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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,CET-4,Writing,Writing,Wealth and health are the two most important pursuits in our life.,But, which is more important? Different people may have different,answer. In my opinion, health is more important. I have two reasons,to support my argument.,First, without health, there will be no wealth. Nowadays more,and more people focus on money-making. To get more wealth, some,of them even lose their health. But I think that , if you are in the poor,health, how can you make more wealth? So, health means wealth.,Second, without health, what is the use of health? If you are in the,poor, how can you enjoy the happiness of life?,From what is above, we can see that health is more important,than wealth.,Healthy Life Style Is Good Medicine,It is true that a health life style is good medicine. In my opinion a healthy life includes reasonable diets, regular times for getting up in the morning and going to bed in the evening and constant exercises.,On the other hand, a poor life style is harmful to ones health. Some people develop a bad life style without any notice. I think that a poor life style may refer to heavy smoking overdrinking, and overeating, etc.,Certainly a good life style is beneficial to ones health. For example. If one often gets up early and does morning exercise he will probably live long. However, if one has developed a poor lifestyle, his health will be ruined in one way or another. And he will suffer from various diseases. Therefore, it is vital for anyone to form a good life style.,In order to develop the West, we should first work out proper development plan, and then attract qualified personal and enough investment. In addition, the government should provide various policies favorable for the West. Finally, the people in the West should work harder. If what has been mentioned above has been done, the West will be well developed in China,Student Use of Computers,As shown in the chart above, we can clearly see a dramatic increase in the average number of hours a college student spends on the computer per week. In 1990, a student spent only 2 hours a week on the computer, while the number increased to 20 hours by year 2000.,What has caused such an increase? First, computers are now widely used in our society, especially in universities. Nowadays, computers are used to write, read, calculate and even play games. Secondly, prices of computer have been going down very quickly. In early 90s, a 286 would cost over 35,000 RMB. Now, you can buy a Pentium IV with only several thousand,yuan,.,It is certainly a good phenomenon that more and more students are making use of computers in their study. However, there are still some problems and worries that need our attention. First, many students use computers only to play games or chat on the internet. Around the campus, we can often see internet bars full of students even deep at night. Long hours of sitting at the computer is no good go ones health and also affects ones study if he only,chats and plays on the internet. Second, students, may become too dependent on computers and forget to learn some basic skills. When asked to write compositions during a test, some students complain that they find their brains blank if not facing a computer and typing his composition out. We should pay more attention to these problems and try to solve them so that computers will serve us better and better.,What Would Happen If No Attention Paid to the Environment Protection,With the development of science and society, people want to make the environment they live in more comfortable and sustainable. Some European countries such as Switzerland and Sweden can be taken as good examples for the rest parts of the world.,However, our environment has been seriously polluted. Many factories or farmlands not only polluted themselves but also bring about pollution to the whole society. Sewage water, poisonous gases and waster mineral materials are now threatening our living conditions.,Being threatened, we should be aware of the long lasting consequences of our actions. In my opinion, strict laws must be imposed to punish those who pollute the environment. Education has to be done for everybody to realize that only when we have a clean environment can we develop our economy in a healthy and sustainable manner for the future generations.,Sample for reference:,It is not unusual for Chinese children to get money from their parents, grandparents or relatives during the Spring Festival. This money is often called “Lucky Money”, which conveys some certain messages of a peaceful year and good fortune to the children. This is what the picture indicates.,Giving money to children during the Spring Festival is a long-standing custom, so it has good reasons to survive among us for such a long time. However, with the improvement of living standard, the average sum of “Lucky Money” to children is often 10 times the amount given in the late 1980s. therefore, it is not surprising to find the meaning of “Lucky Money” has become quite different from what it originally meant.,Children nowadays have been deeply affected by this custom. To some children, what strikes them most in the Spring Festival is the “Lucky Money” they can get. More and more children begin to compete for riches with others when they return to school. They will have a superiority if they receive more money. With more money in their pockets they will naturally think that they deserve abundant food and beautiful toys no matter how much they cost. They dont know exactly how to spend money on necessary things. So most likely, the money will be wasted.,Obviously, it is not good for children to have much money at their disposal. Too much money at their hand may alter their sense of values and outlook on life. So we should change our ways of expressing good wishes by giving money, or at least there should be more instructions from parents on how to use the money wisely,The Life on Internet,21st century is a century of internet. Internet is the information bridge of the new millennium, which bridges up cultural differences and narrows down geographic distance. Life on internet begins to assume great importance in peoples daily life.,Life on internet is a variety show. The latest current affairs can reach you in the shortest time. Either sports events or beauty competitions can be viewed live without an entrance ticket. You can also do shopping or see something you like through internet. And dont forget that email has become the most convenient and,the cheapest way to chat with friends and get to know. new friends,Nevertheless, life on Internet is only part of our life. Internet is only a virtual world. Surfing the internet may enrich your life. But too much sitting and lack of sports can be harmful to your health. If you want to be healthy, please go outdoors with your friends for more fresh air and sunshine.,范例:,yesterday afternoon, Mrs.,Luo,left home for shopping. Halfway down the stairs, she found her way blocked by two men, who were armed with knives. They threatened her, saying that they would stab her if she made a noise. Then, they forced her to take them to her flat and open the door.,In the flat opposite, a woman heard the noise outside. When she looked out through the window, she discovered that her,neighbor was threatened by someone. She immediately called the police. In answer to the call, a patrol police car arrived at the scene of the crime quickly. Three policemen went inside the flat, others guarded outside the building to prevent anyone from escaping.,The two criminals were arrested. They were taken to the police station with their wrists handcuffed. There they would be questioned and probably charged with robbery.,Lifelong Learning in the Information Age,Lifelong learning means we must continue to study while we live. In todays world, knowledge has become more important than any time in history: we are living in the era of formation explosion. Science and technology is developing so fast that we can never keep up with it if we dont keep learning new knowledge.,Traditionally, when people graduated from university they were secured with a job and would have enough knowledge to do their work. Today, however, one must read at least two degrees in order to have enough knowledge for their ever-changing work situations. If you dont continue learning you will fall behind.,This is why I must continue to study. To be frank, I have a good job and have started a family. It is much more difficult for me to study now than when I was young. However, as a western saying goes, “Life begins at forty”. It is never too old to learn. As new technology appears, if I dont learn I will be left behind by younger people who have a good understanding of the latest development in science and technology.,Shortage of Fresh Water,It is widely believed that fresh water will never be used up due to its rich resources such as rain, rivers and wells. In fact, such belief is unfortunately wrong and possibly dangerous. In some areas of the world, fighting for fresh water has led to serious conflicts between different nations.,Short as it is, people still waste it. With the growth of population and industry, the amount of fresh water in use is also growing rapidly. It is estimated that if not controlled, fresh water will have been used up by the next century. Another dangerous factor is the water pollution which aggravates the seriousness of fresh water shortage.,It is no use only being aware of the shortage of fresh water. It is never too late to act right now. The first important measure is to protect our water resources from being polluted. Educating people to save water in daily life is of similar significance. Techniques such as recycling waste water and converting sea water into drinkable water are especially needed in dry areas. It is only when these measures are put into practice that the shortage of fresh water can be solved.,Learn and Enlarge Vocabulary and Expressions,1. resource n.,资源,rich resources,“,丰富的资源”,,tap or exploit natural resources,“,开发或利用自然资源”。,2. unfortunately adv.,不幸地,不适宜地,使人遗憾的,3. conflict n.,冲突,an armed conflict,“,武装冲突”,conflict of interests,“,利益冲突”,4. shortage n.,短缺,water shortage,“,缺水”,,shortage of grain,缺粮,5. be short of,短缺,We are short of hands.,“,我们缺少人手”。,6. lack n.,vt,.,短缺,A lack of food caused her to grow weak.,“,缺少食物使她身体很弱”。,He lacked the connections necessary to get his business started.,“,他缺少启动企业必要的关系网”。,7. amount n.,量,总数,a large amount of snow,“,大量的雪”, a small amount of money,“,一小笔款”。,8.aggravate,vt,.,加剧,aggravate tension,“,加剧紧张局势”,,Dont scratchyou will only aggravate the itch.,“,不要抓挠,你会更痒的。”,9. measure n.,措施,take measures,采取措施,10.significance n.,重大意义,be of significance,“,具有重大意义”。,11. recycle,vt,.,再循环,recycle water,“,循环水”,12.convert,vt,.,转变,改变,The plant converts crude oil into gasoline.,“,这家工厂将原油加工为汽油”。,13. use up,用光,用完,耗尽,He has used up all his energy.,“,他已筋疲力尽”。,14. due to,由于,因为,My illness was due to bad food.,“,由于食物不好,我生病了”。,Due to the storm,“,由于暴风雨”,,due to internal causes “,由于内部原因,”,。,15. lead to,导致,Investigation led us to the foregoing conclusion.,“,调查研究使我们得出上述结论”。,16. It is no use doing,sth,.,做,没有用,It is no use learning without practice.,“,只学习不实践是没有用的”。,17. be aware of ,become aware of,意识到,Everyone should be aware of the dangers of cigarette smoking.,“,所有人都应意识到吸烟的危害”。,18. right now,马上,立刻,Effective measures must be taken to stop the air pollution right now.,“,必须马上采取措施制止空气污染”。,19. protect from,保护,免于,The police were there to protect people from being hurt.,“,民警在那里保护人们不会受到伤害”。,20. put into practice,付诸实施,Rules of environmental protection should be put into practice.,“,环保条例应付诸实施。”,The Importance of Developing Chinas West,Several years ago the Chinese government decided to develop Chinas West. This decision is very important indeed because for a long time, the economy in the western part of China has been backward, and the living standards are rather low. On the other hand, the West has a large amount of land and rich resources. To develop the West will help China to become an advanced country in the world.,Now there are good opportunities to develop the West. First, China has become stronger economically and will be able to put enough investment in the development of West. Second, the policy is more flexible for the West to attract scientists and,foreign assistance. Besides, the government has been greatly concerned about the West and is willing to offer support. These can be considered as good changes for the development of the West in China.,In order to develop the West, we should first work out a proper development plan, and then attract qualified personnel and enough investment. In addition, the government should provide various policies favorable for the West. Finally , the people in the West should work harder. If what has been mentioned above has been done, the West will be well developed in China.,


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