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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单元主题写作二,整 体 感 知,实 例 分 析,单元主题写作二,整 体 感 知,话题分析,本单元的话题是“谈论节日”。节日,(Festivals),是中考的常见话题,该话题在书面表达中常见的呈现形式是介绍某个节日的庆祝方式,此时属于文化习俗方面的说明文。如果要求写一封信来介绍某个节日,则此时又属于应用文。,单元主题写作二,常用表达,1,We usually eat,zongzi,at the Dragon Boat Festival.,2,The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival has a history over two thousand years.,3,On the Dragon Boat Festival, the town will hold a dragon boat race.,4,People hold dragon boat race on the Dragon Boat Festival in memory of Qu Yuan.,实 例 分 析,单元主题写作二,典型例题,假设你是李华,你的美国笔友,Maria,对中国的传统节日端午节很感兴趣,希望你给她写封信介绍端午节。,80,词左右信中应包含以下要点:,1,端午节是中国重要的传统节日之一;,2,端午节的时间是每年的农历五月初五;,3,人们庆祝端午节是为了纪念中国古代伟大的诗人屈原;,下面我们就结合实例加以分析。,单元主题写作二,4,人们在端午节吃粽子、赛龙舟;,5,自己对中华民族传统节日的认识。,参考词汇: 庆祝,celebrate,;农历,lunar calendar,;,纪念,in honor of,;诗人,poet,;龙舟赛,dragon boat race,单元主题写作二,思路点拨,one of most important,Chinese traditional festivals,on the fifth day the fifth month,in Chinese lunar calendar,has a long history,in honor of great ancient,Chinese poet Qu Yuan,our duty to respect the traditions and make,Chinese culture known to the worid,celebrate the day by holding dragon,boat race and eating zongzi,单元主题写作二,连句成篇,Dear Maria,,,Im very happy that you are interested in Chinese culture, especially the festivals. Now let me first tell you something about the Dragon Boat Festival.,The Dragon Boat Festival is _ Chinese traditional festivals. It is on the fifth day of the fifth month in Chinese lunar calendar, that is to say, it is not on the same date every year. The Dragon Boat Festival has a long history, which _the great ancient Chinese poet Qu Yuan. People celebrate the day by holding dragon boat race and eating,zongzi,.,one,of,the,most,important,is,in,honor,of,单元主题写作二,There are many traditional festivals in China, _ the Spring Festival and the MidAutumn Festival. Festivals _ in Chinese culture. _ respect the traditions and make Chinese culture known to the world.,Yours,,,Li Hua,such,as,play,an,important,part,It,is,our,duty,to,单元主题写作二,自我展示,假设你叫,Jack,,你的美国朋友,David,想了解一些和春节有关的知识。请你给,David,写一封信,介绍一下中国的春节。,提示内容:,1.,春节是中国最重要的节日,通常在一月或二月。,2,春节时家人会聚会、穿新衣服、看望亲戚朋友等。,要求: 要符合书信的写作格式。,80,词左右。,单元主题写作二,One possible version,:,Dear David,Hows everything going?,I know you want to know more about the Spring Festival in China. Now Im writing a letter to tell you more about it.,The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is usually celebrated in January or February. When the Spring Festival comes, people usually get together with their family.,They have good meals together. People usually wear new clothes and visit their relatives and friends. They have parties and watch fireworks as well.,If you want to know about other Chinese traditional festivals, just write to me.,Yours,,,Jack,单元语法聚焦二,语 法 点 击,实 战 演 练,单元语法聚焦二,语 法 点 击,感叹句,感叹句是表示惊讶、赞美、喜悦、愤怒等情感的句子,通常由,what,或,how,引导。常见结构:,What a/an,形容词可数名词的单数,(,主语谓语,)!,What,形容词可数名词的复数,(,主语谓语,)!,What,形容词不可数名词,(,主语谓语,)!,Ho,w,形容词或副词,(,主语谓语,)!,How,主语谓语!,单元语法聚焦二,What a brave boy he is!,他是多么勇敢的一个男孩啊!,What good weather it is!,今天的天气真好!,How interesting the story is!,这个故事多么有趣啊!,How fast the athlete runs!,那名运动员跑得真快啊!,单元语法聚焦二,宾语从句的引导词和语序,宾语从句是名词性从句的一种,在复合句中作主句的宾语。在本单元,我们将重点讲解宾语从句的引导词和语序。,1,宾语从句的引导词,选择宾语从句的引导词是有规律可循的,一般来讲,可分为三个类型:,(1),当宾语从句是由陈述句变化而来时,该从句通常由,that,引导。,that,无具体意义,在句中不作任何成分,在口语或非正式文体中常常被省略。如:,We all say. Li Ming is a good boy.,We all say (that) Li Ming is a good boy.,单元语法聚焦二,(2),当宾语从句由一般疑问句变化而来时,需用连词,if,或,whether,引导,译为“是否”,不可省略。如:,Could you tell us? Will he come here?,Could you tell us if/whether he will come here?,注意:,if,和,whether,在引导宾语从句时一般可以换用,但以下三种情况只可以用,whether,,不可以用,if,。,当从句中含有,or,连接的选择成分时。如:,We didnt know whether or not she was ready.,我们不知道她是否已做好准备。,单元语法聚焦二,当从句作介词的宾语时。如:,Im interested in whether he has joined the army.,我对他是否已经入伍感兴趣。,当宾语从句移至句首表示强调时。 如:,Whether this is true or not, Im not sure.,这是否真实,我不确定。,(3),当宾语从句由特殊疑问句变化而来时,则用连接代词,who,whose, whom, what, which,或连接副词,when, where, why, how,等引导。它们在句中均充当一定成分,一般不可省略。如:,Could you tell me? Where is the nearest bank?,Could you tell me where the nearest bank is?,单元语法聚焦二,2,宾语从句的语序,宾语从句要用陈述语序。如:,I wonder if/whether he will listen to me.,我想知道他是否会听我的话。,实 战 演 练,单元语法聚焦二,.,单项选择,(,)1.,2013,广东,Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize for Literature last year. _ excellent he is!,A,How,B,What,C,What a D,What an,A,解析,感叹形容词,excellent,要,用,how,。,单元语法聚焦二,(,)2.,2013,长沙,_ clever the boy is!,A,How B,What,C,What a,A,单元语法聚焦二,(,)3.,2013,济南,Have you heard of Zhang Lili? She was seriously hurt in an accident in order to save one of her students.,_ good teacher!,A,How B,What,C,What a D,What an,C,解析,感叹名词,teacher,要用,what,,而且,teacher,是可数名词的单数形式,故,what a,符合题意。,单元语法聚焦二,(,)4._ wonderful concert they are putting on in the city square!,A,How B,What,C,What a D,What an,C,单元语法聚焦二,(,)5._ hard Tony is working!,Yes. We should learn from him.,A,What B,How,C,What a D,How a,B,解析,本题考查感叹句的结构。感叹副词,hard,可知要用,how,。,单元语法聚焦二,(,)6.They wonder _ robots will make humans lose their jobs or not.,A,that B,if,C,whether D,so,C,解析,句意为“他们想知道机器人是否会使人类失去工作”。表示“是否”可以用,if,或,whether,,但结合题干中的,or not,可知,,whether,符合题意。,单元语法聚焦二,(,)7.,2013,梅州,Could you tell me _ a meeting in Guangzhou next week?,A,if there was going to be,B,if there is going to be,C,whether is there going to be,D,where there is going to have,B,解析,句意为“你能告诉我下周是否会举行会议吗?”,if, whether,引导的宾语从句要用陈述语序,先排除,C,;再结合,next week,可知时态是将来时,排除,A,;,D,项中宾语从句的引导词是,where,,也可以排除。故答案为,B,。,单元语法聚焦二,(,)8.,2013,鄂州,Could you tell me _ in your hometown in winter,?,Sure.,A,whether does it often snow,B,whether it often snows,C,if it often snow,D,if does it snow,B,解析,根据宾语从句要用陈述语序的规则可知答案为,B,。,单元语法聚焦二,.,把下面两个句子合并为宾语从句,括号中所给的词是引导词,1,I know. He is a brave man. (that),_,2,Lisa wants to know. Will he come to her birthday party? (if),_,3,My father wonders. Will there be a parents meeting next,week,?,(whether),_,4,I think. Youve got a great idea. (that),_,I,know,that,he,is,a,brave,man,.,Lisa,wants,to,know,if,he,will,come,to,her,birthday,party,.,My,father,wonders,whether,there,will,be,a,parents,meeting,next,week,.,I,think,that,you,ve,got,a,great,idea,.,单元语法聚焦二,5,She asked me. Did I pass the exam successfully,?,(if),_,6,They wonder. How do we celebrate the New Years Day,?,(how),_,She,asked,me,if,I,passed,the,exam,success,fully,.,They,wonder,how,we,celebrate,the,New,Year,s,Day,.,


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