五年级下册英语课件-Lesson 16 An Email Is Fast-冀教版(共19张PPT)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,石家庄市八一小学,Lesson16 An Email Is Fast,教学目标:,语言,知识,目标:,1,、,四个重点词,email, idea, computer, use,发音与意思。,2,、电子邮件的书写及发送。,语言,技能目标:,1、学生能听懂、会说、认读和书写重点单词,email, idea, computer, use,2、,学生,能,学会如何书写电子邮件的内容和地址以及如何发送电子邮件。,3、,学生,能,学会唱电子邮件之歌。,Now there are many kinds of communications(,多种通信方法,) in our daily life(,日常生活,).,Linda,Wow! An,email,is fast. I want to send an email to my friend.,But whats an email?,Linda is travelling in China.,Listen and imitate(,模仿朗读,).,I,have no idea,.,我不知道。,We can,use,the computer.,Read silently and find,.(,默读,找出不会的单词,),: A letter and a postcard are slow. An _is fast.,: It doesnt need a stamp or a pen.,:We can _the _.,: Good _! Lets send an _to our friends.,email,use,computer,idea,Fill in the blanks.,email,Group work.(Read in roles,角色,),Whats an email?,No stamp, no pen.,My computer sends it all.,An email is fast.,To you, my friend.,An Email Song,I write you the email.,?,Now I know the email. But I,have no idea,how to send an email.,是什么意思,表示英文单词“,at”,。,两种常用用法:,1,、邮箱用户名与域名之间的间隔符用,;,2,、表示单价,比如:,”sell1pound”,表示,1,英镑的单价出售。,这两种用法使用频率之高难以想象。,另外,由于网络用于越来越时髦,,又被“爆炒”出了,3,种用法:,1,、,时代即网络时代;,2,、,是很酷的一个表情,表示开心、高兴等;,3,、,族即,14-29,岁的人。,Know more about the email addresses.,jenny,danny, ,bayixiaoxue,liming, ,linda,steven,kim, ,bob,wood,lily,lidaming,wanghong,wanglan,compmail.ca,Jenny,2,1,3,Lets do it!,Love, All the best, Miss you, Yours,Your friend,Dear Steven, Hello Steven,Hi Steven,Im happy to write you. Im in Xian. Its great! I love the food here.,How are you? Im having fun in Beijing. You can buy many things on Wangfujing Street.,How to send an email?,Lets,send,an email.,Write and send an email.,your friend,you,_,_, ,_,_, ,_, ,_, ,_, ,Lets tell .,An email song,I write you the email.,No stamp, no pen.,My computer sends it all,To you, my friends.,First write the address,And who I send to.,Dont forget to write my name,At the end.,First write the address,And who I send to.,Dont forget to write my name,At the end.,Linda,Thank you for your help! Im very happy. Now I can send an email.,hotmail,2,、,Write and send an email to your English teacher.,1,、,You can learn to register(,注册,),a new address,.,80874816,Thank you!,


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