[英语学习]新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第三册Unit 3 Section AWhere Principles Come First

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[英语学习]新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第三册Unit 3 Section AWhere Principles Come First_第1页
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[英语学习]新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第三册Unit 3 Section AWhere Principles Come First_第3页
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3,3,1,1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Summary,Structure Analysis,Reproduction,Understanding,I. Structure Analysis,Questions and Answers,A very important technique of extending an idea or bringing out the relationship between the paragraphs is by questions and answers. While reading, readers naturally ask questions and expect,answers from the text.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Title: Where Principles Come First,Q1: What are the principles?,Answers to Q1 (Para.1-2),Q 2: What are peoples attitude,?,Answers to Q2 (Para. 3-11),Text StudyStructure Analysis,Answers to Q4 (Para.17-19),Answers to Q3 (Para.12-16),Q 3: What are the detailed principles?,Q 4: What are the results of the principles?,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Answer the following questions with the,given key words.,II. Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,Question 1,Key words,merits of values,academic achievement,preparing sb. for a way of life,What are the principles?,Question 2,Text StudyUnderstanding,Key words,What are peoples attitudes towards the principles?,willing ,protesting,eyeing ,fearing,Question 3,Text StudyUnderstanding,Key words,1) potential based on character,conscience & hard work,success measured by growth,responsibility,What are the detailed principles?,2) providing preparation for,college,taking performing arts,and sports,3) requiring the parents,commitment & participation,Text StudyUnderstanding,Question 4,Key words,Text StudyUnderstanding,What are the beneficial results ?,role model for children,fruitful relationship,an example of a student,going to college,III. Summary,Hyde School sees itself as _ children for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of_, which include the values of courage,_, leadership, _ and _. Academic,success will then naturally _. Hyde school founder Joseph Guald believes that parents must be _ to the schools ideas. Both the teachers and the students _ from the program. Teachers begin to focus on having a,_ relationship with each student.,Text StudySummary,preparing,principles,integrity,concern,follow,committed,curiosity,benefit,fruitful,Work in groups to have a talk show on the topic,Principles in Education,. One works as a host, the others are Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld, some teachers and students. The rest of the class may act as,audience and raise some questions.,IV. Reproduction,A sample beginning,Text StudyReproduction,Joseph:,Good evening, everyone. I am Joseph,Gauld from Hyde School.,Paul Hills:,Good morning, I am,A sample beginning,Text StudyReproduction,Host:,Welcome to,Dialogue Today,. Join us,today are,Joseph Gauld, Hyde school,founder and some of the teachers and students. Now lets welcome our honor-,able guests.,Active Expressions,Focus Study,I. Active Expressions,In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they,are active and powerful.,Whats,on,at the cinema tonight?,今晚电影院,上演,什么?,Whats he,up to,?,他,忙,什么呢,?,e.g.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1. “ I put my best effort forth here.” (L33),2. has nothing to do with forcing the(L43),3. Hyde should work well in public schools (L66),4. . We kind of like that spirit. (L81),Find the active expressions:,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,put forth,have/be nothing to do,work,kind of,show; use effort,not connected; personal; private,do a job; produce a result; move,slightly; to some extent;,我们必须,更加努力,。,跟你,没关系,。管好你自己的事情。,彼得的建议对我们,不起作用,。,我对面试,有点,担心。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Translation,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,We have to,put forth,a greater effort.,It,is nothing with,you. Mind your own business.,Peters suggestion doesnt,work,for us.,Im,kind of,worried about the interview.,Key,As,in Maine the quest for truth is also widespread at the school in Connecticut.,(L24),Notes to the TextFocus Study,“as” is used to compare situations by,that they are similar.,II. Focus Study,Practice,与在意大利一样,在希腊,人们做饭用很多橄榄油。,与在其他城市一样,在南宁,人们对火炬传递表现,出极大的兴趣。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,In Greece, as in Italy, they use a lot of olive oil in cooking.,In Nanning, as in other cities, people show great interest in the torch relay.,Translation,Key,2.,Once,the problem are worked out, Hyde should work well in public schools(L66),“once” can be used as a conjunction with the meaning “from the moment,” .,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Practice,Once the meal was finished, the discussions,began.,Once you show any fear, he will attack you.,一吃完饭就开始讨论。,一旦你表现出一丝害怕,他就会攻击你。,Translation,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Key,Chinese to English,Word Using,Old to New,1. seeas (L7),consider someone or something to be,What kind of people do you see as your friends?,I see people with ( who ) as my friends.,I see people who can share happiness and sadness with me as my good friends.,Tips,I. Word Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Use it,2. suspend,v.,(L15),In what situation will a student be suspended from school?,Use it,officially stop something for a short time,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,When a student , he will be suspended from school.,(break the rules, protest against the principles, fail to meet related requirements),Tips,3. protest,v.,(L15),What do you think holiday-makers usually protest about?,Use it,to express ones objection or disagreement,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,poor service of accommodation;,poor capacity of transportation;,lack of information at the airport,Tips,4. be scheduled to do (L17),Can you use this phrase to describe an event,that will take place?,Use it,be arranged to do,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The new airport is scheduled to open just,before Christmas.,The final exam is scheduled to be in next,month.,Tips,他想要一个有妻有子的传统婚姻。,。,He wants a conventional marriage with a wife and kids.,Key,Translation,5. conventional,adj.,(L35),of the traditional or accepted type,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6. complete with (L43),消防队员来了,带着救援器械和医疗急救箱等。,The firemen came, complete with rescue equipment, first aid kit, etc.,Key,Translation,including; supplied with,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7. admission,n.,(L48),permission,凡穿拖鞋者都不得进入教室。,All those who were wearing slippers were refused admission to the club.,Key,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,8. do/try ones utmost (L52),try as much as one can,即使在极度贫困时人们也不会放弃,他们中的大多数会尽力维持生计。,Even in extreme poverty, people would not give up and most would try their utmost to earn a living.,Key,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9. work out (L55),understand; plan; get better,故事情节很复杂,得花点时间才能理解。,The plot is very complicated, itll take you a while to work it out.,Key,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,10. worthwhile,adj.,(L61),What is worthwhile for you to do in the college?,Use it,worth doing; worth the money or effort spent,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,It is worthwhile for me to ,(read more in the library; protect environment;,participate in more social activities.),Tips,11.,optimistic,adj.,(L68),Are you optimistic about Chinas economic future after its entry to WTO? Why?,Use it,believing that good things will happen,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,I am optimistic about Chinas economic future after its entry to WTO because I believe ,(overcome difficulties, adapt to the challenges),Tips,II. Old to New,develop,stress,stop; hang up,hard,way,traditional,only,cultivate,strain,suspend,intense,approach,conventional,unique,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,III. Chinese to English,学习成绩,声称,很成功,把,看作,对要求表示抗议,有争议的,高强度工作,计划,关注,academic achievement,claim success with,see as,protest the demands,controversial,intense work,be scheduled to do,concern; eye,Words and ExpressionsC to E,troubled students,the quest for truth,evaluate,put ones best effort forth,an approach to education,unique potential,take responsibility for,Words and ExpressionsC to E,问题学生,求真,评估;评价,全力以赴,教育方法,独特的潜能,对,负责,Education Principles,Idea Sharing,Discussion,Watch the video clip and tell: what principles do you think a school should operate on?,Lead-in video clips,Listening Tips,As I came in here I heard those words: cradle of leadership. Well, when the bound breaks, the cradle will fall,Making of men, creator of leadersBe careful, what kind of leaders are you producing here.,He wont sell anybody to buy his future. And that, my friends, is called integrity.,That is called courage. That is the staff leaders should be made of.,It is a path made of principle. That leads to character.,Listening Tips,Idea Sharing,What is the principle?,Idea Sharing,Guide the students to discover their unique potential and conscience .,Teach the students to be responsible for their own learning.,Stimulate the students to face challenges and take risks.,Encourage students to help others to achieve their best.,Cultivate their integrity, curiosity, leadership ,Tips,Idea Sharing,Structure Writing,Practical Writing,One of the writing techniques is a general statement supported by,examples.,Structure analysis,WritingStructure Writing,(A student named Jimmy DiBattista),How old is he?,What is he going to do?,Students also benefit from Hyde Schools principles.,A general statement:,One example:,WritingStructure Writing,Writing Task,Topic:,Exercise Does Have Unexpected Benefits,WritingStructure Writing,Tips for Writing,Write your own paragraph, which starts with a general point with examples to support.,WritingStructure Writing,Decide on the topic.,Write correctly a topic sentence.,Turn the topic sentence into a question.,Give answers to the question.,Tips for Writing,Exercise does have unexpected benefits. Just as exercise strengthens the heart and lungs, bones and muscles, it may power up the brain. A brain scientists studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity: vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to some scientists, may make the brain better able,to process information.,WritingStructure Writing,Reference,II. Practical Writing,One way of getting to know a foreign country is to write to a pen-friend. A letter to a pen-friend usually includes the followings:,Related Cultural Notes,WritingPractical Writing,Writing to Pen-Friend,a) It gives a picture of the writerhis/her interests, likes and dislikes; it also provides interesting information about the country,where he or she lives.,b) It also expresses the writers interest in his pen-friend, thus often includes questions.,2. Its style is simple, direct, informal and friendly.,3. Its layout is the same as all informal letters.,WritingPractical Writing,47 Woolwich High Road,Charlton,London SE3 6DS,2nd March, 2000,Dear Li,It was great hearing from you. As you can see from,my address, I live in Charlton, in Southeast London.,My father is an architect, and my mother works in a,factory.,WritingPractical Writing,Sample,I major in biology. I like my major very much. My favorite sport is football. I play in the,university team . What are your hobbies?,Please write again soon. I am dying to hear what it is like to live in China especially as,like me, you are studying at college.,Yours sincerely,Sam,WritingPractical Writing,Write a letter to your foreign pen-friend, telling your hobbies and especially introducing your,university.,If you do not have a pen-friend, find one on the,Internet.,/,WritingPractical Writing,Practice,To Section B,The End of Section A,


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