B4U3 longing for a new welfare system

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4,3,Section A,Longing for a New Welfare System,返回,key,In my judgment, welfare clients cheat the system because they cant get enough money to,sustain an average living,or because they,are not satisfied with,the welfare they enjoy. On the other hand, I suppose there must be some who are so,selfish,and,greedy,as to cheat the system for more money.,1.,Why do welfare clients often cheat the system?,key,To my knowledge, welfare clients cheat the system in the ways as follows: They dont,declare the gifts,from friends and relatives; they,understate,the,pension,from the government; they,exaggerate,the rent; and they even report to welfare that,living costs,increase sharply and their,purchasing power,decreases greatly.,返回,2.,In what ways do welfare clients cheat the system?,key,Seized with,the,illusion,that they are,made fools of,whenever help is asked for, caseworkers dont help their clients,out of conscience,. Instead, they expect their clients to,bow down to,them, and,give out lectures,before welfare clients. Caseworkers may regard their job of providing service as a power of,distributing,wealth.,返回,3.,In what ways do the caseworkers abuse the system?,Text StudyUnderstanding,II. Understanding,1. Answer the following questions:,1) What kind of person is the author?,handicapped; confined to,wheelchair; carrying a urine,bag everyday;,independent; self-respect;,self-support; self-made,caseworker,medical worker,wheelchair repair company,main welfare office,the handicapped client,2) How could the writer possibly get his wheelchair repaired?,Text StudyUnderstanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,Its very difficult for welfare clients to ask for extra financial help.,3) What can you conclude from the procedure,of asking for wheelchair repairs?,Text StudyUnderstanding,4) How do you describe Suzanne?,arrogant; suspicious; indifferent; careless; business-like; a detective,I. Structure Analysis,Part,Para.,Main Idea,1,1_,General images of welfare clients and welfare caseworkers under the present system.,2,_,Problems with the present welfare system.,3,_,Suggestions to improve the present welfare system.,3,4,14,15,17,Introduction + Problems + Suggestions,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Welfare clients,are believed to,_ more,money out of,the present,welfare system.,(Para.1),General images of welfare clients and,welfare caseworkers under the present system,There are welfare,clients who choose to live a life of,_.,(Para.2),The relationship,between welfare,clients and,caseworkers is _.,(Para.3),Part I,Text StudyStructure Analysis,cheat,complete honesty,tense,1. be supposed to,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,e.g.,I havent seen it myself,but,its supposed to,be,a great movie,.,to be generally believed or expected to be or do something,Eating too,much fat,is,commonly,supposed to,cause heart disease.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,e.g.,We,are,not,supposed to,smoke here.,You,are supposed to,ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom.,1. be supposed to,2) to be expected or required to do or to be,something according to a rule, a custom,an arrangement, etc.,The meeting,was supposed to,take place on Tuesday, but weve had to postpone it.,2. opt,vi.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,to make a choice,Many young people are,opting to,go on to further education.,GM workers,opted for,job security,over,pay increases.,option (n.) optional (adj.),Teenage mothers often have no,option,but to live with their parents.,Woodwork was an,optional,subject at our school.,3. drum up,- get support, customers, business, etc. by asking a lot of people to help,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,During the Christmas season each year, traders use their unique tricks to,drum up business,.,他们未能争取到人们对新政策的支持。,每年圣诞节期间,商家们各显神通来招揽生意。,They,were unable to,drum up support,for the new policies.,Translation,Key,4. under the table,- in a secret way,Money that is paid,under the table,is paid secretly and illegally to get what you want.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Some government officials accepted money,under the table,.,under the counter,If you buy sth. under the counter, you buy it secretly and usually illegally.,Its risky, but you can get alcohol,under the counter,.,5. yield to,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,1) to stop resisting something,The government refused to,yield to,the,hostage takers demand.,我经不住诱惑,吃了一大块巧克力。,Translation,Key,政府拒绝答应人质挟持者的要求。,I,yielded to,temptation and had a chocolate bar.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,e.g.,Key,Translation,5. yield to,2) to be replaced by something,Old-fashioned methods,yielded to,new technology.,收音机正被电视机取代。,Radio,is yielding to,television.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,6. temptation,resist/overcome/fight off (the) temptation to do sth.,give in to/yield to (the) temptation,- a desire to do or have sth., esp. sth. that is bad for you,Life in a big city has so many,temptations,.,An expensive bicycle is a,temptation,to thieves.,I resisted the,temptation,to smoke a cigarette.,- sth. that makes you want to have or do sth., even though you know you should not,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,7. make a fool of sb.,- trick sb. or make them appear stupid in some way,Sorry I,made such a fool of myself,last night. I must have been drunk.,Cant you see shes,making a fool of,you?,People got tired of interviewing him because they felt they were,being made fools of,.,make a fool of oneself,- behave in a way that makes other people think that one is silly,8. be entitled to sth./to do sth.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Everyone,is,entitled to,vote when they,are above 18.,e.g.,Translation,Key,- to have the right to have or do something,你到,65,岁时,可以享受养老金。,You will,be entitled to,a pension when you reach 65.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,社会工作者心里知道许多救济对象在欺骗他们,因此他们觉得,作为补偿,他们有权让救济对象向他们点头哈腰。,Deep down,caseworkers,know that,they are being made fools of by many of their clients,and they feel,they are entitled to have clients bow to them as compensation.,Deep down, sb. know that , and / but they feel that ,某人心里清楚,,,所以但又觉得,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,e.g.,他心里清楚考场作弊不道德,但又觉得别无他法。,Deep down, he knows it is far from ethical to cheat in exams, but he feels there is no other way open to him.,用于表述,“,某人对事物的内心感受及态度,”,。,9. liberal,n.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Translation,Key,C someone who accepts different opinions or ways of behaving,He regarded himself as a,liberal,and a friend of the poor and black people.,他自认为是一个开明的人,是穷人和黑人的朋友。,liberal arts,人文学科,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9. liberal,a.,willing to accept different opinions or ways of behaving,The teacher takes a,liberal,attitude towards what his pupils should wear.,2) supporting or allowing gradual political and social changes,Her parents are very,liberal,and allow her a lot of freedom.,The church has become more,liberal,in this century.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9. liberal,a.,3) giving or taking generously,Hes very,liberal,with promises but much less,so with money.,Translation,Key,他承诺时很慷慨,但给钱时远非如此。,I think Sam is too,liberal,with his criticism.,我认为萨姆太爱批评人了。,Caseworkers try to convict,welfare client of cheating.,One example,is offered.,(,Paras.4-8),Problems with the present welfare system,Welfare clients find it extremely,difficult to have their wheelchairs,repaired. One,example is,offered.,(Paras.9-12),If,welfare clients make money, they have to go,through the,embarrassing,situation of being questioned to,account for every penny.,(Para.13),The welfare,system does,not encourage,welfare clients to work to support them-selves and make a gradual shift away from welfare.,(Para.14),Part II,Text StudyStructure Analysis,10. talk back,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,We were all scared of Mr. Williams, but here was a girl who actually,talked,him,back,.,e.g.,Translation,Key,- reply rudely,别顶嘴,不礼貌。,Dont,talk back,. Its rude.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,11. lecture,vt.,- to criticize someone or tell them how you think they should behave, esp. when it is done in an annoying way,Translation,Dont start,lecturing,me!,Shes always,lecturing,me,about,the way I dress.,别开始教训我,!,她老说我穿着不得体。,Key,to put more miles on the wheelchair,N H C E,用轮椅用得多,:,一般来说,上司爱多用自己最信赖的下级。,In general, the superior,tends to,put more work on,the subordinates in whom he has most trust.,新视野,兼容性表达与应用,典 型 例 句,敲竹杠;借钱:,威逼,:,告发;指出凶手,:,Back,他的毒瘾迫使他不断地向有钱人借钱。,put the bee / bite on,put the heat on,put the finger on,ones addiction to drugs / spur sb. on to do sth. / make the reckless move / put the bee on sb.,His addiction to drugs spurred him on to make the reckless move to put the bee on the rich.,Back,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,我真想知道,如果一些大学生发现将来他们的孩子和他们现在一样痴迷网络游戏时,是何感受。,I wonder what some students would think if,they were to find their future child as addicted to online games as they are now.,I wonder what shed think if,she suddenly broke her hip and had to crawl to work.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,12. notify,vt.,e.g.,-,formally or officially tell someone about sth.,Please,notify,all staff,that,the inspectors will,be here on Monday.,You will,be notified of,any changes in the system.,同根词,notice (n.) notification (n.),Notification of,any changes should be in writing.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,13. certify,vt.,e.g.,certificate,n.,证明,(,书,),;结业证书,certification,n.,证明;鉴定,- to state that something is correct or true,The accounts were,certified,correct by the finance department.,The doctor,certified,me unfit to go to work for the next month.,Sign here to,certify that,this statement is correct.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,14. alert,vt.,- officially warn someone, make someone notice something important or dangerous,Police,have been alerted that,a second prisoner has escaped.,He,alerted,teachers,to,the importance of,observing children at play.,alert n.,Be on the alert,for pickpockets in the crowds.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,14. alert,a.,- paying attention to what is happening and ready to react if necessary;,able to think quickly and clearly,Passengers should try to,stay alert,at all times and report any suspicious packages to the police immediately.,Regular exercise could help you to be more,alert,.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,15. account for,- to be or give a reason for something or doing something,Translation,I find it very difficult to,account for,the fact that,two of our best students failed the exam.,How do you,account for losing,five games in a,row?,Key,我觉得很难解释为什么两名最好的学生考,试不及格。,你如何解释一连输了五场比赛呢?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,16. provision n.,- a part of an agreement or law that deals with a particular problem,We need to set out the main,provisions,of the contract.,According to the,provisions,of the agreement the money must be paid back within the month.,新视野,产生式提炼与应用,N H C E,书山有路勤为径;学海无涯苦作舟。,There are provisions in,the mountain of books,for,paths, but with diligence as access to the top;,while there is no provision in,the ocean of learning,for,bounds, with hard work as its boat.,There be (no) provision(s) in sth. for sth. else.,在,方面对,(没)有规定(没)提供,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,17. build up,e.g.,build up a picture of sb./sth.,- form a clear idea about someone or something,- make something develop or form,The gallery has,built up,a fine collection of contemporary art.,The police are trying to,build up a picture of,Lees,daily,routine.,There need to be lawyers to protect the,rights of welfare clients.,(Para.15),Suggestions to improve the present welfare system,Welfare clients,should take steps to fight for more rights for themselves.,(Para.16),A new system is,suggested to,encourage welfare clients to develop their talents and support themselves.,(Para.17),Part III,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,18. lend,itself,to,e.g.,她的嗓音不太适合唱歌。,-,be suitable for being used in a particular way,Her voice doesnt really,lend itself,well,to,singing.,None,of,his,books,really,lends,itself,to,being,made,into,a,film.,Translation,Key,to lend oneself to,N H C E,适用于自愿参与,:,人生最糟糕的,莫过于自愿使道德沦丧。,The worst of all about life is that one readily,lends oneself to,decay of morals.,新视野,兼容性表达与应用,使多姿多彩:,更注意听:,支持:,好的读物能使你的生活多姿多彩,如同合身的衣裙会使少女增添魅力。,lend color to,lend a third ear to,lend ones support to,A good reading lends color to your life, just as a becoming dress lends charm to a girl.,Back,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,19. thrive,vi.,New businesses,thrive,in this area.,Three managers have left because of the,pressure of work but Simpson seems to,thrive on,stress.,-,to become very successful or very strong and,healthy,这地方新开张的生意都很兴隆。,由于工作的压力,已有三位经理离职,了,但辛普森却在压力面前越做越好。,Translation,Key,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,20. convict of,He,was convicted of,murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.,Translation,Key,- declare someone guilty of a crime,他被判犯有谋杀罪,判处终生监禁。,conviction n.,This,was her third,conviction,for theft.,Text StudyUnderstanding,2. Fill in the chart with the information given in the text.,The Current Welfare System,The New Welfare System,welfare clients,welfare givers,the authors opinion,earn part or all of their own livings; develop their talent without guilt or fear.,encourage clients to work / live a better life / earn their own livings.,People will thrive under it.,cheat; bleed the system for extra money.,seek to convict the,clients of cheating.,It can be easily abused by the welfare givers as well as the clients.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2. There needs to be a lawyer who can act as,a champion for the rights of welfare clients,The word “there” is followed by the verb “need”. Some other verbs can also be used this way.,e.g.,There seems to be some problems.,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Translation,接着就是一阵令人难以忍受的沉默。,问题出现了,不知该怎样来说服他采纳我们的,建议。,Keys,There followed,an uncomfortable silence.,There arose,the question of how to persuade,him into adopting our proposal.,渴望新生活,骗取别人的钱,愿过诚实生活,抵挡不住诱惑,惹麻烦,被愚弄,有理想的人,有意刻薄,削减福利开支,对事感受特别,to long for a new life,to bleed sb. for money,to opt to live a life of honesty,to yield to temptation,to get involved in a sticky situation,to be made fools of,a man with high ideals,to be being bitter,cuts in welfare,to feel sth. in a unique way,挨训,获得最低报价,一厚叠表格,逐渐脱离福利的照顾,负担一部分生活费,to endure a lecture,to get the cheapest bid,a thick pile of forms,a gradual shift away from welfare,to earn part for ones own livings,II.,Matching Game,raw,champion,brake,paste,maid,stick sth. to sth. else or in a specified place,not processed or cooked,sb. who has won in a game, competition, etc.,a female servant,a device for reducing the speed of a vehicle and bringing it to a stop,Words and ExpressionsMatching Game,III. Chinese to English,Words and ExpressionsC to E,福利救济对象,收据,填表,(,格,),尴尬的局面,/,情形,发挥某人的才干,一份稳定的工作,赔偿金,welfare clients,receipt,fill out a form,an embarrassing situation,develop ones talents,a steady job,compensation,


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