国外滨水开发波士顿 Boston big dig

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Boston Big Dig-Background,The problems,Boston, Massachusetts had a world-class traffic problem, an elevated six-lane highway called the Central Artery that ran through the center of downtown. When it opened in 1959, the Central Artery comfortably carried about 75,000 vehicles a day. It has carried upwards of 200,000, quite uncomfortably, making it one of the most congested highways in the United States.,And traffic wasnt the only problem the old Central Artery caused in Boston. The elevated highway (which displaced 20,000 residents when it was built) also cut off Bostons North End and Waterfront neighborhoods from the downtown, limiting these areas ability to participate in the citys economic life.,1,Boston Big Dig - Solutions,The projects two major components:,Replacing the six-lane elevated highway with an eight-to-ten-lane underground expressway directly beneath the existing road, culminating at its northern limit in a 14-lane, two-bridge-crossing of the Charles River. After the underground highway opened to traffic, the crumbling elevated wasdemolished and in its placewill beopen space and modest development. The extension of I-90 (the Massachusetts Turnpike) from its former terminus south of downtown Boston through a tunnel beneath South Boston and Boston Harbor to Logan Airport. The first link in this new connection- the four-lane Ted Williams Tunnel under the harbor- was finished in December 1995.,The new bridge replaced a deteriorating six lane double-deck bridge that was demolished in spring 2004.,2,The .75-mile underwater part of the 1.6 mile tunnel was built using a dozen steel tube sections, each longer than a football field, that were sunk into a trench on the Boston Harbor floor and connected together,The underwater portion of the tunnel is actually made up of twelve binocular shaped steel tubes.,Now that connections to the Massachusetts Turnpike (I-90) and Route 1A are in place, use of the tunnel is open to all vehicles. Unlimited use of the tunnel for all began in mid-January 2003 upon the opening of the Mass Pike extension, which connects to the Ted Williams Tunnel.,Solutions - Ted Williams Tunnel,3,Boston Big Dig - Open Spaces,Nashua Street Park,The Central Artery/Tunnel Project is creating about 40 acres of park and recreational space along the Charles River Basin. This aerial view shows the 2.5 acre Nashua Street Park, set to open in September.,Open space finishes including a new seawall and walkway were built along the upper Fort Point Channel near Frontage Road northbound.,4,


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