管理学课件第11章 管理沟通与信息技术(Communication and Information Technology)

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管理学课件第11章 管理沟通与信息技术(Communication and Information Technology)_第1页
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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level, 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.,*,11,*,Communication and Information Technology,Chapter,11,L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E,Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.,Understanding Communications,Differentiate between interpersonal and organizational communication.,Discuss the functions of communication.,The Process of Interpersonal Communications,Explain all the components of the communication process.,List the communication methods managers might use.,Describe nonverbal communication and how it takes place.,Explain the barriers to effective interpersonal communication and how to overcome them.,2,L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd),Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.,Organizational Communication,Explain how communication can flow in an organization.,Describe the three common communication networks.,Discuss how managers should handle the grapevine.,Understanding Information Technology,Describe how technology affects managerial communication.,Define e-mail, instant messaging, blogs and wikis, voice-mail, fax, EDI, teleconferencing, videoconferencing, web conferencing, intranet, and extranet.,Explain how information technology affects organizations.,3,L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (contd),Follow this Learning Outline as you read and study this chapter.,Communication Issues in Todays Organization,Discuss the challenges of managing communication in an Internet world.,Explain how organizations can manage knowledge.,Explain why communicating with customers is an important managerial issue.,Explain how political correctness is affecting communication.,4,What Is Communication?,Communication(,沟通,),The transfer and understanding of meaning(,意思的传递和理解,).,Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the receiver.,Understanding the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing with the message.,Interpersonal Communication(,人际沟通,),Communication between two or more people,Organizational Communication(,组织沟通,),All the patterns, network, and systems of communications within an organization,5,Four Functions of Communication(,沟通的功能,),Functions ofCommunication,Control,Motivation,EmotionalExpression,Information,6,Functions of Communication,Control(,控制,),Formal and informal communications act to control individuals behaviors in organizations.,Motivation(,激励,),Communications clarify for employees what is to done, how well they have done it, and what can be done to improve performance.,7,Functions of Communication (contd),Emotional Expression(,情绪表达,),Social interaction in the form of work group communications provides a way for employees to express themselves.,Information(,信息,),Individuals and work groups need information to make decisions or to do their work.,8,Interpersonal Communication(,人际沟通,),Message(,信息,),Source: senders intended meaning,Encoding(,编码,),The message converted to symbolic form,Channel(,渠道,),The medium through which the message travels,Decoding(,解码,),The receivers retranslation of the message,Noise(,噪声,),Disturbances that interfere with communications,9,Exhibit 111The Interpersonal Communication Process(,人际沟通过程,),10,Distortions in Communications,Message Encoding,The effect of the skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the sender on the process of encoding the message,The social-cultural system of the sender,The Message,Symbols used to convey the messages meaning,The content of the message itself,The choice of message format,Noise interfering with the message,11,Distortions in Communications (contd),The Channel,The senders choice of the appropriate channel or multiple channels for conveying the message,Receiver,The effect of skills, attitudes, and knowledge of the receiver on the process of decoding the message,The social-cultural system of the receiver,Feedback Loop,Communication channel distortions affecting the return message from receiver to sender,12,Interpersonal Communication Methods(,人际沟通方法,),Face-to-face,Telephone,Group meetings(,群体会议,),Formal presentations(,正式宣讲,),Memos(,备忘录,),Traditional Mail(,传统邮件,),Fax machines(,传真,),Employee publications(,刊物,),Bulletin boards(,公告牌,),Audio- and videotapes(,录音带和录影带,),Hotlines(,热线电话,),E-mail,Computer conferencing,Voice mail(,语音邮件,),Teleconferences(,电视电话会议,),Videoconferences(,视频会议,),13,Evaluating Communication Methods(,评估沟通方法,),Feedback(,反馈,),Complexity capacity(,容忍复杂性的能力,),Breadth potential(,宽度潜力,),Confidentiality(,保密性,),Encoding ease(,编码容易度,),Decoding ease(,解码容易度,),Time-space constraint(,时空限制,),Cost(,费用,),Interpersonal warmth(,人情味,),Formality(,正式程度,),Scanability,(,信息可得性,),Time consumption(,处理信息的时间,),14,Exhibit 112Comparison of Communication Methods,Note:,Ratings are on a 15 scale where 1 = high and 5 = low. Consumption time refers to who controls the reception of communication. S/R means the sender and receiver share control.,Source:,P. G.,Clampitt,Communicating for Managerial Effectiveness,(Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1991), p. 136.,15,Interpersonal Communication (contd),Nonverbal Communication(,非言语沟通,),Communication that is transmitted without words.,Sounds,with specific meanings or warnings,Images,that control or encourage behaviors,Situational behaviors,that convey meanings,Clothing and physical surroundings,that imply status,Body language(,肢体语言,):,gestures, facial expressions, and other body movements that convey meaning.,Verbal intonation(,语调,):,emphasis that a speaker gives to certain words or phrases that conveys meaning.,16,Interpersonal Communication Barriers(,人际沟通障碍,),Defensiveness(,防卫,),NationalCulture,Emotions,Information Overload,Interpersonal Communication,Language,Filtering,17,Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication,Filtering(,过滤,),The deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver.,Emotions(,情绪,),Disregarding rational and objective thinking processes and substituting emotional judgments when interpreting messages.,Information Overload(,信息超载,),Being confronted with a quantity of information that exceeds an individuals capacity to process it.,18,Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communication (contd),Defensiveness(,防卫,),When threatened, reacting in a way that reduces the ability to achieve mutual understanding.,Language(,语言,),The different meanings of and specialized ways (jargon) in which senders use words can cause receivers to misinterpret their messages.,National Culture(,民族文化,),Culture influences the form, formality, openness, patterns and use of information in communications.,19,Overcoming the Barriers to Effective Interpersonal Communications(,克服沟通障碍,),Use Feedback,Simplify Language,Listen Actively,Constrain Emotions,Watch Nonverbal Cues,20,Exhibit 113Active Listening Behaviors(,积极倾听者的行为,),Source:,Based on P.L.,Hunsaker,Training in Management Skills,(Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001).,21,Types of Organizational Communication,Formal Communication(,正式沟通,),Communication that follows the official chain of command or is part of the communication required to do ones job.,Informal Communication(,非正式沟通,),Communication that is not defined by the organizations hierarchy.,Permits employees to satisfy their need for social interaction.,Can improve an organizations performance by creating faster and more effective channels of communication.,22,Communication Flows,Lateral,Diagonal,Downwa,rd,Upwa,rd,23,Direction of Communication Flow,Downward(,下行,),Communications that flow from managers to employees to inform, direct, coordinate, and evaluate employees.,Upward(,上行,),Communications that flow from employees up to managers to keep them aware of employee needs and how things can be improved to create a climate of trust and respect.,24,Direction of Communication Flow (contd),Lateral (Horizontal) Communication(,水平沟通,),Communication that takes place among employees on the same level in the organization to save time and facilitate coordination.,Diagonal Communication(,斜向沟通,),Communication that cuts across both work areas and organizational levels in the interest of efficiency and speed.,25,Types of Communication Networks(,沟通网络的类型,),Chain Network(,链式,),Communication flows according to the formal chain of command, both upward and downward.,Wheel Network(,轮式,),All communication flows in and out through the group leader (hub) to others in the group.,All-Channel Network(,全通道式,),Communications flow freely among all members of the work team.,26,Exhibit 114Three Common Organizational Communication Networks and How They Rate on Effectiveness Criteria,27,The Grapevine(,小道消息,),An informal organizational communication network that is active in almost every organization.,Provides a channel for issues not suitable for formal communication channels.,The impact of information passed along the grapevine can be countered by open and honest communication with employees.,28,Understanding Information Technology,Benefits of Information Technology (IT)(,信息技术的好处,),Increased ability to monitor individual and team performance,Better decision making based on more complete information,More collaboration and sharing of information,Greater accessibility to coworkers,29,Information Technology (contd),Networked Computer Systems,Linking individual computers to create an organizational network for communication and information sharing.,E-mail,Instant messaging (IM),Blogs,Wikis,Voice-mail,Fax machines,Electronic Data Exchange (EDI),Teleconferencing,Videoconferencing,Web conferencing,30,Information Technology (contd),Types of Network Systems,Intranet(,内部网络,),An internal network that uses Internet technology and is accessible only to employees.,Extranet(,外部网络,),An internal network that uses Internet technology and allows authorized users inside the organization to communicate with certain outsiders such as customers and vendors.,Wireless (WIFI) capabilities,31,How IT Affects Organization(,信息技术如何影响组织沟通,),Removes the constraints of time and distance,Allows widely dispersed employees to work together.,Provides for the sharing of information,Increases effectiveness and efficiency.,Integrates decision making and work,Provides more complete information and participation for better decisions.,Creates problems of constant accessibility to employees,Blurs the line between work and personal lives.,32,Current Communication Issues,Managing Communication in an Internet World(,管理互联网世界中的沟通,),Legal and security issues(,法律和安全问题,),Inappropriate use of company e-mail and instant messaging,Loss of confidential and proprietary information due to inadvertent or deliberate dissemination or to hackers.,Lack of personal interaction(,人际交往的缺乏,),Being connected is not the same as face-to-face contact.,Difficulties occur in achieving understanding and collaboration in virtual,environements,.,33,Current Communication Issues,Being connected versus being concerned,Managing Internet gripe sites as a valuable resource for unique insights into the organization.,Employee complaints (“hot-button” issues),Customer complaints,Responding to Internet gripe sites,Recognized them as a valuable source of information.,Post messages that clarify misinformation.,Take action to correct problems noted on the site.,Set up an internal gripe site.,Continue to monitor the public gripe site.,34,Current Communication Issues (contd),Managing the Organizations Knowledge Resources(,管理组织的知识资源,),Build online information databases that employees can access.(,建在线信息数据库,员工共享,),Create “communities of practice” for groups of people who share a concern, share expertise, and interact with each other.(,创建实践社区,),35,Communication and Customer Service,Communicating Effectively with Customers,Recognize the three components of the customer service delivery process:,The customer,The service organization,The service provider,Develop a strong service culture focused on the personalization of service to each customer.,Listen and respond to the customer.,Provide access to needed service information.,36,“,Politically Correct” Communication,Do not use words or phrases that stereotype, intimidate, or offend individuals based on their differences.,However, choose words carefully to maintain as much clarity as possible in communications.,37,


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