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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语下unit1课件人教版,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语下unit1课件人教版,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语下unit1课件人教版,*,英语下unit1课件人教版,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,英语下unit1课件人教版,*,Unit 1,Will people have robots?,英语下unit1课件人教版,Will you go there?,Yes, I will. No, I wont.,There will be a concert this weekend.,Will there be a concert this weekend?,Yes, there will. No, there wont.,英语下unit1课件人教版,反义疑问句:,前面一句肯定句+ 否定疑问,You,are,a teacher,arent,you?,前面一句否定句+ 肯定疑问句,You,arent,a teacher,are,you?,英语下unit1课件人教版,She lives in yuhang, _ she?,He will go to beijing,_ he?,They will not go there, _ they?,He can swim, _ he?,Li Lei cannt talk, _ he?,doesnt,wont,will,cant,can,英语下unit1课件人教版,1 live to be 200 years old 2 in the future,3 make,predictions,4 have,robot,in your home,5 In five years 6 study at home,on computer,7 use paper,money,8 less,pollution,9 what do you think life will be in 100years?,10,Will,you,live,in the same house in a year?,1活到200 岁 2在将来 3做预言 4在你的家里有机器人 5 5 年后 6在家里通过电脑学习 7用纸币 8 更少的污染 9 你认为100年后的生活是怎样的 10,一年后你将会住在同一个屋子里,英语下unit1课件人教版,Finish the exercise,1,人们在家将有机器人,.,2人们将会不用钱.所有的东西都是,免费,的.,3书只会在电脑上,而不会在纸上.,4孩子们将不上学.他们在家用电脑学习.,7人们将会,活到200岁,.,6世界上将只有一个国家.,英语下unit1课件人教版,1.People will have robots in their homes.,2.People wont use money. Everything will be,free.,3.Books will only be on computer,not on paper.,4.Kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computer.,5.There will only one country in the world.,6.People will,live to be 200 years old,.,英语下unit1课件人教版,New York,now,In 100years,600 house,1000 house,A lot of pollution,Almost no pollution,Seven schools,Two schools,2400 people,3500 people,A lot of snow,A little snow,Six movie theaters,Two movie theaters,1 There will be _ house,2 There will be _ pollution,3 There will be _ schools,5 There will be _ snow,4 There will be _ people,6 There will be _ movie theaters,英语下unit1课件人教版,1. Five years ago, Sally was _ _.,2. She played _.,3. She had _.,3a,school,in high,soccer,a cat,英语下unit1课件人教版,4. Today Sally is _.,5. She plays _.,6. She has _.,in college,a guitar,a pet dog,英语下unit1课件人教版,7. In five years, Sally will be _ _,8. She will play _.,9. She will have _.,/ wife,tennis,a baby,a mother,英语下unit1课件人教版,3b PAIRWORK,A:,What do you think Sally will be in,five years?,B:,I think shell be a,doctor.,A:,What sport will she,play?,B:,Shell play,英语下unit1课件人教版,3c Now write about yourself.,Five years ago, I,was,.,I,played,. I had,.,Today, I,am,.,I play,. I,have,.,In five years, I,will,be,.,I will play,. I will have,.,英语下unit1课件人教版,What/who/how many do you think +主语+谓语,Eg,1what do you think the city will be like in ten years,2 who do you think he is cooking for,3 how many students do you think there are in our school,英语下unit1课件人教版,What will the world be like?,What were you doing five years ago?,What are you doing now? In fifty years,what will the world be like?,英语下unit1课件人教版,Learn more about the world,rocket,moon,astronaut,英语下unit1课件人教版,space station,Mars,英语下unit1课件人教版,2a Listening,1,3,2,英语下unit1课件人教版,2b Listening,1.,I _ in an apartment.,2. I _ near here.,3. I _ a computer programmer.,4. We _ in a house.,5. I _ the train to school.,6. I _ an astronaut.,live,work,am,lived,took,ll be,英语下unit1课件人教版,7. I _ rockets to the moon.,8. I _ on a space station.,ll fly,ll live,英语下unit1课件人教版,Alexis:,Hi, Im Alexis.,Joe:,Nice to meet you, Alexis, Im,Joe.,Alexis:,Nice to meet you, Joe. Do you,live here in Techville?,Joe:,Yes, I do. I live in an apartment,across the street from here.,Tapescript,Conversation 1,英语下unit1课件人教版,Alexis:,Oh, really?,Joe:,Yes, I work near here too, at,Sisco Software Systems. I am,a computer programmer.,Alexis:,A computer programmer?,That sounds interesting.,英语下unit1课件人教版,Joe:,Well, actually its kind of,boring. I do the same thing,every day.,英语下unit1课件人教版,Alexis:,Hey, Joe, is that a picture of,you?,Joe:,Yeah,that was me ten years,ago.,Alexis:,So, did you live here in,Techville ten years ago?,Conversation 2,英语下unit1课件人教版,Joe:,No, I lived with my parents in,Greenville. We lived in a house,in the country. I went to school,here in Techville, though.,Alexis:,Really? Thats pretty far from,here. How did you get to,school?,Joe:,Oh, I took the train to school.,英语下unit1课件人教版,Alexis:,So, Joe, what do you think your,life will be like in ten years?,Joe:,Oh, I think Ill be an astronaut.,Alexis:,An astronaut? Are you kidding?,Joe:,No, Im serious. Ill fly rockets,to the moon. Maybe there will,be flights to other planets.,Alexis:,Oh, and where will you live?,Joe:,Ill live on a space station.,Conversation 3,英语下unit1课件人教版,2c PAIRWORK,A:,Where do you live?,B:,I live in an apartment.,英语下unit1课件人教版,What will your life be like in ten years?,Ill be an engineer.,Ill go to Sydney on vacation.,英语下unit1课件人教版,Ming in ten years,Job,Pets,Sports,Places,Clothes,reporter,parrot,go skating and swimming,Shanghai,suit,Fill in the chart.,英语下unit1课件人教版,Self Check,1. I want to _ for myself when Im older.,2. My friends _ a pet pig in their house.,3. I need to _ smart for my job interview.,work,keep,look,英语下unit1课件人教版,4. We have to _ a uniform to school.,5. One day people will _ to the moon for vacations.,wear,fly,英语下unit1课件人教版,3 Find these words from this unit.,1. A place to live in space:,2. Something kids will use to study at home:,3. These will be in every home:,4. Yang Liwei is a famous Chinese _.,space station,astronaut,computers,robots,英语下unit1课件人教版,1.,besides,prep.,而且;再者;还有(区别于,beside,“在旁边;在附近”),I sit,beside,John.,我坐在约翰旁边。,He tried two ways,besides,.,他另外还试了两种方法。,Explanation,英语下unit1课件人教版,2.,go,swimming 去游泳,类似的短语还有:,go,skating 去滑冰,go,fishing 去钓鱼,go,shopping 去买东西,go,hiking 去远足,英语下unit1课件人教版,3. be,on vacation,度假,Where will go be,on vacation,?,你将去哪儿度假,4.,In ten years,十年后,Ill be a reporter,in ten years,.,十年后我会是一个记者。,Ill be a hero,in ten years,.,十年后我又是一条好汉。,英语下unit1课件人教版,5.,fall in love with,爱上,fall in love with,a girl,爱上一个女孩,fall in love with,a country,爱上一个国家,英语下unit1课件人教版,注,fall,是“陷入”的意思. 它与feel(感觉)很像。,fall fell fallen,feel felt felt,英语下unit1课件人教版,6.,alone,adj.,(只作表语),adv.,独自;单独,He was,alone,in the house,他一个人在屋里,I went to the movies,alone,,I felt,lonely,.,我独自去看电影了,我觉得很孤独。,英语下unit1课件人教版,注,alone,表示“单独的,独自一人的”,不含感情色彩.做形容词时,只能在be动词或系动词之后做表语与,lonely,不同,,lonely,表示“孤独的,寂寞的”含有丰富的感情色彩.,lonely,做形容词时,可做定语和表语。,如: a,lonely,village 孤寂的村庄,英语下unit1课件人教版,7.,keep,vt.& vi.,keep,有好几个意思,在本课中做 “饲养;喂养”讲,相当于feed。,keep,a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉,feed,a cat with fish 给猫喂鱼,英语下unit1课件人教版,(1)保住;保留:,Ill try my best to,keep,my job.,我要尽力保住我的工作。,(2)保守(秘密):,keep,a secret,(这对我来说可是太难了),英语下unit1课件人教版,(3)保持(某状态):,Keep,silent! 保持沉默!,Keep,top side up! 请勿倒放!,(“保持上方朝上”不就是“请勿倒,放”吗?),(4)继续;持续:,They,kept,walking.,他们继续步行。,英语下unit1课件人教版,用more, less, fewer 填空,1. We plant trees every year, there will be _ trees.,2. If we waste water, there will be _ water.,3. If every family has a baby, there will be _ people.,more,less,more,Exercises,英语下unit1课件人教版,4. I think English is _ popular than Chinese.,5. There will be _ robots everywhere, and humans will have _ work to do.,6. There will be _ free time when people retire.,less/ more,more,less,more,英语下unit1课件人教版,选择wear, put on , dress 填空,并注意用其适当形式,1. We have to _ a uniform to school.,2. _ your coat when you go out.,3. Can he _ himself?,wear,Put on,dress,英语下unit1课件人教版,4. Our Chinese teacher _ a pair of glasses.,5. Please _ the baby, George.,6. She often _ a red skirt.,wears,dress,wears,英语下unit1课件人教版,1. I _ (visit) my uncle tomorrow.,2. There _ (be) a football match in our school next week.,3. He _ (help) you with your English this evening.,will visit,will be,will help,用一般将来时填空。,英语下unit1课件人教版,4. They _ (play) soccer if it doesnt rain.,5. We _ (have) a meeting tomorrow.,will play,will have,英语下unit1课件人教版,翻译句子,1. 你认为人们的家里会有机器人吗?,Do _ _ there will be robots _ _ homes?,2. 人们将活到150岁。,People _ _ _ _ 150 years old.,Homework,you think,at peoples,will live to be,英语下unit1课件人教版,3. 我认为她会当医生。,I think she _ _ a doctor.,4. 你住哪儿? 我住在北京。,_ _ _ _?,I live in Beijing.,5. 他反复看她的来信。,He read her letter _ _ _ _.,will be,Where do you live,over and over,again,英语下unit1课件人教版,6. 等了很长一段时间后他厌烦了。,He _ _ after he waited for long.,was tired,英语下unit1课件人教版,写作,发挥你的想象, 写一篇作文。,I think we will need robots for cleaning the house ,Homework,英语下unit1课件人教版,


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