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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Two life-saving medicines,When people fall ill, what will they do ?,Go to see docotrs!,have an injection,have an,intravenous drip,receive an operation.,Acupuncture is the use of needles to _ peoples health problems,.,treat,take medicine,Do you know what they are?,aspirin,penicillin,Words coming from,the same stem,:,Words that are,compound,words:,Words with,irregular plural forms,:,How can we understand medical terms?,Reading strategy,Aspirin,Part one,Read the magazine article, answer the following questions.,1. When was aspirin invented?,2. When did people find that drinking a special kind of tea could reduce body pains and fever?,3. What other things can aspirin help with besides reducing fever and pain?,In 1897,Nearly 3500 years ago,Aspirin,Part one,Read,Para 3,and try to fill in the form below.,Other effects of aspirin,1. reduce fever,2.help stop body pains,3.reduce the risk of heart attacks,4.prevent strokes,5.reduce the risk of some cancers,7.reduce blood sugar levels and help people with diabetes,Aspirin,Part one,6.increasing the length of lives,In 1897:,In 1899:,In 1900:,In 1971:,In 1977:,In 1988:,In 2003:,Sold in shops in the form of tablets,Proved that aspirin could reduce the,risk of heart attacks,Used to prevent strokes,Used to reduce blood sugar levels,Development of aspirin:,What happened in the following each year,Aspirin was invented,The first trials in powder form took place,Reduce the risk of some cancers by 40%.,Aspirin,Part one,Penicillin,Part two,Read the article, and answer the following questions.,1. Where did Alexander Fleming find penicillin?,2. What illnesses did Fleming think the mould might be used to treat?,In a mould that killed bacteria.,It might be used to treat illnesses caused by bacteria.,Penicillin,Part two,Read the article, and answer the following questions.,3. What difficulties did Fleming have in,developing penicillin as a drug?,First, he was unable to find a procedure to make penicillin pure enough to work as a medicine.,Second, it was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample quantities needed to be effective.,Penicillin,Part two,1.Penicillin,this pain-killing medicine is considered by many to be one of the most important medicines in contemporary society,2.Alexander Fleming managed to make the medical pure to be a medicine.,3. Due to the widespread use of penicillin ,many lives were saved during World War Two.,4. Penicillin became the greatest drug of the 19th century, saving millions of lives.,Part two,Penicillin,Judge whether the following sentence is true or false,and correct the sentence if it is false:,Judge whether the following is true or false and correct it if the sentence is false:,1.Penicillin,this pain-killing medicine is considered by many to be one of the most important medicines in contemporary society,2.Alexander Fleming managed to make the medical pure to be a medicine,.,F,bacteria-killing,was unable to,F,Penicillin,Part two,Howard Florey and Ernst Chain,3. Due to the widespread use of penicillin ,many lives were saved during World War Two.,4. Penicillin became the greatest drug of the 19th century, saving millions of lives.,F,T,20th,Read the article, and judge the following true or false:,Penicillin,Part two,Passage structure,Two life-saving medicines,aspirin,penicillin,the history of aspirin,the uses of aspirin,the history of penicillin,the uses of penicillin,introduction,This article will _ on two drugs, which have_ _ to mankind. Aspirin was _ in 1897. Long ago, people _ on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves _ a special chemical. The company began_the medicine in powder form and later aspirin became the _medicine in the world for pain _. Not only has aspirin _vital for reducing fever but it has the _to reduce the risk of heart attacks. In 1977 a study _ _ in the USA showed that,focus,proved beneficial,invented,chewed,possessing,distributing,best-selling,relief,proved,potential,carried out,it could prevent _.Penicillin has helped increase the standard of peoples health . One day , Fleming noted that a dish_ _he grew bacteria looked abnormal. It _ him to see the bacteria _the mould dead. He realized the mould might have an application in _illnesses _ by bacteria. He named the liquid made from the mould penicillin. But it was difficult to produce penicillin in the ample _ needed to be _.Howad Florey and Ernst Chain,_to make and test the new drug. In 1945, They _ the Nobel Prize.,strokes,in which,as,astonished,surrounding,treating,caused,quantities,effective,managed,shared,1. Any medicines has side effects,2. It is vital that we,should keep healthy,Language points learning,证明对人类有益,含有水杨酸的树皮,以药片的形式在药店出售,降低某些癌症,40%,的风险,有助于延长人类的寿命,prove beneficial to mankind,a tree bark containing salicylic acid,be sold in the form of tablets,reduce the risk of some cancers by 40%,help increase the length of peoples lives,在另一种细菌上实验这种霉,设法成功大量制造并测试这种新药,由于盘尼西林的广泛使用,政府批准程序得以加快,分享诺贝尔化学奖,try this mould out on another bacterium,manage to make and test the new drug in large quantities,due to the widespread use of penicillin,The government approval process was accelerated,share the Nobel Prize in Medicine,在,1987,年,一位欧洲药剂师以这种化学物质生产出了阿司匹林(用强调句型),It was in 1987 that a European chemist produced aspirin from this chemical,When,the European chemist produced aspirin from this chemical?,全世界都想知道是什么导致,(contribute to)MH370,消失得无影无踪,was,it,that,All the world are wondering what was it that contributed to the MH370 disappearing without any trace.,直到昨天马航才证实,(,confirm,)MH370,已坠入大海且无人生还,It was not until yesterday that the Malaysian Airlines confirmed that the MH370 had crashed into the sea, no one alive.,Thank you !,


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