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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,第一组,Topic,:,How did the Civil War affect the American economy?,小组成员:,郭芷均(组长),祁炜娴 胡嘉玲,余晓彤 黄嘉怡,分工:,Speakers,:,郭芷均,祁炜娴 黄嘉怡,Collectors,:,胡嘉玲 余晓彤,outline,1.introduction,(,what,),2.background,(,why,),3.contradictions(what),4.end,5.summary,Introduction,Civil War,(,American Civil War) that the United States Civil War, the Civil War was the only time in US history, the two sides fought,are the Confederate,States of,the South of America,(南方的美利坚联盟,国),and,the United States of,the North of America,(北方美利坚合众国),. Eventually,,,the federal was getting victory,. The beginning of the war as a war to safeguard national unity, and later evolved into a new birth of freedom for slaves fighting the Revolutionary War.,Question,:,what is the Civil War,?,The,Americans,initiating a,war for,national,unity, later the war,evolved into a revolutionary war to liberate slaves.,background,19th century industrial,revolution(,工业革命),spread to the United States, the,US economy develop rapidly ,while the United States won the vast territory,in the west and successive it establish,of the new western states,.,Whenever,founding a new,state,there were took,place,the struggle that allow,or prohibit slavery,exists,within the state.,Northern,bourgeoisie(,资产阶级),and the peasantry advocated prohibiting slavery in the new,state, and required,identified the new state,as,the Free,State.,Southern,slaveholders,(奴隶主),try,to turn the expansion of slavery to the west,advocate,permit the existence of the state of,slavery in some new state , and slave,owners,use,its,dominance,(权利),in,parliament(,国会),and,government, successive victory,thus, aroused indignation,(愤慨),of the people of the north.,Question :What is the reason of the Civil War?,In,the north, the,economic,of,the capitalist,industry and,commerce,(资本主义工商业),develop rapidly while in,the,south implement the,plantation Negro,slavery,(种植园黑人奴隶制度),.,Southern slavery,stifled,(拖延),the,development of industry and commerce of the north, so the two sides of the contradictions and struggles around the western lands to,expand.,Northern bourgeoisie,(资产阶级),advocated,the abolition of,slavery but,the South,advocated,extension of,slavery,in the,western and,even the,national.,contradictions,1. Problems of,tariff(,关税,),2,. Problems of,land,3,. Problems of,financial,4,. Problems of Railway Construction,tariff,In order to protect the northern industrial bourgeoisie had just established infant industry, requiring the adoption of protective tariffs to limit imports of foreign goods. However, in the south, which has faced strong opposition. Because southern survival and abroad are closely related, the southern willing to import from the UK cheaper than the northern part of the industrial plant, and thus the protection against tariff policy in favor of free trade and low volume tariff rates.,land,After the war, according to the Land Ordinance issued by the Confederation period, slavery was abolished in the Northwest, but in the west the new reclamation area, the southern area of the Confederate government, expansion of slavery to be the default. Since then, the plantation slave throughout the south and southwest from the unscrupulous development of plantation slavery Economic however plantation slaves seeking economic system there are obvious shortcomings. Southern therefore been a great economic constraints, one-sided development of the economy in the form of cotton production this hinders the development of a single road south of agrarian capitalism. More seriously, there is a plantation slavery completely separates the economic links the north and south, in northern lose the southern piece of raw materials and commodities sales market, to a large extent hindered the US capitalist economy.,financial,Robust financial system is to protect the capitalist economy smooth development. But the founding nearly a century to the eve of the Civil War, the United States has been in the financial industry into disorder. In the establishment of a central bank bills issued to change the state to manipulate, different banknotes, currency devaluation phenomenon on the issue, the central federal government met with considerable resistance from the south.,Railway,In the rapid development of the northeast industrial revolution, western economy after growing up, communication transport links east and west is becoming increasingly important. But thanks to the toll road and inland water transport can not meet this need. The only way is to build the transcontinental railroad. However, this was the southern states against slaveholders. There are two reasons: First, the possibility of the sparsely populated southern railway profitability is unlikely; second is the establishment of railway communication for the southern part of things no profit to speak with federal funds.,end,North Victory,Question,:,Combined with the conflict between,N,orth and,S,outh,the,influence,after the victory of the North,T,he abolition of slavery for the rapid development of American capitalism to remove the obstacles,Priority to rail, the US economic has injected a shot in the arm,A lot of immigration, creating favorable conditions for the United States to accelerate the process of industrialization,Actively introduce foreign capital and advanced science technology, to seek a shortcut to economic development,Prosperity,agricultural laid a solid foundation,for Americas industrialization,Summary,L,ate 19th century,the r,eason,of,the rapid development of the US economy are many, however, the American Civil War abolish,ed,slavery, the liberation of the productive forces, which is the fundamental reason for the American economy to get leaps and bounds. Agriculture is the foundation industry, thriving agriculture U.S. rapid industrialization has created favorable conditions. After the Civil War, the bourgeoisie in power industry has taken a series of measures such as priority to rail, encourage immigration, and actively introduce foreign capital and advanced technology and production experience, pay attention to the development of education. Economic development of the United States even more powerful, rapid development in a short time to catch up and crossed the developed capitalist countries of Europe, and eventually become the worlds top industrial powers.,Civil War destroyed the slavery, the Civil War is the second,bourgeois revolution,in,American,history, but a better solution to the land problem of farmers, safeguard national unity,cleared the way,for,the development of American capitalism , and for the the United States ranks among the world powers of the foundation.,Civil War, the Industrial Revolution brought great progress in the military,both,using a metal shell and a rear-loading rifles operations, us,ing,rail and steamship rapid,il,build,the,forces and maneuver, using steam armored naval warships, the first machine gun bursts into combat, especially in the north developed standardized manufactur weapons parts assembly production, greatly improving the efficiency of industrial production, promote the progress of American history.,


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