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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The London Eye,London,Big Ben 大本钟,Tower Bridge 塔桥,Thames River 泰晤士河,LINDA,KAREN,PAUL,aunt,sister,son,mother,airport,机场,New Words and Expressions 生词和短语,next to,紧靠,旁边,挨着,next 下一个,接下来,表示的是一种位置关系,表顺序,参照物放在介词to的后面,next to the bed 在床的旁边,Arrivals,n.(机场的)进港处,arrive v. 到达,exit 出口,entrance 入口,进入,wait for,等待,wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物,Baggage Hall,行李领取处,suitcase,手提箱,皮箱,come round,来到附近,Im waiting for you. 我在等你。,Hes waiting for his suitcase.他在等他的行李箱。,round,附近,大约,到处,圆形,stand,站立,stand up 站起来,竖立,sit,坐,sit down 坐下,扎营,phone,mobile phone 手机,come out,出来,Linda comes to London,Who is she?,Where is she,right now?,Listen to the recording, and then answer these questions: Where is Karen, and who is she waiting for?,听录音,然后回答问题:卡伦在哪儿?她在等谁?,Linda comes to London,Where is karen?,What is she doing?,karen,is,in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit.,She is,waiting for,linda and,having a cup of coffee.,next to,在,旁边;紧挨着;,Suddenly a driver sat down next to him .,突然一个司机在他身旁坐下。,wait for +sb./ sth.,等待,Wait+ing,表示正在等待,Dont wait for me! 别等我了!,Im waiting for you. 我在等你。,Hes waiting for his suitcase.,他在等他的行李箱。,a cup of coffee,一杯咖啡,a+“量”(cup, glass, bag, piece等)+of +名词-表示某一数量的物质,a glass of water 一杯水,a piece of paper 一张纸,a bag of apples 一袋苹果,Where is,Linda and what is she doing?,Linda is in the Baggage hall.,She is waiting for her suitcase.,suit case,行李箱,Baggage Hall,行李领取厅,What can you see from the picture,?,She is coming round now!,There it is!=It is there.,当我们在指某物的时候,,here,和,there,都放在主语前面。,Who is with,Karen,?,Pual is with Karen.,He is standing beside,Karen.,with,prep.,介词;和,在一起;偕同,She lives with her son.,她和她的儿子住在一起。,beside,prep.,介词;在,旁边,He is beside her.,他在她的旁边。,beside/next to the door,在门旁边,Im giving him my phone now.,give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb.,给某人某物,give Lisa the book.,=give the book to Lisa,What are they doing,?,They are talking with each other .,what is Lindon saying?,talk to,sb,和某人谈话,I,ve,got my suitcase,and I,m,coming out now!,I,ve=I have,have got “,已经得到;有,拥有,”,Try to translate!,琳达: 嗨,卡伦!你在哪儿?,卡伦: 我在进港出口旁的咖啡馆。,我正在一边等你一边喝咖啡。,卡伦: 你在哪儿?在做什么?,琳达: 我在行李领取厅,,在等我的皮箱。,琳达: 啊,我看到箱子了!,马上就转过来了!到了!,琳达: 哦,卡伦!保罗和你在一起吗?,卡伦: 当然在。,他就站在我身旁。我现在把 给他。,卡伦: 给,保罗!和你妈妈说说话!,保罗: 你好,妈妈!,琳达: 你好,保罗!我拿到皮箱了,马上就出来!,Try to translate!,Guided Summary,Karen is in the coffee bar next to the Arrivals exit.,She is waiting for Linda,and she is having a cup of coffee.,Linda is in the Baggage hall,and she is waiting for her suitcase.,Its coming round now.,P,aul is standing beside Karen and she is giving him her phone.,Pual and his mother say hello.,Linda is coming out now with her suitcase.,Im,waiting for,you,and,Im,having a cup of coffee.,Im,waiting for,my,suitcase.,Its coming round now.,He,s,standing here beside me.,Im,giving him my phone now.,Im,coming out now,!,Look at this sentence,现在进行时,Present Continuous Tense,主语,+be,动词,+,动词,ing,形式(现在分词),*,表示现在正在进行的动作,I am talking now.,我现在正在说话。,-What are you doing now?,你现在在干什么?,-We are having our English class.,我们正在上英语课。,*,表示现阶段正在进行着的动作,He is writing an English story.,他在写一篇英语故事。,They are studying in No.1 Middle School.,他们在第一中学上学。,动词的现在分词,*,动词原形,+ing,reading , drinking , eating , meeting,*,以不发音的字母,e,结尾的动词,去,e,加,ing,write-writing make-making dance-dancing take-taking,*,重读闭音节要双写结尾的辅音字母加,ing,sitting swimming putting running forgetting getting cutting stopping beginning,*,肯定句: 主语,+be,动词,+,动词,ing+,其他,I,m waiting for my suitcas.,*,否定句:主语,+be,动词,+not+,动词,ing+,其他,She isnt having a cup of coffee.,*,一般疑问句:,Be,动词,+,主语,+,动词,ing+,其他,I,s he standing here with you?,肯定回答:,Yes+,主语,+be,动词,Yes,he is.,否定回答:,No +,主语,+be,动词,+not No,he isnt,.,*,特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词,+Be,动词,+,主语,+,动词,ing,?,What are you doing?,特殊疑问词:,What,(什么),Why,(为什么),Where,(哪里),When,(什么时候),Who,(谁)等,这些特殊疑问句都不用,Yes,或,No,来回答,现在进行时的句型变换,口诀教你学,doing,进行时很好记,,be,加动词,-ing,;,直加双写去哑,e,,分词构成须仔细;,别说,be,无词义,主语和它最亲密;,变疑问,be,提前,否定,not,再后添;,何时要用进行时,look,,,listen,,,now,标志。,Some exercises,一、用现在进行时改写下面的句子,1.She sits under the tree.,She is sitting under the tree.,2.I eat a hamburger and some fruit.,I am eating a hamburger and some fruit.,3.They clean the classroom.,They are cleaning the classroom.,二、用所给动词的适当形式填空,1.Look!Andy_,(fly) a model plane.,2.Listen!Amy_(sing) in the next room.,3.Many students_(play)football in the football field now.,4.Father is not at home.He _,(,work).,5.Its seven oclock now.,His father _,(,watch)TV.,is flying,is singing,are playing,is working,is watching,新概念知识点介绍,Unit 1,现在进行时(何时用?公式?),Unit 2,现在进行时(动词原形变为动词的现在分词规则,3,条),Unit 3,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,新概念知识点介绍,Unit 4,动词短语(,put on/off,turn on/off, pick up,throw away,put up/ take down,),Unit 5,一般现在时(公式?),任意时间的表达(3个公式?,past, to,),Unit 6,比较一般现在时和现在进行时,新概念知识点介绍,Unit 7,一般现在时,学会用,how often,来询问频率,,回答做某事的频率,Unit 8,由,be going to,构成的一般将来时,Unit 9,想要做某事,want to do sth.,想要某人做某事,want sb. to do sth.,新概念知识点介绍,Unit 10,比较一般现在时,,现在进行时,,一般将来时。,新概念知识点介绍,U,nit,11-20,一般过去式,was,一般过去式,were,There be,句型的一般过去式,一般过去式,have,规则动词过去式变化规则,不规则动词的过去式,一般过去时和一般将来时时间状语的比较,POWERPOINT TEMPLATE,TNANK,YOU,


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