现场安全带系挂候选方案Safety belt anchor candidate solution in site

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,#,Confidential,Cryogenics,| Energy,现场安全带系挂候选方,案,Safety belt anchor candidate solution in site,Prepared by: Xu Lindong/Jin Liang,JIN,2016,年,3,月,22,日 质量安全部,2016.3.22 QEHS,2,一、目的,Purpose,为保证现场登高作业安全(,1.8m,及以上),,系,挂安全带是最基本的安全防护措施。现初步制定如下,4,个安全带挂点解决方案,以供参考。,Ensure employees working in the height,(,over 1.8m,),safely,,,wearing safety belt is a basic protection measure .,N,ow compile 4 candidate solutions,of safety belt anchor for discussion .,3,二,、方案,Solution1,利,用现场行车钩头提供安全带挂点,人员在高处作业时将安全带悬挂在钩头上,如右图所示。,We can using crane hook support safety belt anchor point when someone working in the height .For example ,scan right picture.,优,点:利用现有设备,无需增加安全投入。,Advantage,:,U,sing company existing equipment as safety device,,,no increase cost.,缺,点:行车数量有限,耽误其他吊装作业。其他无行车区域,无法使用这种方法。,Disadvantage,:,The quantity of the crane not enough for employees working at height in the same time,.,Meanwhile will delay the lifting job and some area without crane can not use this method.,4,二,、方案,Solution2,搭,设,可移动的金属框架(脚手管),高处作业时将安全带悬挂在可移动的横杆钩头上,如右图所示。,We can using erecting scaffold with wheel and horizontal pipe can support safety belt anchor point when someone working in the height .For example, scan right picture.,优,点:,数,量不受限制,操作简单,可行性强。,Advantage,:,No quantity limited,,,easily operate,。,缺点:脚手架搭设需要专业人员,并定期维护。,Disadvantage,:,Scaffold need professional person to erect and maintain usually.,5,二,、方案,Solution3,在现场按照摇臂吊,高处作业时将安全带悬挂在可移动的钩头上,如右图所示。,We can using install rocker crane and hook can support safety belt anchor point when someone working in the height .For example, scan right picture.,优点:数量不受限制,操作简单。,Advantage,:,No quantity limited,,,easily operate,。,缺点:增加安全投入,Disadvantage,:,Increase,cost,6,二,、方案,Solution4,在芯体四周搭设脚手架护栏,如右图所示。,We can erect scaffold handrail prevent stall falling down. For example, scan right picture.,优点:数量不受限制,操作简单。,Advantage,:,No quantity limited,,,easily operate,。,缺点:脚手架搭设需要专业人员,并定期维护。,Disadvantage,:,Scaffold need professional person to erect and maintain usually.,7,三、推荐方案,Propose solution,综合考虑安全投入与生产效率,,EHS,建议采用方案二,搭设可移动脚手架以提供安全挂点。,considerate safety cost and production,efficiency,,,EHS propose solution 2,。,如果您有更好的方案,请告知我们。,If you have another good suggestions,,,please inform us.,Safety is our c,onstant pursuit,!,8,THINK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT !,


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