牛津苏教版四年级英语下册《unit 1 our school subjects》课件4

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit1 Our school subjects,第一单元 我们学校的课程,译林小学英语4B,目录,读一读,背一背,1,想一想,说一说,2,看一看,学一学,3,读一读,Chinese 语文We have Chinese.,Chinese,返回,Maths 数学We have maths.,Maths,返回,English 英语We have English.,English,返回,Art 美术We have Art.,Art,返回,Music 音乐We have Music.,Music,返回,PE 体育We have PE.,PE,返回,Science 科学We have Science .,Science,返回,想一想,说一说,小朋友们,你们在学校里有什么课?请你说一说。Little friends, what lessons do you have at school? Would you please say.,返回,Miss li came into the classroom, with a curriculum.,点击课程表可放大。,Timetable,This is our new timetable.,返回,Timetable,Art ChineseEnglish MathsMusic PEScience,We have English,Chinese,Maths,Art,PE,Music and Science.,返回,情景对话,A:What subjects(课程) do you like,Wang Bing?,B:I like Chinese and Maths.,C:Me,too.,A:What about you,Yang Ling?,D:I like English.Its fun.,B:Oh!Its time for PE.,C:Lets go to the platground(操场).,返回,任务,小朋友们,请你们照着上一张A,B,C,D的对话自己说一说,和同学表演。,Children, please you according on one piece of A, B, C, D dialogue themselves say, and the students perform.,返回,看一看,学一学时间,Cartoon time,Bobby:Hi,Billy.What lessons(课)do you have this morning?,Billy:Hi,Bobby.Its Monday.We have Music and Maths.I like Music.,Bobby:What lessons do you have this afternoon,Sam?,Sam:We have PE and Science.I like PE. Its fun.,Sam:Ouch!But I dont like that.,Sound time,a,c,a,kegr,a,pem,a,kesk,a,te,K,a,te,K,a,te,dont sk,a,te. Come and m,a,ke a c,a,ke.,Rhyme time,Subjects,Music,Music,they like Music.,Chinese,Chinese,you like Chinese.,English, English,we all like English.,最后,通过学习,我相信大家对第一单元了解了,请大家课后继续复习和巩固。,Through the study, I believe that you already know for the first unit, please continue to review and consolidate after class.,


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