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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1 Wheres your pen pal from?,Wheres your pen pal from?,What country is this?,China,What language do Chinese speak?,Chinese,What country is this?,Canada,What language do Canadian speak?,English, French,What country is this?,France,French,What language do Frenchmen speak?,What country is this?,Japan,Japanese,What language do Japanese speak?,What country is this?,the United States,What language do American speak?,English,What country is this?,Australia,What language do Australian speak?,English,What country is this?,Singapore,What language do Singaporean speak?,English, Chinese,What country is this?,The United Kingdom,What language do English speak?,English,Say these countries names,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,Canada,USA,France,Japan,Australia,UK,Singapore,Flowering Cherry,Mount Fuji,Japan,(日本),Tokyo,(东京),樱花,富士山,Period 2,Singapore(新加坡),Singapore,鱼尾狮,London Bridge,Big Ben,the United Kingdom,(简称)(英国),London(伦敦),伦敦桥,大本钟,Arch of Triumph,Effiel Tower,France(法国),Paris(巴黎),凯旋门,艾菲儿铁塔,Kangaroo,Sydney Opera House,Australia(澳大利亚),Sydney(悉尼),袋鼠,悉尼歌剧院,Statue of Liberty,Disneyland,the United States,(简称),(美国),New York(纽约),Maples,Canada,(加拿大),Toronto(多伦多),枫叶,1b Listening,1. Canada 2. France 3.Japan,4. the United States 5. Australia,6. Singapore 7. the United Kingdom,8. China,Australia,the United States,Canada,France,Japan,City Country,Sydney,Australia,New York,Paris,Toronto,Tokyo,Where are these cities?,the United States,France,Canada,Japan,Listening 2a, 2b,Listen again and complete the chart.,Japan,Paris,France,Sydney,Australia,A: Where is your pen pal from?,B: He/She is from,A: Where does he/she live?,B: He/She lives in,A: What language does he/she speak?,B: -He/She speaks ,Gina,John,Mary,Scott,Country:,Canada,City:,Toronto,Language:,English, French,Country:,France,City:,Paris,Language:,French,Country:,Australia,City:,Sydney,Language:,English,Country:,Japan,City:,Tokyo,Language:,Japanese,Country,4.UK,Language,English,French,Chinese,Japanese,Chinese and English,English and French,-What language do they speak in ?,-They speak ,1. 国人名词的单数变复数,可通过口诀来记忆:日中友好人不变,英法同盟a e换,余国词尾s添。,2. English是英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚的官方语言。,Explanation,3. 含有国籍词的习语:Chinese walls严格保密,万无一失;American dream人人自由,机会均等;take French leave不辞而别。,4. 注意国籍词在同义句转换中的运用。,如:I come from America. =I am from America. =I am American. =I am an American. 我是美国人。,B,2a Listening,_ Whats her name ?,_ Where does she live?,_ Does she have any brothers and sisters?,_ Where is she from?,_ Does she speak English?,1,2,3,4,5,2b Listening,Canada,Toronto,Yes, she does.,Tapescript,Mom:,Is that your new pen pal, Lucy?,Sopbie:,Yes, it is.,Mom:,Oh, whats her name?,Sopbie:,Her name is Maria.,Mom:,Uh-huh. And where is she from?,Sopbie:,Um, shes from Canada.,Mom:,Uh-huh. Where does she live?,3a,Dear Student,My name is Bob. I live in Toronto, Canada, and I want a pen pal in China.,Read this letter again and then finish the information card below.,Name:_,City: _,Country: _,Age: _,Birthday: _,Bob,Toronto,Canada,14,November,Language: _,Family: _,Likes: _ _,Favorite subject:_,Dislikes: _,English and a little French,brother (Paul), sister (Sarah),going to the movies and playing sports,P.E.,math.,Pen Pal Wanted (征募笔友),My _ is Tom King. Im 14 _old and Im from _. I speak _. I have a brother, Sam, and a _, Lisa. I play _ on weekends. Its my favorite sport. I,name,years,Australia,English,sister,soccer,like _ at school. Its fun! My favorite _ is,The Long Weekend,. Do you know it? Its an action movie.,Please write and tell me about yourself.,movie,music,Explanation,I live in,Toronto,Canada,.,我住在加拿大的多伦多。,英语中小单位在前,大单位在后。如,:,I live in,Quxian,Sichuan,.,我住在四川省渠县。,I am in,Class 1,Grade 1,.,我在一年级一班。,Exercises,I.,单项选择,1. What language _ he and his friend speak,?,A. is B. do C. does,答案,:,B,主语是,he and his friend,所,以助动词用,do,。,1. Dictate the words in P6-1.,2. Retell (复述) 3a.,3. Make an information card for yourself and then write about yourself.,Homework,What kind of pen pals do you want?,(city, country, age, language,likes and,dislikes, favorite),You meet your favorite star in the street. What questions do you want to ask him/her?,Chinese name:,Zhou Xingchi,English name:,Stephen Chow,Birthday:,June 22nd,Country:,China,City:,Hong Kong,Language:,Chinese, a little English,Favorite color:,green,Favorite sport:,swimming,Hobby:,singing,Thanks for listening!,


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