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,*,OHSAS 18001:2007,-Occupational Health and Safety Management System Requirements,We Are Always in The Most Challenging Environments,2,Introduction,The relationship among these elements,Explain the requirement of OHSAS18001:2007 standard elements,3,OHSAS 18001:2007 Mode,Continuous improvement,Occupational Health and Safety Guideline,Plan,Hazard identification, risk assessment and decision control. Regulations and other requirement Goals and programs.,Implementation and operation, Resources, effect, responsibilities, duties and authority. Competence, training and awareness. Communication, participation and consultation. Files. Document and data control. Operational control. Emergency preparedness and response.,Check, Performance measurement and monitoring. Evaluation of compliance. Incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective action and preventive measures. Control of records. Internal audit.,Occupational Health and Safety Management System Mode,Management Review,4,Occupational Health and Safety Guideline,5,Policy Notes / Specifications (1),Organizations occupational health and safety policy should includ:,Top management approval,Statement of the overall goal of occupational health and safety,Committed to improve occupational health and safety performance,Nature and scale for OHS risks,Commitment to continuous improvement,Commitment to legal and other requirements,6,Policy Notes / Specifications (2),Documented, implement and maintain,Communicate to all employees-define their duties,Available for interested parties to obtain,Regularly review to ensure applicability,7,Three,Four,Five,One,Two,2. A formal commitment of top management organization,1. Show the concept, goals, objectives and action guidelines,3. Integration of the overall business strategy of the organization,4. Able to combine with other principles such as quality, environmental policy,5. Two commitments and a framework,Five,-Prevention of injury and illness, continuous improvement,-Obey the law,-A framework for setting and reviewing targets,Formulation and Implementation of Policy (1),Important factors should be considered,B,E,C,D,A,Realistic requirement which reflect the tissue-specific and risk control,Avoid flashy presentation,Ensure sufficient capital, technology and resources before the announcement,Clear to employees the need to maintain an effective OHS management work for environmental quality,Encourage employees to participate in the development,Formulation and Implementation of Policy (2),8,9,Published Guidelines,Internal,- Distribute to each employee,- Publish as the companys news / publications,- Print posters,- Meet to discuss,- Part of introduction for new employee / adaptability,- Require all employees implementing policy,Publish Guidelines,External,- The supplier,- Party of the contract,- Visitors,- Customer / Client,- Government departments,10,A formal announcement is the starting of implementation,Allocation of responsibilities,Organization and management monitoring is in place,Managers accept responsibility,Staff are communicated and understand their obligations,Ensure all staff have knowledge or skills to achieve their duties,Able to be obtained for all relevant parties,Periodic review,Policy Implementation,List,List of Policy Implementation,11,Plan,Hazard identification, risk assessment and decision control. Regulations and other requirement Goals and programs.,12,Conventional and unconventional activities,Pensennel action, skill or other personnel factors,Organization should establish, implement and maintain one or more processes for continuous hazard identification, risk assessment and necessary control measure.,01,02,03,Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control,All persons activities entering the workplace (including subcontractors and visitors),13,Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Methods,When necessary, provide risk identification, priority and documents, also the applications of control,Following methods to reduce risk:Elimination; Alternative; Engineering control; Signal/ warning/ ADM control; PPE,Organization should make the documents and update timely of the result of hazard identification. Risk assessment and, control methods.,During establish, implement and maintain the OHSAS, ensure to consider the risk and methods of control,Consider of risk scope, nature and timing to ensure the measure is proactive rather than reactive,Methods,14,Risk Control Procedure,Define the risk control measures,Risk Assessment,Define the risk level,Hazard identification,Monitor mensuration,Correct improvement,Target,Operational control,Emergency preparation and response,Other measures,Management plan,Operations,Emergency,Others,15,Regulation and Other Requirement,Organization should establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to identify and obtain the applicable regulations and other occupational health and safety requirements.,1,Organization should ensure to consider the applicable regulations and other requirements while establishing, implement and maintaining the occupational health and safety management system.,2,Organization should update the information in time.,3,Organization should deliver the relevant regulations and other requirements to staff and other relevant personnel.,4,Generally including laws, regulations, ADM rules, health & safety & technical standards (technical regulations) and other documents,Rule,Others,Except laws, regulations, ADM rules or health & safety & technical standards, other regulations and requirements could have control or influence on organization occupational health and safety action.,16,Regulation and Other Requirement Identification and Access,Internet, government, information services companies, newspapers, magazines, industry information newsletter, CD, disk and so on,What requirements will be used, where to adopt, who need to use which information,Process,Tools & Information media,17,Objectives and Programs,Requirement:,Each of the relevant internal positions and levels should establish and maintain documented occupational health and safety objectives.,Consider laws and other requirements,Consider risk assessment results,Technology options,Meet the commitment to continual improvement approach,Financial, operationaland business requirements,Views of interested parties,18,Select a small key part of sources of danger, risk and accident,Make targets list with guide words,Select appropriate “outcome indicators”,Ration the main objectives to verify targets,Set Objectives and Implement Process,Make plan/program to achieve objectives,Implement the plan/program,Inspection & assessment: plan implement? Objectives achievement?,19,Objectives,Maintain/ continue,Increase/ improve/,Reduce,Introduce,- Increase the use of PPE,- Maintain the current record of zero accidents,- Reduce slips, trips and death accidents,- Introduce risk assessment,Guide Word,Guide Word,Examples,M,A,R,T,M,easurable,A,ttainable,R,ealistic,T,ime-based,S,S,pecific,20,Make and Implement Management Programs,Program contents-,Achieve the responsibility and authority of the objectives,-,The methods to achieve goal,-,Timetable,Review the program regularly and in time intervals, where necessary adjust it to ensure goals,Goal-setting for one or more programs,21,Measurement and Progress Assessment,We implement the objectives and plans or not?,Plan correct or not?,Effective?,- All the plan elements are necessary or not?,The suitability of the objectivity and program should be amended while the environment changing,When program must be maintained, the suitability of the objectives and plan should be considered,22,Implementation and operation, Resources, effect, responsibilities, duties and authority. Competence, training and awareness. Communication, participation and consultation. Files. Document and data control. Operational control. Emergency preparedness and response.,23,Organizational Structure and Responsibilities,Let all employees know whois the assignee from the top,management,All those with managementresponsibility should show theircommitment for continuous,improvement of occupational,health and safety performance,Ensure employees take OHSresponsibilities in their workplace,including observe the applicableOHS requirements,Organization,24,Managers Typical Responsibilities,- Ensure OHSMS establishment, implement and maintenance- Monitor the overall operation of OHS function,- Ensure to report OHSMS performance to top management for the review,- Participate in regular review and setting of goals actively,Organizational Structure and Responsibilities,25,Capacity, Training and Awareness,Identify training needs regularly and systematically,Identify Training Needs,Compare current level with required capacity and awareness,The level of consideration of danger,Including contractors, temporary workers,26,Capacity, Training and Awareness,OH&S system and the individuals role and responsibilities,All management training: the risks associated with their duties,Hazard identification, risk assessment,OHASA18001 standard and internal auditors,Introductory training and ongoing training, training for job changing,Preventive measures and procedures training for hazards,Specialized training for special staff (safety inspectors),Emergency preparedness and response training,Contractors, temporary workers and visitors training,Training Plan should include,27,Communication, Participation and Consultation,Communication,Communication among various levels and functions in the organization,Receiving, documenting and responding of communication with external parties,Communication wit contractor personnel and visitors in workplace,A,C,B,28,Communication & Consultation,Laws and other requirements,Organizational OHS policy,Plans which employees involve and consult,Receiving and respond to consultation, advice and complaints,Requirement and result of related hazard identification,risk assessment and risk control,Others,Communication, Participation and Consultation,29,Description of core elements and mutual relationships OH&S management,Find ways of related documents,Written or electronic form areacceptable,Requirements,Files,30,Files Control,Easy to find,Regular review, modify and confirmation,Where it is needed the current version is ready,Any file or information is failed, it should be withdraw to prevent misuse,Any documents be kept for legal or knowledge reason,should be clearly identified,Requirements,31,Operational Control,All activities,Operation standard,Purchase of goods, facility and services,Contractor and visitors,Documents,Operational Control,32,Emergency Preparedness and Response,2. Response,4. Feasible, test/ exercise program regularly,3. Evaluate procedure and plan,Requirement,1. Identify potential emergencies,33,Emergency Plan,(1),(2),Communication with neighbors and public,Information of all people take action for emergency,4,Communication with legislative branches,Identify the principal in emergency,3,Contact channels with external emergency organ,Make targeted emergency plan,2,Hazardous material identification and placement,Identify potential emergency to make list,1,Protection for vital records and equipments,Responsibilities, rights and obligations personnel at specific role,5,The applicability of necessary information,Emergency evacuation procedures,6,Description of the contents,34,Check, Performance measurement and monitoring. Evaluation of compliance. Incident investigation, nonconformity, corrective action and preventive measures. Control of records. Internal audit.,35,Performance Measurement and Monitoring,Requirement,Monitor and measure OS&A performance,Quantitative and qualitative measurements,Monitor the target level,Active monitor data and passive monitor data,Performance records help the subsequent corrective action and preventive measures,Calibrate monitor equipment and keep record,Monitor the compliance situation of OH&S laws and regulations requirement,36,Active Monitor,Compliance,Comprehension to management commitment,Number of OH&S training,Training effectiveness,Participation and frequency of top management for OH&S,Recommendations of OH&S from staff,6.Attitude to risk and control,7.Results of OH&S introduction,8.Time to resolve complaint and suggestions,9.The level of workplace conditions,10.Use of PPE,37,Passive Monitor,Invalidation,Unsafe acts or conditions,Near-misses,Damage caused by accident,Time waste from accident,Occupational disease,Complaints,38,1.Workplace safety inspection (check list),2.OHS Monitor (patrol),3. Initial evaluation for new installations, equipment, raw materials, chemicals, technology, processes, procedures or operation mode,4.Inspection for special machine and equipment,5.Safety sampling,EXAMPLE,Measurement Example,6.Environmental sampling,7.Personnels with qualification or OHS experience,8.Analysis of documents and records,9.Take a test with basis of effective OHS instance,10.Make sure the OHS attitude of staff,39,Evaluation of Compliance,In order to fulfill commitment to compliance, establish, implement and maintain one or more procedures to periodically evaluate the compliance situation,And should keep records for above evaluation,40,Establish, implement and maintain one or more procedure to make record, investigation and analysis,- Any potential defect,- Requirement to correct,- Timing to prevent,- Timing to improving,- Communication result,Any requirement and timing should be handled as per standard,Investigation result should be documented,Timely investigation,Incident Investigation,41,Nonconformity, Corrective Action and Preventive Measures,Step 1,Step 2,Step 3,Identify nonconformity,Confirm the reason,Record and communicate the result,Step 4,Step 5,Take proper action,Comment on the effectivity,42,Requirement - Procedure,A.,Include the records of identify, safe and handle OH&S,B.,Distinct, traceable and discernible,C.,Easy to get and keep well,D.,Preservation term should be fixed,Records Control,43,Common OHS Record Examples,Training Record,Rule Register Record,OHS Check Record,Audit Report,Communication Information,Accident Report,Accident Tracking Report,OHS Minute,Medical Testing & Health Monitoring,Occupational Health Inspection Report,PPE record,Emergency Response Drills,Management Review,Hazard Identification Records,Risk Assessment Record,Risk Control Record,44,Internal Audit,2,Timely audit and report the audit result, plan and procedure,Independent auditor,Ensure GB/T28001-2001 standard and improvement of OH&Smanagement system,Implement as per plan,Set above the risk assessment result,5,Report to top management,Timely audit all the elements of OH&S strictly,8,The auditor should have nothing to do with the audit,1,3,4,6,7,45,Management Review,46,Internal Audit,As per requirement top management should timely review OH&S management system,Overall Validity,Separate Validity,Audit Result,In & OutFactor,Repair,Review,-Improve business performance,Review provides a chance to look back,-Improve action and reduce the risk to lowest level,47,Continuous improvement,48,Continuous Improvement,Technology,Safe & Healthy Performance,Management System,Conformity,Audit,49,Visit us at,Thanks for your attention!,


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