[英语学习]新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第一册Unit 4 Section BBody Language

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[英语学习]新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第一册Unit 4 Section BBody Language_第1页
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[英语学习]新视野大学英语读写教程第二版第一册Unit 4 Section BBody Language_第3页
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1,4,Reading Skills,Text Study,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Idea Sharing,Reading Skills,Exercises,I. Reading Skills,Most likely appear at the beginning (especially the first and/or second sentence) and the end of the paragraph.,Main Ideas in Paragraphs,Help get the whole picture of the text and skip the less important details.,Help predict the rest of the text.,Reading Skills,Write down the main idea of each paragraph,in your own words.,People use other forms of communication.,We communicate with our bodies.,Clothing also communicates many things.,Ornaments a person wear communicate too.,Snap judgments seem sound.,II. Exercise,Reading Skills,People often make 1 judgments. But snap judgments are 2 considered signs of immaturity or lack of common sense. 3 people talk a lot to become acquainted. 4 , researchers find the importance of speech is overestimated. 5 , we communicate a great deal with our bodies. For example, 6 are two of most “telling forms of,b. Blank filling,Reading Skills,behavior.,7, clothing communicates many things. The ornaments a person wear communicate a lot too. A persons,8,can be found in his choice in architecture and,9,. Perhaps, snap judgments are,10,.,Reading Skills,People often make snap judgments. But,snap judgments are usually considered,signs of immaturity or lack of common,sense. So people talk a lot to become acquainted. However, researchers find,the importance of speech is overestimated.,In fact, we communicate a great deal with,our bodies. For example, driving and playing,games are two of most “telling forms of,Reading Skills,behavior.,Besides, clothing communicates many things. The ornaments a person wear communicate a lot, too. A persons,nature,can be found in his choice in architecture,and,furniture,. Perhaps, snap judgments are not,unsound,.,Reading Skills,Stories behind the Pictures,Actions Speak Louder,1. Who can get the position as a sales manager?,Why?,I. Stories behind the Pictures,Text Study,2. Whats in their minds?,Text Study,II. Actions Speak Louder,I am strong!,You are the best!,Shut up!,I dont want it.,Sorry, I dont know.,I love you!,Use body language to show:,Text Study,I have to go now!,You are nothing!,I forgot!,I got an idea!,We won!,Be silent, please.,II. Actions Speak Louder,Use body language to show:,Text Study,Tapping fingers on briefcase.,Rubbing hands together.,Biting fingernails.,Grabbing arms of the chair.,Running fingers through hair.,Act and tell what they imply.,Text Study,Focus Study,Active Expressions,I. Active Expressions,Make yourself,at home,.,别拘束,。,The children have,picked up,the local accent.,孩子们都已,学会,了当地方言。,Can you,account for,your absence last Friday?,你如何,解释,上周五的缺席?,a house built on,sound,foundations,地基,坚实,的房子,Some people get,aggressive,after drinking spirits.,有的人酒后,好惹事,。,They say it this way!,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,他在一次大学迪斯科舞会上,偶然认识,了她。,他们总让我们感到,很放松,。,别相信报纸上的,说法,。,他们,安然无恙,地返回。,好的推销员必须要,有闯劲,。,这是,正确的,政策。,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Translation,Keys,He,picked up,her at a college disco party.,They always make us,feel,very much,at home,.,Dont believe the newspaper,account,.,They came back,safe and sound,.,A good salesman must be,aggressive,.,This is a,sound,policy.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Keys,Such statements are examples of “snap judgments, opinions which are formed suddenly, seemingly on no sound reason at all.,“which means “opinions / “snap judgments., “snap judgments are formed suddenly, ,II. Focus Study,Understanding Attributive Sentences,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Such statements are examples of “snap judgments, opinions which are formed suddenly, seemingly on no sound reason at all.,此类说法就是“快速判断的例子,也就是迅速形成的根本没有充分理由的判断。,Translation,Understanding Attributive Sentences,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2. we do use other forms,of which,we may be,only partially aware or, in some cases, completely,unaware.,我们确实在用各种形式交流, 只是我们局部意识到或完全不知晓。,“of which means “of the forms., we may be only partially aware of the forms,Notes to the TextFocus Study,We are unconsciously sending messages with every action, messages,which,are unconsciously picked up by others and used in forming opinions.,Translation,我们的一举一动都在无意地传达信息,这些信息又为他人接收并用于形成观点。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Such ornaments are often the means,by which,a person announces a variety of things about himself.,这些饰物常常是一个人显示其各方面情况的手段 。,Translation,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Matching Game,Word Using,A Mini-Test,1. instant,adj.,immediate; happening suddenly,Use It, “What kind of instant food do you like best?, “_ is my favorite.,I. Word Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,instant change,瞬间发生的变化,The film was an instant success.,这部电影一上映就获得了成功。,e.g., I recognized him the moment.,e.g.,Use It,the instant,as soon as,Tell me,the instant,you arrive,.,类似用法,:,the moment, the second, the minute,+,句子,= when,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,2. lack of,not having enough of, “What leads to the death of many old people,in winter?, “Its lack of. ,Use It,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,They were prevented from going on holiday by their lack of money.,他们由于缺钱而不能去度假。,e.g.,3.,acquaint,vt.,make someone or oneself familiar with or aware of,请给我介绍一下案情。,Please acquaint me with the facts of the case.,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Are you acquainted with each other?,你们互相认识吗?,e.g.,Key,4. estimate,v.,calculate approximately,Its very difficult to estimate the loss of the flood.,Boys tend to overestimate their school performance while girls tend to underestimate theirs.,overestimate,高估,underestimate,低估,Word Building,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,会议仅仅是局部的成功。,The meeting was only a partial success.,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The following table shows a partial list of his results. 以以下图表显示了他的局部结果。,e.g.,Key,5. partial,a.,not complete, in part,她无法解释,1,000,多美元的用途。,She was unable to account for over $1,000.,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Bad weather accounted for the crops failing.,恶劣气候是庄稼欠收的原因。,e.g.,Key,6. account for,v.,explain or give a reason for,7. economic,adj.,经济上的,经济学的,economical :,节约的,Traveling by train is more economic/economicalthan by plane.,The government officials are having a meeting to discuss the economical/economic situation.,He wrote the book primarily for economic reasons.,他写这本书主要是出于经济上的原因。,近义词,e.g.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,他们很热情友好,我很快就感到无拘无束了。,They were warm and friendly and I felt at home right away.,Translation,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Since we have spent so much money to attract foreign tourists to our beautiful country, we must try our best to make them feel at home,.,e.g.,Key,8. be/feel at home,be /feel comfortable,9. be content with,be satisfied with, “I am not content with.,Are you content with what you are now?,你对现状满意吗?, “John, long time no see. You look depressed today. What happened?,e.g.,Use It,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,clear,think,success,strict,belief,improve,about, concerning,action,a lot of,achievement,rigid,obvious,conviction,assume,behavior,promote,in relation to,a wealth of,II. Matching Game,Words and ExpressionsMatching Game,1.,I loved you _ I saw you.,A. at the instant B. the instant,C. in the instant D. the instance,2. Human reactions _ body language are not always known in advance.,A. of B. on C. in D. to,Words and ExpressionsMatching Game,III. A Mini-Test,3. _ discipline must be followed in the army.,A. Obvious B. Rigid,C. Economic D. Sound,4. She was _ step down after four years as chief executive.,A. related to B. content to,C. related with D. content with,Words and ExpressionsMatching Game,Offensive Body Language,Do you notice any offensive body languages in your daily life? What do you think of them?,Discussion,Tips,Idea Sharing,Make noise in public places.,Kiss in public places.,Smoke without permission.,Wear heavy makeup at work.,Jump the queue.,Use mobile phone/beeper at class.,Tips,Idea Sharing,To Task,To Horizon,The End of Section B,


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