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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,New words,madam n.,夫人,女士(对妇女的尊称),smart adj.,漂亮的,as well,同样,suit v.,适于,pretty adj.,漂亮的,madam n.,1),夫人,女士,对妇女(己婚或未婚)的敬称,或在写给承陌生妇女的欣函中开头的称呼,相当于称呼男士的,sir.,太太(小姐),有需要我效劳的吗?,Can I help you, madam?,Dear Madam(,商用书信中对妇女的称呼,),2,),.,女士(用于职称前面的称呼),-Madam Chairman,主席女士,-Madam,President,总 统 女士,2024/9/22,Mr.,对男士的称呼。,Ms.,对女士的称呼,不清楚是否已婚的情况下。,Mrs.,已婚女士的称呼。,Miss.,对未婚女士的称呼。,Madam.,对领导,长者或者女士的尊称。,Sir,对男士的尊称,2024/9/22,smart adj.,1),漂亮的,你今天看起来很漂亮。,You look very smart today.,2,)伶俐的,聪明的,精明的推销员,a smart salesman,2024/9/22,as well,同样,as well,常用作状语,作“又;也”解,,相当于,too,或,also,,常位于句末,无须用逗号与句子分开。如:,I am going to London and my sister is going as well.=I am going to London and my sister is going, too.,2024/9/22,Make a sentence:,她会说德语,我也会说德语。,She can speak German. I can speak German as well.,她想洗澡,我也想洗澡。,She wants to take a bath. I want to take a bath as well.,2024/9/22,suit,v.,适合;适宜于,这个外套适合我。,This coat suits me.,v.,相称,相当,合某人之意,The climate here suits me very well.,Blue suits her.,3,),n.,套装,2024/9/22,pretty,1,),adj.,漂亮的(用于女性,小孩,小而极漂亮的东西等),可爱的女孩,a pretty girl,2,),adv.,颇,相当,非常,The movie is pretty good.,He is pretty old now.,2024/9/22,Notes on the text,课文注释,2024/9/22,Watch,and answer the question:,What kind of dress does the lady want?,ASSISTANT: Do you like this dress, madam?,LADY: I like the colour very much.,Its a lovely dress,but its too small for me.,ASSISTANT: What about this one?,Its lovely dress.,Its very smart.,Short skirts are in fashion now.,too,太(具有否定意义),be in fashion,流行的,be out of fashion,过时的、不流行的,Its a lovely dress, but its too small for me.,too adv.,太,(,具有否定意义,),The weather is too hot.,tooto,太,以至于不能,You are too young to smoke.,The box is too heavy to carry.,2024/9/22,What about this one? Its a lovely dress. Its very smart. Short skirts are in fashion now.,What about=How about,用于寻求建议、意见,或提出建议。,What about/How about going for,a drink after work,?,be in fashion,时髦,正流行,反义词:,out of fashion,This kind of skirt is in fashion this year.,2024/9/22,ASSISTANT: Would you like to try it?,LADY: All right.,LADY: Im afraid this green dress it too small for me,as well.,Its smaller than the blue one.,LADY: I dont like the colour either.,It doesnt suit me at all.,I think the blue dress is prettier.,try it on try on the dress/ try the dress on,Im afraid +,宾语从句,as well,也,比较级,either,用于否定句,at all,用于否定句,“一点都不”,起强调作用,比较级,Would you like to try it?,Would you like + n. / to do.,你愿意,吗?,用来表示委婉的请求和建议,Would you like some milk?,Would you like to visit my teacher?,2024/9/22,try,试一试,try on,试穿,try these new shoes on,try to do sth,尽力做,I will try to go back home early.,try doing,试着做,Theyre trying painting the bookcase blue.,2024/9/22,Im afraid this green dress is too small for me as well. Its smaller than the blue one.,Im afraid “,我恐怕,”,She was afraid that he would beat her with the stick.,as well,也,通常放在句末,与,too,一样,一般不用于否定句中,They would like to go there as well.,2024/9/22,I dont like the colour either. It doesnt suit me at all. I think the blue dress is prettier.,either,也(用于否定句中),I dont like this dress either.,notat all,根本不,一点也不,(用于否定句),I dont like it at all.,2024/9/22,LADY: Could you show me another blue dress?,I want a dress like that one,but it must be my size.,ASSISTANT: Im afraid I havent got a larger dress.,This is the largest dress in the shop.,常接双宾语的动词:verb.+sb.+sth.,bring, give, lend, send, show, take,,,etc.,like,:像,一样,大码,: the large size,中码,: the medium size,小码,: the small size,形容词的最高级,Could you show me another blue dress?,Could you,用于表示请求。比,can you,语气婉转,更为客气,Could you tell me the way to the station?,show sb sth=show sth to sb,给某人出示某物,Show your passport to me please!,another,另一个,I want to have another cup of tea.,2024/9/22,I want a dress like that one, but it must be my size.,-like,是介词,表示“像,”,I wont do it like you.,be ones size,是某人穿的尺码,I tried the shoes on but they were not my size.,2024/9/22,ASSISTANT,: ,madam?,LADY: I like,.,Its,but its,.,ASSISTANT: What about,?,Its,.,Its very,.,Short skirts,now.,Do you like this dress,the colour very much,a lovely dress,too small for me,this one,a lovely dress,smart,are in fashion,ASSISTANT,:,?,LADY: All right.,LADY: Im afraid,.,Its,.,LADY: I dont like,.,It doesnt,.,I think,.,Would you like to try it,this green dress it too small for me as well,smaller than the blue one,the colour either,suit me at all,the blue dress is prettier,LADY: Could you,?,I want,but it,.,ASSISTANT: Im afraid,.,This is,in the shop.,show me another blue dress,a dress like that one,must be my size,I havent got a larger dress,the largest dress,Grammar in use,语法点,形容词比较级和最高级,2024/9/22,I am tall.,I am taller.,I am the tallest.,Lets compare!,I am fat.,I am fatter.,I am the fattest.,Lets compare!,I am beautiful.,I am more beautiful.,I am the most beautiful.,形容词比较级和最高级,两者进行比较时,用比较级,“比,更”。,三者或三者以上进行比较时,用最高级,,“最,”.,一、,比较级的,规则变化,1. clean,cleaner,cleanest,tall,taller- tallest,small,smaller,smallest,变化规则:,单音节和少数双音节单词,一般在词尾加,“,er,”,或,“,est,”,Ex. cheap , short, long, light, high,2. nice nicer the nicest,late later the latest,变化规则:,以不发音字母“,e”,结尾的单词,直接在词尾加 “,r”,或“,st”,Ex.,close, fine, large, rude,fat,fat,ter,- the fat,test,big,big,ger,the big,gest,变化规则:,以重读闭音节结尾的单词,如果词尾只有一个辅音字母时,应先双写这一辅音字母,再加,“,er,”,或,“,est,”,(以辅元辅结尾),Ex.,thin, hot, fat, sad, wet,happy happ,ier, the happ,iest,easy eas,ier, the eas,iest,变化规则:,以辅音字母,+y,结尾的单词,应先改“,y”,为“,i”,,在加“,er”,或“,est”,Ex.,heavy, healthy, busy, lucky, pretty, funny,5,、,beautiful more beautiful most beautiful,变化规律:,其他双音节单词和多音节单词,都在其前面加“,more”,或“,most”,Ex.,interesting,important,careful,expensive,Emma is tall.,Paul is,than Emma.,Hans is,student in our class.,taller,the tallest,二、,比较级的,不规则变化,good/well,better,the best,bad - worse - the worst,many/ much,more,the most,little,less - the least,用法,1.,比较级,只用于,两者之间,常用于,比较级,+than,结构中。,He is fatter than me.,2.,最高级,常用于“,the+,最高级,+,比较范围,”结构,She is the best student in the class.,He sings (the)best in the class.,形容词最高级加,the,副词最高级常可省去,the.,2024/9/22,练习,1),他比我要聪明,He is cleverer than me.,2),中国比美国大,China is larger than the U.S.,3),他们比我们跑得快,They run faster that us.,4),这幅画比那幅画漂亮,This picture is more beautiful than that one.,5),这个女孩是全班最瘦的,The girl is the thinnest in her class.,6),他开车是所有人当中最快的一个。,He drives (the) most quickly among them all.,2024/9/22,


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