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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Starter Module 1 U1知识点总结,1Hello/Hi你好,2.Goodmorning/afternoon/evening早上/下午/晚上好3Howdoyoudo?你好!(第一次见面时)Howdoyoudo?你好! 4. Miss Zhou 周老师,Miss 对未婚女士的称呼,Mrs 对已婚女士的称呼,Ms 对不知是否结婚的女士的称呼,Mr 对男士的称呼,Starter Module 1 U2知识点总结,1.Whatsyourname,please?请问你叫什么名字?,本句是提问对方姓名的常用句型,回答时用,Mynames( is 可与名词缩写为s,但不能与This缩写),Im+姓名.,2. Sorry?=Pardon? 用于没听清对方所说的话,希望对方再说一 遍,读升调。,3. Can you spell it, please? 请问,你能拼写它吗?,can是情态动词,意为能,会,其后用动词原形,即can+do,否定形式为cant +do.,4Howareyou?你好吗?Imfine./ImOK/Imverywell./Justsoso(一般般).Andyou?Imfine,too(也).Thankyou.,5.Thanks.=Thank you.,Starter Module 1 U3知识点总结,Thisis,介绍他人时的常用句型,一般不用,He/She is,This is ,也用于打电话用语,意为“我是。”,2,Nicetomeetyou,!(见到你很高兴!),Nicetomeetyou,,,too,!,见到你我也很高兴!,3,Its time to go now.,现在到走的时间了,。,Its time to do sth.,该做某事了。,Its time to go to school.,该上学了。,4. See you tomorrow.,明天见。,Starter Module 2 U1知识点总结,1.open 动词,打开,反义词close,Open the door. 打开门,open作形容词,反义词为closed, 意为“关着的,闭着的”。 The door is open,2.listen 可独立使用,后跟宾语时,加介词to,Listen to me.,3.put up 举起,抬起 Put up your hands.举起手来。,put up 跟代词作宾语时,代词只能放中间。,Put it/ them up.,4.祈使句的特点:,1)无主语 2)以动词原形开头 3)表请求时用please 4)否定句Dont+do.,Starter Module 2 U2知识点总结,1.Are you a new student here? 你是这里的一名新同学吗?,本句是含有系动词be的一般疑问句,回答时用相应的人称代词,答语是:Yes, I am./No, Im not.,2.-What class are you in?你在哪个班?,-Im in Class3,Mr Chens class. 我在三班,陈老师的班里。,Class 3 三班,也可写为Class Three ,当用英语表示年级、班级时,前后词的首字母都大写。,3. Whats your telephone number? 你的电话号码是什么?询问电话号码时用what引导问句。,回答时用: Its +电话号码.,4.首字母大写的几种情况:,1)句首第一个字母要大写。,2)姓与名的首字母要大写。,3)表示称呼的首字母要大写。,4)人称代词I 始终大写。,5)地名、语言、某国人等专有名词的首字母要大写。,Starter Module 2 U3知识点总结,1.How old are you? Im 13.,How old 用于询问年龄,其结构是 How old +be +主语? 回答时用“主语+be+数字(years old.),2.How many. are there?有多少?,How many+可数名词复数+are there? 是提问数量的常用句型。,回答时:There is/are.或直接回答数量。,Starter Module 3U1知识点总结,1.Whats this in English ? 这用英语怎么说?,1) 这是一个特殊疑问句,回答时用 “It is .” ,whats=what is,2) in English “用英语” ,in是介词,in +语言,“用某种语言” ;,e.g: in Chinese用中文 in Japanese 用日语,表示可数名词“一个.”,常用“a/an+可数名词单数”,可数名词的首字母发音为元音时, 用“an”;发音为辅音时用“a”,即an+元音,a+辅音。,e.g: an apple 一个苹果 a banana 一个香蕉,3.How do you spell it?你怎样拼写它?,how 怎样,是提问拼写的常用句型,拼写的单词每个字母都大写,并用连字符连接。,-How do you spell “blue”? - B-L-U-E,blue.,4.Write it on the blackboard,please. 请把它写在黑板上。,write on把 写在上,Starter Module 3U2知识点总结,1.Can you help me, please? 请问,你能帮我一下吗?,Can you? 你能?表示请求允许、征求意见、询问消息等,常用于口语,有时用could代替can,表语气更加委婉。,回答有:Yes./Yes, I can./ Yes, of course. Sorry./ Sorry, I cant.,help 帮助,常构成短语help sb.(to) do sth. 或help sb. with sth. 意为“帮助某人做某事”。,Eg. Lets help him do the housework. 让我们帮他做些家务吧。,2.Of course.=OK.=Certainly.= Sure.=All right. 意为“是的,当然”,3.Can you say that again,please? 请您再说一遍好吗?相当于:Sorry?/ Pardon?/ Beg your pardon.,say 说,讲,强调说的内容。,4 Youre welcome.不用谢,不客气。用于礼貌的回答别人的感谢。相当于:Thats all right./ Thats OK./ Not at all.,Welcome to+地点. 欢迎来某地。Welcome to China.,Starter Module 3U3知识点总结,What colour is it? 它是什么颜色?用于询问某种颜色的特殊疑问句。,答语:Its +颜色.,Starter Module 4U1知识点总结,1.my everyday life 我的日常生活,everyday 日常的,每天的,2.What day is it today? 今天星期几?,答语为:Its+星期几.,3. write.in把 写在 上,多指写在书本或本子上。,4. What day is your favourite day? 你最喜欢星期几?,favourite 形容词,“最喜欢的”,其后跟名词。,Starter Module 4U2知识点总结,1.Whats the weather like? 今天天气怎么样?,同义句:How is the weather?,如询问某地的天气,在句后加in +地点。,答语:Its + cool/cold/warm/hot/cloudy/sunny.,2.in+季节 in spring/summer,in+上/下午/晚上/月份/年份 in the morning,Starter Module 4U3知识点总结,1.Whats your favourite sport? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?,sport 运动,如跑步 running,swimming, basketball,2.Lets play football after school. 放学后我们踢足球吧。,Lets=let us 让我们,let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,play+球类/棋类,play+the +乐器,3.I like swimming, too. 我也喜欢游泳。,like to do/ doing 喜欢做某事,too 也,用于肯定句句尾,4. Lets go swimming on Wednesday. 我们周三去游泳吧。,1) go swimming 去游泳,go+doing 去做某事,go shopping 去购物 go fishing 去钓鱼go skating去滑冰,2)on Wednesday 在周三 on+某天/某天的上、下午、晚上,on Wednesday morning 在周三上午,5.Good idea. 好主意。对别人提出的建议表示赞同。,1. be动词,am,is,are,I,she/ he/ it,they/ you/ we,2. Im Chinese.我是中国人。,1)Chinese,中国的,2) Chinese中国人,单复数同形,Im a Chinese.=Im a Chinese girl.,3. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?,1) Where +be+主语+from? 某人来自哪里?,2)come from =be from,Module 1U1 知识点总结,4.Im thirteen years old. 我十三岁了。,sb.+be+基数词. 某人岁了。,5. What about you? 你呢?,What / How about + 名词/doing?,6.Welcome to Class4,Grade7.欢迎来七年级四班。,1)welcome to .,2)Class Four , Grade Seven,be from= come from,what about+n./doing?,welcome to sp.,my English name,Class Four, Grade Seven,2.怎么样?,3.欢迎来,Phrases,Module 1U1,1.everyone 大家,每人,作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。,Everyone is here. 大家都到了。,2.Wang Hui is my friend, but he is not in my class. 王辉是我的朋友,但他不在我的班里。but , 表转折。,Module 1U2知识点总结,3.Tony is my first name and Smith is my last name.,托尼是我的名,史密斯是我的姓。,first name 名,last name 姓。,first name= given name (名),last name= family name(姓),4.Its nice to meet you all. 很高兴认识你们大家。,Its+形容词+(for sb.) +to do 对某人来说,做某事是,Its good for you to drink milk. 喝牛奶对你有好处,my friend,the capital of China,a very big city,a small city in England,first name / given name,last name /family name,Phrases,Module 1U2,一般现在时,肯定句: 主,+ be,am,is + ,are,用来表示人或事物的性质、状态。,定义:,构成:,Module 1U3知识点总结,否定句: 主 + be + not + ,一般疑问句: Be+主+?,Yes, 主 + be.,No, 主 + be + not.,特殊疑问句: 疑问词 + 一般疑问句?,在一般现在时的表达中,be可以用于以下几种情况,be+,形容词,He is very kind.,他人非常好。,The fruit is very fresh.,这水果很新鲜,。,2. be+名词,They are my friends. 他们是我的朋友。,Its my book. 这是我的书。,3. be+介词短语,The book is on the desk. 书在桌子上。,She is in the park. 她现在在公园。,4.be+副词,Class is over. 下课了。,1.In Chinese, the family name is,first,and the given name is,last.,在汉语里,姓放在前面, 名字放在后面。,Family name (Last name)+ Given name (First name),2.In English, the given name is,first,and the family name is,last.,在英语里,名字在前面,姓氏在后面。,Given name (First name) + Family name (Last name),姓 和 名字,Module 2U1 知识点总结,指示代词的用法,this,these,that,those 称为 指示代词, 用来指示或标示人或事物,其中, this和that为单数, these和those 为复数。另外, this和these用来指离自己较近的人或物, that和those 用来指离自己较远的人或物。,当指示代词所指的事物已确定时,后面的指示代词指人时用he, she, they来代替,指物时用it和they来代替。,如: -Is this your book?,-Yes, it is.,-Are these your uncles?,-No, they arent.,1. on the left 在左边,on the right 在右边,是表示方位的介词短语,不仅可以用来描述人物之间的位置关系,还可用来描述事物之间的位置关系。,例:My bed is on the right,and his is on the left.,2.,in front of, 在(范围之外的)前面,in the front of,在(范围之内的)前面,例,:,My teacher is in front of the classroom. (说明老师在教室的外面),My teacher is in the front of the classroom. (说明老师在教室的里面),3. next to 是介词短语, “紧挨着,紧靠着”。,例:The old man next to my sister is my grandfather.,我妹妹旁边的老人是我的祖父。,The girl next to me is my best friend.,我旁边那个女孩是我最要好的朋友。,4.This is a photo of Tonys family.,这是一张托尼的全家福。,1)a photo of 一张的照片, photo=picture,复数为photos,拍照为take a photo.,2) Tonys 托尼的,名词所有格,名词后+s.,3) family,集合名词,家,家庭,家人。当家庭讲时,看做单数,谓语动词用单数形式;指家庭成员时,看做复数,谓语动词也用复数。,5. What a big family! 真是一个大家庭啊!,这是一个省略了的感叹句,完整形式是 :,What a big family it is!,基本句型结构:,例: What a fine day it is!,今天天气真好!,What + a(an) + (形容词) +,单数可数名词 + 主语 +谓语,look at.,a photo of.,on the left/right(of),in front of,next to,Tonys cousin,1.看着,2.一张的照片,Phrases,Module 2U1,1. These are Bettys parents.,这两位是贝蒂的父母。,Bettys 意为“贝蒂的”。这是一个名词所有格形式,表示人与事物的所有和所属关系,在句中作定语。,e.g. Its Damings bike.,They are Toms and Tonys bags.,Language points,Module 2U2 知识点总结,2. My mother is a manager of a theatre.,我的妈妈是一位剧院的经理。,本句中of 是名词的所有格形式,表示无,生命的所属关系时,要用介词of 所构成的短,语来表示。,e.g. the legs of the table 桌子腿,3. What is your fathers job?,你父亲做什么工作?,这是询问职业的常用句式, 是一个特殊疑问句,用表示职业的名词来回答。,e.g. What is your brothers job?,He is a policeman.,询问职业的句型还有:,What +be +,主语?,What do/does +,主语,+do?,What is your mother?,What does your mother do?,She is a nurse.,拓展,e.g. She is at the library.,她在图书馆。,They like that big shop in London.,他们喜欢伦敦的那家大商店。,4. My fathers job is at a police station.,我爸爸在派出所上班。,My father is a bus driver in Beijing.,我爸爸是北京的一名公交车司机。,这两个句子中分别用了in 和 at 表示在什么地方工作。介词 at 和 in 都可以用来表示地点。通常,at 表示较小的地点,in 表示较大的地点,5. What are your parents jobs?,你父母是干什么工作的?,This is a photo of Miss Li.,这是李老师的一张照片。,名词+s 与名词+ of短语都可译为,“.的.”, 但用法不同, 意义也不同。,在有生命的事物名词后加s构成所有格,无生命的事物名词一般接of短语。,名词所有格的用法:,1. 一般情况下在词尾加“s”。,Marys bag. 玛丽的书包。,2. 以-s结尾的复数名词词尾,加“ ”。,my parents office 我父母的办公室,3. 两个由and连接的名词所有格构成形,式不同,其意义就不同。,Lucys and Lilys bedrooms 露茜和莉莉的卧室 (意指两个人各自的卧室),Lucy and Lilys bedroom 露茜和莉莉的卧室 (指两个人共有一个卧室),a farm worker,an actor,a manger of a theatre,a hotel manager,a bus driver,at a school,at a police station,at the bus station,at the same hospital,on the farm,Phrases,Module 2U2,Module 2U3 知识点总结,指示代词的用法,this,these,that,those 称为 指示代词, 用来指示或标示人或事物,其中, this和that为单数, these和those 为复数。另外, this和these用来指离自己较近的人或物, that和those 用来指离自己较远的人或物。,当指示代词所指的事物已确定时,后面的指示代词指人时用he, she, they来代替,指物时用it和they来代替。,如: -Is this your book?,-Yes, it is.,-Are these your uncles?,-No, they arent., 构成:, 单数名词的末尾加s。,Tonys mother 托尼的妈妈,以-s 或-es结尾的复数名词后只需加。,不以-s 或-es 结尾的复数名词后,加s构成所有格,the girls bags 女孩们的书Womens Day, 表示两若人共同拥有的物品,在最后一个名词后加s。,Lucy and Lilys room 露西和莉莉的房间,如果并列名词各自所拥有某物,每个名词后都加s;,Lindas and Jims mothers琳达和吉姆的妈妈,英语中的名词所有格表示一种所属关系, s所有格多用于有生命的名词。,名词所有格的用法,数,人称,主格,宾格,形容词性的物主代词,名词性的物主代词,单数,复数,I,my,you,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,me,mine,you,your,yours,he,him,his,his,she,her,her,hers,it,it,its,its,we,us,our,ours,you,you,your,yours,they,them,their,theirs,1.a photo of,2. Tonys family,3. on the left/ right,1.一张的照片,4. next to,5. in front of,6. a big/small family,Phrases,Whats your classroom in England like?,Whats,+,主语,+,like? = How?,这个句型用来询问,“,是什么样?”,例,:,天气怎么样?,Whats the weather like?,=,Hows the weather?,在你们英国,教室是什么样子?,2.How many students are there in your class in Beijing?,对数量提问时,用句型:,How many+,n(pl)+are there+?,Module 3U1 知识点总结,3. There are thirty students in my class.,表示“某地有某物”,There be(is/are) +名词 + 地点,否定句: There be(is/are) +not+名词 + 地点,一般疑问句:Be(is/are) + there + 名词 + 地点,There is a teachers desk in our classroom.,There arent any computers in my classroom.,Are there any computers in Damings classroom?,-Yes, there are. / No, there arent.,4.Is there a lot of furniture?,a lot of, many, much 许多,大量,a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词复数形式,又可以修饰不可数名词:,There are a lot of trees in our school.,There is a lot of water in our classroom.,many 只能修饰可数名词的复数形式,There are many trees in our school.,much 只能修饰不可数名词,There is much water in our classroom.,5. Are there any computers on everyones desks?,some 常用于,中,在,和普通,的,中some 要改为any.,否定句,一般疑问句,肯定句,6. Are there any pictures on the classroom walls?,on the wall 在墙上,7.at the front of / in the front of 在.前部(在一定范围内),The old man is sitting at the front of the bus.,老人坐在公交车里的前面,in front of 在.前面(没具体范围),There is a man in front of the bus.,人在车外面的前面,1.how many,2. a lot of,3. on the teachers desk,4. at the front of,5. a map of the world,6. on the wall,Phrases,4.在和之间,on the right / left of.,in front of,in the middle of,between and,next to =near,Module 3U2,Phrases,In the middle of the school is a big playground.,Language points:,在学校的中间是一个大操场。,这是个倒装句,目的是强调地点状语。正常语序为:,A big playground is in the middle of the school.,例:在湖的中央有一条小船。,In the middle of the lake is a boat.,in the middle of 在的中间,Module 3U2 知识点总结,2.Between the building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classrooms.,在这座楼和餐厅之间是教学楼,它有24个教室。,with, 介词,带有,和,与一起。介词短语with twenty-four classrooms 在句中作后置定语,修饰前面的名词the classroom building.,Lucy is a beautiful girl with long hair.,露西是个留着长发的漂亮女孩。,He often goes to the library with Tom.,他经常和汤姆一起去图书馆。,3.There are six science labs and five computer rooms in the Science building.,科技楼里有六个科学实验室和五个微机室。,computer room,微机室,是”名词+名词”型的短语,变复数时,只变后边的名词。如:三棵苹果树three apple trees,当woman,man,sport修饰名词变复数时,前后名词都要变。如:两名女医生 two women doctors,go to school,leave school,around the world,primary school,5.,6.,Phrases,Module 3U3,Module 3U3 知识点总结,1. Whats like?,like prep. 像,v. 喜欢 + doing,3. 数字的书写 forty,4. there be 句型 就近原则,Yes, there is / are,No, there isnt / arent,6. some 肯定句,any 否定/疑问句,以下句型some不变any,What/ How about some?,Would you like some?,Can/ Could you ?,7. on the wall,in front of,in the front of,in the middle of,between and,on the right / left of,next to =near,8. sports hall,Key sentences: “there be”句型,1 There is a computer in my classroom.,在我的教室里有一个电脑。,2 There are 42 desks in my classroom.,在我的教室里有42张课桌。,3 There isnt a television in my classroom.,在我的教室里没有一台电视机。,4 There,arent any pictures,in my classroom.,在我的教室里没有任何的图画。,5 Is there a dining hall ? Yes, there is.,有餐厅吗?有。,6 Are there,any,school,offices,? Yes, there are.,有学校办公室吗?有。,Grammar 名词的单复数:,名词分可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词有复数形式。可数名词复数的构成有如下规则:,1)一般加-s,如:desk desks,2) s, x, ch, sh结尾加-es,如:,bus buses, watch watches ,boxes,,3)以 f, fe结尾,改f, fe为v,再加-es,如:leaf leaves,4)以“辅音字母y”结尾,改y为i,再加-es,,如city cities,families,countries,,5)个别以“辅音字母o”结尾,加-es,如:,tomato tomatoes ,potato potatoes,6)一般复合名词,只将主体名词变复数,如:,a boy student boy students,7)以 man, woman开头和结尾的复合名词,规则不同:,Frenchman Frenchmen, woman teacher women teachers,8)不规则变化: man-men,woman-women,child-children,,foot-feet,tooth-teeth,mouse(老鼠)-mice,9)单复数形式相同的名词: people,sheep绵羊;deer鹿,10)表示“某国人”的名词遵循以下原则,中日不变,如Chinese-Chinese,Japanese-Japanese,英法变,如Englishman-Englishmen,Frenchman-Frenchmen,其他s加后面,如American-Americans,German-Germans,11)只有复数形式的名词,trousers(裤子),glasses(眼镜),thanks(感谢),clothes(衣服),12)复合名词的变法,an apple tree-some apple trees,a girl student-some girl students,(例外:a woman teacher-some women teachers,,a man teacher-some men teachers),let sb. do sth.,food and drink,go shopping (for),have /has got,too much,be good/bad of,what kind of,a kind of,kinds of,What about +n./ doing,all right,6.对有好/坏处,10.怎么样?,Phrases,Module 4U1,2.Too much chocolate isnt good for you.,How about=What about+名词/doing?,3. How about some orange juice?,太多巧克力对你没好处。,1.Lets go shopping for food and drink.,Module 4U1 知识点总结,咱们去买些食物和饮料吧。,一些桔子汁怎么样?,1,) let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 lets play football after class.,2) go shopping 去购物 go swimming/ boating,3) food and drink 食物和饮料,1),too much 太多+不可数名词,2)be good for对有好处,be bad for 对有害处,Vegetables are good for us,but too much meat is bad for us,.,1. have/has got 拥有,2. go shopping 去买东西;去购物,3. lets do sth. 让我们去做某事,4. too much 太多( +不可数名词),5. too many 太多( +可数名词复数),6. lots of 许多(+可数名词复数/不可数名词),7. be good for 对有益,8. be bad for 对有害,9. How about ? 好吗?行吗?,Key phrases,eat well,stay healthy,get fat,buy sb. Sth.=buy sth. for sb.,remember to do sth,healthy food and drink,at home/school,a bit tired,chicken soup,have a good breakfast,it is +adj+ for sb +to do sth,11.做某事是,Phrases,Module 4U2,1.Meat is healthy but too much meat is not good for children. 肉是健康的但是太多的肉对孩子们来说也没有好处。,but“但是,然而”表示转折。,be good for 对有好处 be 动词根据前面主语而相应变化。,Eg: Tomatoes are good for children.,反义词组:be bad for 对有害,Language points,2. Cola and candy are very sweet,可乐和糖果都是很甜的,cola and candy可乐和糖果, and连接两个并列的词作主语时是复数,所以用了复数are.,let sb. do sth.,in the West,Chinese food,healthy food,fruit juice,Phrases,Module 4U3,A) 构成方法及读音规则,1) 一般情况加 s:map-mapsboy-boys girl-girls pen-pens bag-bagscar-cars,清辅音后读 浊辅音和元音后读,2) 以s, sh, ch, x等结尾加 es,如:,bus-buses watch-watches box-boxes brush-brushes,名词的复数,3) 以辅音字母+y结尾, 变 y 为 I 再加 es, 如:,baby-babies city-cities country-countries,但以y结尾的专有名词,或元音字母+y 结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数。例如:,monkey-monkeys holiday-holidays,4) 以o结尾的名词,变复数时:,a. 加s, 如: photo photospianopianos radioradios zoozoos;,b. 加es, 如: potato potatoes tomatotomatoes,5)以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词变复数时:改 f, fe 加 -ves,如:halfhalves knifeknives leafleaves wolfwolves wifewives lifelives,B)名词复数的不规则变化,1) childchildren, footfeet, tooth,teeth, mousemice, man-men, womanwomen,注意: 由一个词加 man 或 woman构成的合成词, 其复数形式也是 -men 和-women, 如an Englishman, two Englishmen。但German不是合成词, 故复数形式为Germans;Bowman是姓,其复数是the Bowmans。,2) 单复同形, 如deer, sheep, fish, Chinese, Japanese, li, jin, yuan, two li, three mu, four jin 等。但除人民币的元、角、分外, 美元、英镑、法郎等都有复数形式。如:a dollar, two dollars; a meter, two meters。,3) 集体名词, 以单数形式出现, 但实为复数。例如:people, police 等本身就是复数,不能说 a people, a police, 但可以说a person, a policeman.,4)以s结尾,仍为单数的名词,如:,a. maths, politics, physics等学科名词,一般是不可数名词,为单数。,b. news 为不可数名词。,c. the United States, the United Nations 应视为单数。,The United Nations was organized in 1945. 联合国是1945年组建起来的。,d. 以复数形式出现的书名,剧名,报纸,杂志名,也可视为单数。,5) 表示由两部分构成的东西,如:glasses (眼镜)trousers,clothes等,若表达具体数目,要借助数量词 pair(对,双);suit(套); a pair of glasses; two pairs of trousers等。,6) 另外还有一些名词,其复数形式有时可表示特别意思,如:goods 货物,waters 水域,fishes(各种)鱼。,1) 物质名词是指表示无法分为个体的实物的词, 常见的物质名词, 如:snow(雪), rain(雨), water(水), coffee(咖啡), tea(茶), meat (肉), milk(牛奶), rice(米饭), bread(面包), orange (桔汁), beef (牛肉), chicken(鸡肉), juice (果汁), pork(猪肉), Coke (可口可乐), ice cream (冰激凌) 等;,C) 不可数名词:不可数名词主要分物质名词和抽象名词。,2) 抽象名词是指表示动作、状态、品质、感情等抽象概念的词,常见的抽象名词,如:work(工作), study(学习), love(爱), friendship (友谊)等。,1. apple ,apples,2. orange ,oranges,3. potato ,potatoes,4. carrot ,carrots,5. banana ,bananas,6. egg ,eggs,7. hamburger ,hamburgers,8. noodle ,noodles,9. onion ,onions,10. vegetable ,vegetables,11. tomato ,tomatoes,12. melon ,melons,have Chinese,=have a Chinese lesson,on Monday,at eight oclock,at five to nine,at half past ten,be good at+n./doing,on Monday morning,talk to/with sb.,my favourite subject,Phrases,Module 5U1,Expression of the time .,(时间的表达法),一、整点 :,整点钟oclock 例如: ten oclock,1)时间未过30分 : 分钟past点钟,例如:9:10 读成 ten past nine,2) 时间刚好是30分钟: half past 点钟,例如 :9:30 读成 half past nine,3) 时间已过30分 :( 60分钟) to (点钟 +1),例如 :8:50=(60 50)+to+(8+1)=ten to nine,1.顺读法:先读小时数,后读分钟数,例如:eight ten(8:10)八点十分,二、含有小时和分钟:,2.逆读法:,get up,go to school,go to bed,do ones homework,have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner,on weekdays,next to,see my friends,start work,in the morning,Phrases,Module 5U2,have a break,in the playground,talk to/with sb.,play football,in the dining hall,go home,watch TV,go to sleep,Phrases,Module 5U2,Language points,2. We have meat and rice, with vegatables or hamburgers.,with 表示“有,带有”的意思。,我不喜欢加牛奶的咖啡。,I dont like coffee with milk.,他们非常喜欢鸡肉汉堡。,They like hamburgers with chicken very much.,你们吃了加肉的面条吗?,Do you have noodles with meat?,be good at sth/doing sth,like doing sth,at the weekend,a busy day,wash ones hands/face,finish school,have music lessons,play with sb. /sth.,go swimming,do ones homework,make sb/sth +形容词,5.洗手、脸,8.与玩耍,11. 使怎么样,Phrases,Module 5U3,We have Chinese at eight oclock.,We dont have maths.,Do you like maths?,Yes, I do.,In the evening, I watch TV and have dinner with my family.,Language practice,行为动词的一般现在时,表达经常性或者习惯性的动作,就要使用一般现在时。如:,I do my homework in the evening. 我在晚上做作业。,如果表示的是现在的状态,也可以用一般现在时。如:,I know him very well. 我和他很熟。,第一人称和第二人称的一般现在时其谓语动词没有形式的变化,否定形式一般是在谓语动词前加dont。如:I dont go to school on Sunday.,I go to the park on Sunday. 我周日不去学校,去公园。,a trip to,welcome to ,many kinds of,such as,many different countries,come from=be from,over there,here is/are,look at,1.一次之行,2.欢迎来,8.这儿有,9.看着,


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