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Unit5 Good manners,Period 2 Reading,课文呈现,Reading,A. When in Rome,Daniel is hosting the school radio show this week. He is interviewing Jenny, a Grade 9 student, who has recently visited the UK.,Daniel:,Hi, everyone. Today weve invited Jenny to talk about manners in the UK. Whats the proper /prp(r)/ way to greet people there, Jenny?,温馨提示:,此符号表示,“,考点精讲点拨,”,链接。,课文呈现,Jenny:,Well, British people say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time.,Daniel:,Do they greet people with a kiss /ks/?,Jenny:,No. British people only greet relatives or close /kls/ friends with a kiss.,Daniel:,How do people start a conversation /knvsen/?,Jenny:,They talk about the weather, holidays, music, books or something else. But please avoid /vd/ subjects /sbdkts/ like age, weight or money.,课文呈现,Daniel:,Do people there behave politely in public /pblk/?,Jenny:,Yes, they do. They always queue. They think its rude to push /p/ in before others.,Also, if they bump into someone in the street, theyll say “sorry”.,Daniel:,Anything else?,Jenny:,If youre in their way, they wont touch /tt/ you or push past you.,Theyll say “excuse /kskjuz/ me” and be polite enough to wait till /tl/ you move.,课文呈现,Daniel:,British people are very polite at home as well, arent they?,Jenny:,Yes. They say “please” and “thank you” all the time!,Daniel:,Any other tips for us if were going to the UK?,Jenny:,Let me see. Oh, keep your voice down in public. British people dont like to shout or laugh loudly /ladli/.,Daniel:,OK. Thanks, Jenny. Now weve learnt more about manners in the UK. Im sure theyre helpful to us.,Jenny:,I hope so. Just as /z; z/ the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”,课文呈现,B. Good manners in the UK,B1. Simon does not know some of the words in the interview. Help him match the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.,课文呈现,1. proper (line 2) _,2. greet (line 2) _,3. conversation (line 7) _,4. avoid (line 9) _,5. push in (line 11)_,6. bump (line 12) _,a. a small talk,b. try not to do something,c. go in front of other people who are waiting,d. hit someone or something by accident,e. right or correct,f. say hello to someone or welcome them,e,f,a,b,c,d,课文呈现,B2. Simon is trying to make sure that he remembers what Jenny talked about on the radio. Help him tick for what British people do and for what they do not do.,Greeting: say “hello” or “nice to meet you”,shake hands,usually greet people with a kiss,talk about the weather, holidays, music or books,talk about age, weight or money,课文呈现,In public: queue for something,push in before others,say “sorry” if they bump into others,push past people,shout or laugh loudly,At home: say “please” and “thank you” all the time,课文呈现,B3. Jenny is writing an article about good manners in the UK for the school newsletter. Help her complete her article with the correct words,Good manners in the UK,British people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and _ (1) when they meet you for the first time. They only greet _ (2) or close friends with a kiss.,shake your hand,relatives,课文呈现,They like to start a _ (3) with subjects like the weather, holidays, music or books. They _ (4) talking about age, weight or money.,British people think it is rude to _ (5) before others. They always _ (6) . They say “sorry” if they _ (7) you in the street. When they want you to _ (8) , they say “excuse me”.,conversation,avoid,push in,queue,bump into,move,课文呈现,They do not like to shout or laugh loudly _ (9) . British people are _ (10) at home too. They say “please” or “thank you” _(11) .,“,When in Rome, do as _ (12) do.” When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do.,in public,polite,all the time,the Romans,课文呈现,C. Talking about manners in China,Daniel is thinking about the differences in manners between the UK and China. Work in pairs and discuss his questions below with your partner.,课文呈现,1. How do we greet each other?,2. How do we usually start a conversation?,3. Do we always queue?,4. What do we do if someone is in our way?,5. Do we shout or laugh loudly in public?,6. Do we say “please” and “thank you” at home?,7. Do we need to improve our manners?,考点精讲, Whats the proper way to greet people there, Jenny?,proper /prp(r)/ adj.,符合习俗的,;,正确的,e.g.,You must learn to greet people in a proper way.,你必须学会用正确的方式与人打招呼。,You acted perfectly properly in approaching me first.,你先来找我是完全对的。,考点,1,proper,的副词形式为,properly,,意为,“,恰当地;合适地,”,。,考点精讲,中考在线,1,:,Its important to learn to behave _ (proper) at a big dinner. ,常州,properly,返回,温馨提示,:,可返回原文,考点精讲,Well, British people say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time.,shake sbs hand,与某人握手,e.g.,He will shake your hand when he meets you.,当他见到你时,他会和你握手。,拓展:,shake,的其他常用词组:,shake hands with sb.,和某人握手,shake ones head,摇头,考点,2,考点精讲,语境助记:,I went up and wanted to,shake,hands with,her. But she,shook,her head and went away.,我走上前想和她握手。但是她摇摇头走开了。,返回,考点精讲, Do they greet people with a kiss?,kiss /ks/ n.,亲吻,e.g.,She gave her mother a kiss.,她给了她母亲一个吻。,She bent over the baby and kissed her.,她弯下身去吻了吻那个女婴。,考点,3,v,.,吻,亲吻,返回,考点精讲, How do people start a conversation?,conversation / knvsen/ n.,(非正式)交谈,谈话 (,an informal talk involving a small group of people or only two,),考点,4,考点精讲,e.g.,I had an interesting conversation with my neighbour.,我和我的邻居进行了一次有趣的谈话。,In our English class, we are often divided into eight groups to practice conversations.,在英语课上,我们经常被分为八组练习对话。,have a conversation with sb.,与某人进行一次谈话,考点精讲,中考在线,2,:,We dont want to have a _ (,谈话,) with anyone from the position of strength.,【,点拨,】,“,谈话”的英语表达是,conversation,;根据空格前的不定冠词,a,可知,此处填,conversation,。,conversation,返回,考点精讲, But please avoid subjects like age, weight or money.,avoid /vd/ vt.,避免 (,to prevent sth. bad from happening,),e.g.,They all avoided mentioning that name.,他们都避免提及那个名字。,I crossed the street to avoid meeting him, but he saw me and ran towards me.,我穿过马路以便避开他,但他看到了我并朝我跑了过来。,考点,5,avoid,后接名词或动名词,考点精讲,中考在线,3,:,During our holidays, we should avoid _ up at night and oversleeping in the morning. ,苏州,A. stay B. to stay C. stayed D. staying,【,点拨,】,本题用固定搭配法。句意:在假期里,我们应该避免晚上熬夜和早上睡过头。,avoid doing sth.,意为“避免做某事”,是固定搭配。,D,考点精讲,subject /sbdkt/ n.,话题,;,主题 (,a thing or person that is being discussed, described or dealt with,),e.g.,What is the subject of that book?,那本书的主题是什么,?,What subject does Mr Smith teach?,史密斯先生教哪门课,?,考点,6,中考在线,4,:,The _(,话题,) we are going to talk about is “Online Manners”.,subject,科目,学科,主题,返回,考点精讲, Do people there behave politely in public?,public /pblk/ n.,民众,群体 (,ordinary people in society in general,),考点,7,考点精讲,e.g.,You arent supposed to smoke in public. Its bad for our health.,你不应该在公众场合抽烟。这对我们的健康有害。,Sorry, I will put out my cigarette right now.,对不起,我马上把我的烟熄灭。,You mustnt do that in a public place.,你一定不能在公共场所做那种事。,公开地,在别人面前,adj.,公开场合的,大庭广众的,考点精讲,中考在线,5,:,We cant smoke in,p,. Its harmful to others.,贵港,【,点拨,】,句意:我们不能在公共场合吸烟。那样做对其他人有危害。,in public,意为“在公开场合”,是固定短语。,ublic,返回,考点精讲, They think its rude to push in before others.,push /p/ vi. & vt.,推,挤 (,to use your hands, arms or body in order to make sb. / sth. move forward or away from you,),e.g.,He pushed her into the car.,他把她推进了车里。,I fell because he gave me a push.,我跌倒了,因为他推了我一下。,考点,8,v.,推,挤,n.,推,搡,考点精讲,中考在线,6,:,Theres no doubt that the Belt and Road will successfully _ cooperation and development between China and other countries along the line.,A. push for B. care for C. look for D. hope for,【,点拨,】,:,本题用短语辨析法。,push for,奋力争取;推动;,care for,关心;,look for,寻找;,hope for,希望。根据常识可知,“一带一路”将成功推动中国与沿线国家的合作与发展。,A,返回,考点精讲, If youre in their way, they wont touch you or push past you.,in ones way,挡住某人的路,e.g.,Those stones are in our way.,那些石头挡住了我们的路。,考点,9,与,way,相关的短语有,:, all the way,一路上;自始至终,by the way,顺便问一下,on one,s way to.,在某人去,的路上,lose one,s way,迷路,考点精讲,中考在线,7,:,If someone is _ your way, what will you do?,I will wait until he or she moves instead of pushing past.,泰州,A. in B. on C. by D. along,A,考点精讲,touch /tt/ v.,触摸, 碰 (,to put your hand or another part of your body onto sb. / sth.,),e.g.,Dont touch the broken glass. It may hurt your hand.,不要碰碎玻璃,它可能会伤了你的手。,Dont touch the paint until its dry.,油漆未干,切勿触摸。,A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.,一个真正的朋友会为你伸出援手,并触动你的心。,考点,10,v.,触动,考点精讲,中考在线,8,:,Which sign means “No touching”?,A. B. C. D.,D,返回,考点精讲,Theyll say “excuse me” and be polite enough to wait till you move.,excuse me,劳驾,e.g.,Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest hospital?,劳驾,你能告诉我去最近的医院的路吗,?,考点,11,考点精讲,excuse me,常用的客套话。常用于句首,通常在打扰别人或要吸引别人注意时使用。,sorry,常用于由于自己的过失给对方造成损失,或对别人的要求不能满足时。,还可以用来表示对别人的病情、身体不适、处于困境等感到同情、伤心、难过。,辨析:,excuse me,与,sorry,考点精讲,e.g.,Excuse me, is there a hotel here?,打扰一下,这儿有旅馆吗,?,Im sorry that I cant help you.,对不起,我不能帮助你。,Tom is ill.,汤姆病了。,Im sorry to hear that.,听到这事我真难过。,中考在线,9,:,E,me, can you tell me how I can get to a nearby restaurant? ,杭州,xcuse,返回,考点精讲, British people are very polite at home as well, arent they?,as well,也,还,e.g.,Mr Li is our teacher and our friend as well.,李先生是我们的老师,也是我们的朋友。,Tom likes music. I like it as well.,汤姆喜欢音乐,我也喜欢。,考点,12,相当于,too,,是副词短语,一般放在句末。,返回,考点精讲, British people dont like to shout or laugh loudly.,loudly /ladli/ adv.,大声地,响亮地 (,in a way that makes a lot of noise or can be easily heard,),e.g.,The guests all laughed loudly.,客人们都大声地笑了。,考点,13,考点精讲,loudly,只能作副词,意为“吵闹地”。,loud,可以作形容词,意为“大声的”,也可以作副词,意为“响亮地,大声地”,作副词时和,loudly,同义。,aloud,只能作副词,强调为使人听见而发声,声音不一定很大,意为“出声地”。,易错辨析,:,loudly, loud,与,aloud,考点精讲,e.g.,She screamed as loudly as she could.,她声嘶力竭地尖叫着。,The television is too loud. Turn the volume down.,电视声音太响了。把音量调低一点儿。,He should not speak so loud.,他不该如此大声说话。,Please read aloud so that I can hear you.,请大声朗读,好让我能听到。,中考在线,10,:,Please speak more,l, so all of us can hear you. ,百色,oudly,返回,考点精讲,Just as the saying goes, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”,as /z; z/ conj.,正如,如同 (,used to make a comment or to add information about what you have just said,),e.g.,It isnt so easy as you think.,这不像你想的那么容易。,考点,14,as,的常用搭配,:, as . as .,像,一样, as soon as possible,尽快地,as if,好像,such as,例如,the same as .,与,一样,考点精讲,e.g.,He talked to me as a father.,他以父亲的身份跟我谈话。,(,他是我的父亲。,),He talked to me like my father.,他像我父亲那样跟我谈话。,(,他不是我的父亲。,),as,介词,“作为,以,身份”。,like,介词,“像,一样”。,重点辨析,:,as,与,like,返回,考点精讲, hit someone or something by accident,by accident,偶然,意外地,e.g.,I met her by accident.,我偶然遇见了她。,考点,15,语境助记:,He was killed in a car,accident,by,accident,.,他在一次车祸中意外丧生。,=by chance,考点精讲,中考在线,11,:,那个小孩在登山中意外地摔伤了腿。,兰州,That child broke his leg _ _ when he was climbing the mountain.,by accident,返回,课堂练习,一、根据汉语提示完成句子,1. Please follow the rules. Dont _ (,触摸,) the photos in the museum. ,安徽改编,2. The two friends kept in _ (,密切的,) contact with each other.,3. He wants to have a _ (,谈话),with you.,4. Do you know the _ (,主题,) of that activity?,5. He _ (,推,) the door and came in.,touch,close,conversation,subject,pushed,课堂练习,二、用所给词的适当形式填空,6. Avoid _(touch),your eyes, nose and mouth before washing your hands. ,连云港改编,7. When I entered the room, everyone was laughing _ (loud).,8. Do you think _ (Britain) people are friendly?,touching,loudly/loud,British,课堂练习,9. When talking with foreigners, you should avoid the subjects like age, _(weigh) or money.,10. You can shake her hand when you see her for the _ (one) time.,weight,first,课堂练习,三、单项选择,11. Would you please not speak so loudly in _ public?,Sorry. I will remember to speak in _ lower voice.,A. the; a B. /; a C. the; the D. /; /,B,课堂练习,12. The speaker showed some _ examples to make the science report easy to understand. ,安徽,A. awful B. stupid C. proper D. thick,C,课堂练习,13. We should behave politely at home _.,A. either B. as well,C. also D. as well as,【,点拨,】,用于肯定句的末尾,表示“也”,可以用,as well,或,too,。故选,B,。,B,课堂练习,14. Youd better fix the machine _ I have told you. Otherwise, you may make more problems.,A. like B. with C. as D. follow,C,课堂练习,15. _, could I take this seat?,_, its taken.,A. Excuse me; Excuse me B. Sorry; Sorry,C. Sorry; Excuse me D. Excuse me; Sorry,【,点拨,】,本题用情景交际法。打扰别人时用,excuse me;,表示对别人的要求不能满足时用,sorry,。,D,课堂练习,四、根据汉语意思完成句子,16.,作为中学生,我们不应该在公共场合有不雅行为。,达州,As middle school students, we shouldnt have impolite behavior _ _.,in public,课堂练习,17.,令人惊讶的是,一些科学发现是偶然发现的。,宜宾,Surprisingly, some scientific discoveries were made _ _.,18.,在中国,老朋友见面时通常彼此握手。,In China, old friends usually _ _ _ each other when they meet.,by accident,shake hands with,课堂练习,19.,去吧!没人挡你的路。,Go ahead! Nobody is _ _ _.,20.,人们排队等公交车,如果你在前面插队的话,他们会不开心的。,People wait in line for buses and they will be unhappy if you _ _ at the front.,in your way,push/cut in,课堂小结,本节课主要学习了:,重点单词:,proper,,,close,重点短语:,in public,,,in ones way,重点句式:,Whats the proper way to greet people there, Jenny?,


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