Are stable and generalizable,Components of Attitudes,Attributes/Evaluative Criteria,-objective & subjective attributes consumers use to compare different products,Attribute Importance,-,Beliefs,- a consumers subjective perceptions of how well a product or brand performs on different attributes-,Ways Marketers Can Change Attitudes,Change beliefs-easiest strategy!,Change attribute importance,Add new attributes,Categories of organizational buyers,Business vs. Consumer Markets,Fewer buyers,Larger buyers,Close supplier-customer relationship,Geographically concentrated,Derived demand,Inelastic demand,Fluctuating demand,Business vs. Consumer Markets,Professional purchasing,Several buying influences,Multiple sales calls,Direct purchasing,Reciprocity,Leasing,Types of Buying Situations,Whos Who in the Buying Center,Initiators: people who first suggest a need for the product,Users: actually use the goods,Influencers: provide information,Gatekeepers manage the flow of info,Deciders: have power to select supplier,Buyers: have authority & responsibility to select & approve supplier,Consumer Decision Process,


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