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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2020/11/25,#,Lead in,Are you an excellent scriptwriter?,1.,Judy,s mom,: What your father means, honey, _(is, are) that it,s gonna be difficult, impossible even for you to become a police officer,.,2.,Judy,: Gideon Grey was a jerk who,_ (happen, happen,s,) to be a fox when I was nine.,is,happens,3.,Judy,s dad,: Oh,my god, here_ (comes, come) the waterworks.,4.,Judy:,Well then, writing a hundred tickets a day _(is ,are ) so easy and I can even finish,200,.,5.,Nick:,I think I was 8, or maybe 9, and all I wanted to do _(was, were) to join the Junior Ranger Scouts.,come,is,was,6.,J,udy,: But, just 211 miles away _ (stands, stand) the great city of Zootopia where our ancestors first joined together in peace and declared that anyone can be anything.,7.,Judy,: I, as well as anyone,else,in the police station, _(has, have) the responsibility to protect our great city, Zootopia and all the citizens from danger.,stands,have,Subject Verb Agreement,主谓一致,“,主谓一致”是指句子的,_,和,_,在,_,和,_,上保持一致。,谓语动词,主语,人称,数,概念,Conception,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),Presentation,Judy , dream;,2/3 friends, laugh at ;,nobody believe in.,e.g. Judys dream,is,to be a police officer; However, two thirds of her friends,laugh,at her and nobody,believes,in her.,Number 1 5 points,make sentences,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),family;there be ,275;all of,farmers;,each of ,persuade,give up.,e.g. H,er family,is,a big one.,There,are,275 sisters and brothers in Judys family, whats more , a,ll of them,are,farmers.Each of her parents,persuades,her to give up her dreams.,Number 2 5 points make sentences,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),(,改错),Judy who fight the fox is so brave that her partners admire her. Working hard are her secret of success. Eventually,she is the only one of the bunnies who become a police officer.,Number 3 5 points,fights,is,becomes,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),211miles, distance;as well as,passengers;,not only.but also, scenery, people,amaze.,e.g. Because two hundred and eleven miles,is,a long distance. Judy ,as well as other passengers,takes,the train to the city. Not only the scenery but also the people,amaze,them.,Number 4 5 points make sentences,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),Unfortunately,to be a meter maid,(be) her first job, and helping others,(be),always her character.However, what the fox does,( make),her really angry. Her shoes,(be) full of mud when she goes home.,Number 5 5 points,is,is,makes,are,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),Since forty-eight hours,(be) given to find the truth,many a way,(have) been tried to persuade Nick to help her, and 1,460,000 dollars,(be) needed to pay the tax for Nick because Judys mathematics,(be) so good .,has,is,is,Number 7 5 points,is,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),Judys,dream,is,to be a police officer; However,two thirds of her friend,s,laugh,at her and nobody,believes,in her.,Her,famil,y,is,a big one. There,are,275 sisters,and brothers in Judys family, whats more ,all of them,are,farmers.,Each of her parents,persuades,her to give up her dreams.,Judy,who,fights,the fox,is,so brave that her,partners,admire,her.,Working hard,is,her secret of success. Eventually, she is,the only one of,the bunnies who,becomes,a police officer.,Because,two hundred and eleven miles,is,a long distance, Judy ,as well as,other passengers,takes,the train to the city,not onl,y the scenery,but also,the people,amaze,them.,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),Unfortunately,to be a meter maid,is,her first job, and,helping others,is,always her character.However,what the fox does,makes,her really angry. Her,shoes,are,full of mud when she goes home.,Since,forty-eight hours,is,given to find the truth,many a,way,has,been tried to persuade Nick to help her, and,1,460,000 dollar,s,is,needed to pay the tax for Nick because Judys,mathematics,is,so good .,A large quantity of,difficulty,is,overcome by her and,more than one,friend,helps,her. Luckily, Judy,together with,her friends,finds,the criminal. Eventually,a number of,people,are,proud of her!,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),1,),主语为分数或百分 +of+,n.,或,all/most/some/ the rest/ + of+,n,., 谓语取决于_.,特殊:,Each of /every of +n.,谓语用,.,2,)不定代词,somebody,something, someone,等做主语时,谓语用,.,3,),集体名词,family,class,team,等,若表示成员,则谓语用,若看作整体,谓语用,.,Summary,1 point /,题,单数,n.,复数,单数,单数,two thirds of her friends,laugh,at her.,Each of her parents,persuades,her.,nobody,believes,in her.,Her family,is,a big one.,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),4,),就近原则,:,_, .,5,)关系代词who,that,which 在定从中作主语,从句谓语形式与,_,一致,.,特殊:,“the only one of +,复数名词,+,定语从句,”,结构时,从句谓语用,。,Summary,1 point /,题,先行词,There be句型;,or ; either.or. ; not only.but also.; not.but.; neither.nor.,.,单数,There,are,275 sisters .,Judy who,fights,the fox,is,so brave that.,she is the only one of the bunnies who,becomes,a police officer.,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),6,),主语为表时间、距离、金钱等复,n.,,谓语,_.,7,),主语为单个doing, to do 或是主语从句时,谓语用_.,8,)主语为more than one 或many a +单n.,“,许多,”,谓语,_.,9,),成对组合一体的名词复数,谓语用,_,,若前面有,“,一副,”,,,“,一双,”,之类的单位词,谓语用,.,Summary,1 point /,题,单数,单数,单数,复数,单数,Because two hundred and eleven,miles,is,a long distance.,Working hard,is,her secret of success.,more than one friend,helps,her.,Her shoes,are,full of mud.,10,),以,-ics,结尾的学科名词,或以,-s,结尾的名词,谓语动词用,.Eg,:,.,11,),主语后接 with, as well as, along/together with,结构时, 谓语与,一致,(就远原则),.,12) A number of +n. ,谓语用,.,扩展:,The number of +n. ,谓语用,.,A quantity of +n.,谓语取决于,.,扩展:,quantities of +n. ,谓语用,.,Summary,1 point /,题,politics ,physics,单数,较远的主语,复数,单数,n.,复数,Judys mathematics,is,so good.,Judy ,as well as other passengers,takes,the train to the city.,a number of people,are,proud of her.,A large quantity of difficulty,is,overcome by her .,Practice,To be a police officer,(be) Judys dream.,is,Although no one,(believe) in her, she never gives up.,believes,There,(be),numerous days and nights, when she learns and practises alone.,are,At last, she is the only one of the rabbits who,(become) a police officer.,becomes,Practice: Writing,请以,“My Dream”,为话题,写一篇,80,字左右作文,内容应包括:,(,1,),What is your dream,?,(,2,),Why is it your dream?,(,3,),How can you make your deam come true?,(1) What is your dream,?,To be a teacher .,Being a doctor.,What I want to be .,(2) Why is it your dream?,Because .,The reason is that.,Every time .,(3) How can you make your dream come true?,What I need to do .,Some of us.,others.,Nothing .,S,entence patterns:,Each of us has a dream.,To make my dream come true is .,If we hold on our dream tightly.,Transition (过渡):,Whats more , besides, last but not least.,On the one hand, on the other hand.,As a matter of fact.,My dream,Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the direction in the night.,Where there is a will, there is a way!,My dream,Dream is like a star in the sky,it shows the direction in the night.My dream is that all of you can be admitted into an ideal university .,Teaching is my favorite thing. Every time you made a little progress, I would be happy for a long time .,In order to make you love my class, I am always learning from experienced teachers and reflecting on the teaching to find out the most suitable ways for you. Ppts, movies, pic-tures ,as well as stories are used by me to raise your in-terest.Whenever you come across a problem, I manage to make it simple and easy to understand.,As we know, there are only 142 days left. I will try my best to make my dream come true.,I believe where there is a will, there is a way!,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),Thank you,!,2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),2021,届高考英语二轮复习:主谓一致课件,(,共,27,张,PPT),1.,历史上无数英雄随着时光流逝而一去不返,可是他们却给后人留下了耐人寻味的故事,让后人代代咀嚼和品味,一个个故事凝成了厚重隽永的华夏文化,哺育着后人。,2.,项羽不屑小计谋是真诚的,他梦想用他所崇尚的武力去解决一切问题,最终,项羽用性格的笔为世人书写下了只属于他的人生篇章,算是一种对自己的薄奠。,3.,爱心公益提高自己的道德品位。一个人是否受人拥戴,不在于地位的高低,金钱的多寡,而在于是否有一颗仁爱之心。,4.,互联网可以让全世界同处一个地球村,拉近人与人之间的距离,使天涯咫尺变成现实,也可以为高智能犯罪提供更加隐蔽的场所,甚至将人送上不归路,可谓瑕瑜互见,利弊共存。,5.,如何正确利用好互联网,让它更加方便 我们的生活,提高我们的生活质量 和幸福指数,这是人们必须冷静思考、慎重对待的问题。,6.,在物质极大富足的今天,人们 逢节必过,过节必吃。大快朵颐之后,很少有人在意节日的内涵。我不禁大声疾呼:批判地继承传统风俗习惯,让我们自身变得更有品 位,让我们的生活更加丰富多彩。,7.,书信体写作大家都比较熟悉,我也另外安排了书信体考场作文写作讲座。对于怎样撰写书信,这里就不具体展开。我们就直接看两篇优秀范文,.,


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