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*,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,Lesson 43,How to make the tea?,tea,kettle,teapot,tea cups,The kettle is boiling!,put the kettle on the gas cooker,wait ten minutes,step1,step2,step3,put the tea into the teapot,p,our the water into the teapot,pour the tea into the cup,step4,step5,step6,OK,Does Sam find the tea?,Yes , he does.,make the tea,沏茶,tea,茶叶,茶树,茶水 ,茶点,tea table,teahouse,teaegg,茶几,茶馆,茶叶蛋,make the coffee,make,煮咖啡,整理床铺,make the bed,make the bookcase,做书柜,0f course 当然(口气过于强硬),当然了,这是我的新车。,Of course, this is my new car.,当然我是对的。,Of course I am right.,当然了,你不能走。,Of course, you cannot go.,over there 在那边(比较远),我的旧连衣裙在那边。,My old dress is over there.,简正坐在那边。,Jane is sitting over there.,behind,在后面(位置),黑板在老师后面。,The blackboard is behind the teacher.,after 在后面(位置,时间),黑板在老师后面。,The blackboard is after the teacher.,后天,the day after tomorrow,星期一之后我可以把照片给你看。(show),I can show my photos to you after Monday.,in front of 在整体之外的前面,司机,在,公共汽车,的,前部。,The driver is in the front of the bus.,黑板在教室的前面,The blackboard is in the front of the classroom.,她正站在公园的大门前。(park gate),She is standing in front of the park gate,.,in the front of,在整体之内的前面,There are some in the cupboard.,=There are some cups in the cupboard.,Wheres the tea?,wheres=where is,There it is.那不是么。,这不是么。Here it is.,给你。Here you are.,他们就在这儿呢。Here they are.,look for 寻找的过程find 寻找的结果,我正在找我的眼镜,但是我找不到。,I am_my glasses.But I cant _ them.,I can help you to_in the end.,looking for,find,find,can 情态动词 否定形式:cannot cant能(能力或客观可能性,请求或允许),你今晚能完成你的家庭作业吗?,Can you finish your homework tonight?,-我可以走了吗? -可以,-Can I go now? -Yes, you can.,-我可以进去吗? -不可以,Can I go in? -No, you cant.,我能吃一个冰淇淋吗?不能,你该吃饭了。,Can I have an ice cream?,No, you cant. You should have dinner now.,情态动词can的基本句型:,1.肯定句型为:,主语+can+动词原形+其它。,They can play,basketball.,She can dance.,You can watch TV.,2.否定句型为:,主语+can not(cant/cannot)+动词原形+其它。表示“某人不能(不会。不可能)做”。其中cant是can not的缩略式,英国多写成cannot。,You cannot pass the ball like this.,你不能像这样传球。,I cant ride a motorbike.,我不会骑摩托车。,Is there any water in the kettle?,Is the tea in front of the teapot?,Are the cups on the desk?,Can Sam find the cups?,Do you think Sam make the tea very often?,Lesson 44,Are there any?,Is there any?,名词变复数,1一般名词复数是在名词后面加上“s”,E.g.,map-maps,bag-bags,2、以s, sh, ch, x等结尾的词加“es”,E.g.,bus-buses,watch-watches,3以辅音字母y结尾的词,变y为i加es,E.g.,baby-babies,以元音字母 y结尾的名词变复数时,直接加s变复数,E.g.,monkey-monkeys,4、以o 结尾的名词变复数时 :,加s的名词有:,photo-photos,piano-pianos,stero-steros,加es的名词有:,potato-potatoes,tomato-tomatoes,不规则,child-children,mouse-mice,foot-feet,tooth-teeth,goose-geese,man-men,woman-women,不规则变化要特别记,oo常常变ee,footfeet是一例;男人、女人a改e,wo-manwomen是一例;child 复数children要记准,中国的人、日本的鱼、鹿、绵羊无变化,单数、复数是一家。,Is there a cup of tea on the desk?,Yes, there is.,Are there two cups of tea on the desk?,Yes, there are.,Are there two cups of tea near the teapot?,Is there any tea in the teapot?,( )Mary is_the park ,but she cant _it.,A.look for/find B.finding /looking for,C.looking for/find D.see/look,( )_you like eggs?_,I like fish.,A.Can/Yes B.Do/No,C.Do/Yes D.Can/No,( )What would you like _a birthday present?,A.as B.of C.to D.for,( )What does it mean?It meanskeep_the grass.,A.of B.off C.in D.on,( )3 My father _an English book now.,A reads B reading C is reading D read,c,B,A,B,c,( )4 It _Childrens Day yesterday.,A is B will C were D was,( )6 I _two pens, but my sister _three.,A have, have B have, has C has, has,D has, have,( )7 Where is my football? It _ there just now.,A is B was C were D over,( )8 Helen is looking _her pencil case.,A at b up C for D after,( )5 Would you like to come _ my birthday party?,Yes, Can David come , _?,A to; too B too; to C to; too D two; to,D,B,B,C,C,


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