牛津译林 模块七第一单元 M7U1 wel+reading (语言点)

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牛津译林 模块七第一单元 M7U1 wel+reading (语言点)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Living with technology,Technology has seen some amazing developments in the last few decades.,What can the new technology be often used in our lives?,Technology,Usage,Computer,The Internet,Cell-phone,as a typewriter / tape recorder /,VCD player / notebook / calendar / telephone / calculator,as a,library / magazine / TV / telephone / bank / store,as a,telephone / watch / calendar / camera / computer,Language points,Picture4:,With mobile phones, we can keep in touch with others,wherever,we are.,在本句中:,wherever,引导让步状语从句。,这类由“特殊疑问词,ever”,构成的单词还有,:,however,However,cold it is, he always goes swimming.,However,did you find it?,作副词,,“,无论如何,”,、,“,不管怎样,”,作副词,,“,究竟怎么,”,(,表示惊奇,),whenever,作连词,“任何时候”。,Whenever we see him, we speak to him.,作副词,“任何时间”,“任何时候”,He might turn up on Monday, or Friday,or whenever, and expect to be given a meal,., wherever,Sit wherever you like.,作连词,“在任何地方”,、“到任何地方”,、“在任何情况下”,。, whatever,Keep calm,whatever,happens.,Whatever,I have is at your service.,He,d have difficulty in learning any language,Greek, Chinese,or whatever,.,Take,whatever,measures you consider best.,作代词,,=no matter what,“,无论什么,/,无论如何,”,作代词,,=anything or everything that,任何的事物,/,每一,的事物,作代词,“,or whatever,”,或任何东西,/,诸如此类,”,作形容词,任何的,/,无论什么的,/,任何种类、程度等的, whichever,Whichever (Anything that) you want is yours.,“,whichever,”,作代词,,=anything or everything,“,无论哪些,”,、,“,无论哪个,”,。,Whichever of you comes in first will receive a,prize.,作代词,“,的哪一个,”,。,He may choose whichever desk he wishes.,作形容词,,“,无论哪个,”,、,“,无论哪些,”,。, whoever,“whoever”,作代词,,=any,person who/the person who “,任何人” 、,“无论谁” 、 “,的人”。,Whoever (Anyone who) said it, its not so.,作代词,“到底(究竟)是谁”。,Whoever told you that?,(2006,陕西,),This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it, _.A. no matter how it may cost,B. how may it cost,C. how much may it cost,D. however much it may cost,(2009,湖南,),She is very dear to us. We have been prepared to,do _ it takes to save her life.,A.,whichever B. however,C. whatever D. whoever,C,C,2. touch,n.,be/get/keep, etc. in touch :,取得,/,保持联系,A: Are you still in touch with any of your,old friends?,B: Yes.,lose touch :,失去联系,We lost touch with each other many years ago.,3. How have different electronic devices changed over time? (P1),over:,prep.,在,期间,(,一直,一边一边,),,在,做时,I was in Seattle,over,the summer.,Shall we discuss it,over,lunch /,over,a drink?,They took / spent an hour,over,lunch (= Their meal lasted an hour).,Its fascinating to watch how a baby changes and develops,over,time (= as time passes).,I work on the floor where they sell (1)_ in one section, and household appliances in another section, so I need to learn a lot of new things. There are all sorts of portable audio and (2)_ devices in the electronic goods section and most of these devices, such as (3)_, and MP4 players, seem to be for music. Of course, I knew about digital cameras before, but I didnt know that some of them have a (4)_. There are many models of video cameras I have to be able to talk about.,electronic goods,CD players,video,Fill in the blanks with suitable expressions,video function,Then there are educational products like (5)_ , electronic dictionaries and (6)_,. I think the other section, with the household appliances, will be much easier to work in. The refrigerators are pretty easy. Most of them have a _ at the bottom. (8) _are also there,but since their only function is to clean carpets, there is not much to explain there. _ are very popular nowadays. People can cook and heat food quickly with them.,Microwave ovens,e-book readers,educational software,freezer section,vacuum cleaners,Warming up,Can you make a list of other,electrical equipment,and,electronic devices,you have at home, having a travel or having a class?,TV set,remote control,DVD,disc,microphone,desktop,U-Disc,mouse,telephone,video phone,electric fan,electric heater,air-conditioner,radiogram,electric shaver,electronic oven,electric iron,While having a travel,digital camera,video camera,send pictures,to friends,send pictures,to friends,printer,fax,scanner,MD,walkman,CD player,MP3,MP4,mobile phone,palmtop computer,laptop computer,flashlight,watch,While having a class.,tape recorder,projector,loud-speaker,electric calculator,electronic dictionary,The development of electric devices:,black-and-white TV,colour TV,LCD screen,Microwave ovens,Refrigerators,TV sets,Air conditioners,Washing machines,Vacuum cleaners,Dishwasher,Computers,CD players,Mobile phones,Digital camera,Electronic dictionaries,Electric cookers,微波炉,冰箱,冷库,电视,空调;冷气机,洗衣机,真空吸尘器,洗碗机,电脑,CD,播放器,手机,数码相机,电子词典,电饭锅,Have a discussion,What do you think of this phenomenon?,Can you give people some advice?,What would life be like without them?,Free talk:,TVs,audio devices,Reading,How is the passage organized _.,by paragraphs,in chronological order,C. by concepts,D. by subtitles,Fast-reading:,_history of TV,(in order of_ ),Early history of_,_,_,go digital,TV,Audio,devices,Early,time,modern,Sound and video,satellite TV,The,_,Sound recorders,Sound and video recorders,age,:,Fast reading,Read the text and finish Part A on P2.,Who developed the system used for most early,TV broadcasts?,John Logie Baird.,2. Who made the first recording of a human,voice?,Thomas Edison.,3. What were developed by the late,1960s?,Portable cassette players and video recorders.,单词预习案,自测题(注意词性词形变化),1.,演变,发展,变化,n.,2.,缺点,不利条件,3.,原理,法则;行为准则,4.,制造,建造,v.,建筑物,n.,5.,可使用的,可接触的,易理解的,,可到达的,adj. n.,使用权,6.,组成部分,成分,n.,7.,最后,终于,adv.,最终的,adj.,construct,eventual,evolution,drawback,principle,construction,accessible,access,component,eventually,8.,预料,预见,pt. pp.,9.,专利权,专利证书,10.,适应,改编本,n.,适应,改编,v.,11.,怀疑的,12.,非正式的,随便的,漫不经心的,13.,保险,保障措施,n.,确保,投保,v.,14.,显然的,显而易见的,foresee,foresaw,foreseen,patent,adaptation,adapt,sceptical,casual,insurance,insure,obvious,title.,影像和声音设备的发展,L3.,定期向公众播放,L4.,之后不久,L7.,使用由,开发的系统,L9.,在电视的发展上取得了重大突破,L10.,由法恩斯沃斯首先发现的原理,L12.,直到,1938,才,(,强调句,),the evolution of video and sound devices,regular public broadcasting,shortly afterwards,make important breakthroughs in the development of TV,the principles first discovered by Farnsworth,using a system developed by,It was not until 1938 that,L20.,被现场直播,L21.,使得远离城市的人们也能收看电视,L22.,可以看见卫星天线分布在,L24.,受益于卫星电视,L29.,把,(,声音或图像,),录制在,上,L30.,使用唱片来代替圆管,L31.,手摇上发条,L39.,便携式盒式磁带录音机,be broadcast live,make TV accessible to people who live far away from cities,benefit from satellite TV,use discs as alternatives to tubes,be wound up by hand,portable cassette players,satellite dishes can be seen distributed,record on,L47.,随着数字技术的发展,L49.,某种形式的便携式存储设备,L51.,跟上步伐,With the development of digital technology,some form of portable storage,keep pace with,基训,I.,篇章结构,contributions,help/aid,construct,Broadcasting,live,access,alternative,copying,standard,foresee,II.,语篇理解,CACBB,1. broadcasts 2. contributed,3. broadcast4. from,5. same6.when,7. wound8. developed,9. digital10. storage,III.,课文缩写,知识初探,I.,词义搭配,I H A B F E D C G,windup,keep in touch with,contributed to,benefiting from,with the development of,to keep pace with,have access to,is up to,知识初探,II.,短语填空,1.Keep in touch with,get in touch with,has been out of touch with,A,2.Contribute to,contribute,to,make a contribution to,3(2).construct,constructionconstructed,being constructed,/,under construction,3(2).,Not until,强调句式,C,It was not untilthat,Not untilwas she,John constructed the first color TV in 1928, but,it was not until,1938,that,the first color TV programme was broadcast.,(L12-13),We,waited,till (until) he came back .,我们一直等到他回来。,如主句动词是,延续性动作,,常用,肯定式,,表示“,直到,为止,”,;,She didnt stop working until eleven oclock .,她到,11,点钟才停止工作。,如主句动词是,瞬间动词,,常用,否定式,,表示“,直到,才,”,not until,句型,They didnt go home,until it was getting dark.,与强调句型结合,It was not until,it was getting dark,that,they went home.,与倒装句式结合,Not until,it was dark,did they go,home.,(主倒从不倒),before,It will be +,一段时间,+before,从句,(does),要过多久,才能做,It will be 3 years before we meet again.,2. It will not be +,一段时间,+before,从句,要不了多久,就能做,It will not,be long before he finishes his job.,3. It was +,一段时间,+before,从句,(did),过了很久,才,It was 3 days before he went to Beijing.,4. It was,not,+,一段时间,+before,从句,(did),没过多久,就,It was not long before the fire was put out.,since,It is/ has been +,一段时间,since,从句,(did),他们已经在这儿工作,5,年了。,They have worked here for 5 years.,5,年前他们就不在这儿工作了。,They didnt work here five years ago.,他们,不,在这儿工作已经,5,年了。,It is / has been 5 years since they worked here.,延续性动词,:,反过来翻译,短暂性动词,:,直接翻译,1.Its years _(since, before, after, that) I painted this beautiful picture.,2.It will be years _(since, before, after, that) I paint this beautiful picture.,3.It was years _(since, before, after, that) I painted this beautiful picture.,4.Its for five years _(since, before, after, that) I have painted this beautiful picture.,易误辨析,:,_,_,_,_,Translate the following:,过了很久他才回来,.,2.,我们很久后才会见面的,.,3.,我离开这所学校已经很久了,.,It was long before he came back.,It will be long before we meet again.,It is long since I left this school.,It is +,时间段,+since(,过去时,).,It + will be +,时间段,+before(,一般现在时,),It + was +,时间段,+ before(,过去时,),易误辨析,:,4. It takes some time for sb. To do sth.,took,pay,spent,cost,C,It took more than two decades, though,until 1951, for color broadcasts to begin in the USA. (P2),(L13-14),但是彩色电视节目一直到,1951,年才得以在美国开播,这其间一共花 了二十多年的时间,.,though,conj.,1),虽然,尽管,Though I admit that the problem is difficult, I dont think it cant be solved.,2),但是,Theyre coming next week, though I dont know which day.,adv.,可是,不过,(,一般置于句中或句末,),I dont think it cant be solved,though, I admit that the problem is difficult.,=I dont think it cant be solved, I admit that the problem is difficult,though,.,as if/though,似乎,仿佛,as if,后从句的省略:,as if,+ to do/doing/done,He stood up as if,to leave,(leave).,He was upset as if,punished,by his father. (punish),The old woman wiped her eyes as if,crying,(cry).,even though,尽管,Even though he left school at 16, he still managed to become famous.,5.delay,without delay,delay doing,6.With,复合结构,B,to settle,helping,lost,We are sure that everything will be better,with time passing by.,/,over time.,/,as time passes.,7(1). accessible,B,D,7(2). distribute,They also make TV,accessible,to people who live far away from cities.,(L21-22),可获得的,be accessible to sb.,be accessible to every child,Computers should be accessible to teachers and pupils.,可进入的,可到达的,平易近人的,The superstar is very accessible.,容易理解的,The music / novel is accessible to everyone,The island is only accessible by boat.,A church is easily accessible from my home.,access (n.),1.,接近的机会,进入的权利,U (+to),have access to education / medical care,2.,通道,入口,门路,C (+to),the only access to their house,8. Benefit from,benefit from,of great benefit to,9.Wind up,winding,wound,wound,winds,10.(1)eventually,B,This is,so,large a room,that,it can hold a great number of people.,This is,such,a large room,that,it can hold a great number of people.,D,10.(2)sothat,如此,以至于,11.Keep pace with,与,步调一致,B,foresee any problems,foresee how,12. foresee,13.(1)adaptation,adapted (himself) to,be adapted from,A,are relayed,relayto,13.(2)relay,14.skeptical,A,1.drawback 2.principles 3.construct,4.accessible 5. percentage 6.eventually,7.skeptical 8.evolution 9.foresee 10.distributed,DABBA DACCA BDAAD,CDCBBCDD,It was not until it was dark that she went home./ It was not until night fell that she left for home.,It took him one hour and a half to write the letter.,He fell asleep with his radio still working.,She felt so sad that tears came to her eyes.,The speaker will soon wind up his speech.,5.Most early recorders,employed,steel tape to record on,which,made them heavy and difficult to use, or paper tape,which,was easier to use but often broke.,(L34-36),employ,在本句中意思是“使用,利用”,,employ something to do,用某物来做。,eg.,我们可以驾驶这种新型汽车,以便节约能源。,We can employ this type of new cars to ride so that we can save energy.,sb. be employed in doing sth. “,从事于,忙于”,eg.,我女儿总是忙于做家庭作业。,My daughter is always employed in doing her homework.,(2),两个,which,均引导非限制性定语从句,分别修饰,steel tape,和,paper tape.,(3) make them heavy and difficult to use,使他们笨重并难于使用,make sth. adj. to do,其中动词不定式为主动形式表被动含义。,eg.,这些大窗子使人们住进这所房子很舒适。,The big windows make the house comfortable to live in.,(4) was easier to use,使用起来更容易,eg.,The girl is easy to get along with.,Translation,1.,直到天黑他们才回家。(两种表达),2.,再过三年他们才能再次重逢。,3.,没过多久大火就被扑灭了。,4.,他们不在这儿工作已经,5,年了。,5.,尽管我承认问题很难,但我并不认为它不能解决。,6.,这座小岛只能坐船到达。,7.,每个孩子都有机会接受教育。,8.,我女儿总是忙于做家庭作业。,9.,这些大窗子使人们住进这所房子很舒适。,直到天黑他们才回家。(两种表达),It was not until,it was getting dark,that,they went home.,/,They didnt go home,until it was getting dark.,2.,再过三年他们才能再次重逢。,It will be 3 years before they meet again.,3.,没过多久大火就被扑灭了。,It was not long before the fire was put out.,4.,他们不在这儿工作已经,5,年了。,It is / has been 5 years since they worked here.,5.,这座小岛只能坐船到达。,The island is only accessible by boat.,6.,尽管我承认问题很难,但我并不认为它不能解决。,I dont think it cant be solved, though,I admit that the problem is difficult.,=I dont think it cant be solved, I admit that the problem is difficult, though,.,7.,每个孩子都有机会接受义务教育。,Every child has access to compulsory education.,8.,我女儿总是忙于做家庭作业。,My daughter is always employed in doing her,homework.,9.,这些大窗子使人们住进这所房子很舒适。,The big windows make the house comfortable to live in.,with,的复合结构,她眼里含着泪,离开了办公室。,他开着窗户睡觉。,由于没有可说话的人,约翰感到难受。,自行车被偷了,她只好步行回家。,1.,她含着眼泪说了声再见。,She said goodbye with tears in her eyes.,2.,他常常开窗睡觉。,He often sleeps with the windows open.,3.,由于没有可说话的人,约翰感到难受。,With no one to talk to, John felt upset.,4.,自行车被偷了,她只好步行回家。,She had to go home by foot with her bike stolen.,


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