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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,课前预习,要点探究,Part Four,Lesson 4,Lets Dance,剑,ordinary,代,一代,type,跳,蹦,独特的,唯一的,noble,ballroom,移民的,移居的,穿着,back and forth,符合,一致,be famous for,from one generation to another,在特殊的时候,/,时节,在空气中;尚未决定的,.,句子背诵,1,They are,and are usually danced in couples.,它们容易学,通常是两人一起跳。,2,In many parts of the country,,,you can see people,dancing in the street during festivals.,在中国许多地区,节日期间你可以看到不同年龄的人在,街上跳舞。,3,They are dressed in beautiful costumes,,,.,他们身着漂亮的服装,和着鼓点,扭来扭去。,easy to learn,of all ages,skipping back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums,.,根据课文选择最佳答案,1,When we speak of a kind of dance telling a story,,,we refer to _.,A,ballet B,folk dances,C,social dances D,ballroom dances,2,Folk dances are usually danced _.,A,in singles B,in couples,C,in groups D,in China,3,What happened to social dances in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries?,A,It was introduced to North America.,B,It became more popular.,C,It was held in palaces or the noble families homes.,D,It began in the noble families.,4,Which types of dancing came into being in the USA?,A,Ballet and folk dances.,B,The waltz and the Tango.,C,Tap dancing.,D,The Cha,Cha and rock,n roll dances.,5,How is the last paragraph developed?,A,By space. B,By comparison.,C,By analysis. D,By time.,答案,1.A,2.C,3.B,4.C,5.D,.,课文语法填空,Folk dances are 1.,(tradition) styles of dancing 2.,come from ordinary people.They are usually group dances that are taught from one generation 3.,another.One of the well,known folk dances in China is the,Yangge,.In many parts of the country,,,you can see people 4.,(dance) in the street during 5.,(festival),They are 6.,(dress) in beautiful costumes,7.,(skip) back and forth to the rhythm of loud drums.People like to watch performances of this unique folk dance.,traditional,that/which,to,dancing,festivals,dressed,skipping,Popular or social dances often come from folk dances.Until 8.,eighteenth century,,,social dances 9.,(hold) only in palaces or the homes of noble families.In the United States,,,the mixing of 10.,(immigrate) cultures produced new forms of dance,,,such as tap dancing.,the,were held,immigrant,1,(,教材,P,28,),Folk dances are traditional styles of dancing that come from,ordinary,people.,民族舞蹈是来自普通民众的、传统的舞蹈形式。,ordinary,adj.,平常的;正常的;普通的,(1)It was a very,ordinary,day today.,今,天是很平常的一天。,(2)Tom Sawyer was an,ordinary,American boy who kept getting into trouble.,汤姆,索亚是一个经常惹是生非的普通的美国男孩。,易混辨析,ordinary/common/general/usual,ordinary,强调,“,平常的;平淡无奇的,”,。常用短语:,out of the ordinary,不平常的,非凡的;例外的,common,强调,“,常见的;不足为奇的,”,。常用短语:,in common,共同,共同享有的;,in common with,和,一样,general,意为,“,普遍的;一般的,”,。常用短语:,in general,一般的;大体上;通常,usual,表示,“,平常的,通常的;一向的;平时的,”,。常用短语:,as usual,照例,照常;,than usual,比平常,(3)Smith is a very,common,last name in England.,在英国,史密斯是很常见的姓。,(4)The price of food is a matter of,general,anxiety.,食品的价格是个普遍担心的问题。,即学即练,用,ordinary/common/general/usual,填空,(1)Please give me a(n),idea of the work.,(2)He is a(n),person with no shining points.,(3)The phenomenon is,among teenagers aged 18 to 24.,(4)As,,,he arrived late and was scolded by his boss.,general,ordinary,common,usual,(1)There is a,generation,gap between my parents and I.,我父母和我之间有代沟。,(2)Our family have been farmers,for generations,.,我家祖祖辈辈都是农民。,(3),The young generation,have grown up without the experience of a world war.,青年一代在成长过程中没有经历过世界大战。,即学即练,(1),完成,句子,In this way stories were passed on,.,故事就是用这种方法从一个人到另一个人地传下来的。,This tradition has been handed down,.,这个传统是一代代地传下来的。,(2)My family have lived in this house for generation.(,单句改错,),generation,generations,from one person to another,from generation to generation,3,(,教材,P,28,),China is famous for many different,types,of folk dances,,,including the dragon dance and the lion dance,,,which are performed during the Spring Festival.,中国的民族舞形式多样,举世闻名,包括春节期间表演的舞龙和舞狮。,type,n,类型,种类,vt,.,打字,归纳拓展,(1)a type of.,一种,of this/that type,这种,/,那种,(2)typist,n,打字员,(3)typewriter,n,打字机,(1)There is a new,type,of machine which can produce colour copies.,有一种新型机器可以生产出彩色复印件。,(2)Ive already seen a few movies,of this type,.,我已经看过几部这种类型的影片。,(3)The manager asked his secretary,to type,the report.,经理要求秘书打报告。,即学即练,(1),写出下列,句子中,type,的词性及含义,She could write a letter of this type.,n,.,类型,She typed the letter carefully.,v,.,打字,Lincoln was a fine type of the American patriot.,n,.,典型,(2),句型转换,I love these types of books.,I love books,.,of these types,4,(,教材,P,28,),People like to watch performances of this,unique,folk dance.,人们喜欢观看这种独特的民间舞蹈表演。,unique,adj,.,独特的,唯一的,归纳拓展,(1)be unique to,独具的;特有的,a unique opportunity,难得的机会,(2)uniquely,ad,v,.,唯一地;独特地,(3)uniqueness,n,独特性,(1)Every snowflake has a,unique,shape.,每片雪花都有自己独特的形状。,(2)The koala,is unique to,Australia.,树袋熊是澳大利亚独有的。,即学即练,(1),用,unique,的适当形式填空,Her past experience made her,suited to lead the,campaign.,You should learn to accept your own,.,It was a,achievement,no one has ever won the,championship five times before.,(2)The issues being discussed here are not unique in the US.(,单句改错,),in,to,uniquely,uniqueness,unique,1,(,教材,P,28,),Make sure that the sentence,fits in with,the sentences before and after it.,要确保句子与其前后的句子一致。,fit in with,与,相符,一致;与,合得来;适应,(1)His explanation didnt,fit in with,what I saw.,他的解释和我见到的不相符。,(2)Larry doesnt seem to,fit in with,the other children.Larry,好像和别的孩子相处得不融洽。,即学即练,(1),完,成句子,Hes never done this type of work before,;,Im not sure how,hell,(,配合得好,)the other people.,Do these plans,(,与,一致,)your arrangements?,Amy joined a painting group but didnt seem to,(,合,得来,),,,so she left.,(2)She doesnt fit with the other children.(,单句改错,),fit,后加,in,fit in with,fit in with,fit in,(1)The girl,was dressed in,red.,这个女孩穿着一身红衣服。,(2)The children,are dressed in,new clothes on Childrens Day.,孩子们在儿童节都穿着新衣服。,(3)They,dress up,and try to frighten people.,他们乔装打扮去吓唬别人。,易混辨析,dress/have on/be in/put on/wear,dress,可用于,dress sb /be dressed in,结构,have on,表示,“,穿,戴,”,的状态,但是一般不用于进行时态,be in,跟表示色彩的词,表示状态,put on,指穿的动作,wear,表示穿戴衣物,包括戴手套、围围巾、系腰带、戴手表和眼镜等,即时跟踪,1,(1),用,dress/wear/have on/put on,的适当形式填空,She always,a red dress and white shoes.,The nurses are all,in white.,He,his glasses to read the letter.,Who was the girl,glasses on her nose?,(2),语法填空,The girl,(dress) in white is my sister.,(dress) in black,,,the man came in with a smile on his,face.,I dont know the girl dressed,black.Whos she?,has on/wears,dressed,put on,wearing,dressed,Dressed,in,即时跟踪,2,(3)He,(,日夜,工作,) to pay back the money,he borrowed.,(4)There are many books,(,到处,) in his room.,(5)The birds flew,(,飞来飞去,)along the seashore.,(6)He worked,(,从早到晚,) to earn enough to live.,(7)They were jumping,(,上下,) to the music.,worked day and night,here and there,back and forth,early and late,up and down,(1)These signs,are hard to see,clearly.,这些标志很难看清楚。,(2)The work,is easy to do,.,这项工作很容易做。,(3)He is hard,to get along with,.,他这人很难相处。,即学即练,单句改,错,(1)In many peoples opinion,,,that company,,,though relatively small,,,is pleasant to deal.,deal,后加上,with,(2)This sentence is not easy to explain it.,去掉,it,(2)of a(an)/the same size/weight/shape/color/kind/age/height/length.,同样大小,/,重量,/,形状,/,色彩,/,种类,/,年龄,/,高度,/,长度等,(3)of great/much/little/no value/importance/use/help.,价值,/,重要性,/,用途,/,帮助,很大,/,很小,/,没有等,第,(3),种句式中的,“,be of,n,.,”,就相当于,“,be,(,该名词的,),adj,.,”,。,(1)Children need friends,of their own age,to play with.,孩子们需要与他们同龄人玩。,(2)This dictionary,is of great importance,to learners.,这本字典对学习者很重要。,即学即练,(1),用,所给词的适当形式填空,The book is of great,(useful),He gave me a box of the same,(high)to hers.,(2),句型转换,The meeting is of great importance.,The meeting,.,The boy is as tall as his twin brother.,The twins,.,use,height,is very important,are of the same height,即学即练,(1),用所给词的,适当形式填空,There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the,middle of the grassland,,,(stare) at the night sky.,The sun began to rise in the sky,,,(bath) the,mountain in golden light.,staring,bathing,(2),单句改错,Tony lent me the money,,,hoped that Id do as much for him.,hoped,hoping,He got up late and hurried to his office,,,left the breakfast untouched.,left,leaving,


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