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课时,5 Writing,牛津沪教版七年级下,Unit 3 Our animal friends,本单元的话题为“描述人与动物之间的故事”。通过描述人与动物之间的一个故事来表明动物的聪明、友好等,从而启发人们更好地保护动物。,牛津沪教版七年级下,pet, take, helpful, clever, friendly, anywhere, finally,nothing, lead, arrive, become,单 词:,go to the park, go on holiday, with ones help,take care of/ look after, fall asleep, wake up,by oneself,短 语:,1. Last week/ month/ year went to the park/ mountains/,2. He found a,3. The dog was very clever/ cute/ friendly.,4. They think it is an important member in their family.,句 型:,常用衔接词:,then, and, but,请根据下面内容,以,A clever dog,为题写一则小故事。要求:,60,词左右;语言表达准确,语义连贯,可适当发挥。,故事梗概,:,一天,汤姆去公园发现了一只小狗,它受伤,(get hurt),了,汤姆把它带回家悉心照料,小狗变强壮了。它,帮助汤,姆看家,拿报纸,并且可以照顾他的,小孩。,A clever,dog,_,1.,体裁,:记叙文,2.,人称,:第三人称,3.,时态,:一般过去时,【,审题指导,】,【,思路构建,】,A,clever dog,The beginning of the story One day, Tom went to the park, and he found a little dog.,The development of the story Tom took good care of it. The dog could help Tom. It could also.,The end of the story All the people love the dog. They think its an important member in their family.,A clever,dog,One day, Tom went to the park, and he found a little dog. It got hurt. Then Tom took it home and took good care of it,. With,Toms help, the little dog became strong. It liked playing with Tom. The dog could help Tom watch their door and,bring newspapers,to him. It could also take care of,Toms,【,范文赏析,】,little baby. Now all the people in Toms family love the dog very much. They think it is an important member in their family.,点评:文章描述了故事发生的时间、地点、人物和动物。重点描写了故事中的主要角色,最后点明小狗在主人一家中的重要地位。词汇,find, take care of, with ones help, important,的运用,给文章添色不少。,假设你是动物园的工作人员,今天你需要带几位外国游客参观一只名叫,Cute,的狮子。请根据以下表格的信息,写一篇英语导游词,向游客们介绍,Cute,,可适当发挥。词数,70,以上。,Cute,年龄,3,岁。,尽管还小,但他能够自己觅食;非常喜欢吃肉。,他每天需要约,20,小时的睡眠;经常一趴下就睡着;饿了就会醒来。,他很友好、漂亮、聪明。,在工作人员的帮助下,他的寿命可超过,30,年。,他经常在阳光下玩球,而且玩得很开心。,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Hi, everyone! Here you can see a lion. His name is Cute. He is three years old. Though hes still young, he is able to find food by himself. He likes eating meat very much. He needs to sleep about 20 hours a day. He often falls asleep as soon as he gets down. And he wakes up when he feels hungry. He is very friendly, beautiful and smart. With the workers help, he can live to be over 30 years! He often,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,plays with balls and enjoys himself in the sun.,


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