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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Business English Correspondence,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Business English Correspondence,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,New Practical English 4,国际商务英语函电CHAP3 Inquiry and Reply,Objectives:,2,1,3,Be familiar with some useful expressions in making inquiries,Be familiar with writing steps in making inquires.,Be able to know basic points of inquiries.,After learning this chapter, you will,3,Be able to write letters on business inquiries and status inquiries.,4,Lesson 4,(A) A General Enquiry,(B) A Reply to the Above,Lesson 5,An Order Enquiry,Lesson 6,(,A) Status Inquiry,(B) Reply to the Above,Introduction,In international business, inquiries fall into two categories: business inquiries and status inquiries.,Business inquiries are usually made by buyers without engagement to obtain information about the goods to be ordered. They could be divided into general inquiries and specific inquiries in terms of the contents. In a general enquiry, the importer may only ask for the basic information, such as a price and conditions of sales, and asks for a catalogue, a pricelist, a sample, or some other reference materials from the exporter. If both parties have never dealt with each other before, then the importer will inform the exporter of the source of his information at the beginning of his letter. Details of his own company and / or business will also be included. The letter as such is known as a “First Enquiry”. The importer who sends a specific enquiry may require information as to price, specifications, discount, quantity, terms of payment, date of shipment, etc. regarding some definite goods in addition to reference materials. But in practice, a specific inquiry is often referred to as an order inquiry,Status inquiries are usually conducted at the beginning of establishing business relations. They are letters at the beginning of establishing business relations or executing orders. They are letters asking for information about the financial position, credit, reputation, and business methods of the prospective business partners. The main sources from which such information could be obtained are as follows:,1.Bank,2.The Economic and Commercial Counsellors office of our Embassy in Foreign Countries,3.Chambers of Commerce,4.Professional inquiry agencies such as SINOSURE(中信保),5.Another company that has business with the new company.,Writing Tips,A general inquiry usually includes products interested, asking for general information, catalogue and pricelist, wishes for relationships, etc.,A specific inquiry should include the following: specific products interested, asking for such details as quantities, color, size, price, package, leading time,and terms of payment. Also wishes for relationships are put at the end of letters.,Letters of status inquiries are more or less stereotyped. They usually begin with the request or inquiry, followed by a brief clarification, and then end with a promise to keep the information provided secret. Some large firms even make their status inquiries on specially printed forms containing the questions they would like to have answered. They are generally headed “Confidential or “Private and Confidential”, which is also written on the envelope.,About the letters,1). Enquiries are one of the major links in conducting business. When importers wish to buy goods, they usually send a letter of enquiry to the exporters. A general enquiry may be a request for the basic information, such as a price and conditions of sales, and asks for a catalogue, a pricelist, a sample, or some other reference materials from the exporter. The prospective buyer can ask for any of the above according to his need. In this letter, the buyers show interest in “Men Slipper” TRF081142 and ask for basic information.,2). Letter B is written,in reply to the previous letter enquiring for Flip flop. When replying to such an enquiry, the writer should always remember when there is an enquiry, there is business. So such letters should be dealt with promptly and courteously.,Lesson Four,(A) A General,Enquiry,From:,JeremyWeiner ,To: alicia0618,Date: 5 November 2010- 11:49,Subject: Slipper & FlipFlop,DearAlicia,I am the purchasing manager fromAL ABRA SUB TRADING EST. Wehavemet each other inlastCanton Fair. Thank you very much for your hospitality in your booth at the Canton Fair 2010.,We are looking to produce for Spring 2011 for our European market. We would be interested in producing flip flop slippers similar to the Men Slipper TRF081142 (focusing on smaller boys sizes). However, I do not like the frills on the strap. Do you have a model that is simpler? We would add our brand to the foot strap. We should not have a problem meeting minimums.,Can you give me an estimate on how much 5,000 units would cost (US$)? I estimate that our first order will run about 5,000 pairs and future orders will be significantly larger. Can you send samples to our CATANIA offices?,If you need more objective information concerning our credit, please refer to the Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena S.p.A.,We are looking forward to your reply.,Bestregards,JeremyWeiner,CorporateDevelopmentManager,AL ABRA SUB TRADING EST.,JeremyWeiner ,Chinese version,(B)A Reply to the Above,From: alicia0618,To:,JeremyWeiner ,Sent: November 8, 2010 10:07 AM,Subject: FlipFlop,DearJeremyWeiner,Thank you very much for your kind inquiry to us.,Regarding MenSlipperTRF081142flipflop, the price for you is as below:,“MenSlipperTRF081142,USD0.80,/pair FOB Fuzhou,And the packing charges are not included in the above price.,The price we give you is on the basis of MOQ 7000pcs for each color. If your order reaches a certain amount, the cost of making molds can be offset. We can give you a special discount of 2% for quantities over 1, 4000 pairs.,Wecanchangethefrillsonthestrap. We have rich experience in making OEM slippers. You can send your logo and detailed requirements to us. All sizes and different designs are welcome.,Thepricecanbevariousifthequalityisdifferent.If you have different opinions or target price, please dont hesitate to contact me. Isincerelyhopewecanhaveachancetoopen an accountsoon.,Regarding samples, we are arranging now. I will confirm you when we send out. Normally we need 5 days to send out a new sample.,Bestregards,Alicia,China Oriental Footwear Import & Export Corp.,Chinese version,Notes,hospitality,n.,盛情,热情款待,2.,look for/to,找寻, (,询盘常用句子,),We look to buy alarm clock!,我们要购买闹钟。,I am looking for a supplier for solar energy products.,我在寻找太阳能产品的供应商。,3.,estimate,n./v,.,估计,;,估价,I will give you an estimate on the amount of time it will take to complete this job.,我会告诉你完成这份工作的预计所需时间。,Notes,4.,order,n./v. 订单,regular order 定期订单,trial order 试订单, first/initial order 首次订单,place an order with sb. 向某人订购,5.,significantly,adv. 显著地,大大地,6.,Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena S.p.A.,意大利西雅那银行集团成立于1472年,总部设在意大利中部中世纪的古城西雅那城市。总资产达到1282亿,欧元,,集团主要成员包括西雅那银行、托斯卡那银行、曼托瓦纳农业银行。,Back,Notes,7.,refer to,vt. 咨询,提交,查阅,参阅,转给,vi. 谈到,谈谈,提到,We refer you to our bank for our financial standing.,请你们去向我们的银行了解我们的资信状况。,We refer you to our letter of March 15.,请你们参阅我方3月15日信函。,The matter of difference shall be referred to arbitration.,不同意见将提交仲裁。,Your enquiry for watches has been referred to us for attention.,你方对手表的询价已经转交给我们办理。,8.,regarding,prep. 关于,商品是商务英语信函的传递信息,是主要话题。因此突出商品功能的这类连词比其他不同类型语篇明显的多,其它的还有as regards, with reference to, covering和concerning等。,We have already written to you regarding this matter.,关于此事我们已写信答复。,Back,Notes,9.,charge,n. 费用,10.,MOQ,=minimum order quantity 即最小订购量(最小订单量),后面跟具体的数量,一般公司都会规定最小订单量的,达到这个量才可以卖。,11.,offset,vt. 补偿;抵消,He has to offset his small salary by living economically.,他薪水微薄,不得不节俭度日。,12.,discount,n. 折扣,We may offer 2% trade discount only for the order this week.,我们仅对本周订单提供2%的折扣。,Back,Notes,13.,brand,n. 品牌 logo n. 是,徽标,或者商标的英文说法。,14.,open an account,开立帐户,公司之间开立帐户,意味着双方建立贸易关系,即enter into business relations/ establish relations.,15.,confirm,v. 证实,确认,His letter confirmed everything. 他的信证实了一切。,We,confirm,having,agreed,on,the,following,points.兹,确认,双方就下列各点达成协议。,Back,Chinese Version of the letters:,(A) 一般询盘,艾丽西亚:,我是AL ABRA SUB TRADING EST.的采购经理,去年在广交会上我们见过面。非常感谢你在展位上的热情款待。,我们在寻购2011春季欧洲市场的产品。我们要生产类似“男子拖鞋” TRF081142(侧重于小男孩的尺寸)的拖鞋。然而,我不喜欢拖鞋带子上的“”frills“”字样。你有没有一个更简单的模型?我们想把我们的品牌印在鞋带上。满足最小订购量我们应该不会有问题,如果订5000双大概价格是多少(美元)?我估计初次订单为5000双,将来的订单还会更大。你可以寄样品给我们的卡塔尼亚办事处吗?,如果你需要有关我们公司的客观资料,请向意大利西雅那银行查询。,我们期待您的回复。,商祺/杰瑞米,Back,Chinese Version of the letters:,(B) 答复,杰瑞米:,非常感谢你的询盘。,关于“男子拖鞋” TRF081142, 给你的价格如下:,“男人拖鞋”TRF081142 每双,0.80,美元福州FOB 价,上述的价格不包括包装费用。,我们给你的价格是基于起订量每种颜色7000双。如果你的订单达到一定数量,开模费可以抵消。数量超过1,4000双我们可以给你2%的特别折扣。,我们可以改鞋带上的frills字样,我们有丰富的经验做贴牌拖鞋。你可以把你的标志和具体要求发给我们,各种尺寸和不同的设计都是可以做到的。,如果质量不同,价格也不同。如果你有不同意见或目标价格,请尽快与我联系。我真诚地希望我们能尽快开启交易。,我们正在安排样品,发送时我们会与你方确认,发出一个新样品通常需要5天时间。,商祺/艾丽西亚,Back,Exercises,I. Translate the following expressions,A. From Chinese into English:,1.special discount,2. objective information,3.logo,4. MOQ,5. open an account,6. on the basis of,特殊折扣,客观资料,商标,最小订单量,开启交易,在基础上,B. From Chinese into English:,1.数量折扣,2.订购,3.查阅,4.首次订单,quantity discount,place an order,refer to,initial order,II. Choose the suitable expressions for each blank. :,( ) 1. If you can supply this article, kindly _ me a detailed pricelist.,a. sending b. sent c. to send d. send,( ) 2. We are a corporation,_ both the import and export of textiles.,a. handling in b. trading c specializing d. dealing in,( )3. If your price is reasonable, we shall _ an order _ you.,a. place/with b. make/from c. have/with d. take/for,D,D,A,( ) 4.We confirm _ your inquiry of June 15.,a. to receive b. received c. having received d. receive,( )5. We have been importers _ foodstuffs for many years.,a. to b. of c. for d. on,( )6. One of our clients _ Chinese black tea.,a. in the market for b. are in the market for,c. is in the market for d. be in the market for,( )7. Please refer_ the pricelist enclosed.,a. to b. with c. for d. on,( )8. Please let us have a copy of your pricelist so that we may acquaint ourselves _ your products.,a. to b. with c. for d. in .,A,B,C,B,C,( ) 9. We are a Germany (Berlin) _company looking for a long term partner.,a. based in b. on the basis of c. based d. based on,( ) 10._ your information, we are giving the details you ask for.,a. To b. With c. For d. On,( ) 11. The email we received yesterday is an inquiry _ discounts.,a. for b. after c. before d. unless,( ) 12. Our products are displayed in Stand B22, _you will find me during office hours.,a. when b. which c. that d. where,D,C,C,A,III.Translate,the following sentences into English:,1. 我们在寻找能够供应手提电脑的可靠厂家。,2.我们想购买电脑配件,请寄最小订单量的详细价目表及运,费,。,We are looking for a reliable supplier,who can provide us with,laptops,.,We would like to buy computer parts. Please send,me a detailed pricelist with min. order and shipping costs .,3.关于所附的这种型号,我们的目标价位是每台9.5美元。,4.订购量超过1000件,可允许给予3%的折扣。,5. 至于我们的信用情况,请向中国银行上海分行咨询付款。,Regarding the model we attached here, our target price is USD9.5,per piece,for our market.,We allow you a discount of 3% for quantity over 1000 pieces of,the offered item.,As regards our financial standing, please refer to the,Bank of China, Shanghai Branch .,An Order Enquiry,Lesson 5,An order inquiry is the specific information asked by the buyer for a specific product or several specific products on specific terms. It is usually sent before a purchase order is placed. Generally, an order inquiry should include the following: specific products interested, asking for specific introduction with model, color, size of a product, specifications, package as well as photos or samples, especially a price quotation of products interested.,.,About the letter,From:,JeremyWeiner ,To: alicia0618,Sent: November 12, 2010,Subject: FlipFlop,Attachment: sketch+size spec,Dear Alicia,Attached sketch+size spec (4 pages ) for yr price quotation, details as below (no sample can be sent at this moment):,-Style: Flip Flops,-Material: EVA,-Upper Material: EVA,-Outsole Material: EVA,-Model Number: HC13097,HC808B301,-Color: navy blue, black,-Size range: 35/41,Other details pls refer to sketch details sheet.,Chinese version,-Quantity: HC13097 :950CTNS/22800PRS,HC808B301 :350CTNS/8400 PRS,-Delivery date:before Jan.15,2011 ETD,-Payment terms: L/C 60days,-Final inspection will be taken by our customer and must be using OOCL shipping agent in Xiamen.,Pls urgently quote your best price in USD FOB + Commission 2% Fuzhou, flat packed in carton, Azo free and Nickel Free.,Need your reply by tomorrow morning, thanks.,B. rgds/ Jeremy,Notes,1. Order Inquiry,客户询盘,买方详细的说明订购产品所要求的材料、型号、颜色、尺寸等,要求卖方综合细节进行报价。一般在客户下purchase Order之前,都会有相关的Order Inquiry给业务部,做一些细节上的了解。,2. sketch,鞋草图,3.,spec为specification,的缩写, Size Spec/Spec sheet尺寸表,在电子邮件中还流行使用一些由首字母或读音组成的缩略词,如:,yr: your, pls: please, ASAP:As soon as possible,pcs: pieces,CTN:carton, ETD: estimated time of delivery,PRS: pairs,Back,Notes,4. quote,v. 报价,Please quote us the lowest price for Printed Shirting.,请报印花细布的最低价。,quotation n. 报价,quotation 后可接for或on; 若买方提到卖方已对某货作出的报价时,可用 of,send /give / make / fax /email / sb. a quotation for / on sth. 向某人报某商品的价格,We should be obliged if you would give us a quotation for the supply of 200 Kitchen Cupboards. 如能向我方报200个橱柜的价格,我们将不胜感激。,Your quotation of Sewing Machines is too high to be acceptable.,你方缝纫机的报价太高,不能接受,Notes,5. sample,样品 这里指买方提供的样品,6. upper material,鞋帮材料Outsole Material 大底材料,7. navy blue,海军蓝 其它颜色还有:beige 米色,bone 骨色,camel 骆驼色等。,8. delivery date,交货期,9. payment terms,付款方式,10. L/C 60days,60天的远期信用证,Notes,11Orient Overseas Container Line (OOCL) -,东方海外,是香港联交所上市公司 (0316) 东方海外(国际)有限公司 (OOIL) 的全资附属公司,为世界具规模之综合国际货柜运输、物流及码头公司之一亦为香港最为熟悉之环球商标之一,为客户提供全面的物流及运输服务,航线联系亚洲 、欧洲、北美、 地中海、 印度次大陆、中东及澳洲/纽西兰等地,创始人为香港富商,董浩云,。,Back,Notes,12. shipping agent,海运代理,货代,13. FOB,全文是Free On Board,即船上交货(指定装运港),习惯称为,装运港船上交货,。另两个常用的是CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight与CFR: Cost and Freight。,14. commission,佣金 指买卖中付给中间人的报酬。,The above price includes your commission of 2%. 以上价格包括了你方百分之二的佣金。,There are three items of commission left unpaid. 还有三笔佣金未,付。,This amount includes all commissions. 此数包括一切佣金在内。,Notes,commission n.,佣金,关于佣金的一些习惯说法:,1)百分之几佣金可说:,a commission of % 或,.% commission,2)你方或我方百分之几佣金可说:,your/our commission of % 或,your/our % commission,3)两笔佣金或几笔佣金,不可说,:,two or several commissions,应该说:,two or several,items of,commission,4)一切佣金或各项佣金可说:,all commissions,5),allow (or: grant, give, offer) sb. a,commission of % on (for) sth.,对于某物给予某人百分之几的佣金,eg.The above price includes your commission,of 2%.,There are three items of commission left,unpaid.还有三笔佣金未付。,This amount includes all commissions.,此数包括一切佣金在内。,eg.On an order for more than US$ 100,000 , we usually,allow a 5% commission. 对于一份超过十万美元的订,单,我们通常给予百分之五的佣金。,Enclosed is our check for US$ 782 to pay all commissions,due to you. 随函附上一张782美元的支票用以支付所欠你,方的全部佣金。,We regret to say that we can do nothing more for you,unless you pay the five items of commission into your,account. 歉告,除非你们将五笔佣金付清,否则我们,再也无法为你们做任何事情。,Back,Notes,15. flat packed in carton,平铺装箱,16.AZO,偶氮化合物主要存在纺织品、皮革等染料中,具有致癌的危险,所以欧美国家对其是强制的限量使用。,Azo free 不含偶氮化合物 Nickel fre,e,不含镍,Exercises,1. Translate the following expressions,A. From Chinese into English:,1. order inquiry,2. FOB,3. payment terms,4.ASAP,5. Model Number,6. ETD,客户询盘,装运港船上交货价,付款条件,尽快,型号,预计交货日期,Exercises,7.装运代理人,8.以美元报价,9.尺寸范围,10.交货期,shipping agent,quote price in USD,size range,time of delivery,B. From Chinese into English:,Exercises,II. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given expressions:,Dear Sirs,We are a large trading company in India having a group,of over USD 16 million. We are looking for,who can give good quality and price to meet Indias competitive market.,We therefore would like you to send your valued offer together with comprehensive technical specification for our,and to proceed with purchase. Kindly email yr best lowest CIF C10% Mumbai,_,by Sea.,Your offer should,usual terms of price validity, delivery, terms of payment, warranty period and so on.,In view of existing close,between us and future prospects, we are confident that you will provide us with your best quotation without fail.,turnover,mention,price,consideration,manufacturer,cooperation,consideration manufacturers cooperation mention turnover price,Exercises,III. Translate the following sentences into English:,1.请按美元报1000套床单CIF伦敦价。,2.所附价格单将提供有关你方最感兴趣的型号的具体情况 .,Please quote us in USD for 1000 pcs of bed sheets CIF London,The attached pricelist will give you details of the models in which you are most interested.,Exercises,3.请告知按什么价格及什么付款方式你能供应下列商品,4.本公司想询问贵公司型号277洗衣机500台的价格。,Please let us know at what price and what terms of payment you can supply us with the following items.,We would like to inquire the price for 500 sets of washing machines of Model No. 277,Exercises,5.,如果你们价格具有竞争性的话,我们将向你们大量订购。,If your price is competitive, we will place a large order with you.,艾丽西亚:,附图+尺寸规格(4页)供你报价,详情如下(此时暂时没有样品可以发送):,款式:人字拖,材料:EVA,-鞋帮材料:EVA,-鞋底材料: EVA-,-型号:HC13097,HC808B301,颜色:深蓝色,黑色,尺寸范围:35 /41,其他细节请参见图表。,数量:HC13097 :950箱/22800双,HC808B301 :350箱/8400 双,-预计交货日期: 2011年1月15日前,付款方式: 60天远期信用证,-货物将由我们的客户做最后的检验,货运代理是厦门东方海外。,请尽快以美元报最低的成本价+佣金2%福州,平纸箱包装,不含偶氮染料和镍。,需要你在明天早晨之前答复,谢谢。,商祺/杰瑞米,Chinese version of the letter,Back,客户询盘,Lesson six,A Status Inquiry,(B)Reply to the Above,About the letter,Credit Enquiries,Exercises,Notes,About the letter,Nowadays the trade competition in the world market is simply as acute and complicated as in the big battlefield. If you want to open up a market, the careful practice for you is to make status enquiry, that is, through various ways to find out whom you will deal with and know his credit including financial position, reputation, business methods and so on. You may include the following points in your status enquiry:,1) What causes you to make the status enquiry.,2) What information you would like to obtain.,3) Express your appreciation and your assurance of,treating the information as strictly confidential.,To investigate the company credit, usually we get,to know three Cs: conduct (品行), capacity (能,力)and capital(资本).,Where to get information about a company?,1.Bank,银行,2.The Economic and Commercial Counsellors office of our Embassy in Foreign Countries,我驻外商务处,3.Chambers of Commerce,商会,4.Enquiry agencies,咨询机构,5.Another company that has business with the new company,与这个新公司有业务联系的另外一家公司,From: alicia0618,To: water123,Sent: November 20, 2010,Subject: Status Inquiry,CHINA CITIC BANK,BEIJING CHINA,Private & Confidential,Dear Sirs,We have received an order for goods for US$11,520 from a new customer, AL ABRA SUB TRADING EST. We should highly appreciate it if you would inform us, in confidence, of the financial and business standing of the above firm.,The reference they have given us is Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena S.p.A. Please approach the said bank for all possible information we require.,Lesson 6 - Status Inquiry,Chinese version,Any information you ma


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