五年级上册英语课件-Unit 5 There is a big bed A Let’s spell 人教PEP版 (共29张PPT)

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五年级上册英语课件-Unit 5 There is a big bed A Let’s spell 人教PEP版 (共29张PPT)_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Uni,t,5,There is a big bed,A Lets spell,Rain, rain, go away.,We want to play by the sea.,We want to sail and swim.,Rain, rain, go away.,Lets chant,Whats the same?,Rain, rain, go away.,We want to play by the sea.,We want to sail and swim.,Rain, rain, go away.,r,ai,n,aw,ay,pl,ay,s,ai,l,ai,- /,e,/,Whats the sound of “ai”?,r,ai,n,s,ai,l,Spelling game,ai,g,d,f,b,j,k,m,n,p,s,t,w,r,Read in pairs,sn,ai,l,tr,ai,n,m,ai,lman,m,ai,l,邮件,em,ai,l,s,ai,lor,水手,Sp,ai,n,西班牙,t,ai,l,尾巴,sn,ai,l,tr,ai,n,m,ai,lman,m,ai,l,em,ai,l,s,ai,lor,Sp,ai,n,t,ai,l,Try to read,Fun for reading,Two sn,ai,ls are going to Sp,ai,n.,两只蜗牛要去西班牙。,W,ai,t! W,ai,t! W,ai,t!,等一等!,The tr,ai,n driver doesnt w,ai,t.,火车司机没有等他们。,W,ai,t! W,ai,t! W,ai,t!,等一等!,The m,ai,lman doesnt w,ai,t.,邮递员没有等他们。,W,ai,t! W,ai,t! W,ai,t!,等一等!,The s,ai,lor doesnt w,ai,t.,水手没有等他们。,The sn,ai,ls have to walk to Sp,ai,n.,蜗牛们只好步行去西班牙了。,Its such a long way!,旅途真是漫长啊!,Lets have some fun!,我们玩个游戏吧,!,Catch my t,ai,l! Catch my t,ai,l!,来抓我的尾巴呀!来抓我的尾巴呀!,Where are they?,他们这是在哪儿了?,Oh! They are in Sp,ai,n!,哦,原来他们到西班牙了!,Role play to read,narrator,(,旁白,),day today way,May say Wednesday,What can you find?,Can you learn the sound of,ay,by yourselves?,ai,- /,e,/,ay,- /,e,/,d,ay,tod,ay,w,ay,M,ay,s,ay,Wednesd,ay,Challenge,1,Challenge,2,Challenge,3,Challenge,4,Challenges,Can you spell?,ay,g,d,f,b,j,k,m,n,p,s,t,w,r,Challenge 1,Good! Now, lets,pass challenge 2.,Great!,Can you listen and write?,Challenge 3,Today,paint,Monday,rainy,rainbow,Today,Wonderful!,Can you create,a,story?,The rain goes away. May and her family go to the sea. Look at the picture and create a story by yourselves. Use words with,ai/ay,as many as possible.,雨停了。,May,和她的家人来到海边。看图编故事。尽量多使用含有,ai/ay,的单词。,Challenge 4,Daisy,Fay,Jay,sailor,May,rain, rainbow, paint a picture, play with sand,play football, birthday, cake, Sunday, sailor.,Challenge,1,Challenge,2,Challenge,3,Challenge,4,Congratulations!,1. Read P50 after the tape.,(跟录音朗读书本第,50,页五遍。),2. Read “Wait! Wait! Wait!” with emotion.,(有感情地读一读两只蜗牛的故事。),3. Play letter games with your friends.,(和朋友们一起玩一玩,ai, ay,的拆音和拼音游戏。),Homework,


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