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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit4 Sharing,1,Share your happiness with others,happiness doubles.,Share your sadness with others,sadness halves.,Share your love with others,love spreads.,2,Warning-up and Pre-reading,What do you want to share with others ?,3,2. Who can be called a volunteer ?,People,who help others in their community or outside their community without pay,would be called,volunteers,.,However, they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents, other relatives or friends,.,4,Now comes your turn to find some,information about “volunteer”.,5,A hand: _,A heart:_,A dove: _,A letter:_,help,love and care,peace,Y stands for youth,The sign of United Nations Volunteer in China,(,中国青年志愿者),Do you know the sign for volunteers?,6,80,000,000,volunteers,in China,December,5th,is International Volunteer Day,7,fight against the flood and rescue the old and the sick,what do the volunteers usually do to help other people? Give some examples,.,8,plant trees and protect our environment,9,help the disabled,10,Teach the kids in the mountainous areas,11,徐本禹,12,What do you know about Papua New Guinea?,There are many volunteers working in different mountainous areas or developing countries, among which,Papua New Guinea (PNG),is one.,13,1 My class,2 Students putting new,grass on classroom roofs,3 Building a new,science lab,14,Describe the classrooms,The classrooms are small. They have no windows. They are made of wood and bamboo and have grass roofs.,15,4 View of the village from the ridge,5 Some of Tombes family with Mukap on the left,16,6 Kiak preparing vegetables,7 Tombes family and Jenny waiting for the meal to cook,17,8 A woman and baby we saw on the way home,9 Tombe with his grandfather whos digging up peanuts,18,10 Village huts,19,Photos 4 to 10,1. What can you say about the village?,The village is very,small,. It is by a river,at,the bottom of,a valley. It has,steep,slopes all around it.,20,2. What can you say about life in the village?,Meals,are prepared and cooked outside. One of the crops is peanuts. The,tool,used for this crop is a digging stick. There is a woman carrying a naked baby on her shoulders. She is also carrying a heavy-looking bag. She has,bare,feet.,21,Rosemary,a friend of Jo in Australia,is dying to,know all about Jos life at,Papua New Guinea,.,Jo, a young Australian woman of,Australian,Volunteers International,has worked as a,volunteer,teacher in,Papua New Guinea,for two years.,want to do something so much that you do not want to wait,A Letter Home,-By Jo,22,What is the letter mainly about?,The passage is written in the form of a _.,Its about Jos _as a _ teacher,and her first visit to a village _ is the home of,her students,experience,which,Fast reading,Volunteer,letter,23,Part 1(Para 1),Part2(Para_ ),Part 3 (Para_ ),Part 4 (Para 9),A visit to a local village,The end of the letter,The beginning of the letter,The introduction of the,school and Jos work as a teacher,2-3,4-8,Match each part with its main idea,24,Why does Jo call the high school a “bush school”,2.How long does it take the students to go to school?,Because the classrooms,are made 0f,bamboo and the roofs of grass.,Sometimes,up to,2 hours.,Read Part 1-2 carefully and answer the questions,Detail reading,25,3.Why was science the most challenging subject for Jo?,4.Why did Jo send Rosemary some photos?,Because the photos can help Rosemary,pictures,the places Jo talks about,Her students,have no concept of doing,experiments and there was no equipment.,26,Read the rest of passage,finish the chart,Choose the best answer,27,Diet,Possessions,Agriculture,Beliefs,_, _ and _.,sweet potato,corns,greens,I could only see one _,a few _ and _ and a couple of _.,tin plates,cups,jars,Tools are very basic. There is no _.,machinery,The villagers believe that any _attract _ in the night so the food is _in the can and the can is then _ of the hut.,leftovers,evil spirits,dried up,thrown out,broom,28,2. By writing “The only possessions that I could see were”, the author wants to tell us _.,A. Tombes family were kind-hearted,B. Tombes family were guest-lovers,C. Tombes family only used simple things,D. Tombes family were too poor,D,3. How did Jo feel after the visit to Tombes family?,A. Happy B. Sad,C. Worried D. Upset,A,29,1.How do you feel the life in the village after reading the passage?,Discussion,2.Would you like to work as a volunteer in a poor area?,30,S,1,: I think I will Im eager to do something for them.,S,2,: Me too. If I had a chance, I would,S,1,: It can help to improve our ability in,S,2,: I cant agree more., ,31,There are many people around us, in our country or even in the world who need different kinds of help. So,voluntary,work is an important and great,cause,.,Not only can it make,people live better,but also,it can bring,happiness,to volunteers. So we should,form a sense of,helping others and,take an active part,in,any kind of voluntary activities,from now on,and try to make the world more beautiful and,harmonious.,Sum up,32,Just some contribution to the people in need can mean the difference between,sadness,and,happiness.,Rose to others, fragrance in hand,赠人玫瑰,手有余香,Learning inspiration,33,Homework:,Search on the Internet or other sources for information about how to work as volunteers,.,Preview the text on page 29,34,


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