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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Do you have any pets?,Do they have any strange habits?,Key words expressions,Rex 雷克斯,bark,v. 狗叫,press,v. 按,压,paw,n. 脚爪,latch,n. 门闩,Key words expressions,expert,n. 专家,develop,a,habit,养成习惯,remove,v. 拆掉,取下,annoyed adj. 生气的,恼火的,Questions on the text,Why did the writers husband spend weeks training the dog to open the front gate?,What bad habit has the dog developed?,What happened when the writers husband removed the gate?,Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark. Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in. Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.,However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate. This time he was barking so that someone would let him out! Since then, he has developed another bad habit. As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he comes into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. Then he sits and barks until someone lets him out. After this he immediately lets himself in and begin barking again, Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.,Key words expressions,bark,v. 狗叫 The dog is barking.,sb. is barking. 某人在咆哮,The dog barked at the visitor.,crow,kru,公鸡喔喔叫,mew,mju:,猫喵喵叫,quack,kwk,鸭子嘎嘎叫,A barking dog seldom bites.,(谚)善吠之犬不咬人,Key words expressions,press,v. 按, 压, vt.&vi. 按,挤,压,Can you press that button for me please?,vt. 催促,敦促,竭力劝说,I dont like to be pressed. 我不喜欢被人催促。,pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫,pressure cooker 高压锅,Key words expressions,paw,n. 脚爪,The cats paw was burnt.,My dogs paw was bleeding.,cats paw 被利用的人(由寓言而来),I dont want to be a cats paw.,我才不想被人利用 。,Key words expressions,latch,n. 门闩,latch n. 门闩(庭院,花园中的门闩),bar n. 门闩(与 latch不同),You cant walk in because the door is on the latch.,latch,on the latch 仅上门闩的,关着的,未上锁的,off the latch 未上门闩的,虚掩的,2)v. 用门闩栓牢或用撞锁锁住,你离开的时候别忘了把前门锁上。,Dont forget to latch the front door when you leave.,Key words expressions,expert,n. 专家,expert at/in sth. 在某一方面是专家,expert at/in doing sth.,He is an expert in maths.,expert adj.熟练地,老练的,擅长的,an expert economist 一个老练的经济学家,an expert thief 一个熟练的贼,be expert at sth/ doing sth,be expert in sth/ doing sth,她对付孩子非常擅长。,She is expert at handling children.,She is expert in handling children.,擅长,.,Key words expressions,develop,v. 养成 develop a habit, vt. &vi. 发展,扩展,The village has developed into a town now.,developing country 发展中国家 ;,developed country 发达国家,V-ed 强调已经,V-ing 强调正在,有时态的区别,boiling water 滚开水 ; boiled water 开水,develop the film 冲洗胶卷,4. develop: v. 写出develop 在不同句子中的不同含义,1) He believes that sports can,develop,mind and body. _,2) We need to,develop,solar energy even further._,(,使,),发展,;,使成长,发育,开发(土地、资源、新产品),4)He,developed,an interest in music. _ _,5)I,developed,a cold yesterday._,6) Lets have these photos,developed,. _,development: n. with the development of: 随着-的发展,_,_ our country has become a most powerful country in space technology.,培养(习惯、兴趣等),患(病),冲洗底片,With the development of the aircraft,technology,Key words expressions,habit,n. 习惯(指个人习惯),custom n. 风俗,习俗,Stop biting your nails. Its a bad habit.,She has a habit of playing with her hair while reading.,他有熬夜的习惯。( stay up late),He has the habit of staying up late.,有,习惯,habit,fall into the habit of doing sth,get into the habit of doing sth,develop a habit,form a habit,make a habit,我养成了一回家就看电视的习惯。,Ive got into a habit of turning on the TV as soon,as I get home.,养成,习惯,habit,fall into bad habit,get into bad habit,kick the habit of,get rid of the habit of,你最好戒掉咬指甲的习惯。,Youd better get rid of the habit of biting your,nails.,养成坏习惯,戒除某嗜好,/,习惯,Key words expressions,remove,v. 拆掉, 取下,remove the dishes 撤去碗碟,remove ones hat 脱掉帽子,My husband removed the gate. 拆门,The player was removed from the team. 开除,remove,remover 迁移者,搬运工;清除剂,nail-polish remover 指甲油清除剂,removable adj. 可以动的,可除去的,可拆除的,removable furniture 可拆除的家具,Language points,1、Our dog, Rex,used to,sit outside our,front gate,and dark.,front gate 前门,wouldused to,过去常常,Every time,he wanted to come into the garden he,would,bark until someone opened the gate.,every time,when,每当,每次,无论何时(,every time,在这里为连词引导一个时间状语从句,表示“每次”、“每当”,主句中的,would,表示过去的习惯性动作。,),Every time we met, we would talk for a while.,我们每次见面都要聊一会儿。,He brought a present every time he came to visit us.,他每次来看我们都带一份礼物。,Every time,he wanted to come into the garden he,would,bark until someone opened the gate.,until conj.,主句中的动词为延续性动词,not until,直到,才 主句中的动词为非延续性动词,well stay at home until the rain stops.,We wont start until the rain stops.,Language points,3、As the neighbors,complained of,the noise, my husband,spent,weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to,let,himself in.,sb. spend time (in) doing sth./on sth.,花费某段时间去做某事(人作主语),I spent two weeks (in) reading this book.,He has spent a lot of time on this project.,It takes sb. some times to do sth. 某事花了某人多少时间(事情做主语),complain about,1.,我花了两个星期来读这本书。,2.,他已经在这项目上花了很多时间。,train sb. to do sth.,训练某人做某事,press his paw on the latch = press the latch,press the button = press the figure on the button,let sb. in,让某人进来 ;,let sb. out,让某人出去,1.,当你一个人在家的时候不要让陌生人近来。,2.,他是爬窗出来的。,Dont let any stranger in when you are alone at home.,He let himself out through the window.,Language points,4、Rex soon,became an expert at,opening the gate.,become an expert at doing sth. 成了能手/专家/权威,Expert常与介词at,in,on,with连用,John is an expert at driving a car.,约翰是开车高手。,She is an expert in flowers.,她是花卉方面的专家。,Sam is an expert on that problem.,萨姆是研究那个问题的权威。,Language points,5. However, when I,was going out shopping,last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate.,going out shopping 加了out 强调外出,去游泳,去钓鱼,去野餐,go siwmming,go fishing,go picnicking,Language points,6. This time he was barking,so that,someone would let him out.,so that表示“为的是”,引导目的状语从句,1.请大声一点,以便我们能听见你。,2.为了我们不迟到,你能快点吗?,Please speak up so that we can hear you.,Can you hurry up so that we wont be late?,Language points,7、Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got,so,annoyed we have not seen him,since,.,sothat如此以至于,结果状语从句,可以省略一个词,so 或 that 都可以 .,He was so excited he could not say anything.,since(在句尾) = since then : 从那时起到现在为止,一般与完成时连用。,Key structures and usage,表示目的的几种方式:,to, in order to, so as to, so that, in order that,My husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch,to,let himself in.,This time he was barking,so that,someone would let him out.,We start out early,in order to,avoid traffic.,I moved to the front of the bus,so as to,get,a good view of the countryside.,He left the letter on the table,in order that,I,might see it.,Key structures and usage,在bring, buy, need, take, use, want等动词后常用“宾语+to”而不用”宾语+in order to/so as to”:,a. I want something to drink.,(不能说: I want something in order to drink.),b. Bring me a chair to sit on.,Key structures and usage,(1)“So that“以便,使能够”,与in order that 同义,后接从句,引导一个表示目的的状语从句。,Speak clearly so that (in order that) everybody can understand you.,请说清楚一点,这样每个人都可以听懂你的话。,We left early so that (in order that) we could catch the first train.,(2)so that 也可以引导表示结果的状语从句,主句和从句是原因与结果的关系,做“因此”讲。,It was too cold ,so that we couldnt work.,天气太冷了,因此我们无法工作。,Key structures and usage,(3)so that与so-that的区别,so that 可以引导目的的状语从句(有情态动词)或结果状语从句(没有情态动词)(从句子的意思上或根据主句和从句的逻辑关系上去判断);,so-that引导结果状语从句,作“如此- 以致- ”讲,常用在“so+形容词/副词+that clause”结构中.,(4) in order to (in order not to)和so as to (so as not to)后接动词原形,用作目的状语,in order to ,to do 可置于句首,而so as to 则不行(常用语否定句)。,Key structures and usage,1.Please speak louder, _everybody can hear you.,A: so B: so that C: what D: in order to,2. Speak to him slowly_ he may understand you better.,A: since B: so that C: for D: because,3._finish the report ,John stayed up late into the night.,A: So that B: In order that C: So as to D: In order to,4. It was_ cold that they had put on more clothes.,A: such a B: so a C: such D: so,5. John shut everybody out of the kitchen_ he could prepare his grand surprise for the party.,A: which B: when C: so that D: as if,6.So tired_ after a long journey that he_ stay up.,A: was he; couldnt B: is he; couldnt C: he was; couldnt D: was he; couldnt have,So frightened was he that he did,not dare to move an inch.,1 I hurried _I wouldnt be late for work.,A since B so that,C as if,D unless,2 His speech made _deep impression on the audience that they could hardly forget it.,A such a,B so a C so,D such,3 They worked hard, _they finished their work on time.,A so B so that C such that D so as to,4 He works hard _he can serve his country well.,A in order to B so as to,C in order that,D because of,5 On Saturday afternoon, Lily went to the market, _ some bananas and visited her cousin.,A bought B buying C to buyD buy,6 On her way home Mary stopped _ some flowers.,A to buy,B buying C to be buying D to have bought,Why do you think Rex finally disappeared?,Thats all!,Thank you!,


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