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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,孔雀东南飞,谢素佳饰刘兰芝,肖娜,刘丹平,阳珊饰强盗,徐柯饰,谢炎桂饰焦仲卿,周三波饰知县儿子,冯照丽饰刘母,一班 三组,ACT 1,Every body says that Im henpecked,,,but in fact, Im strong as a tiger.,每个人都说我怕老婆,其实我壮得像老虎,While my wife is Wu Song.,当我老婆是武松的时候。,Im not afraid of you! Then, Im afraid of whom?,我不怕你!那我怕谁?,My wife,Laneige,is the most famous woman in the neighbor-hood.,我老婆兰芝在邻里是最出名的。,She is braver than me, smarter than me and stronger than me.,他比我勇敢,比我聪明,比我强壮,All this I do not care. I only want her to be tender than me.,这些我都不介意,我只希望她能比我温柔些。,But she is not! Having a wife like this is just like living in the hell!,但是她可不!有这样一个老婆简直就像生活在地狱里,Oh My God! Who can help me?,额滴神啊!谁能帮帮我?,I can!,Laneige,!,Laneige,! Where are you?,我能!兰芝,兰芝,你在哪儿?,Im here! Whats up mum?,我在这儿,怎么了,妈?,Ive told you again and again that you should call me “my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in law.”,我已经告诉过你很多遍了,你应该叫我“我最漂亮、最美丽、最亲爱的婆婆大人”。,Oh, Ok My most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in law, whats up?,哦,我最漂亮、最美丽、最亲爱的婆婆大人,啥事?,Since you married my son you have behaved so badly. You have been so rude, so brusque, so lazy,自从你嫁给了我儿子,你一直表现不好。你一直如此粗鲁,如此无礼,如此懒惰,But,但,Never interrupt me! Since I married your so,,,that terrible Johnny. I have been working hard all day long, cooking and washing. I have raised tens of thousands of pigs and ducks and chicken and,你别打断我!自从我嫁给了你儿子,那个烂焦仲卿,我一直努力干活,天天做饭和洗衣。你数数我为你们家养了多少头猪、鸭和鸡了,So youve already see yourself as a servant? Ok, how much do you want to be paid?,那你就认为自己是个仆人咯?好,那你一个月想要多少薪水?,How can you say that to me like that? If you only want a servant, youd better go to the labor market. Thats enough. Im leaving!,您怎么能这样说呢?如果你仅要一个仆人的话,那你去劳务市场找吧。我受够了,我走了!,ACT 2,Mum,,,Im back!,妈,我回来了!,You are back? Why? What happened?,你回来了?为啥?发生什么事了?,I was kicked out by my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in law.,我被我那最漂亮、最美丽、最亲爱的婆婆大人赶回来了。,See! I have already told you! When you insisted on marring that terrible Johnny. I told you that he is ugly stupid and poor, but you did not listen to me. Look at yourself,看,我早就告诉过你!当你坚持要嫁给那个烂焦仲卿的时候。我就告诉过你,他那么丑,那么蠢,那么穷,但你不听我的,现在看看你自己,But mum,但是,妈妈,Never interrupt me!,不要打断我!,Mum, Im not interrupting you. I just want to,teel,you that you are always right OK? And Ill marry whom ever you want me to.,妈,我不是想打断你。我只是想说你总是对的,这总行了吧?而且我应该嫁给你想让我嫁的人。,Nice girl! Just now, I met the mayors son in the market. He said:” If your daughter havent been married, I really want to marry her!” now you are free again, Ill go and tell him.,真是乖孩子!刚才我在市场碰到知府的儿子,.,他说:“如果你女儿还没有嫁人的话,我非常非常想娶她”。你现在又是单身了,我这就去告诉他。,What? The mayors son? The most famous playboy in the neighborhood? What a silly thing I have done!,什么?那个知府的儿子?那个邻里最出名的花花公子?看我干了多愚蠢的一件事啊?,ACT 3,Laneige,!,Laneige,! Where are my socks? Oh ,here they are!,Er,!,They are still dirty!,Laneige,has gone! I have to wash them myself. Oh, Im so hungry! But theres no breakfast. This is what,Laneige,always wears! I miss her so much, and her excellent cooking skill! But she has gone. I have to cook for my mother and myself.,兰芝,兰芝,我的袜子在哪儿啊?哦,它们在这呢!呃!它们还是脏的!奥,兰芝已经走了,我必须自己洗袜子了。唉,我快饿死了,但是到哪里找早餐去?这事兰芝经常穿的围裙!我想死她了,还有她那精湛的厨艺。但是她走了,我只有亲自出马给我和我妈做饭了。,Wheres my breakfast? Wheres,Laneige,? Hasnt she got up yet?,我的早餐在哪儿呢?兰芝在哪儿?她还没起床吗?,Mum, cant you remember?,Laneige,has gone!,妈,你不记得了?兰芝已经走了!,Well, to tell you the truth,Laneige,is a nice girl, go and take her back!,其实说实话呀,兰芝真的是个好姑娘,去把她找回来吧!,Yes, madam!,遵命!,ACT 4,Hey you! Stop and listen to us! The road is built by me! The tree is planted by me! If you want to take this road,,,Give us all your money!,嘿,你这家伙!站住听我们说!此路是我开!此树是我栽!要想过此路,留下买路财!,Is 1,mao,enough?,1,毛钱够吗?,What bad luck! This guy is broken! If we cannot rob any money today, we will have no KFC to eat tonight!,真倒霉,这家伙这么穷!如果今天咱们抢不到钱的话,咱今晚上就没有肯德基吃了。,I heard that the mayors son is going to marry Miss Liu,Lan,Zhi,tomorrow. We can go and rob the wedding!,我听说知府的儿子明天要娶刘兰芝,到时候咱可以去抢劫婚礼。,What? What?,Laneige,is going to get married? That is impossible!,什么?什么?兰芝要结婚?怎么可能?,Why? A pretty girl and a rich man, what a good couple!,为啥不可能?一个美女,一个财男,多好的一对啊!,But,Laneige,is my wife! We havent got divorced yet! Ok, Ive got an good idea! You are going to rob the wedding, dont you? Ill go with you. You take the money and I take the bide.,但是兰芝是我老婆!我们还没有离婚呢!我有个好主意!你们不是要娶抢劫婚礼吗?我和你们一起去。你们抢钱,我抢新娘。,Have you got any experience?,你有啥经验?,Look at this!,看这个!(支票),Six zeros?,六个零?,Stupid,,,therere only five zeros!,傻啊你,只有五个零好不!,You are stupid, there are seven zeros!,你才笨呢,明明有七个零!,Welcome to join in us!,欢迎你加入我们!,ACT 5,Hey you! Stop and listen to us! The road is built by me!,嘿,你站住,听我们说,!,此路是我开!,Dont be afraid,别担心,The tree is planted by me!,此树是我栽!,I will protect you!,我会保护你的!,If you want to take this road!,要想过此路!,Give us all your money!,留下买路财!,Johnny,!,仲卿!,Laneige,!,兰芝!,Dont be afraid,别害怕,How dare you beat my wife!,你竟敢打我老婆?!,Shit,!,狗屎!,Laneige,Laneige,! Honey, how are you?,兰芝,兰芝!亲爱的,你还好吗?,I am OK!,没事了!,Now, lets continue the wedding, ok?,那现在我们继续婚礼吧?,The bride is,reaved,. Wheres the money we need?,人家抢走了新娘,咱要抢的钱呢?,There is no money left. Now that he took a woman away, so we must get a manaha, look that guy!,这里没钱剩下了,既然他带走了那个女人,那我们也抓个男人回去,啊哈,看那个家伙!,Follow me!,跟我来!,Look at him! Hes still sleeping! You, wake him up!,看这个家伙!他还在睡觉!你,弄醒他!,Who can protect me?,谁能保护我?,No one!,没人!,Ok, Lets go! Go,Go,Go,! Fire in the hole!,The End,


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