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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Lead-in,Look at some pictures:,Can you guess which country it is?,Then have you got known which country it is?,Yes, its Canada.,Canada,Canada,“The True North”,Unit 5,Learning Goals,Knowledge Goals,Topic,Talk about Geography of Canada; talk about the multicultural society.,Words and Expressions,Words:,quiz, Canadian, minister, continent, baggage, chat, scenery, eastward, westward, upward, surround, harbor, measure, aboard, eagle, within, border, slight, slightly, acre, urban, topic, mix, mixture, bush, maple, frost, confirm, wealthy, distance, mist, misty, schoolmate, booth, downtown, approximately, dawn, buffet, broad, nearby, tradition, terrify, terrified, pleased, impress, impressive,Expressions:,prime minister, rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for, in the distance,Functional Items,How to express directions or positions;,How to express emotions.,Grammar,Noun Clauses as the appositive,(同位语从句),Ability Goals,Learn how to read a traveling report and use maps;,Learn to express directions and positions;,Learn to write a report to express what you hear and see in a place.,Emotion Goals,Introduce the students to some basic information about Canada, its geography, its culture and its population;,Understand the multicultural society of Canada.,Important and Difficult Points,Important Points,Geography of Canada;,How to express directions or positions and emotions;,Noun Clauses as the appositive;,How to read a traveling report and use maps.,How to express directions or positions and emotions;,Noun Clauses as the appositive,Difficult Points,Warming up,Are you familiar with Canada?,Talk,in pairs,about what you know about Canada.,Niagara Falls,Maple trees,Norman Bethune (诺尔曼白求恩),Mark Rowswell whose Chinese name is Da Shan,Where is Canada ?,Canada is on the north of America.,How far is Canada from Pacific Ocean to Atlantic Ocean?,PACIFIC OCEAN,ATLANTIC OCEAN,Can you point out the city of Calgary, Ottawa and Toronto on the map?,1. What language(s) do Canadians speak?,A. English.,B. English and German.,C. English and French.,D. English and Spanish.,2. What is the capital of Canada?,A.Vancouver. B. Toronto.,C. Calgary. D. Ottawa.,3. What is the national animal,of Canada?,A. Beaver. B. Grizzly bear.,C. Polar bear. D. Penguin.,4. What is the Canadian leader called?,A. President. B. Prime Minister.,C. Governor. D. King.,Can you enumerate the four Great Lakes in Canada? And the others in America?,5. How many Great Lakes are there in Canada?,A. 4. B. 3. C. 5. D. 6.,Lake Superior,苏必利尔湖,Lake Huron,休伦湖,Lake Erie,伊利湖,Lake Ontario,安大略湖,Lake Michigan,密歇根湖,America,Canada,Pre-reading,What is the longest trip you have ever taken?,What three words would you use to describe Canada?,Look at the map at follows and discuss the questions in pairs: If you take a trip to Canada, what do you think you might see there?,Reading,Do you know what meaning of “The True North”?,Meaning:,1.,Canada is located in the northern North America,.,2.,It is the name of,a,train.,3. It is,named after,a line from,the,Canad,i,a,n,National Anthem (国歌),.,Canadian National Anthem,O Canada!,Our home and native land!,True patriot love in all thy sons command.,With glowing hearts we see thee rise,The True North,strong and free!,From far and wide,O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.,God keep our land glorious and free!,O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.,O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.,啊!加拿大!我们的家园和祖国。,您的儿女对您无限忠诚,,仰望您的崛起,我们无比自豪。,啊!加拿大!,真正强大的北疆,自由而富强。,啊!加拿大!,在您的周围,我们守卫着。,愿上帝保佑您永远自由而辉煌!,啊!加拿大!我们守卫着您。,啊!加拿大!我们守卫着您。,1. Fast reading, draw,the route of the travel of Li Daiyu and Liu Qian.,1,China,by air,Vancouver,2,by train,Rocky Mountains,3,Calgary (Stampede),4,A wheat-growing province,5,Thunder Bay,6,After dinner,Lake Superior,7,Toronto,towards,8,Answer key:,2. Carefully reading, then answer the following questions:,Q1:,Which continent are the cousins crossing?,They are crossing North America.,Q2:,Why are they not flying directly to the Atlantic coast?,Because they want to take the train from west to east across Canada.,Q3:,Why is the population of Vancouver growing so rapidly?,Because it is Canadas warmest part and the most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and ocean, and people can ski in the mountains and sail in the harbour.,Q4:,What happens at the Calgary Stampede?,Cowboys compete in riding wild horses for thousands of dollars.,Q5: How are ocean ships able to reach the centre of Canada?,They can follow the St Lawrence River and the Great Lake,s,.,Q6: What are some of Canadas greatest natural resources?,Water from its lakes and rivers,and,w,ood from its forests,.,3. Try to talk with your partner about the difficult sentences which you can not work out using the context. Then make a list of note.,Explanation,trip,名词 (pl. trips),1.旅行;航行;行程,He has gone on a business trip.,他出差去了。,They took a trip to Japan last year.,他们去年去日本旅行。,2.跌倒,失足;失误,He apologized for the trip of the tongue.,他为失言道了歉。,3.【俚】(使用毒品后产生的)幻觉;迷幻的经验,5.经验,动词(不及物) ( tripped; tripped; tripping),1.绊,绊倒,He tripped over a brick.,他被一块砖头绊倒了。,2.失足,犯错误,3.【书】轻快地走(或跑);轻快地跳舞,The kids came tripping down the stairs.,孩子们脚步轻捷地走下楼。,trip,4.【俚】服用毒品后处于幻觉之中,trip out on LSD,服用LSD迷幻药后产生幻觉,5.旅行,远足,动词(及物) ( tripped; tripped; tripping),1.绊,绊倒,He tripped the pickpocket up by the heels.,他用脚后跟把扒手绊倒。,2.使失误,使犯错误,A few confusing questions tripped up the suspect.,几个棘手的问题使嫌疑犯泄漏了真情。,trip,In size, Canada is the second largest country on earth. In terms of economic power, it is a member of the Big seven, the worlds leading industrial nations, ranking along with the United States, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany and Japan. Canada plays an active role in international affairs, often taking part in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions and spearheading aid and development programs. Its scenery of mountains, oceans, forests and prairies is spectacular. It has a lively and rich culture, with many world famous actors, pop stars and writers. In annual “quality of life” surveys produced by the United Nation each year,Background,Canada regularly is rated as having the best standard of living in the world because of its health care, education, clean environment, social welfare and so on.,In contrast to its physical size, economic power and international prestige, Canadas population is very small. The current population is a little more than 30 millionabout the same as two Beijing cities! This paradox of having a small number of people in a very large, resource-rich area gives rise to some of the misleading perceptions people have about Canada.,Most people do not know very much about Canada. Mention the country and usually one,of two images will spring to mind. On the one hand, you might picture a sparsely populated, frozen country where people live in igloos, eat fish, hunt bears and constantly endure snow and cold. On the other, you might think Canada is a country that is ”just like America.” Even Americans are inclined to think of Canada as the 51st state, a part of America that through some quirk of history is not one (or more) of the United States states.,Most Canadians live in the south of the country, along the 49th parallel: about 90 per cent of the population is estimated to live within a few hundred kilometers of the Canadian-Americans border, in an climate that is much less extreme.,Ottawa the capital city of Canada,Toronto ,the biggest city of Canada,Toronto,Vancouver,Vancouver,Calgary Stampede,Rocky Mountains,Rocky Mountains,Lake Superior,Lake Ontario,Montreal,Beaver,The beaver song,Language Points,1. Canada is a,multicultural,country.,multi-,是一个前缀,意为“多”。,如:,multiparty,多党的,multipurpose,多种用途的,multinational,多国的,多民族的,multidirectional,多向的,2.,Rather than,take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.,rather than,而不是,。,如:,Rather than,cause trouble, he left.,他不愿惹麻烦,宁可离开。,3.,Going,eastward, youll pass mountains and,thousands of,lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities.,eastward,也作 eastwards, 副词,意为“向东”。注意不能说 go to eastward,。,如:,They sailed eastward.,thousands of,成千上万的,。,注意million, billion, thousand, hundred, score(20), dozen(12) 之前有,确定的数字时,不论后面有无of, 词尾都不加s。,如:,three thousand students,300名学生,three thousand of them,他们当中的300人,4.,That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins,settled down,in their seats.,settle down,安稳坐下;定居下来;适应起来。,如:,His grandfather,settled down,in the armchair with a newspaper.,Have you settled down in your new job?,5. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were,on a trip,to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast.,与,trip,搭配的主要动词和介词:,be,(go) on/make/take a trip to ,a trip to the seaside,a honeymoon trip to Paris,He is on a business trip.,My father will make a trip to New York next week.,6. On the coast,north of,Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the,world still remain.,north of =,to the north of,表示“在的北方”。,其它方位词如:east, west, south, southwest, northeast等,都有类似的用法。如:,Its about four hundred kilometers,northeast of,Toronto. 它在多伦多东北大约400公里处。,7. Many of them,have a gift for,working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes.,have a gift for,在方面有天分,有天赋,。,如:,She,has a gift,for learning language.,她对学语言有天赋。,It seems he,has a gift,for music.,好像他对音乐有天赋。,8.,In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake.,go as far as,一直走到,9.,“Its too bad you cant,go as far as,Ottawa, Canadas capital.”,in the distance,在远处;远方的,10.,The train left late that night and arrived in Montreal,at dawn,the next morning.,at dawn,在黎明的时候,Learning about Language,quiz, Canadian, minister, continent, baggage, chat, scenery, eastward, westward, upward, surround, harbour, measure, aboard, eagle, within, border, slight, slightly, acre, urban, topic, mix, mixture, bush, maple, frost, confirm, wealthy, distance, mist, misty, schoolmate,booth, downtown, approximately, dawn, buffet, broad, nearby, tradition, terrify, terrified, pleased, impress, impressive,2. Expressions,prime minister, rather than,settle down, manage to do,catch sight of, have a gift for,in the distance,Observe the words,below, and try to guess the,ir,meaning,s,.,multi = many,meaning,multicoloured,multichannel,multiform,multinational,multistor(e)y,multimedia,multipurpose,multifaith,multimember,multi = many,meaning,multicoloured,made of many colours,multichannel,having many channels,multiform,existing in many forms,multinational,including many nations,multistorey,having many stories / storeys,multimedia,using many media,multipurpose,used for many purposes,multifaith,including many religions / faiths,multimember,made of many members / people,-ward(s) = in a direction,meaning,forward(s),eastward(s),westward(s),southward(s),backward(s),outward(s),northward(s),inward(s),toward(s),-ward(s) = in a direction,meaning,forward(s),ahead, to the front,eastward(s),to the east,westward(s),to the west,southward(s),to the south,backward(s),to the rear; to the back,outward(s),out, in a direction away,northward(s),to the north,inward(s),to the inside,toward(s),in a direction to,Choose the best option,1. Roses need special care _ they can live through winter.,A. because B. so that C. even if D. as,2. Dont leave matches or cigarettes on the table within _ of little children.,A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance,3. This new model of car is so expensive that it is _the reach of those with average incomes.,A. around B. about C. beyond D. below,4. Look! There comes a blind man. Lets _ him.,A. make way for B. make our way to,C. find a way D. feel the way for,5.He has a good eyesight. He can see _ the distant island in the sea.,A. as long as B. so far as,C. so long as D. as far as,6.She is _ of dark, so she often goes to bed with her bedroom light on.,A. fear B. terrified C. fond D. interested,7.It is what she did _ what she said that moved me.,A. rather than B. other than,C. except for D. but,8.Would you care for a drink?,A. would like to B. prefer to,C. would rather not D . wouldnt like to,9.With so many noises from the busy traffic, he couldnt _ and do my research work.,A. put down B. settle down,C. cut down D. set down,10.Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, but _ they have eggs or young chicks, they dont use a net.(2007.湖南高考),A. why B. how C. unless D. where,11. Our school is two miles _ from here.,A. distant B. distance C. far D. far away,12.The taxi driver often reminds passengers to _ their belongings when they leave the car.,A. keep B. catch C. hold D. take,3. Grammar, noun clauses as appositive,(1)概念:,在复合句中用作同位语的从句叫同位语从句。它一般跟在某些名词后面,用以说明该名词表示的具体内容。,(2)语法特征:,1. 从属连词that、whether引导的同位语从句。,例如:,He has the hope,that,he will become a college student. 他有上大学这么个愿望。,The question,whether,he should do this troubled him. 是否该做这件事这一问题使他很烦恼。,2. 连接副词how,when,where等引导的同,位语从句。,例如:,You have no idea,how,worried I was!,你不知道我是多么着急。,He has solve the question,where,we were to get so much money.,他解决了我们去哪里弄到这么钱的问题。,Xiao Wang has solved the problem,why,the TV was out of order.,小王弄清了为什么电视机出故障的问题。,3. 连接代词:what, who等引导的同位语从句,,例如:,Next comes the question,what,you want to put in the box. 下一个问题就是你往盒子里面放什么。,The question,who,should do the job is important.,谁做这项工作的问题是很重要的。,注意:,由连接词that (一般不可省略) 引导的同位语从句,在句子结构上与关系代词that引导的定语从句有相似之处,但有区别:,1) The news that he had landed on the moon spread all over the country.,他登上月球的消息传遍全国。,2)The news that John told us interested all of us.他告诉我们的消息使大家都感趣。,解析:,1)句中that从句中本身的内容就是“news ”内容本身,that在句子中不充当任何成分,起连接作用,所以,本句中的that从句是同位语从句;而2)句中that从句说明“ news ”是怎样获得的,不涉及“news”的内容,that从句中充当 “tell”的宾语,所以,本句中的that从,句是定语从句。另外,可带同位语从句的名词主要是少数一些可加入具体内容的表示信息、思想等概念的名词,如:,fact,news,idea,truth,belief,doubt,hope,possibility,order,wish,message,promise,suggestion,report,reply,problem, question, thought,等。,同位语从句和定语从句特点归纳:,1)定语从句对先行词起修饰、限制的作用,同位语从句具体说明它前面的名词的内容。,2)that在定语从句中担任句子成分,是关系代词。当that充当宾语从句的宾语时可省略;that在同位语从句中不担任句子成分,是从属连词,通常不能省略。,语法专项练习,1. Information has been put forward_ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities. (2001上海),A. while B. that C. when D. as,2. _is no possibility _ Bob can win the first prize in the match. (2001 上海春),A. There;that B. It;that,C. There;whether D It;whether,3. There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race.,(2006 天津),A. that B. which C. until D. if,4. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _ he had to meet his uncle in the airport. (2006 重庆),A. why B. that C. where D. because,5.Its thirty years since we last met. (2006四川),But I still remember the story, believe it or not, _ we got lost on a rainy night.,A. which B. that C. what D. when,6. A warm thought suddenly came to me _ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday. (2006 安徽),A. if B. when C. that D. which,7. Theres a feeling in me _ well never know what a UFO is-not ever.(2002上海),A. that B. which C. of which D. what,8. Along with the letter was his promise _ he would visit me this coming Christmas.,(2004上海春),A. which B. that C. what D. whether,9. A story goes _ Elizabeth I of England liked nothing more than being surrounded by clever and qualified noblemen at court. (2004上海),A. when B. where C. what D. that,10. Some researchers believe that there is no doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found.,(2005广东),A. which B. that C. what D. whether,轻松一刻,Niagara Falls,Using Language,Listening,mix,v. Oil doesnt mix with water.,Gently mix up the flour, sugar,and water in bowl.,mixture,n. This CD is a mixture of the,singers old and new songs.,race,种族,official language,官方语言,Inuit,因纽特人,北美爱斯基摩人,Vocabulary,1.Reading material,3.Workbook listening material,4.Workbook listening task material,5.Workbook reading task material,2.Using language listening material,1) Canada encourages people to keep _.,2) Canada is a mixture of _.,3) If you live in the province of Quebec, _.,their own customs,many cultures and races,you are expected to speak French,Listen to the tape and complete these sentences with the correct information.,4) Native Indians and the Inuit are trying to,_.,5) More than _ languages are used in radio and TV programmes.,6) You may find areas where _,_ live near each other.,7) The families _ are usually all mixed up.,80,people from the,who lived in Canada for a long time,keep their languages alive,same culture,Speaking,1.方向 (direction),Where is.?,How does one go to.?,In what direction is.?,Is. close to/far from.?,How far is.?,2.位置,(position),It is/lies in the north/south of.,It is/lies to the south/east/northwest of.,It is within.,Kilometers of.,It is/lies on the west/east.,The place is on the border.,You go along the coast.,It is east /west of.,It is far away from.,One goes northward.,3.情感 (emotions),Excited, afraid, terrified, worried, tired, pleased, happy, impressed, surprised, amazed, satisfied,Work in groups of four. Imagine two of you are the cousins who traveled across Canada. The others ask questions about the trip. Then switch the roles. Dont forget to use the expressions.,Reading and Writing,Geography,Natural resources,Seasons and climates,Population,Major cities,Places of interest,Write two short reports on Canada and China :,Summing up,重点单词:,chat, surround, measure, within, border, mix, mixture, confirm, distance, nearby, tradition, impress,重点短语:,rather than, settle down, manage to do, catch sight of, have a gift for, in the distance,功能,方向,(direction),位置,(position),情感,(emotions),语法:,The usage of the Noun Clauses as the appositive.,话题:,Geography of Canada; multicultural society,高考链接,1. The disc, digitally _ in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night. (上海卷),A. recorded B. recording,C. to be recorded D. having recorded,解析,:the disc(唱片)与record(录制)是被动关系,且record发生在谓语sounded之前,而不是之后,所以不用不定式,而用过去分词作定语。,A,2. The flowers _ sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.,A. to smell B. smelling,C. smelt D. to be smelt,解析,:“发出香味”与“吸引游客”是同时发生的,排除表示将来的不定式,即A和D;又因为the flowers与smell (发出味)是主动关系,所以用现在分词短语作定语。,B,3. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden? (全国卷),A. to take B. take,C. taking D. to be taking,解析,:What / How about中about是介词,后接动名词。句中the two of us就是动名词短语taking a walk的逻辑主语。,C,Exercises,A. Fill in the blank and retell the story,Li Daiyu and Liu Qian took the train in Canada from _ to _ . Their cousins friend, Danny Lin, took them to the train station to catch “_ _ _” . Canada is the _ biggest country in the world. It is 5,500 kilometers from _ to _. As they go _, they saw beautiful scenery as well as cities. Vancouver is _ by mountains on the north,west


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