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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Chapter 5 Automobile Reception and Maintenance English第五章 汽车接待与维修实用英语,Section 1 Receptionist English,第一节 前台接待英语,Section 2 Maintenance Reception English,第二节 接待英语,Section 3 Reading Materials of Automobile Maintenance,第三节 资料选读,Section 4 Reading Materials of Present Automobile,Technology,第四节 技术资料选读,Section 1 Receptionist English第一节 前台接待英语,Lesson One Introduction of New Models,第一课 车款推介,Lesson Two Negotiation of Price,第二课 价格讨论,Lesson Three Terms of Payment,第三课 支付方式,Lesson One Introduction of New Models 第一课 车款推介,Dialogue 1,对话1,Dialogue 2,对话2,Dialogue 3,对话3,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,NOTES,A:Now Id like to show you the new model,2000 Toyota Landcruiser,A:现在我向您介绍一款新车,丰田巡洋舰2000。,B:oh,it looks nice,B:很漂亮。,A:Yes,I bet youll like it more after my introductionIts Power Steering with Alloy Wheels,Cruise Control,4 Wheel Drive,A:我肯定在听完我的介绍之后您会更喜欢它。它带动力转向的合金车轮,有巡航系统和四轮驱动。,B:Very goodCould you tell me more about the specifications of this model?,B:很好。你能告诉我关于这款车更多的特点吗?,Dialogue 1 对话1,A:SureAs you can see its of sports utility body style with Mahoghany exterior,4.7 Liter V8 engine,A:当然。它的发动机是4.7,V8发动机。正如您所见,这辆车有红褐色运动型的外壳,非常好看。,B:I like it very muchWhats the price?,B:我非常喜欢。它的售价是多少呢?,A:49975.00,A:49975.00美元。,B:Any discount?,B:能打折吗?,A:Yes,We can offer you 50ff,A:可以,我们可以给您打9.5折。,B:GoodIll take it,B:好的,那我就买吧。,Dialogue 2 对话2,A:This way,Mr.SmithWhat do you think about our new model Audi A6 Quattro?,A:请这边,史密斯先生。你觉得我们的新型号奥迪A6 Quattor如何?,B:oh,it looks goodBut Id like to know something about its feature,B:看上去不错。但是我想,多,了解一些它的特性。,A:Its auto transmission and 4 wheel drive with power brakesLet me tell you more specificationThe Mileage is 14415The engine,4.2 Liter V6The price is 27299.00I think its quite a good car,A:这辆车带有动力制动器的自动变速器和四轮驱动。让我告诉你更多它的特性:这辆车行驶了14415英里,4.2,V6发动机,售价是27299美元。我觉得这是一辆很好的车。,B:Yes,I think soBut Id like to look around and make a decision after seeing some other models,B:是的,我也这么想。但我还是想看看周围其他的型号然后再下决定。,A:Sure,A:好的。,Dialogue 3 对话3,A:Are you interested in our new model?Would you like to know more about it?,A:你对我们这款新车有兴趣吗?要多了解一下吗?,B:Yes,I wouldBut does it have Anti-Lock Brakes and Auto Transmission?,B:好的。它有防抱死刹车装置和自动变速器吗?,A:Yes,of courseAnd also with the other features such as Dual Air Bage,Tilt Wheel and Power Locks Etc.,A:当然有。而且还有其他的特性,如双层气囊、可调式车轮和驱动力差速锁等。,B:PerfectI love itthink Ill take this one,B:太好了,我很喜欢。我想买这辆。,A:Thank you,A:谢谢。,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:,NOTES:,Lesson Two Negotiation of Price 第二课 价格讨论,Dialogue 1,对话1,Dialogue 2,对话2,Dialogue 3,对话3,Dialogue 4,对话4,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,NOTES,Dialogue 1 对话1,A:How much is this new model 675?,A:这款新的675多少钱?,B:Its 465,000 Yuan,B:465000元。,A:I like this car very much but its bit expensive for meCan you give me discotmt?,A:噢。我很喜欢这辆车,但价钱有点贵,能打折吗?,B:Well,this is the newest model and very popularI think its worth,B:这是最新的款式,而且非常受欢迎,我觉得这个价格很合理。,A:Ok,Ill think about it,A:好吧。我再考虑一下。,Dialogue 2 对话2,A:You could save a lot if you would order a little mole,A:如果你多定一点可以省不少的钱。,B:How could we do that?,B:怎么说呢?,A:We offer a discount for large orders,A:我们对大量订购有折扣。,B:Let me take another look at our requirements,B:那我得看看我们的需要量了。,Dialogue 3 对话3,A:We can offer a 10discount for orders over 10 000 pieces,A:订购10000个以上,我们可以打九折。,B:Im not sure we can use that many,B:我怕我们用不了那么多。,A:It would represent quite a savings,A:这省下的可是一笔不少的钱哩。,B:ok,Ill see what I Can do,B:好吧,我考虑考虑吧。,Dialogue 4 对话4,A:Why are there three prices quoted for this part?,A:这种零件为什么有3种不同的报价?,B:They represent the prices for different quantities,B:不同的量有不同的价钱。,A:I see,A:原来如此。,B:The more you order,the more you wilt save,B:订购越多,优惠越多。,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:,NOTES:,Lesson Three Terms of Payment 第三课 支付方式,Dialogue 1,对话1,Dialogue 2,对话2,Dialogue 3,对话3,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,NOTES,Dialogue 1 对话1,A:Lets discuss the terms of payment,A:我们谈一下支付方式吧。,B:Well,do you accept credit cards or I should pay in cash?,B:好的。你们接受信用卡付款还是现金?,A:Yes,either is OKAnd you can pay by installment,The first installment should be paid a week beforethe shipmentThe second one would be paid 1 day before the shipmentThen pay the last installment when you get the car,A:当然,两种方式都可以。您还可以采取分三期付款方式:第一期在汽车运送之前1星期,第二次于运送前1天,最后,在收到车后付清其余的款项。,B:Thats very good,B:好的,Dialogue 2 对话2,A:Ive one proposal to make on the mode of payment,A:对于我们的支付方式,我有一个建议。,B,:Whats it?,B:什么建议?,A:Our business is concluded by way of L/CFrankly speaking,a letter of credit will raise the costs of my goodsI heard you would accept different kinds of payments,A:我们的交易是用信用证支付的,也就是说这会增加我的货物成本,我听说有其他的方式支付。,B:Thats trueBut we cant do itPayment by L/C is our usual practice of doing business,B:是的。不过我们不能这么做。信用证支付是我们一向做生意的惯例。,A:Would you consider another way of payment?Otherwise I would probably stop the business,A:那你考虑一下吧。否则我要考虑终止和你的交易了。,B:OKIll think about that and talk to you later,B:那好,我考虑后再和你联系。,Dialogue 3 对话3,A:Im glad our business is going quite smoothly,A:很高兴我们的生意进行地如此顺利。,B:YesBut is it OK I pay by Bankers Transfer?,B:是啊。我能通过银行汇款付款吗?,A:Sony,Im afraid notWe accept payments in cash or by credit card only,A:不好意思,恐怕不行。我们只接受现金和信用卡付款。,B:Oh,I dont think I have enough cash with me and I have no credit card,B:噢,我现在没有足够的现金,而且也没有信用卡。,A:We have installment payment that can help youThe down payment is 1/3 of the price,A:那可以采用分期付款方式。您只要先付1/3的订金就行。,B:Thats greatIll pay the down payment now,B:太好了。那我现在就付订金。,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:,NOTES:,Section 2 Maintenance Reception English第二节 汽车维修接待英语,Lesson One Reply for Customers Complain,第一课 接受顾客投诉,Lesson Two Visiting Maintenance,第二课 登门维修,Lesson Three Users Feedback,第三课 用户反馈,Lesson One Reply for Customers Complain 第一课 接受顾客投诉,Dialogue,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,NOTES,Dialogue 对话,Manager:Hello,This is Sales Department,New Century Automobile Company,您好,新世纪汽车公司销售部。,Customer:Im afraid I have to make a complaint with your corporationIts a most unpleasant incident,我得向你公司提出投诉,这并不是一件令人高兴的事情。,Manager:Oh,what is it about?Im so sorry to hear that,什么事?真遗憾听到此事。,Customer:Yes,I ordered a set of wheel alignment the other day1 received and after I examined them one by one,I found that there must be something wrong with the related cornputer because it cant give any signal,Thats。why 1 want to see the manager,确实是这样的,前几天我订购了一套四轮定位仪,等我收到后逐个检查时,我发现配套的计算机屏幕一点信号都没有。这就是我要见经理的原因。,Manager:I am sure everything is a11 right with that shipmentYou see I know youre our regular customer and it is the first time for me to meet with such an inconvenient thing,我肯定那批货的装运一切都是正常的。我们是老交易了,这你是知道的,我也是第一次遇到这类问题。,Customer:1 want t0 return this,我要退货。,Manager:Without sufficient evidence to support,your claim is untenableIf we were at fault。we should be very glad to compensate for your loss,你必须有足够的证据。如果责任在我方,我们当然乐意赔偿你方损失。,Customer:Whats your opinion?,您的意见如何?,Manager:Im terribly sorry about thatMay I know your name and address,sir?Ill check it and send a repairman to your side at once,真的很抱歉,请问您的姓名及地址,等我核实后,我会立即派修理工去你那里处理此事。,Customer:This is Edward Johnson,from No120,Rose Avenue,我叫爱德华约翰森,露丝大街120号。,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:,NOTES:,NOTES:,Lesson Two Visiting Maintenance 第二课 登门维修,Dialogue,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,NOTES,Dialogue 对话,Customer:Youve finally arrived,你们终于来了。,Repairman:Whats the matter?,什么问题?,Customer:I think something must be wrong with the computer for wheel alignment because there is no signal on the screen,我想四轮定位仪的计算机一定出了故障,因为屏幕上没有任何信号。,Repairman:Oh,the engine went dead,发动机不转了。,Repairman:Were s0 sorry t0 have caused you so much inconvenience and we have to replace itLet me have a look at your warranty certificate?,对不起,给您带来了诸多不便,我们得更换它。可以看一下您的保修单吗?,Customer:Here it i s,给你。,Repairman:Well,your warranty is expiredWe have to charge for the parts,哦,抱歉您的保修期已过,所更换的配件需要付款。,Customer:Thats all right,Were dying for the normal work condition at any expense,没有关系,只要能修好就行。,Several minutes later,The repairman replaced the wrong unit,几分钟后,修理工更换了坏的部件。,Repairman:Its OK,you can turn on the power now,好了,您可以开机了。,Customer:I appreciate your coming here in time,感谢你们及时维修。,Repairman:If anything is wrong with your computer,dont hesitate t0 call us a moment and were at your service,如果电脑再出现什么问题,请立刻打电话给我们,我们随时为您效劳。,Customer:Thank you,谢谢。,Repairman:My pleasure,不客气。,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:,NOTES:,NOTES:,Lesson Three Users Feedback 第三课 用户反馈,Dialogue,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS,NOTES,Dialogue 对话,Salesman:Hello,This is New Century Automobile CompanyIm calling to know whether everything has gone well with your computer,您好,这里是新世纪汽车公司。不知您的计算机现在运转是否正常。,Customer:Thanks a lotIt works excellently after being repaired,非常感谢,维修之后一切正常。,Salesman:Im very happy to hear you say so and I do hope the minor problem didntcause you much inconvenience,很高兴听您这么说,但愿这一小问题没有给您带来太多不便。,Customer:Thank you very much for your good serviceIm sure your company will bemaking more money,谢谢你们真诚的服务,我相信贵公司生意会更加红火。,Salesman:It is always our policy to give reliable and satisfactory services to our clientsLets find out what you like by doing a market research and it will give us an indication,给顾客提供优质、满意的服务是我们的宗旨。让我们做个市场调查吧,我想这将帮助公司成长。,Customer:Ok,I feel the height of the computer is too high that I have t0 operate by standing,我认为电脑的高度太高以致我只能站着操作。,Salesman:Its a good suggestion,1ll report to the manager right now!,这是个很好的建议,我会立即向经理汇报。,Customer:I recommend a pleasant color to match with the houses color,我建议色泽要好看一些,并且与房子的颜色要匹配。,Salesman:Thank you for your warm-hearted replyI feel more optimistic and more confident about our relations in the future,谢谢您热情的回答。我对我们未来的合作更加乐观和充满信心。,Customer:Its just my own opinion,Id like you to think it over,这仅仅是我个人的观点,希望你们能够再考虑一下。,Salesman:WelI go into it further,and let you know what decision we reach,我们会做深入的调查,并且把我们的决定告诉您。,Customer:I shall be glad to hear from you,我会很乐意听到你们的决定。,Salesman:Thank you,bye-bye!,谢谢,再见!,Customer:See you later,再见,NEW WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS:,NOTES:,NOTES:,Section 3 Reading Materials of Automobile Maintenance 第三节 汽车维修资料选读,Lesson One Engine Troubleshooting,第一课 发动机故障诊断与维修,Lesson Two Fuel Injection Manual,第二课 燃油喷射系统维修手册,Lesson Three Automobile Testing Equipment,第三课 汽车检测设备,Lesson One Engine Troubleshooting 第一课 发动机故障诊断与维修,Engine overheatin,发动机过热,Cleaning the Cooling System,冷却系的清洗,High Oil Consumption,机油消耗过多,LOW Oil Pressure,机油压力过低,Chassis and Engine Vibration,底盘和发动机振动,Abnormal Engine Noises and their Causes,发动机异响及其原因,NEW WORDS AND EXPRKSSIONS:,PHRASES,Notes on the Text,Engine overheatin 发动机过热,There are many conditions of the automobile that result in overheating,and the degree of overheating is indicated by the temperature gauge on the instrument panelSome conditions will cause only a slight change in the recorded temperature, other causes will result in a rapid rise in temperature and violent boiling of the coo1ant Still others while causing only a slight increase in recorded temperature,while will be more noticeable in engine performance,汽车在很多工况下都会有发动机过热产生,此时的温度会则在仪表板上的温度表中显示。有些工况会引起发动机温度的微小变化,而另外工况则会引起发动机温度迅速上升并使得冷却水剧烈沸腾。同时也有些工况会对发动机温度上升稍有影响,但对发动机性能影响会更显著。,When troubleshooting the cause for overheating and consequent 1oss of Coolant,the 6rst step is to make careful visual inspection to see if there is any evidence of external 1eakage A1l surfaces of the radiator and its hose connections should be carefully inspectedLeaks generally cause corrosion,which is easily seenThe Visual inspection also must include the cooling fan and its drive beltIt is not too unusual for cracks to form in the engine water jacketWhen cracks occur,the condition is usually indicated by extreme overheatingThe crack is often difficult to locate,because it is not always visible to the naked eyeThe condition is also complicated by the fact that the crack usually will close when the engine is cold,and open only when the engine is at operating temperature,当要查找引起发动机过热和随之而来的冷却水丧失的原因时,,首先要进行仔细的外观检查,确保是否有外部泄漏问题。对散热器的所有表面和软管连接处进行仔细的检查。冷却水泄漏处通常有锈蚀,这容易被看到。同时也要对冷却水风扇和驱动皮带进行外观检查。发动机水套的开裂也偶尔存在。当开裂发生时,发动机就会表现出过热。水套开裂一般很难被查找到,因为对肉眼而言通常是不可见的。发动机冷态时开裂处闭合,只有在发动机热态时开裂处才开启,所以寻找开裂处会很复杂。,冷却系的清洗 High Oil Consumption,Unless very severely clogged with rust and hard scale,cooling systems can be cleaned with special chemicals designed for the purposeThe procedure is to fill the system with water,then put in the chemicalThe chemical,after dissolving the rust and scale,is flushed from the systemIn severe cases of c1ogged radiatorsit is necessary to remove them and have them cleaned by specialized equipment,冷却系内除非已被铁锈和水垢严重堵塞,否则可以使用特殊的化学物质来清洗。先给冷却系加注水,然后加入化学物质。化学物质将铁锈和水垢溶解,之后被水冲洗掉。散热器严重阻塞时,可将散热器拆卸,并用专门的设备对散热器进行清理。,High Oil Consumption 机油消耗过多,Quite often high oil consumption is blamed on the piston ringsWhile worn piston rings and cylinder walls do cause increased oil consumption,there are a great number of other things that could be at fault,either singly or in combinationWorn valve guides are also a frequent cause of high oil consumptionWhen oil is being consumed by passing through the engine,it usually will cause heavy blue smoke to come from the exhaust,particularly after the engine has idled for several minutes,通常认为机油消耗过多归咎于活塞环。活塞环和气缸壁的磨损确实会引起机油消耗过多,但还有很多其他零部件单独或同时出现故障也导致机油消耗过多。气门导管磨损也时常引起机油消耗过大。润滑油窜到燃烧室燃烧时,通常会产生浓的蓝烟从排气管中排出,这种现象在发动机怠速了一段时间后更加明显。,LOW Oil Pressure 机油压力过低,In most cases of low oil pressure,the pressure is satisfactory when the engine is first started up,then it drops as the engine warms upThis condition is almost positive proof that excessive clearance exists at some point,or points,such as connecting rod bearings,main bearings,camshaft bearings,etcWhen cold,the oil has thickened and does not flow as readily through the clearanceWhen the oil heats up and thins out,it flows through the worn bearings so fast that the pump cannot maintain sufficient pressure,多数机油压力偏低的情况是:发动机冷起动时,压力合格,当发动机走热后,压力下降。这肯定说明在某处或多处间隙过大,如在连杆轴承、主轴承、凸轮轴承等地方。冷态时,机油粘度大,不容易流人这些间隙。机油温度上升时,粘度下降,机油很快流人磨损的轴承,油泵不能维持足够的油压。,Chassis and Engine Vibration 底盘和发动机振动,Consider the case where there is a pronounced vibration in the car at a certain speed rangeFirst of all it is necessary to determine whether the unbalance is in the engine or the chassis Or bothIf it is in the engine,or the parts that rotate with the engine,the vibration should occur at the critical engine speed when the car is not in motion If it is in the chassis,it will occur only when the ear is operated at the critical speedIt is most likely to be found in the chassis,because the engine assembly is carefully balanced at the factoryOut-of-balance tires and propeller shafts are the most common causes of chassis vibration,假如汽车在一定的速度范围内产生明显的振动。首先有必要,是发动机内还是底盘处或是两者同时出现了不平衡。如果振动是在发动机内产生,则当汽车停止而零件随着发动机旋转时,振动应该在发动机的某个临界转速下产生。如果振动在底盘,则只有当汽车达到了某个临界速度时发生。通常振动出现在底盘,因为发动机总成在出厂前已经被仔细地平衡过。轮胎和传动轴动不平衡是底盘振动的最常见原因。,Abnormal Engine Noises and their Causes 发动机异响及其原因,The following listing will point out the most common causes of sound itself and what must be done to eliminate them,下面列举了产生各种异响的常见原因及其排除方法。,1.Piston slap is a very common noise most noticeable when an engine is coldA piston that slaps against the cylinder wall produces a hollow,muffled,belllike Soundquite audible when an engine is operating under load at low rpmPiston slap results from worn pistons or cylinders,collapsed piston skirts,excessive piston-to-cylinder wall clearance,misaligned connecting rods,or a lack of lubricating oilTherefore,in order to correct piston slap,it will be necessary to replaced or resize the,pistons,rebore the cylinder or replace the sleeves,replace or realign the rods,or add oil to the engine,1.活塞敲缸是非常常见的异响噪声,尤其在发动机冷态时最明显。活塞敲击气缸壁产生了一种空的,沉闷的,敲钟状的声音,当发动机在低速带负荷下非常容易听得见。活塞敲缸声是因活塞或气缸的磨损、活塞裙部变形、活塞与气缸壁间间隙过大、连杆变形、以及润滑油不足 等而产生的。所以,为解决敲缸声音,有必要更换或改变活塞尺寸,镗缸或更换缸套,更换或校正连杆,或给发动机加机油。,2.An abnormal sound originating from some form of piston-ring problem is audible during engine accelerationTo correct the cause of ring noise,it may be necessary,therefore,to replace the rings,the pistons,or the sleeves or rebore the cylinders,2.当发动机加速时会产生明显的来自活塞环的噪声。为解决活塞环噪声问题,有必要更换活塞环、活塞、缸套或对气缸进行镗缸。,3.A sound not frequently heard in an engine is that of a piston ring striking the ring ridge at the top of the cylinderThis particular problem causes a very distinct and high-pitched,metallic rapping or clicking noise audible at all engine speeds but particularly on decelerationTo repair the cause of this sound,it will be necessary to replace the piston pin or connecting rod bearings,3.发动机内有种不常见的异响是活塞到达气缸上止点时活塞环敲击活塞环槽造成的。这种特殊故障会引起一阵清晰高音的金属敲击声,它在发动机的各个速度范围内均产生,尤其在发动机减速时明显。为排除这种噪声,有必要更换活塞销或连杆轴承。,4.A piston-pin knock is noticeable most of the time when an engine is idlingPiston pin noise is usually the result。of a worn piston pin,piston-pin boss,pin bushing,or a lack of oilTo correct this problem,install oversize pins,replace the bushings and pins,or service the engine with oil,4.活塞销敲击声在发动机怠速时显而易见。活塞销噪声通常是由活塞销磨损、活塞销座孔磨损、销轴瓦磨损或机油缺乏等原因引起的。安装大尺寸的活塞销,更换销轴瓦和销,或给发动机添加机油能排除这种故障。,5.An abnormal noise that is audible when the engine is running at speeds above 35 miles per hour(mph)without a load is usually the result of loose connecting-rod bearingsLoose rod bearings cause a light to heavy knock or pound,depending on how badly the bearings are wornConnectingrod bearing noise can be due to a worn bearing,crankpin,misaligned rod,or lack of oilTo correct the noise,it will be necessary to replace the bearings,service or replace the crankshaft,realign or replace the rod,or service the engine with oil,5.发动机在无负荷下运行,若活塞线性速度超过35英里小时就产生噪声,则通常是由连杆轴承松动造成的。随连杆轴承磨损程度不同,松动的连杆轴承会引起不同轻重的碰撞声。连杆轴承、曲柄销磨损,连杆弯曲或缺乏机油都会引起连杆噪声。这种故障可通过更换连杆轴承、维修或更换曲轴,校正或更换连杆,以及添加发动机润滑油等方法来排除。,6.An abnormal noise that is audible upon engine acceleration under load is usually the result of a loose crankshaft main or thrust bearingMain or thrust bearing noise is usually the result of worn bearings,crankshaft journals,or a lack of oilTo correct this noise,it will be necessary to replace the bearings,crankshaft,or Service the engine with oil,6.发动机在带负荷下加速时产生的噪声通常是曲轴主轴承或推力轴承松动引起的。主轴承或推力轴承噪声通常是由于轴承磨损、曲轴轴颈磨损,以及缺乏机油等引起的。为解决此故障,有必要更换轴承、曲轴,以及添加发动机润滑油等来实现。,7.A loose Vibration damper or flywheel can also cause abnormal engine noisesThis sound is more noticeable during engine acceleration from idle under load or at an uneven idlebut it is less apparent at higher engine rpm or during smoother engine operationA loose flywheel,on the other hand,sets up either a heavy thump or a light knock at the back of the engine,depending upon the amount of play the flywheel has and the type of engineYou can detect a loose flywheel by shutting off the ignition switch at idle and then turning it on again just before the engine stops rotatingAlso,operating the clutch pedal, at the same time the noise is audible at running speeds,will vary the sound enough so that it is easier to identify and then locate its source,7.减振器或飞轮松动也会引起发动机异响产生。发动机在怠速下加速,或怠速不匀时这种声音非常明显,但在发动机高速或发动,机平稳运转时不明显。换句话说,随飞轮的重量和发动机类型的不同,飞轮松动时,会对发动机后端产生轻重不同的敲击。可通过在发动机怠速时断开点火开关,并在发动机将近停止时接通点火开关来查看是否有飞轮松动产生。踩动离合器踏板,同时噪声仍然听的见,离合器动作改变了噪音的大小,使得辨认这种异响变得容易,然后定位出噪声部位。,8.Excessive clearance in the Valve train produces a noise that is usually more apparent during engine idle rpm than any other timeValve-train noise is brought about by improper valve adjustment,worn or damaged parts,dirty hydraul


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