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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语必修3教材通研,*,英语必修3教材通研,Module 1-Module 4,2006年2月17日,英语必修3教材通研,Module 1 Europe,教学目标,指导学生掌握,表达地理位置的词汇、短语,,掌握,被动语态的现在式和过去式,,用不同的,介词表达不同位置,;运用所学生词、短语听、读获取信息,并就欧盟一些国家和城市以及中国某些城市的地理、历史、文化、经济特色进行简要介绍和比较。,引导同学们进一步认识世界文化发展以及各国间友好交流的意义。,培养学生英汉对比分析策略和抽象思维能力;加强,对思维方向的自觉调控,,并借助合作学习进行反馈和监控、协调。,英语必修3教材通研,重点词汇,重点短语及句型,continental symbol architect situated,art,project sculpture civilisation ancient sign agreement govern representative,g,eographical,geography,feature,face p,roduce,celebrate,1.,Paris,situated on,the River Seine.,2. ,one of,cities,and is visited by,3. One of the worlds largest art galleries,the Louvre,is also located in Paris,.,4. The city,is,also,famous for,its restaurants, ,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,5. About,two thirds,of Frances artists and writers ,6. Barcelona is,the second largest city of,Spain and,is situated on,the northeast coast, about,five hundred kilometres east of,the Spanish capital, Madrid.,7. ,the Church of the Sagrada Familia,which,was designed by an architect,called,Antonio Gaudi,. Gaudi,worked on,the project from 1882 until his death,8. Florance is an Italian city,which,became famous,because of,Renaissance,a great artistic movement which,began,in the 1300s,and,lasted for,three hundred years. ,the greatest painters of all time,lived and worked in Florance.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,语法,9. Athens, the capital of Greece,is known as,the birthplace of western civilisation.,10. Their work has,influnced,other writers,ever since,.,一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态,主语和谓语的一致,巩固练习,英语必修3教材通研,重点句式、短语的应用练习及短文填词练习,与话题相关的阅读文章,Everyday English,英语必修3教材通研,Module 2 Europe,教学目标,指导学生掌握关于人类发展报告以及发达国家与发展中国家对比较的相关词汇,掌握连词的用法和运用形容词进行比较的方法。通过听、读获取关于各国经济、社会发展的信息,对关于人类社会发展的问题进行分析和表达。,引导同学们客观认识发达国家与发展中国家间在经济、文化、社会发展中的差异,关心世界贫穷落后地区的人民,为人类社会发展做出贡献。,指导同学们运用对比和分析的方法对信息进行判断、归纳、分析,并利用发表个人见解,提高语言表达能力。,英语必修3教材通研,重点词汇,重点短语及句型,developed, developing,education, location, expectancy, transport, index,effort, encourage, goal, reduce, improve, increase, list, measure, inhabitant, similarity, vast, pollute, climate, tourism, population, industry, peaceful, poverty, agreement, hunger,1. ,147 world leaders,agreed to,work together ,2. From this agreement,came,the Human Development report.,3. This index,measures,a countrys achievements in three ways: .,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,4. Norway is,at the topof the list,while,the US is at number 7. The other,top,five countries are: .,5. The,bottom,ten countries are all African countries,with,Sierra Leone (in West Africa) at the,bottom,of the list,.,7. For example, in nine years, China,increased,life expectancy,by,13 years.,6. ,make sure that,all children have education,up to,the age of 11;,8.,Although,more than,80% of children, go to primary school, about 115 million children,are not being educated.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,9.,However, in other regions of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe, water is now,mostly,safe to drink,.,10. The report shows that we are,making some progress,but that we need to,make greater efforts,.,11. These are among the five richest countries in the world, so,it is right,that,they should do so,.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,(Culture Corner),3. Its an agreement between,towns or cities,of similar size and age,and which have similar features such as,tourism,industry,culture,and,entertainment,.,4. This is because,living,with a foreign family fo,r,one or two weeks,means that you have to speak their language, and,as a result,you,improve,fast,.,2. But they,share something,else: they have,a tow,n,twinning agreement,.,1.,How,are,Oxford in the UK and Grenoble in France,similar,?,英语必修3教材通研,语法,1、连词,本Moudle所学的几个连词but,however,although, while均为表示转折关系的并列连词,。,2、形容词的比较,-“与一样”,-“比少”,-“比多”,巩固练习,3、介词用法,英语必修3教材通研,重点句式、短语的应用练习及短文填词练习,与话题相关的阅读文章,英语必修3教材通研,Module 3 The Violence of Nature,教学目标,指导学生掌握关于自然灾害的词汇,掌握过去完成时的被动语态和间接引语,学会下定义的方法。通过听、读获取关于自然灾害的信息,能够运用所学词汇和语法熟练说出、写出与本单元话题相关的句子和段落。,引导同学们充分认识自然灾害的特征和给人类带来的危害,培养生态伦理和环境保护意识。,指导同学们通过学习下定义的方法提高归纳能力;并掌握课文中描述事件的方法、过程。,英语必修3教材通研,重点词汇,重点短语及句型,flood, hurricane, lightning, thunderstorm, tornado, typhoon, tsunami, earthquake, volcanic eruption, experience, furniture, bury, cause, occur, violent, strike, possibility, terrifying, thankfully, hopefully, fortunately, warning, active, worldwide, damage,1. The most violent have winds of more than,400 kilometres per hour,. Almost all of them,occur,in the US,in the area from to ,2. They can destroy houses, but,leave,the furniture inside exactly,where it was,.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,3.,On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year,causing,about,80 deaths and 1,500,i,njuries,. The worst tonado,of all time,occurred,in 1925,affecting,three US states:.,5. The disaster killed 6,000 people,in a population of,37,000,and destroyed 3,600 buildings.,4. There are violent,winds,of 120 kilometres per,hour,or more,which,cause,huge waves, heavy rain and floods.,6. a nineteenth-century Irish,actor,who went to live in Canada.,He then moved to,New York, where he became famous.,to,Galveston,where he died in 1899,.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,8. The Gulf stream had carried it 3,000 kilometres,up,the eastern coast,to,Prince Edward Island.,7. Charles Coghlan was a nineteenth-century Irish,actor,who,went to live in Canada.,He then moved to,New York, where,he became famous.,By the late 1890s, he had moved to,Galveston,where,he died in 1899,a year before the hurricane struck,.,The,cemetery,where,Coghlan was buried,was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin,ended up,in the sea.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,(Culture Corner),3. The California Earthquake of the 18th of April 1906 is,the worst,earthquake,that,has ever happened in the United States,.,4. The fires burned for three days,destroying,a total,of 25,000 buildings,.,2. It,coverd,an area of 800 square kilometres,. ,60 percent of the population,were,killed.,In all, 830,000 people,lost their lives,.,1. China,is situated in,one of the most active earthquake regions in the world and,there have been,many terrible earthquakes.,英语必修3教材通研,语法,1、过去完成时的被动语态,The past perfect passive,2、间接引语,Indirect speech,巩固练习,英语必修3教材通研,重点句式、短语的应用练习及短文填词练习,与话题相关的阅读文章,英语必修3教材通研,Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia,教学目标,指导学生掌握关于沙尘暴及环保问题的词汇,掌握动词不定式的构成和用法。通过听、读获取信息,并运用所学词汇和语法熟练说出、写出与沙尘暴现象及环境保护问题相关的句子和段落。,引导同学们科学地认识人类活动与沙尘暴等环境问题的关系,增强环保意识。,指导同学们运用归纳、类比等方式掌握有关环境与环保的词汇、短语,掌握动词不定式各种形式在时态和语态上的区别,。,英语必修3教材通研,重点词汇,重点短语及句型,sandstorm, campaign, desertification , dust , mass, survive, process, dune, strength, atmosphere, chemical, environment, garbage, pollution, pollute, evidence, protection, frightening, inland, scary, coastal, concerned, major, urgent, cycle, recycle, absolutely, forecast, melt, complain,1. Sandstorms are strong, dry,winds,that,carry sand,.,2. They are often,so thick that,you cannot see the sun, ,3. The four main,places,in the world,where,there are sandstorms are ,.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,4. Ren Jianbo, from Inner Mongolia,described,a terrible,sandstorm,he experienced,as,a child in the desert.,5. “,To have been caught in a sandstorm,was a terrible experience,” he said.,6. “It was the most frightening and the most dangerous,situation,Ive ever been in,. ”,7. You just had to hope youd,survive,.,8. Sandstorms in China,appear to,have increased in recent years,as a result of,“desertification”.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,9. This is a,process,that,happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass,.,10.,Citizens,wake up to,an orange sky and strong,winds,that,cover the city in a thick,brown-yellow dust.,11., weather experts,advise people not to go out,.,12.,Huang Xiaomei,who lives in Beijing,says, “,To be cycling in a sandstorm,is frightening. ,Its difficult to breathe, youd better,wear a mask,.”,13. The desert is only,250 kilometres away to,the west of Beijing.,英语必修3教材通研,重点短语及句型,(Culture Corner),3. There are,laws,that,do not,allow people to burn,too much coal,.,4. The “Green” movement tries to,get governments to think,seriously about the environment and how to look after it.,2. CFCs,chemicals,which,are found in refrigerators, are not allowed.,1. The garbage is then taken away and,if possible, recycled.,英语必修3教材通研,语法,一、不定式的时态与语态,二、不定式的主要用法,三、介词but+不带to的不定式,巩固练习,英语必修3教材通研,重点句式、短语的应用练习及短文填词练习,与话题相关的阅读文章,英语必修3教材通研,Thank you,very much,for your time,and attention!,Email:,shh70,Tel:,8611276,英语必修3教材通研,


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