人教新目标英语八年级下Unit1 Will people have robots课件13阅读课

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人教新目标英语八年级下Unit1 Will people have robots课件13阅读课_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Reading on Page 8,Circle what the robot can do,drink coffee,housework,play the piano,water the flower,dancing,get married,swim,show you the road,eat fruit,clean the cars,Do you think,you will have,your own,robots?,housework cars,years ago,bored,will was,koalas buildings less work,swimming,possible,America,doctor,piano backpack,Answer the following questions:,What are robots like?,What kind of jobs can robots do?,Read paragraph 1.,1. science fiction movies,科幻电影,3.,How soon,will,the robots come out to do the things like human?,4. What can the robots in Japan do?,Can these robots work for us?,Read Paragraph 2,3. hundreds of,几百,hundreds of books,我校图书馆收藏着几百本书。,There are hundreds of books in our,school library.,=There are _ _,hundred books,in our school library.,a few,4. It + will be + 形容词+ for sb. +to do sth.,is,对某人来说做.是.,was,5.,How soon,will robots talk to people ?,Read Paragraph 3,5. wake up sb.,叫醒某人,不要叫醒我。,Dont wake me up.,6. be able to +原形,(可以用各种时态),=can + 原形,(只用在过去时,和一般现在时),用be able to can 填空:,I dont think you _live to be 100.,2. When I was five, I _swim.,will be able to,could,was able to,6. Do you believe robots?,Can you give some robots shapes?,Read Paragraph 4,5,7. There be sb. + doing sth.,有某人正在做,那时侯有四个人正在睡觉。,There were,four persons,sleeping,at that time.,有个妇女正在清理垃圾。,There is woman taking out the trash.,8. over and over,三翻四次, 反反复复,不断,婴儿喜欢反复说同一句话。,Babies like saying the same words,over and over.,9. get bored=be bored=feel bored,*,10. Sb. seem,形容词,名词,to do sth.,+,他看来似乎病得很严重。,He,seems/seemed,very ill/ill badly.,=He,seems/seemed,to be very ill/to be ill badly.,看来那件事是没可能的。,That thing seems/seemed impossible.,=That thing seems/seemed _ _ _.,某人看来似乎,to be impossible.,Survey,What things can robots do? Are they useful?,Finish the form and give them the ratings.,Robots can.,Useful,rating,help with the housework,3,Can you finish the passage?,In some _ fiction movies, People in the future,have their _robots. These robots are just like _.,They help with the _and do the most,_ jobs.,Some _believe that there _ _such,robots in the future. However, they _it may take,_ of years. Scientists are now _ to make,robots look like people and do the same things _us.,_ _ have already made robots walk,and _. This kind of robot will also _fun,_ _.,science,own,humans,housework,unpleasant,scientists,will be,agree,hundreds,trying,as,Japanese companies,dance,be,to watch,But robot scientist James White _. He thinks,that it will be _for a robot to do the _,things as a _. _ _, its easy for a,child to _up and know _they are. Mr White,thinks that robots wont be _to do this. But other,scients disagree. They think thast robots will be _,to talk to people _25 to 50 years.,disagrees,difficult,same,person For example,wake where,able,able,in,Robot scientists are not just trying to _robots,look like people. For example, there are already robots,_ in factories. These robots look more like_,_. They do _jobs over and _again.,People would not like to do such jobs and would get,_. But robots will _get bored.,make,working,huge,arms,simple,over,bored,never,In the future, there will be more robots _,and humans will have _work to do. New robots,will have many _ _. Some will look,like humans, and others might look like _. After,an _, a snake robot could help look for,people _ _. That may not _,_now, but computers, _rockets and,even eletric _seemed impossible a _,years ago, We never know what will _ in,the future!,everywhere,less,different shapes,snakes,earthquake,under buildings,seem,possible,space,toothbrushes,hundred,happen,


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