单词短语 book5 unit1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 1,Great Scientists,Words,1. put forward:,1,,,We,put forward,a new plan.,put down,写下,记下;镇压,put off,耽误,延期,put on,穿上,上演,put out,熄灭,扑灭,put up,建立,建造,put up with,忍受,put aside,储蓄(金钱等);不考虑,放下;留出(一段时间),put back,把 钟表 拨慢,推迟,1 We are trying to _a few hundred dollars every month for our trip next year.,A put back B put off,C put up D put aside,2 they all agreed with the theories which were _by Dr. Smith.,(多选),A come up with B put forward,C put up D put aside,3 With the help of firefights, the big fire was _soon.,A put down B put off C put out,D put away,4 My watch is fast , it needs_.,A put back B putting back,C put forward D put down,2. attend:,1 We,attended,a wedding yesterday.,2 They,attended (to),our affairs during our absence.,3 I have some urgent business to,attend (to).,4 Who is going to,attend (to),the patient?,The doctor telephoned to say that he couldnt _the meeting because he had to _a patient.,A come; attend to,B attend ; attend,C join; treat,D attend on; look after,My sister met him at the Grand Theater yesterday afternoon, so he _your lecture.,A couldnt have attended,B neednt have attended,C mustnt have attended,D shouldnt have attended,3. expose.to.,He didnt want to,expose,his fears,to,anyone.,He,exposed,his skin,to,the sun.,_ to sunlight for too much time,will do harm to ones skin.,A.Exposed,B.Having,exposed,C.Being,exposed,D.After,being exposed,C,4.absorb:,1, Plants,absorb,oxygen.,C,2, The writer,was absorbed in,his writing.,3,The picture,absorbed my attention,.,The man was_ reading that he,didnt notice the fire.,A. very absorbing,B.very,absorbed in,C. so absorbed in D. so absorbed on,5. blame:,1,She,blamed,him,for,the failure of their,marriage.,3,Which driver,was to blame for,the,accident?,2,People often,blame,their misfortune,on,others.,他们把失败归咎于汤姆。,They blamed the failure on Tom.,这个孩子不应受到责备。,The child was not to blame.,blame,sb,for,sth,blame,sb,for doing,sth,因,而责备某人,blame,sth,on,sb,把某事归咎于某人,put/ lay the blame on,sb,把某事归咎于某人,be to blame ( for,sth,),在,上应负责任,该怨,It seemed that the water was to blame.,看来水是罪魁祸首。,Dont always blame your own failure on others. Sometimes you yourself are to blame.,不要总把失败归咎于他人,有时候该怪你自己。,The managing director took the _ for,the accident , although it was not really,his fault.,A guilt B charge C blame D accusation,C,1,,,The bad weather was partly _for crop failure this year.,A blame B. to blame,C. blaming D. to have blamed,2 As for this fire accident ,the boss was more _than the workers.,A. blame B. blamed,C.to,blame,D.to,be blamed,-The light in the library was on all night long.,-Yes. It seemed that Helen_, for she was the last to leave.,A was to be blamed B was to blame,C had been blamed D should be blamed,B,6. contribute,contribute,sth,to,向,捐献,捐助,contribute to,对,有贡献;有助于;造成,促成,make a great / major/new contribution to,对,做出大的,/,主要的,/,新的贡献,1 Everyone should,contribute,what he or,she can afford,to,help,ing,the persons in,need.,2 Does smoking,contribute to,lung cancer?,3 He,contributed,1,000 pounds,to,a charity collection.,4 He contributed articles to the magazine.,投稿,3 Im sure your suggestion will_ the problem.,A contribute to solve,B be contributed to solve,C contribute solving,D contribute to solving,D,4 To tell the truth, my carelessness _ to my failure.,A contributed B donated C provided,D caused,A,7. apart from,1 It is a good piece of work,apart from,a,few slight faults.,2 Ive finished,apart from,the last question.,3,Apart from,their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain.,4 She keeps herself,apart from,others.,apart from/besides/ in addition/ except,/except for/ except,that(when,/where.),.-what did you do in town last night ?,-_a concert ,we also watched a football match.,A.Instead,of,B.Apart,from,C.In,addition,D.Except,8. make sense:,I cant follow these instructions-they,dont,make sense,.,Your story doesnt,make sense,to me.,It doesnt,make any sense,to me whether he will agree or not.,Can you,make sense of,what the author,says?,1 As is expected , the,story_with,a happy ending.,A concluded B being concluded,C concluding D was concluded,A,2 I hope the doctor can _me of the pain in my stomach.,A heal B recover C treat D cure,D,5 I admired my classmate Lisa very much.,_her beauty, she was smart and helpful.,A Except for B But for C In spite of,D Apart from,D,Translation :,1.,他提出了一个新计划,.,2.,我们昨天出席了简的婚礼。,3.,不要把皮肤直接暴露在阳光下。,4.,这位作家专心于写作。,5.,他应该为这次事故负责。,He put forward a new plan.,We attended Janes wedding yesterday.,Dont expose your skin to the sun directly.,The writer was absorbed in his writing.,He was to blame for the accident.,


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