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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,剑桥少儿英语,歌曲歌谣培训,by Judy,1,加入歌曲的目的,歌曲与歌谣节奏感强,琅琅上口;形象生动,激发想象;简单易记,容易背诵;语言精练,响亮押韵,这些特点符合儿童的认知特点和身心发展的要求。,2,歌曲歌谣在英语课堂中的具体作用,提高学生的兴趣,调动学生的积极性。,启发学生的思维,激发学生的想象力。,帮助学生学习、记忆有关词汇和语法。,3,英语歌谣有助提高教学效果,创设轻松愉快的教学氛围,营造学生爱学爱说的学习情绪,增强学生自信心,让学生得到美的熏陶,4,常用歌曲歌谣,问候类歌曲,数字类歌曲,天气类歌曲,颜色类歌曲,节庆类歌曲,生活类歌曲,5,问候类歌曲,1. Good morning,Good morning, good morning,To you to you and to you,good morning, good morning,To you and to you,Nacy, Judy and Margret,Peter Andy,Paul and John,Good morning, good morning,To you and to you.,6,2. Good morning to you,(Happy birthday),Good morning to you,Good morning to you,Good morning dear teacher (friends),Good morning to you.,7,3. How are you,Hi Jacky, how are you?,Im fine thank you.,Hello Mandy, how are you?,Im well thank you.,Hello Nancy how are you?,Fine fine thank you.,Goodbye Jacky, bye-bye Mandy,See you later.,8,4. How are you (chant),Hello hello, how are you?,Fine fine fine thank you.,Hello hello, how are you?,Oh oh, just so so.,Hello hello how are you?,No no, Im terrible.,9,5. The happy song (可做warming up),If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands,If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands,If you are happy, and you know it,and you really want to show it,If you are happy, and you know it, clap your hands,If you are happy, and you know it, nod your head/,stamp your feet/,say “ha” “ha”,If you are happy, and you know it, and you really want to show it,10,数字类,1. Ten little Indians,One little, two little, Three little Indians. Four little, five little, Six little Indians. Seven little, eight little, Nine little Indians, Ten little Indian boys.,(倒序),11,2. Finger chant,One finger one finger, turn turn turn, turn to a nail, dingdingding.,Two fingers two fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump.,Three fingers three fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a frog, croak croak croak.,Four fingers four fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a cat, meowmeowmeow.,Five fingers five fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a bird, fly fly fly.,Six fingers six fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a cow, moomoomoo,Seven fingers seven fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a mouse, zhizhizhi,Eight fingers eight fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a gun, pia! pia! pia!,Nine fingers nine fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a camera, (,咔嚓咔嚓咔嚓拟声,),Ten fingers ten fingers, turn turn turn, turn to a hammer, dong dong dong,12,3. Ten green bottles,Ten green bottles Hanging on the wall Ten green bottles Hanging on the wall And if one green bottle Should accidentally fall Therell be nine green bottles Hanging on the wall Nine green bottles Hanging on the wall Nine green bottles Hanging on the wall And if one green bottle Should accidentally fall Therell be eight green bottles Hanging on the wall.,One green bottles Hanging on the wall One green bottles Hanging on the wall And if that green bottle Should accidentally fall Therell be no bottles Hanging on the wall,13,3. Five little monkeys,Five little monkeys jumping on the bedOne fell off and bumped his headSo Momma called the doctor and the doctor saidNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!Four little monkeys jumping on the bedOne fell off and bumped his headSo Momma called the doctor and the doctor saidNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!,Three,Two,One little monkey jumping on the bedHe fell off and bumped his headSo Momma called the doctor and the doctor saidNo more monkeys jumping on the bed!,14,三、天气类歌曲,1. Rain rain go away,Rain rain go away,Come again another day,Little Johnny wants to play.,Rain rain go away.,Rain rain go away,Come again another day,Little Johnny wants to play,Rain rain go away,15,2. Sunny Day,Sunny sunny, its a sunny day,Ok, ok, lets go to play.,Oh yeah oh yeah,Lets go to play.,Windy windy, its a windy day,Ok, ok, lets go to play,oh yeahoh yeah,Lers go to play,Cloudy cloudy,Rainy rainy, its a rainy day,No way, no way,we cant go to play.,No way, no way,we cant go to play.,Snowy snowy, its a snowy day,No way, no way,we cant go to play.,No way, no way,we cant go to play.,16,颜色类歌曲,1. Color song,Red, pink, and yellow,Orange, purple, green and blue,I can sing a rainbow tune,I can sing a rainbow tune,17,2.,Color song,Red and yellow and pink and green,Orange purple and blue,I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow,Sing a rainbow to you,18,3. Blue blue,Blue blue( red/ pink/ yellow) is the color I see,If you are wearing blue,then show it to me,stand up and turn around,show me your blue and then sit down,19,节庆类歌曲,1. We wish you a merry Christmas,We wish you a merry Christmas,We wish you a merry Christmas,We wish you a merry Christmas,And a happy New Year.,G,oo,d tidings we bring,To you and your kin;,We wish you a,Christmas,And a happy New Year!,20,2. Jingle bells,Dashingthroughthesnow,Onaone-horseopensleigh,Overthefieldswego,Laughingalltheway;,Bellsonbob-tailring,makingspiritsbright,Whatfunitistorideandsing,Asleighingsongtonight,Jinglebells,jinglebells,jinglealltheway!,Ohwhatfunitistoride,Inaone-horseopensleigh.,21,3. Happy new year,Happy new year,Happy new year,Happy new year to you all.,We are singing, we are dancing.,Happy new year to you all.,22,4.,Knock knock trick or treat,(万圣节节庆教学),Knock knock, trick or treat,Whore you?,Im a ghost (cowboy/ witch),Im a little ghost (cowboy/ witch).,Knock knock, trick or treat,Whore you?,Im a ghost (cowboy/ witch),Im a little ghost (cowboy/ witch).,23,生活类歌曲,1. Table and chair,Ihaveatableinmylittlebedroom Mylittletablehasalittlechair Iliketowriteonmylittletable Iliketositonmylittlechair,24,2. Im a Little Teapot,Im a little teapot, short and stout Here is my handle, here is my spout When the water s boilling, hear me shout Tip me over, pour me out! Im a little snowman, short and fat.,Here is my broomstick,Here is my hat,When the jolly sunshine comes to stay,Then I slowly melt away.,25,3. Apple song,Apple red , apple round,Apple juicy , apple sweet,Apple ,apple , I love you,Apple sweet ,I love to eat .,26,4. This is the way,This is the way I wash my face,wash my face,wash my face,This is the way I wash my face,so early in the morning.,This is the way I comb my hair,comb my hair, comb my hair,This is the way I comb my hair,so early in the morning.,This is the way I brush my teeth,brush my teeth, brush my teeth,This is the way I brush my teeth,so early in the morning.,27,5. Clap your hands,(可做warming up),clap your hands, 1 2 3,Stamp your feet, 1 2 3,shake your body,1 2 3,turn back, ha!,turn back, ha ha!,28,Bingo,There was a farmer had a dog,and bingo was his name, OH!,B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O! B-I-N-G-O!,And bingo was his name, Oh!,.,X-I-N-G-O! X-I-N-G-O! X-I-N-G-O!,X-X-N-G-O! X-X-N-G-O! X-X-N-G-O!,X-X-X-G-O! X-X-X-G-O! X-X-X-G-O!,X-X-X-X-O! X-X-X-X-O! X-X-X-X-O!,X-X-X-X-X! X-X-X-X-X! X-X-X-X-X!,29,Thank you,30,


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