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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,实用英语语法,句法强化练习三,1,III.主语从句(2),2,(B),1)还不清楚他为什么这样做。,It isnt clear why he did it .,2) 还不能肯定他们是否要派兵去。,Its uncertain whether theyll send troops there.,3)她的意思很清楚。,Its clear enough what she meant.,4)他是否会支持我们还很难说。,Its doubtful whether she will support us.,5) 窃贼怎样进去的还是个谜。,Its mystery how the burglar got in.,3,6)他是否应当辞职还是个问题。,Its still a question whether he should resign.,7)她选择怎样的生活不关我的事。,Its not my business how she chooses to live.,8)我住哪里不要紧。,It doesnt matter where I live .,9)坐飞机还是坐飞机去都无所谓。,It makes no difference whether we go by train or by plane.,10)有人知道什么时候派她去吗?,Is it known when she will be sent there.,4,11)还没决定由谁来做编辑工作。,It isnt decided who is to do the,editing.,12)我们正在考虑如何处理这个问题。,Its being considered how we should,handle the case.,5,5. 汉译英练习(19.3.4),(A),1)她说的是真话。,What she said is true.,2)她看到的情况使她颤抖。,What she saw made her tremble.,3)让我们担心的不是那个。,What worries us isnt that.,4)我想强调的是这一点。,What I want to emphasize is this.,6,5)你需要的是更多的练习。,What you need is more practice.,6)他们追逐的是利润。,What they are after is profit.,7)我想知道的是我们如何能克服困难。,What I want to know is how we can overcome the difficulty.,8)她缺的是经验。,What she lacks is experience.,9) 给我印象最深的是她的人品。,What impressed me most was her personality.,7,10)你现在该做的是去找律师。,What you should do now is to see a lawyer.,11)她说的不多却发人深思。,What little she said left me much to think about.,12)我知道的这一点起不了什么作用。,What little I know wont help much.,8,(B),1)她所做的一切都值得赞扬。,Whatever she did was praiseworthy.,2)这里说的一切都要保密。,Whatever was said here must be kept secret.,3)我所有的一切都是你的。,Whatever I have is yours.,4)在公司里她说了算。,In the company whatever she says goes.,5)我们所做的一切必须符合人民的利益。,Whatever we do must be in the interest of the people.,9,6)我们之间发生的一切不关的事。,Whatever happens between us is none of your business.,7)谁要是看不清这一点就会犯大错误。,Whoever fails to see this will make a big mistake.,8)谁来都欢迎。,Whoever comes will be welcome.,9)这书谁要都可以拿走。,Whoever wants the book may have it.,10)谁得到这份工作谁就会有许多活要做。,Whoever gets the job will have a lot of work to do.,10,11)你想要哪样东西,哪样就是你的。,Whichever you want is yours.,12)你们中间谁第一个到谁都会得到奖。,Whichever of you comes in first will receive a prize.,11,IV. there引导的句子,12,1. 汉译英练习(19.4.1),(A),1)天上有一道彩虹。,Theres a rainbow in the sky.,2)岛上有几百万只鸟。,There are millions of birds on the island.,3)附近有停车场吗?,Is there a car park nearby?,4)城里有多少个公园?,How many parks are there in the city?,13,5) 瓶里还剩多少酒?,How much wine is there left in the bottle?,6)这个地区过去有20多座庙。,There were over twenty temples in this area.,7)你们城里有很多高楼,对吧?,There are lots of tall buildings in your city, arent there?,8)这儿有过火山吗?,Has there ever been a volcano here?,9)下星期有一个假期。,Therell be a holiday next week.,14,10)那天有庆祝活动吗?,Will there be a celebration on that day?,11)大门口有一辆车等着。,There is a car waiting at the entrance.,12)刚才有一位小姐要见你。,Theres been a lady asking to see you.,13)湖上有很多天鹅。,There are a number of swans on the lake .,14)房里有一张沙发和两张扶手椅。,Theres a sofa and two armchairs in the room.,15,15)公路上有一长串汽车。,There is a stream of traffic on the highway.,16)泪水顺着她的双颊。,There were rears trickling down her cheeks.,16,2. 汉译英练习(19.4.2),1)有志者事竟成。,Where there is a will, there is a way.,2)这些天都没有下雨。,There has been no rain these days.,3)今晚公园里有一场音乐会。,Therell be a concert in the park tonight.,4)天上在打雷。,There was thunder in the air .,5)我希望天气有些变化,。,I hope there will be a change in the weather.,17,6)他没有多大变化。,There was little change in him.,7)在那天之后将有化装舞会。,After that there would be a fancy dress ball.,8)有20多个人来参加晚会。,Therere twenty people coming to the party.,9)我们面前有很多困难。,Therere a lot of difficulties facing us .,10)现在没什么可说的了。,There s nothing to be said now.,11)有什么可怕的?,Whats there to be afraid of ?,18,12)你没有辞职的理由。,Theres no reason why you should resign.,13)有很多事情要做。,There are a lot of things to be done .,14)没有人愿意再有一次世界大战。,Nobody will want there to be another world war.,15)那儿不可能再有什么麻烦了。,Its impossible for there to be any more trouble .,16)没有别的事要做我就回家了。,There being nothing else to do, I went home.,19,3. 汉译英练习(19.4.3),1)今晚可能有雷雨。,There may be a thunderstorm tonight.,2)一定是误会了。,There must be some misunderstanding.,3)里面可能有印刷错误。,There might be some printing errors in it.,4)这里应该有一个逗号。,There ought to be a comma here .,5)毫无疑问,他是一个伟人。,There can be no doubt that he was a great man .,20,6)这个地区应该有更多的医院。,There should be more hospitals in this district. 7)过去这里有个剧院。,There used to be a theatre here.,8)附近一定有餐馆。,Theres sure to be a restaurant around.,9)我们面前一定有困难。,Therere bound to be difficulties ahead of us.,10)会后要放电影。,Theres going to be a film show after the meeting.,21,11)我们赢得这场比赛的希望似乎不大。,There doesnt seem to be much hope of our winning the game.,12)叔叔,为什么世界上一定要有穷人?,Uncle, why do there have to be poor people in the world?,22,汉译英练习(19.4.4),1)从前那儿住着一个名叫乔。毕夫的人。,Once upon a time there lived a man by the name of Joe Beef.,2)一天晚上一只小燕子从城市的上空飞过。,One night there flew over the city a little swallow.,3)传来敲门声。,There came a knock at the door.,4)只剩下20英磅了。,There remained just twenty pounds.,23,5)观众中发出一阵愤怒的喊声。,There sprang from the audience a cry of indignation.,6)小山顶上有一座古庙。,At the top of the hill there stands an old temple.,7)这时进来一个女人,怀里抱着孩子。,Then there entered a woman with a baby in her arms.,8)岩石里藏着一条蛇,长约10英尺。,There was hidden in the rock a snake about ten feet long.,24,9)村民中传流着一个关于白发仙女的谣言。,There was spreading among the villages a rumour about a white-haired fairy.,10)在西边远处可以看到一座小山的轮廓。,Far in the west could be seen the rim of a hill.,25,


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