全国英语等级考试 第一级教程Unit5ppt课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,*,Chapter Five,Transport,Unit Aims,Passages,Dialogues,Unit Aims,Unit Aims,)内容重点,(Language Focus),)技能要求,(Skills),1.,交际重点,(Communicative Focus),在公共岗位上简单接待外国人并引导外国人乘坐国内交通工具。,内容重点,(Language Focus),2.,重点训练词组,(Focal Expressions),be about to,即将,take off,起飞;脱下,fasten,拴紧,just a second,稍等一会儿,check in,登机,the next,下一个,leave from,从,离开,be full of,充满,be used for,被用来做,in order to,为了,take turns,轮流,compare with,与,比较,long-distance travelling,长途旅行,on the other side,另一方面,3.,重点句型和习惯表达法,(,Focal Functions and Patterns,),Would you please tell me?,你能告诉我,吗?,It takes sb. some time to do,sth,.,某人花多少时间做某事,Id like to book,我想预订,1.,听力:,听懂有关交通的简短文章和对话。,2.,阅读:,读懂有关交通的文章,并回答问题。,3.,写作:,改写句子:,掌握有关句型和表达方式,利用所学语,法结构和句型改写句子。,书面表达:,利用所学表达方式,简单描述交通安,排。,4.,口语:,熟读对话与课文,背诵对话语句,并就课文,内容进行对话问答。,技能要求,(Skills),CLOSE,Dialogue,1,Dialogue,2,Dialogue,3,Dialogue,4,Tom wants to go to the train station, but he doesnt know the way.,T:,Excuse me, does this bus go to the train station?,S:,Sorry, Im a stranger here.,T:,Sorry to bother you, but,would you please tell me,which bus goes to the train station,?,S:,The train station? Let me seeYes, take bus,NO.101 here and get off at the post office stop.,And then take bus No.105 there. It goes directly,to the station.,Dialogue 1,1,Tom wants to go to the train station, but he doesnt know the way.,T:,Is it very far?,S:,Yes.,It will take you about 45minutes to get to the,railway station,.,T:,Thank you very much.,S:,Youre welcome.,Dialogue 1,2,How can Tom get to the train station?,2. How long does it take to go to the train station?,Take bus NO.101 here and get off at the post office stop. And then take bus No.105 to get there.,45 minutes.,CLOSE,Would you please tell me?,宾语从句的用法。常用于问路。类似问法有:,Would you please tell me how to get to?,Would you please tell me the way to?,你能告诉我去,的路怎么走吗?,Would you,CLOSE,此用法源于,It takes sb. some time to do sth.,某人花多少时间做某事。,Take,可根据时态需要发生变化。,e.g. It will take them a few days to arrive in Tibet.,他们将花几天时间到达西藏。,It took them a few days to arrive in Tibet.,他们花了几天时间到达西藏。,It will take,CLOSE,Steven is on the airplane.,S:,Good morning. Welcome!,S:,Good morning, Miss.,Could you show me to,my seat?,I cant find it.,S:,Sure. May I see your card please?,S:,Yes. Here it is.,S:,Its 7-H. Well, your seat is in the middle of the,cabin on the right, near the window. This way,please. Here we are.,S:,Thank you very much.,Dialogue 2,1,next,S:,My pleasure.(Announcer: Your attention,please .The plane,is about to,take off,. Please,fasten your safely belts.),S:,Excuse me, I dont know how to,fasten,it .,Could you help me?,S:,Yes, of course.,S:,Thanks a lot. (A moment later.),S:,Would you like coffee, tea, coke or juice?,S:,Do you have water?,S:,Yes.,S:,Then, Id like some water.,Dialogue 2,2,3,4,next,Where is Stevens seat?,2. Which would Steven like, coffee or water?,His seat is in the middle of the cabin on the right, near the window.,Water.,CLOSE,Could you show me to my seat?,你能告诉我我的位置在哪里吗?,情态动词后接动词原形,。,e.g. Would you come with us?,你会跟我们一起来吗?,Could you show me to my seat?,CLOSE,be about to +do,即将,刚要,(,1,)表示即将做某事。,如:,He is about to go.,他就要走了,。,Mrs. Brown was about to begin, but Jennie spoke first.,布朗夫人正要开始讲话,珍妮先讲了。,(,2,)其否定式在美国英语中可表示不打算(不愿意)。,如:,Im not about to,stop when Im so close to success.,在接近成功时我不打算就此罢手。,(,3,)由于本身已含有“即将”这样的时间概念,习惯上不与,soon, at once, tomorrow,等具体时间状语连用。,be about to,CLOSE,take off,(飞机)起飞;脱下(衣服),反义词:,land on,着陆,put on,穿上,Take off,CLOSE,fasten,vt,.,拴紧;使固定,vi.,固定;系紧;抓紧,Do not fasten all the windows up while you sleep.,睡觉时不要将所有的窗户都关紧。,The little boy has learnt to fasten shoelaces.,这小男孩已学会系鞋带了。,fasten,CLOSE,Peter Johnson wants to book a ticket.,C:,Good morning! Can I help you?,P:,Good morning.,Id like to book a ticket for the flight.,C:,Where are you going?,P:,To America.,C:,To America. And when would you like to go?,P:,Friday.,Dialogue 3,1,Next,C:,Just a second,and Ill check the,schedule,Yeah, Minhang has,a flight leaving at 13:20,.,P:,I guess thats OK.,C:,OK. So one ticket on Friday at 13:20.,P:,Thats right. When should I,check in,?,C:,You have to be there half an hour before the plane takes off. Dont forget your passport.,Dialogue 3,2,Next,3,4,5,When will Peter Johnson leave for America?,2. When should Peter Johnson check in?,Friday,CLOSE,Before 12:50 on Friday.,Id like to book a ticket for the flight.,我想订一张那次航班的票。,Id like ,我想,book,和,preserve,都有“预订”的意思。,Id like to ,CLOSE,just a second,稍等一会儿,类似用法还有:,Just a moment,Just a second,CLOSE,schedule,时刻表,时间表,(,1,),schedule,作动词时,指“(预先)规定”,在美国使用比较普遍。,(,2,),train schedule,在美国指“火车时刻表”,在英国同,timetable,意思一样;,(,3,),according to schedule,指“按计划地”,to schedule,指“按照预定时间”,up to schedule,指“达到预定计划的”,behind schedule,指“落后于预定计划的”,schedule,CLOSE,a flight leaving at 13:20,Leaving at,v-ing,形式作定语。,在时刻之前,用介词,at,。,a flight leaving at 13:20,CLOSE,check in,登记入住;登机;报到,Passengers should check in for flight BA 125 to Berlin.,去柏林的英航,125,航班旅客请办理登机手续。,You can check in at the reception desk.,你可到接待处登记报到。,Check in,CLOSE,An old lady is at the information office in a railway station.,O:,Good morning. Id like some information about the trains, please.,C:,Yes, madam. Which train? Where are you going?,O:,To Nanjing.,C:,So your question is “,Whens the next train to Nanjing,?” Is that right?,O:,Yes, thats right.,C:,Its half past eleven.,Dialogue 4,next,1,O:,Can I get something to eat on the train?,C:,Yes, madam. Theres a buffet car on the train.,O:,Thank you.,Which platform does it leave from,?,C:,Platform 5.,O:,Ok. Thank you very much.,Dialogue 4,next,2,What did the old lady want to know about?,2. Did the train offer food?,When is the next train to Nanjing.,CLOSE,Yes, it did.,Whens the next train to Nanjing?,下一班去南京的火车是什么时候?,the next,下一个,Whens the next train to Nanjing,CLOSE,Which platform does it leave from?,它在那个月台离开?,platform,月台,leave from,从,离开,Which platform ,CLOSE,Passage,1,Passage,2,Passage 1,Cars in the U.S.A,The United States,is full of,cars, Many American families have two cars or even more, cars,are used for,more than pleasure. They are a necessary part of life.,1,2,Cars are used for business. People drive them to offices and factories. When salesmen go to different parts of the city, they have to drive,in order to,carry their products. Farmers have to drive into the city in order to get what they need.,Sometimes small children must be driven to school. In some cities school buses are used only when children live more than a mile from the school. When the children are too young to walk that,far, their mothers,take turns,driving them to school. One mother drives on Mondays, taking her own children and the neighbors children as well. Another mother drives on Tuesdays, another on Wednesdays, and so on. This is called “forming a car pool”. Men also form car pools, with three or four men taking turns driving to the place where they all work.,More car pools should be formed in order to have fewer cars on the roads and to use less gasoline. Parking is a great problem, and so is the traffic in and around cities.,Too many cars are being driven,. Something will have to be done about the use of cars.,How,important are cars to Americans?,2.,What,is a car pool,?,3.,What,is the writers suggestion?,CLOSE,Cars are a necessary part of life.,It is formed by several people taking turns driving to school or work.,More car pools should be formed in order to have fewer cars on the roads.,be full of,充满,be filled with,充满,e.g. Her life was full of drama.,她的生活充满激动人心的事情。,be full of,CLOSE,be used for,用于,be used to do,被用来做,The grease from pork can be used for frying.,猪肉炼出的油可用来煎炸食物。,The knife can be used to cut meat.,刀能用来切肉。,Be used for,CLOSE,in order to + do,为了,in order that +,从句,We started early in order to arrive before dark.,为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。,In order not to be late, she cut across the fields.,为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。,In order to,CLOSE,take turns,轮流,take turns to + do,轮流,They took turns in nursing his sister.,他们轮流照顾他的妹妹。,Take turns,CLOSE,Too many cars are being driven.,太多车在行驶。,此处用的是现在进行时的被动语态。,被动语态的结构:,be done,现在进行时的被动语态结构:,be being done,e.g. The information is being processed.,信息正在处理中。,Too many cars are being driven,CLOSE,Passage 2,Air transport,Ten years ago, traveling by air was thought as a very expensive experience, which could be enjoyed only by the rich and the important people,.,In fact, flying in the air has been our dream for a long time in history. Since the first day when we made a plane, air transport has already become a more and more important way for,long-distance traveling,.,Studies show that,comparing with,other ways of transport, air transport is the safest. Being quick and easy is believed as two good sides of air transport. People wont be stopped by the traffic lights or by other cars ,buses or trains .Whats more, traveling from country to country becomes quick and easy.,On the other side, problems caused by bad weather, high cost of flights worry the governments, airports and passengers.,Now, the air transport comes to its corner. Because it is believed that it costs much more time traveling from the city area to the airport than traveling from city to city. As a result,people prefer express train for shorter distance traveling,.,According to the passage, what has been our dream for a long time?,2,.,Whom do the problems worry?,3,.,Why does air transport come to its corner?,CLOSE,Flying in the air.,The governments, airports and passengers.,Because it costs much more time traveling from the city area to the airpot than traveling from city to city.,Ten years ago, traveling by air was thought as a very expensive experience, which could be enjoyed only by the rich and the important people.,十年前,乘飞机旅游被认为是一种非常昂贵的经历,这种经历只能被富人或重要人士所享受。,which,所带的句子是定语从句,这里的先行词为,which,前的部分,即乘飞机旅游的经历。,Ten years ago,CLOSE,long-distance traveling,长途旅游,Ive never made any long distance travel by train in Europe.,在欧洲我从未乘火车长途旅行过。,Long-distance traveling,CLOSE,compare with,与,比较,compare to,与,比较,compare,比较,That ring is beans compared with the crown jewels.,与皇冠上的宝石相比那枚戒指根本不值什么钱。,Compare with,CLOSE,on the other side,另一方面,You can see children playing on the other side of the river.,你可以看到小孩在河对岸玩耍。,On the other side, government employers have good reason to yield.,另一方面,政府雇主也有充分的理由屈服。,On the other side,CLOSE,prefer,的用法:,(,1,),prefer,常与介词,to,连用,表示“喜欢,而不喜欢,”,(,2,),prefer,doing,than,doing,或,prefer,to do,rather than,to do.,“宁可;宁愿”,(,3,)在没有说明不喜欢的行为的场合时,且只说一次的事用,prefer to do,的表达方式更普遍。但是说经常的事时,人们习惯用动名词。,people prefer ,CLOSE,The end,


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