牛津译林版英语8B Unit1 Reading课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Reading,Past and present,since,ever,northern,married,wife,block,since,conj.,自,以来,adv.,曾经,adj.,北方的,北部的,adj.,已婚的,结婚的,n. (pl. wives),妻子,n.,街区,prep.,自,以来,Words review,over,turn into ,pollution,factory,waste,realize,improve,prep.,在,期间,把,变成,n.,污染;污染物,n.,工厂,n.,废料;废品,(=,realise,),vt,. & vi.,意识到;实现,vt,. & vi.,改进,改善,Words & phrases review,situation,in some ways,however,impossible,before,lonely,from time to time,anyway,n.,形势,情况,在某种程度上,adv.,然而,adj.,不可能的,adv.,以前,过去,已经,adj.,孤独的,寂寞的,不时,有时,偶尔,adv.,尽管,即使这样,Words & phrases review,1. married,2. block,3. factory,4. realize,5. improve,6. lonely,7. from time,to time,a. sometimes,b. know or understand,something that you did not,know before,c. make something better,d. a place where things are,made by machines,e. not happy because of being,alone,f. having a husband or wife,g. a group of buildings with,streets on all sides,Read to learn about the changes in Sunshine Town.,To be able to describe the changes of Sunshine Town from the past to the present,To learn the new words and useful expressions,Objectives,Words:,since ever northern married wife block over pollution factory waste realize situation however impossible before lonely anyway husband interview improve,Phrases:,in the northern part of get married,since then over the years turn into put into take action to do,sth,a bit,in some ways move away feel lonely,all ones life from time to time,Patterns:,Do you,know,Sunshine Town,very well,Mr,Chen?,Now I feel a bit,lonely,from time to time,.,Here are some photos of the cities. What are the differences between them?,Sunshine Town has also changed over the years. Lets listen to Millies interview to get some information on the changes in Sunshine Town.,Who did Millie interview?,When did he get married?,Was pollution a problem in the past?,Mr,Chen.,In 1965.,Yes, it was. But it is better now.,Listen and,answer,Task 1: Read lines 1-6 and answer the questions.,How long has,Mr,Chen lived in,Sunshine Town?,2. Where did,Mr,Chen and his wife move?,He has lived there since he was born.,They moved two blocks away.,Read and,answer,Pay attention to the following sentences.,现在完成时,1.,表示过去发生的动作,对现在造成影响或结果。,2.,也可表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在,并且有可能还会持续下去的动作或状态,常与,since+,时间点,引导的时间状语连用。,Task 2: Read lines 7-16 and fill in the form.,Past,Present,What they had / have,Some small _, shops, _,,,a cinema, a _factory.,A park, a theatre, _.,Pollution,Pollution was _ then. The factory put _ into the river.,The government _ the problem and took action to _,_.,restaurants,a post office,steel,a shopping mall,realized,the waste,a problem,the situation,improve,Task 3: Read lines 17-23 and finish the sentences.,It is nice to have _ town.,It is difficult to see old friends because they have _.,Mr,Chen feels _ sometimes.,a beautiful modern,moved away,a bit lonely,take action to do,sth,.,采取行动做某事,在,it is + adj. + to do,sth,.,结构中,,it,是,形式主语,,无实际意义,,真正的主语,是后面的,to do,sth,.,。,Pay attention to the following expressions.,Mr,Chen knows little about Sunshine Town.,2.,Mr,Chen moved away from his,parents when he got married.,3. There is a large shopping mall,in Sunshine Town now.,4. The steel factory once put its,waste into the Sunshine River.,5. It is easy for,Mr,Chen to see his,old friends now.,6. Amazing changes have taken,place in Sunshine Town.,a lot,impossible,B2,(P 10),Sandy: Tell me more about your,interview with,Mr,Chen, Millie.,Has he lived in Sunshine Town,all his life?,Millie: Yes. He first lived with his,parents in the _ part of,town, and then moved to another,flat two _ away.,Sandy: What was the town like in the past?,Millie: There were some small,_ and shops.,northern,blocks,restaurants,Sandy wants to learn more about the history of Sunshine Town. She is asking Millie some questions. Work in pairs. Complete their conversation. (P 11),B3,Sandy: What did,Mr,Chen say about the,town centre?,Millie: Years ago, there was a _,and a _. Now theres a,new park, a new _ and a,large _.,Sandy: Were there any factories in,Sunshine Town?,Millie: Yes. There was once a _,near the Sunshine River.,post office,cinema,shopping mall,theatre,steel factory,has changed a lot,beautiful modern,situation,waste/pollution,play cards and Chinese chess,see each other,feel a bit lonely,the amazing changes in the town,Millie is going to write about the changes in Sunshine Town for her history project. She has made some notes. Help her complete the sentences with the information on pages 8 and 9. (P 11),B4,Translation,搬家,在,的北面,结婚,自那时以后,改变很大,这些年来,使,变成,采取行动做某事,在某些方面,,在某种程度,和以前一样经常,move house,in the northern part of,get married,since then,change a lot,over the years,take action to do sth.,turn into,in some ways,as often as before,Fill in the blanks to describe the changes of Sunshine Town from the past to the present.,Mr Chen has lived in Sunshine Town since he was born. After he got _, he and his wife _ a new flat. In the past, _ small restaurants, shops, a post office and a cinema in the town. Now the town has _ a lot. _ a new park, a theatre and a shopping mall. Many of Mr Chens old friends have _. Mr Chen feels a bit _ from time to time.,married,moved to,changed,lonely,moved away,there were,There is,Language points,1. When I,got married,in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and weve lived in this area since then.,我的祖父母是,50,年前结的婚。,My grandparents,got married,fifty years ago.,上个月简和一位医生结婚了。,Jane,was married to,a doctor last month.,罗斯和一位教师结婚了。,Rose,got married to,a teacher.,get married,意思是“结婚”,也可以用,be married,表示。,be/get married to sb.,与某人结婚,他们已经结婚,15,年了。,They have been,married,for 15 years.,上星期约翰和玛丽结婚了。,John,married,Mary last week.,她把女儿嫁给了一位商人。,She,married,her daughter,to,a businessman.,她很早就结婚了。,She,married,very early.,marry sb.,嫁给某人;与,.,结婚,marry sb. to sb.,表示“父母把女儿嫁给某人”或“为儿子娶媳妇”。,marry,作不及物动词时,往往用副词或介词短语来修饰。,注意:,marry,一般不与介词,with,连用。如:,她和一位老师结了婚。,【,误,】She married with a teacher.,【,正,】She married a teacher.,【,正,】She was / got married to a teacher.,若问某某是否结婚,而不涉及结婚的对象,可用,be / get married,的形式,相当于系表结构。例如:,你结婚了吗?,【,误,】Do you marry?/Have you married?,【,正,】Are you married?/Have you got,married?,2. Now the government has,turned,part of the town centre,into,a new park.,turn into,相当于change into,意为,“把变成”。,turn into还有“翻译、译为”的意思。,他决心转败为胜。,He determined to (,决心,),turn,failure,into,success.,你能把这篇课文译成英文吗?,Can you,turn,the text,into,English?,3. Later the government realized the problem and,took action,to improve the situation.,回顾复习:,took action,采取行动,We should,take action,right away.,(,八年级上册,U5),4. Well,in some ways,it is.,在某种程度上我同意你的观点。,In some ways,I agree with you.,在某些方面,上个世纪文明似乎进展不大。,In some ways, civilization (,文明,) does not seem to have progressed much in the last century.,in some ways,意思是“在某种程度上;在某些方面”。,5.,Its,really,nice to have,a beautiful,modern town.,Anyway,its good to see,the amazing,changes in the town.,钓鱼很有趣。,It is interesting to go,fishing.,在,it is + adj. + to do sth.,结构中,,it,是,形式主语,,无实际意义,,真正的主语,是后面的,to do sth.,。,6. Now I feel a bit,lonely,from time to time,.,from time to time,意思是“不时,有时,偶尔”。,他时常爱发牢骚。,He likes to have a good gripe (,发牢骚,),from time to time,.,谁都喜欢偶尔让人宠一宠。,Everybody enjoys being spoiled (,宠爱,),from time to time,.,没有了朋友他感到非常孤独。,He felt very,lonely,without his friends.,孩子们常来看张爷爷,所以他不感到寂寞。,The children often come to see Grandpa Zhang, so he does not feel,lonely,.,lonely,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,常放在连系动词后面作表语。如:,我独自一人,但我并不孤独。,Im,alone,but Im not,lonely,.,她同情所有孤独的人。,She has a soft place in her heart for all,lonely,people.,辨析:,lonely,alone,lonely adj.,意为“孤独的,寂寞的”,强调内心孤独,带有浓厚的感情色彩;,alone adj./adv.,意为“独自的(地)、单独的(地)”,指客观情况(独自一人,没有同伴或助手)。,alone,作形容词时只可以作表语,不可以作定语,而,lonely,可以作表语,也可以作定语。,请点击,I.,按照提示填空。,1. Ive been very busy _ (,自从,) I came,back from holiday.,2. Have you _ (,曾经,) been to London?,3. _ (,在,期间,) the next few days,they got to know the town well.,4. Air _ (,污染,) is a serious problem.,5. Britain produces 20 million tonnes (,公吨,),of household _ (,家庭垃圾,) each year.,6. They didnt _ (,意识到,) the danger,they were in.,since,ever,Over,pollution,waste,realize,7. I thought the best way to _ (,改进,),my French was to live in France.,8. Her news put me in a difficult si_.,9. This is one possible solution to the,problem. _ (,然而,), there are others.,10. I have seen him _ (,以前,).,11. She gets _ (,寂寞的,) because all the,kids have left home.,12. _ (,即使这样,), as I said, Ill be away,next week.,situation,However,improve,before,lonely,Anyway,II.,用所给词的正确形式填空。,1. He lives in the _ (north) part of,the city.,2. Weve been happily _ (marry) for,five years.,3. Our _ (wife) walked behind us.,4. The museum is just six _ (block),away.,5. There are many shoe _ (factory),in this town.,6. It was _ (possible) to sleep,because of the noise.,northern,married,wives,blocks,factories,impossible,1. Miss Liu has taught English _,she came here.,A. since B. as C. when D. for,2. I have been collecting stamps _,I was nine years old.,A. before B. if C. since,3. Math is too difficult, I nearly give it up., Please dont, nothing is _ if,you put your heart into it.,A. important B. impossible,C. interesting,III,.,单项选择。,4. His grandparents live _ in a small,house, but they dont feel _.,A. lonely; alone B. alone; lonely,C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone,5. My old neighbor Charles felt _,after his children moved out.,A. lonely B. safely,C. angrily D. happily,IV,.,根据提示翻译句子。,1.,去年我姨姨结婚了。,Last year my aunt _.,2.,政府已经把沙漠变成了农田。,The government have _ the,desert _ farmland.,3.,这些变化在某些方面是好的。,These changes are good _.,4.,我只是偶尔去看看电影。,I only go to the cinema _,_.,got married,turned,into,in some ways,from time to,time,Reflection,1. in the northern part of,2. get married,3. turn into ,4. in some ways,5. from time to time,6. Has the town changed a lot over the years?,7. It is really nice to have a beautiful modern town.,8. Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time.,Homework,Write about the changes in our school.,Preview,Grammar,on pages 12-14.,Changes in our school,Past,Present,50,多位教师,200,多位教师,不到,1000,名学生,近,3000,名学生,2,幢大楼,8,幢大楼,几台电脑,200,台电脑,


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